1.5 Years Into Biden's Term Democrats Can't Stop Talking About / Focusing On Trump

Co-Conspirator In Russian Collusion Scandal

Proven Criminal Acts / Involved In Hunter Scandals

Legitimacy In Question

Undeniable Impeachable Offenses - Violations of Oath of Office, Constitution, US Law Regarding failed Illegal Open Border

Destroyed US Energy Production

Begging Enemies Gor Resources We Have In Great Abundance
- Forced Nation-Destroying 'Transition' From Fossil Fuels To Alternative Energy Source That Does Not Exist

Doubled Gas Prices, Affecting Economy, Supply Chain, Food Production, etc...

Depleting National Emergency Reserves Of Gas & Diesel
- Sold China Oil from US Emergency War-Time Reserves

Failed COVID Policies / Mis-Management
- Shut Down Businesses, Caused Massive Unemployment, Destroyed businesses, etc...

Defended radical, assassination-inciting, insurrection-calling-for, USSC Justice-threatening Democrat politicians, and a law enforcement-refusing criminal US AG....

Protecting a crackhead, deadbeat dad, influence-peddling, incestuous, treasonous criminal son ... and himself from being connected and complicit in Hunter's crimes...

Literally the worst President in US history with the lowest approval ratings of any President ... after less than 2 years in office....

A dementia-ravaged insane, mentally incompetent POS who litetally has to have cue cards and teleprompters to tell him to walk, stand, speak, when to pause, who to call on to ask pre-approved questions, etc..

A walking, talking example of why the 25th Amendment is in the Constitution...

A world-wide laughing stock among world leaders, to include our enemies..

No wonder Democrats and co-conspiring proven fake news media are desperate to focus on Trump and avoid covering any and all things regarding the
current US President

Thief in Chief Biden is such a screw up along with Pelosi and Schumer its no wonder the dems focus on Trump.
For 4 years the DemonicRats had their money laundering channels cut off. They had their taxpayer siphoning funnels cut off from our paychecks. Trump even cut off their ability to deal with other countries.

This has cost them MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars from their own pockets and bank accounts........which was stuffed full of OUR money.

They think they are punishing us by putting a stranglehold on our taxes, food, oil, gas, and electricity, and hiking prices to an exhorbitent level of insanity, as well as syphoning the triple amount of our money through Zelenskyy for laundering.

All they are doing is ensuring their demise.
Were people talking about Obama? Other than his birthday party that violated all the COVID protocols? If they were it’s not like the Obama admin didnt blame the Bush Admin for any and all problems it had. I don’t remember if Bush blamed Clinton or Clinton the first Bush and if they did for how long.

Yes, Bush II blamed Clinton, Clinton blamed Bush I. Obama blamed Bush II Trump blamed Obama Biden blames Trump.
Not counting this thread...here is a small sampling of the right wing loons starting threads about the blob...from the last 30 days. A title search for Mara-Lard-Ass's name reveals 11 pages of threads about the blob.

Of course we start threads about Trump. That's because we believe in him, we support him, and we defend him

You folks on the other hand, have nobody to believe in, to support, or to defend. When was the last time anyone started a thread praising the Biden administration for their amazing accomplishments? His performance has been indefensible by any means, except for blatant lying.

Not counting this thread...here is a small sampling of the right wing loons starting threads about the blob...from the last 30 days. A title search for Mara-Lard-Ass's name reveals 11 pages of threads about the blob.

Anyone who saves posts from everyone and posts them has to be a GD loser..........Yes you are Report Button Pusher.lololol

You are a wretched fucking bitch you GD idiot

Go ahead report me you cock sucking whore
Yes, Bush II blamed Clinton, Clinton blamed Bush I. Obama blamed Bush II Trump blamed Obama Biden blames Trump.
Trump was right about Obama and Hillary, the proven seditious / treasonous sources and architects of the largest criminal political scandal in US history - the Russian Collusion scandal.

Hillary & Barry should be in Gitmo
Sorry man you dont get to blame Trump for the 450k deaths while he was President and didn’t have the vax and not blame Biden for the 550 while hes been Pres with the vax Trumap gave him.
We didn't have the vaccine and barely had policy regarding COVID under the orange fuckup.

Then Biden was elected turning all maga fuckups against the vaccine and common sense.

BTW the former 1-term president didn't invent the vaccines, he threw money the people who did.
Trump was right about Obama and Hillary, the proven seditious / treasonous sources and architects of the largest criminal political scandal in US history - the Russian Collusion scandal.

Hillary & Barry should be in Gitmo

The true sign of a mindless partisan drone....it is always different when your side does it
Yes, Bush II blamed Clinton, Clinton blamed Bush I. Obama blamed Bush II Trump blamed Obama Biden blames Trump.
I don’t doubt it. I just don’t remember it being as much if a prominent talking point then and not during an entire Presidency. I get the first year maybe but beyond that…. Seemed like starting with the Obama Admin it ramped up a bit and extended for entire terms. I think I remember Obama blaming Bush for shit in his second term which is nuts.
Trump was right about Obama and Hillary, the proven seditious / treasonous sources and architects of the largest criminal political scandal in US history - the Russian Collusion scandal.

Hillary & Barry should be in Gitmo
What's been proven?

Your ignorance.
We didn't have the vaccine and barely had policy regarding COVID under the orange fuckup.

Then Biden was elected turning all maga fuckups against the vaccine and common sense.

BTW the former 1-term president didn't invent the vaccines, he threw money the people who did.
yes yes all blame to one party and all credit to the other.. boring
I don’t doubt it. I just don’t remember it being as much if a prominent talking point then and not during an entire Presidency. I get the first year maybe but beyond that…. Seemed like starting with the Obama Admin it ramped up a bit and extended for entire terms. I think I remember Obama blaming Bush for shit in his second term which is nuts.

For sure. With each new admin what took place in the past one is ramped up to a new level. One of the many reasons I was very against the impeachment attempts against Trump
I don’t doubt it. I just don’t remember it being as much if a prominent talking point then and not during an entire Presidency. I get the first year maybe but beyond that…. Seemed like starting with the Obama Admin it ramped up a bit and extended for entire terms. I think I remember Obama blaming Bush for shit in his second term which is nuts.
You don't remember shit.
For sure. With each new admin what took place in the past one is ramped up to a new level. One of the many reasons I was very against the impeachment attempts against Trump
I hope we don’t see endless impeachments of Presidents in the future but I’d guess Biden is likely going to see at least one as payback.

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