1.5 Years Into Biden's Term Democrats Can't Stop Talking About / Focusing On Trump

I hope we don’t see endless impeachments of Presidents in the future but I’d guess Biden is likely going to see at least one as payback.
Zero crime/ evidence / witnesses

Pick one of several ligitimate reasons for Impeachment ... and prosecution ... and that's not counting the 25th Amendment that could justifiably be used to remove Biden from office
Zero crime/ evidence / witnesses

Pick one of several ligitimate reasons for Impeachment ... and prosecution ... and that's not counting the 25th Amendment that could justifiably be used to remove Biden from office
You don’t impeach a President because you don’t like him or he’s doing things you don’t like. That’s what happened during the last admin. It’s not good for the country. Continuing it only makes it worse.
400,000 covid deaths, bail-outs of already subsidized farmers, rioting in the streets, white nationalism being applauded, hate and violence everywhere.... I also left out a foreign policy that was a total failure.
400,000, but there is a million now with a vaccine....which your side claims is 100% safe and effective. Hate and violence is your department, as we all see, again. We had one time, that was it, you guys do it ALL the time, so fuck off with your violence bullshit. Wait I read that again, did you really blame Trump for the ANTIFA/BLM riots, that you people did? OMFG, you are more of a shit breath than I thought. Youre fucking Lakhota/RDean douchelevel.

Foreign policy of Trump was awesome. You just don't like Arabs befriending Israel, becasue you tards have a hard on for the Palestinians, so the fact that 4 Arab countries have better deals with Israel, because of Trump, you really get pissed.
Of course we start threads about Trump. That's because we believe in him, we support him, and we defend him
So you shouldn't be starting threads about Obama or Biden then...if we're going to use that logic...right?

Explain por favor:

Ok Democrats. This is your chance to explain what you've been saying over and over, that Obama' policies are responsible for the great economy we're seeing now.

Just what did Obama do two years ago, four years ago, or eight years ago that's now causing such increased economic growth, low unemployment numbers, increased job growth, and increased consumer spending?

Please explain.

For the first time in 75 years, America has become a net exporter of oil an gas. I would personally like to thank President Obama for his administration's energy policies that made this happen Although it took a couple years to come to fruition, crude and refined products exports are exceeding imports and President Obama's shale boom has boosted U.S. crude oil shipments to record levels.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

President Trump and all of America should be grateful for legacy of low-priced and plentiful oil and gas that President Obama blessed us with. Although President Trump will try to take credit for this, it's yet one more example of how we are finally seeing the long-term benefits of the Obama economy.

Nicely played by the President. Now let's see the walls around Pelosi's, Waters', and Schumer's house..

"President Donald Trump on Sunday argued former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama have a wall around their Washington D.C. home for security so the U.S. should have the same.

'President and Mrs. Obama built/has a ten foot Wall around their D.C. mansion/compound. I agree, totally necessary for their safety and security. The U.S. needs the same thing, slightly larger version!,' he tweeted."

Obamas have a wall around their home! Trump uses former first couple to argue for his border barrier | Daily Mail Online

Yet one more piece of Obama's legacy falls by the wayside. This will return power to the hands of the landowners.

"The Trump administration is expected to complete on Thursday a new rule that rolls back parts of the 2015 clean water rule that expanded federal authority over the nation’s streams, rivers and wetlands...."

"...The new rule would reduce the number of waterways the federal government can protect from pollution, as it seeks to appease industry groups and conservative lawmakers who criticized the regulations as a federal land grab that created uncertainty for industry and landowners.

Opponents have also argued the 2015 rule encroached on private property rights and subjected small farmers to added government scrutiny and the risk of legal entanglements."

Trump administration expected to roll back clean water rule

It's about time someone did this. Obama tried to hide this information from those who wanted to sue the Saudis for 9/11.

"The Trump administration decided Thursday to declassify a key name long sought by relatives of 9/11 victims who are suing Saudi Arabia over allegations of that country's involvement, but declined to release the name publicly.

The name of the individual, which the 9/11 families believe may support their allegation of Saudi involvement in the terror attacks, will be disclosed to the plaintiff's lawyers under a protective order. The order makes it illegal for those attorneys to release the name to the public, meaning the identity of the individual will remain a secret at least for now.

The decision by the FBI and the Justice Department was a partial victory for the 9/11 families, who have been fighting in court to compel the Trump administration to hand over the name. Terry Strada, who chairs the group 9/11 Families & Survivors United for Justice Against Terrorism, called it "a good result."

U.S. declassifies key name in Saudi-9/11 suit, but won't release it publicly

A serious question here. The Dow closed at it's 100th record closing, since President Trump was elected. The S&P 500 also closed at a record for the 89th time, last Thursday. We are also seeing other signs of a strong economy, including a robust jobs market with low unemployment, soaring consumer confidence and a strong housing market.

Dow’s 100th record close since Election Day

My question is this: What specific economic policy, program, bailout, package, bill, legislation, or executive order did President Obama pass, sign, or put into motion, which could be accredited to today's strong economy and market?

Having served as Vice President was as much help as he needs?

I bet, considering how he used his VP position to garner all that wealth for his son. Let's hope he doesn't snub the Ukraine and China, like he does his former employer. They might not be as magnanimous as Obama is.

"Joe Biden says he doesn’t need his former boss’s endorsement".

"In an interview Monday with Politico, the former vice president said having had that post under President Barack Obama is as much help as he needs..."

Joe Biden: ‘I don’t need an Obama endorsement’

She got an award at the Grammys Sunday, for "best spoken word album" of her memoirs.

It's a fucking audiobook. Now was that a participation trophy or what? :laughing0301:

"Former first lady Michelle Obama won her first Grammy Award on Sunday for the spoken word album of her bestselling memoir Becoming. She follows in the footsteps of her husband, former President Barack Obama, who has won twice in the same category."

Michelle Obama Wins Grammy Award for Audio Version of Bestselling Memoir 'Becoming'

Consider this global pandemic to be the last and final nail in the coffin of "The Great Obama's" legacy. How many times have we heard these thing said?

"Drumph's record stock market numbers are just a continuation of The Great Obama's market numbers..."

"Drumph is just riding on the coattails of The Great Obama's economy..."

"Drumph hasn't done anything, we were on a contilual rise all through The Great Obama's presidency..."

Consider this is you can: When the global pandemic has run its course, when we get back to business, when the economy is booming again, and when the stock market breaks all of it's former records...

Trump will own it.

He will own it lock, stock, barrel, henhouse, and mule shed. It will be President Donald J. Trump's economy, and it will be President Donald J. Trump's stock market.

Apparently the field work involving the coronavirus-infected bats was funded by the Obama Administration from 2011-1015. The results of the U.S-funded research at the Wuhan Institute were published in November 2017 under the heading: ‘Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus.’

"The Chinese laboratory at the center of scrutiny over a potential coronavirus leak has been using U.S. government money to carry out research on bats from the caves which scientists believe are the original source of the deadly outbreak.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology undertook coronavirus experiments on mammals captured more than 1,000 miles away in Yunnan which were funded by a $3.7 million grant from the US government..."

U.S. gave $3.7million grant to lab at center coronavirus scandal

"The NIH is the primary agency of the United States government responsible for biomedical and public health research.
The Wuhan Institute lists them on their website as a partner as well as several other American academic institutions.
Other U.S. partners include the University of Alabama, the University of North Texas, Harvard University, and the National Wildlife Federation...

Results of the U.S-funded research at the Wuhan Institute were published in November 2017 under the heading: ‘Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus.’...
The exercise was summarized as: ‘Bats in a cave in Yunnan, China were captured and sampled for coronaviruses used for lab experiments...
‘Bat samplings were conducted ten times from April 2011 to October 2015 at different seasons in their natural habitat at a single location (cave) in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China. Bats were trapped and faecal swab samples were collected.’...

Remember Rahm "Dead Fish" Emanuel? How would you like for him to be your next Secretary of Transportation?

"CHICAGO - President-elect Joe Biden is considering former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a substantial and somewhat divisive figure in Democratic Party politics, to serve as his transportation secretary.

Biden’s selection of his nominee to lead the Transportation Department is not believed to be imminent, and Emanuel is among multiple candidates in the running for the Cabinet position, according to people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private deliberations.

But his candidacy threatens to pull at the divisions among Democrats that Biden has largely managed to avoid as he begins to fill out his administration. Progressive leaders, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, have been especially vocal in criticizing the prospect of Emanuel joining the Cabinet.

Emanuel, a former three-term congressman who served as Barack Obama’s first White House chief of staff and was a senior adviser in Bill Clinton’s administration, has been a significant force in Democratic Party politics for much of the last three decades.

He also turned reviving Chicago’s ragged public transportation system and overhauling the city’s two busy, worn airports into a top issue during his eight years as mayor. He is also credited with making Chicago one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in country during his time in office.

But selecting Emanuel could be a tough sell to some in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party who are critical of his handling of the high-profile police shooting death of Laquan McDonald, a Black teenager killed by a white officer, during his time as Chicago’s mayor."

Joe Biden weighs Rahm Emanuel for transportation secretary


Obama seems to be popping up more than Hitler sightings in Africa. So why is he now stealing the spotlight away from his frail, sickly, elderly understudy and former cabana boy Joe Biden? And is he cheating on Michelle now, with AOC?

Barack Obama Says DNC Should Give Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a Bigger Platform as Feud Between Progressives and Centrists Grows

"Former President Barack Obama called on the Democratic National Committee to give a bigger platform to progressives as they continue to butt heads with the party's centrist members.

"One thing I will say about the Democratic Party is that promoting young people is really important. We stick so long with the same old folks and don't make room for new voices," Obama said in an interview with Peter Hamby on Snapchat's Good Luck America.

Obama also acknowledge the party's controversial decision to allot Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez only 60 seconds at this summer's national convention, while handing out significantly more television time to former Republican Ohio Governor John Kasich and businessman and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg."

Barack Obama says DNC should give Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a bigger platform as feud between progressives and centrists grows

"The Democratic National Convention, I thought, was really successful considering the pandemic but, you know, the fact that an AOC only got, what? Three minutes or five minutes? When she speaks to a broad section of young people who are interested in what she has to say, even if they don't agree with everything she says," Obama said.

Ok. Which one of you 6-percenters chose Biden?

Trump ends Obama's 12-year run as most admired man: Gallup

"President Trump has ended former President Obama's 12-year run as the most admired man in America, edging out his predecessor in the annual Gallup survey released Tuesday.

Eighteen percent of the survey's respondents named Trump as their most admired man, compared to 15 percent who named Obama and 6 percent who named President-elect Joe Biden. Three percent named National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, while two percent said Pope Francis."

Trump ends Obama's 12-year run as most admired man: Gallup

Obama calling anyone "gay" is like dividing by zero.

"Former President Barack Obama reportedly said the former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg couldn’t win the presidency because “he’s gay” and “short,” according to new book on the 2020 presidential election.

Obama expressed confidence in former presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren during an October 2019 meeting with elite black donors in New York City, The Hill’s Amie Parnes and NBC’s Jonathan Allen described in the new book “Lucky: How Joe Biden Barely Won the Presidency.”

During the same meeting, the former president also joked about Buttigieg, citing his age, sexuality, and height, as reasons why he could not win the 2020 presidential election."

An excerpt from the book:

“He’s thirty- eight,” Obama said, pausing for dramatic effect, “but he looks thirty.” The audience laughed. Obama was on a roll, using the tone of light ridicule he some-times pointed at himself— “ big ears” and “a funny name,” he’d said so many times before. Now, it was directed at Buttigieg. “He’s the mayor of a small town,” the former president continued. “He’s gay,” Obama said, “and he’s short.” More laughter. "

New Book: Obama Said Buttigieg Couldn’t Win Presidency Because ‘He’s Gay’ And ‘Short’

You don’t impeach a President because you don’t like him or he’s doing things you don’t like. That’s what happened during the last admin. It’s not good for the country. Continuing it only makes it worse.
Yeah, you impeach them when they abuse their power and try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power to his duly elected successor. Your blob tried both of those things.
400,000, but there is a million now with a vaccine....which your side claims is 100% safe and effective. Hate and violence is your department, as we all see, again. We had one time, that was it, you guys do it ALL the time, so fuck off with your violence bullshit. Wait I read that again, did you really blame Trump for the ANTIFA/BLM riots, that you people did? OMFG, you are more of a shit breath than I thought. Youre fucking Lakhota/RDean douchelevel.

Foreign policy of Trump was awesome. You just don't like Arabs befriending Israel, becasue you tards have a hard on for the Palestinians, so the fact that 4 Arab countries have better deals with Israel, because of Trump, you really get pissed.
Foreign policy under the former 1-term orange fuckup was great?

Withholding weapons from a country for a domestic political favor?

Covering for the Saudi prince after he ordered a murder?

Failed policy in North Korea even after all those big font letters.

Covering for putin.

Trying degrade NATO and the EU?
Day after day the media keeps talking about Trump. I believe that both the left and right want him running in 2024. The left thinks that they can beat him the same way that the right was sure that Obama would not be elected.
I'm not sure what the Jan. 6 committee is trying to accomplish. Regardless of what Trump has or hasn't done, he will never be convicted by anything but a stacked jury.
Watching the events of Jan. 6 0n Jan. 6 I saw Stars and Bars all over the place. I haven't seen them on CNN or Fox for many months. Everyone selectively edits. Strange that supposed enemies edit in exactly the same way.
Yeah, you impeach them when they abuse their power and try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power to his duly elected successor. Your blob tried both of those things.

Noe, he did not.

Your mentally unfit blob is wrecking the country.
We didn't have the vaccine and barely had policy regarding COVID under the orange fuckup.

Then Biden was elected turning all maga fuckups against the vaccine and common sense.

BTW the former 1-term president didn't invent the vaccines, he threw money the people who did.

Fucking ignorant piece of libtard shit.

President Trump did the only thing that would actually work, which is a COMPLETE travel ban the instant he found out, and YOU fuckers told him it was racist. AND DEFIED HIS ORDERS.

Fuck you. YOU are the cause of a million deaths
Day after day the media keeps talking about Trump. I believe that both the left and right want him running in 2024. The left thinks that they can beat him the same way that the right was sure that Obama would not be elected.
I'm not sure what the Jan. 6 committee is trying to accomplish. Regardless of what Trump has or hasn't done, he will never be convicted by anything but a stacked jury.
Watching the events of Jan. 6 0n Jan. 6 I saw Stars and Bars all over the place. I haven't seen them on CNN or Fox for many months. Everyone selectively edits. Strange that supposed enemies edit in exactly the same way.
youre not sure what they're trying to accomplish?

theyre trying to preserve democracy; prevent a future coup.
Also, its accoutability for crimes.
Fucking ignorant piece of libtard shit.

President Trump did the only thing that would actually work, which is a COMPLETE travel ban the instant he found out, and YOU fuckers told him it was racist. AND DEFIED HIS ORDERS.

Fuck you. YOU are the cause of a million deaths
First, it wasn't a complete travel ban as he allowed business travel and some 50,000+ people moved between countries.

Second, the former 1-term orange fuckup is suffering from white privilege.

Third, his complete denial of the coming pandemic, delayed and fucked up response like saying it will be gone by summer is his failure.

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