1%-er President Heads To Hawaii For 17-Day Paid Vacay...

He's probably trying to secure the real copy of his birth certificate.

1%-er President Heads To Hawaii For 17-Day Paid Vacay...

It’s amusing the OP is unaware of the internet, computers, GPS, wireless technology, and so on.

A president needn’t be in the WH to do his job. Indeed, no president goes on ‘vacation.’ That’s why I never paid any attention to that nonsense about GWB always being on ‘vacation.’

The only thing a president ‘gets away from’ is ceremonial appearances, speeches, and the like. Otherwise it’s business as usual.

you are of course right.

Marthas Vineyard ( Clinton), Crawford ( Bush 2) for instance and regularly visited places for other presidents became "little" WH's and basically almost everything is mobile nowadays.

HOWEVER, the media and many here I wager never gave Bush that out and you know it. Not a moments peace if he went anywhere but Camp David...and even then.

I do wonder why Obama doesn't use camp david though.....
Yes,your guy is no more than a GE/Corporate Employee. But i doubt you watched the movie though. I'm sure you just copy & pasted that stuff off Wikipedia. Watch the movie and get educated. No one has been more duped than Obama followers.

I don't have to another rehash of discredited New World Order/Bilderberg HORSESHYTTE again fer chrissake, Glenn.:cuckoo::eusa_angel: Get out of there and see the world. All thoroughly discredited 30 years ago...fcs

It has never been discredited. That's just all in your head. Very powerful Global Organizations are calling the shots. Bush & Obama work for the same Bosses. And your guy doesn't even try to hide it. GE tells him to jump,and he says how high? Everyone should check out 'The Obama Deception.' You don't have to buy into everything but there is a lot of truth in it. Check it out with an open mind. What do you have to lose?

You think he actually asks before he starts hopping?
Obama tells Congress to work through Christmas.......but of course he's going surfing....:party:

regarding the extension of the payroll tax cuts...
"We’re going to keep pushing Congress to make this happen,” Obama said. “They shouldn’t go home for the holidays until they get this done.”

Obama: Congress should work through Christmas to extend Social Security revenue cuts

:lol: Pretty much sums up his Presidency no? Says one thing but does another. From the Patriot Act to Raising Debt Limits to more War and so on and so on. Now he's preaching to Congress to work through Christmas while he's off to Hawaii to party? Perfect. Really does sum his Presidency up.
Yeah......sure....John Boner's gonna be working.



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6jEIh52jbA]Scarborough calls John Boehner lazy - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTZPmFnuvHQ]Scarborough stands by Boehner accusation - YouTube[/ame]​
Those damn 1%-ers and their lavish Vacations. Impeach Obama? Hmm?
He's probably trying to secure the real copy of his birth certificate.


I'm still amazed that there are any people naive and or ignorant enough to believe that farce Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop joke of a document that the liar in chief presented as his long form birth certificate. Any first year student in graphic design could easily have done better than that tripe. The asshole left it in layers!!! 9 layers!!!! Who does that??????Di he get his youngest fake daughter to do it?:lol::lol::lol:

Then again, looking at that pathetic avatar and the even more ridiculous way to set up your posts, it is understandable.
What do you think about this? Is this the right message to send during such terrible economic times? Or is it no big deal because he deserves it?

While most Americans are lucky to get a few weeks of holiday every year, it seems the country’s leader gets a little more freedom in the matter.

President Barack Obama has announced his Christmas vacation to Hawaii – for a staggering 17-day trip. Obama,who visited the island just two weeks ago for an economic summit, will head to Honolulu on Saturday December 17 until Monday January 2.

Read more: President Obama to jet off to Hawaii for SEVENTEEN-DAY Christmas holiday | Mail Online

I'm curious. Since Obama's had only a fraction of the vacation time of Republican presidents, why the intense interest about when he takes a vacation?

Once again you still don't get it........ it's not the number of days, it's the cost of this imbeciles vacations. President Bush would vacation on his ranch with minimal secret service. The Obamas spend millions on their lavish Hawaiian vacations, what special interest are paying for them? More than double security half way across the world, an entourage of very large aircraft, burning hundreds of thousands of gallons of jet fuel. This is the asshole that wants the other 99% of us to drive golf carts while he uses 2,500 gallons of jet fuel an hour in one aircraft, all while destroying our domestic oil industry.
Do "Evil 1%-ers" deserve such lavish Vacations? I think this is a fair question for the Socialists/Progressives here who hate them so much.
You see, there's your first mistake... I personally don't hate anyone.... so stop with the bullshit.

You know what I want? I want an America where everyone who is working... no matter what they do for a living can have a fairly comfortable existence in their own country. Which is entirely opposite from your philosophy... where a guy(or gal) who might not be all that bright, but works their asses off doing a labor intensive job is nothing more than fodder to you...even though they pay their taxes and contribute to society. I want an America where perhaps the rich aren't quite as rich as they are now, but can rest assured that they will still be able to live in the lap of luxury AND have the knowledge that they are helping their fellow Americans live a little bit better of a life.

But you don't want that. You want a nation of haves and have nots. You want a country where the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class foots the bill.

Because in your world... no one matters BUT the rich... they love you to death(which they are hoping for so they don't have to pay your SS).
You see, there's your first mistake... I personally don't hate anyone.... so stop with the bullshit.

You know what I want? I want an America where everyone who is working... no matter what they do for a living can have a fairly comfortable existence in their own country. Which is entirely opposite from your philosophy... where a guy(or gal) who might not be all that bright, but works their asses off doing a labor intensive job is nothing more than fodder to you...even though they pay their taxes and contribute to society. I want an America where perhaps the rich aren't quite as rich as they are now, but can rest assured that they will still be able to live in the lap of luxury AND have the knowledge that they are helping their fellow Americans live a little bit better of a life.

But you don't want that. You want a nation of haves and have nots. You want a country where the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class foots the bill.

Because in your world... no one matters BUT the rich... they love you to death(which they are hoping for so they don't have to pay your SS).

Gotta disagree with your assessments. They're very presumptive,inaccurate,and way over-dramatic. I didn't mean you personally either on the issue of hate. But i am seeing a lot of hate being expressed towards fellow Americans (1%-ers). And i think it is very unproductive and destructive. We're all Americans at the end of the day. So lets stop all this hate & envy stuff.
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Hey... perhaps it's the "ticks on the ass of society" thing... or the "leeches" or the rest of the bullshit.

So... disagree or not... that's what you stand for. You want a country with no compassion other than the kindness of strangers. You want to take this country back to the days where the poor had to beg on the street. Sink or Swim.. no safety nets, no health care, no nothing if you can't afford it.

Sorry dude... I don't want to go back to the "Oliver Twist" days. We are a better country than that.

Can we be more efficient with our spending? Absolutely... let's get the money out of politics to start with... then you'll see people entering Public Office with the attitude of Service to the people, rather than "How do I pay back Corporation X for getting me elected... or Union A... if it makes you feel better".

Most of our waste in government comes from the calling in of chips from vested interests. Make that illegal and you'll save much more than it will cost to run publicly funded elections.
Hate & Envy and a sense of Entitlement are going to kill this country. And we can't afford it anyway. The Well's run dry. We're broke.
What do you think about this? Is this the right message to send during such terrible economic times? Or is it no big deal because he deserves it?

While most Americans are lucky to get a few weeks of holiday every year, it seems the country’s leader gets a little more freedom in the matter.

President Barack Obama has announced his Christmas vacation to Hawaii – for a staggering 17-day trip. Obama,who visited the island just two weeks ago for an economic summit, will head to Honolulu on Saturday December 17 until Monday January 2.

Read more: President Obama to jet off to Hawaii for SEVENTEEN-DAY Christmas holiday | Mail Online

Oh, here we go again!!! Isn't the poor man EVER supposed to take time off??? It's Christmas and he deserves it. You didn't want him to take off during the summer either. What is appropriate to you??? That President Obama be the first president in history to never take time off???

He has worked very hard this year and accomplished a lot. Just because you sour grape conservatives don't see that, it's not his fault!!
No... buying politicians to vote against the good of the country and it's citizens and in favor of huge conglomerates and it's wealthy executives is going to kill this country.
What do you think about this? Is this the right message to send during such terrible economic times? Or is it no big deal because he deserves it?

While most Americans are lucky to get a few weeks of holiday every year, it seems the country’s leader gets a little more freedom in the matter.

President Barack Obama has announced his Christmas vacation to Hawaii – for a staggering 17-day trip. Obama,who visited the island just two weeks ago for an economic summit, will head to Honolulu on Saturday December 17 until Monday January 2.

Read more: President Obama to jet off to Hawaii for SEVENTEEN-DAY Christmas holiday | Mail Online

Oh, here we go again!!! Isn't the poor man EVER supposed to take time off??? It's Christmas and he deserves it. You didn't want him to take off during the summer either. What is appropriate to you??? That President Obama be the first president in history to never take time off???

He has worked very hard this year and accomplished a lot. Just because you sour grape conservatives don't see that, it's not his fault!!

Wow... Did you type that while still on your knees?
I have never seen so many hateful, lying, low information voters in one place. Are all of the conservatives losing their minds, or just some, like the morons posting in this thread???

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