The left does not want to deport illegals and will not do so even without work for them to do

Business does not want illegals deported. That is why they are not. "The left" does not control the justice department and it's their call. I would say that you are being lied to but you know what is what. It's not about deporting illegals.
The chamber of commerce is very pro illegal alien

they represent many but not all businesses

small business is often not affiliated with the Chamber and is more loyal to the rule of law

Small business has no say in what the government does. Trump is very pro-big business. Hence, nothing is going to be done.
Dims are obstructing everything Trump tries to do.

I'm going to quit replying to those who intentionally reply in a dishonest manner.

Dems can't stop Trump from having the justice Dept go after the businesses hiring illegals .......and you know that.
Every time he does that call him Adolph Hitler.

Speaking of dishonesty, when are you going to quit pretending that you actually want to control illegal immigration?
What if I told you the Establishment and the 1% really LIKES lots of illegals?.....cheep cheep labor..... get rich you have to leverage the time of others with as little paid for that time as possible. The better you are at it, the richer you become.

FEW get rich by their own hands exclusively.

Are you a baby bird? The word is "cheap".
They still got out. Walls are not the way to go.

You're an idiot and a waste of keyboard say the Berlin wall and North Korean Walls Don't keep the extreme mass majority in is just stupid.

It doesn't work. Walls don't work. Don't you get that yet? They are expensive, disruptive, and ultimately don't do the job. They are a "feel good" solution for you xenophobics. We have high tech solutions that are more cost effective, don't require the seizing of private land, disrupt legitimate border trade and towns, and don't disrupt animal migrations.

You're an idiot and a waste of keyboard strokes......See BERLIN WALL....NORTH KOREA BORDER DEFENSES.
In your narrow opinoon it doesn't work because you approve of the invasion and resent efforts to stop it.

That is a debatable opinion.

You're an idiot and a waste of keyboard strokes......that is not an opinion.

A wall absolutely is an emotional response given the wide range of more effective tools we have at our means. It's a feel good sop to your xenophobic fears.

What tools and means? Open borders and more taxpayer funded subsidies? grows on trees and resources are unlimited.....I forgot :rolleyes:
You're an idiot and a waste of keyboard strokes......When CARAVANS of thousands of people at a time are rushing your border, your suggestion is to do nothing, other than lay down a welcome mat and provide sanctuary and demand US Taxpayers foot the bill is exactly what's expected of a snowflake that hates America.

You are an idiot. It's THAT simple.

It doesn't work. Walls don't work. Don't you get that yet? They are expensive, disruptive, and ultimately don't do the job. They are a "feel good" solution for you xenophobics. We have high tech solutions that are more cost effective, don't require the seizing of private land, disrupt legitimate border trade and towns, and don't disrupt animal migrations.

Somebody's lying...those interviewed in the editorial swear a FENCE does work. Is it just that section of FENCE that happens to "work"?
How a border fence destroyed a tight community

Trillions of linear feet of wall has been erected worldwide...trillions of dollars have been spent on walls and they don’t even work, says the LefTarded.
Companies, employees, contractors, proprietors...and anyone related to the manufacturing or building of walls is done for as Liberals spread the word that “walls don’t work”.
I’m launching a class action case against “wall makers” for misrepresentation.
For the liberals who say walls don't work, we should show them videos of those who tried and failed to make it over the Berlin Wall.

Those are puppets. We know borders work because there is plenty of evidence they do here, and in many other countries. Nobody on the left can provide evidence of a strong fence, wall, or other strict measures that hasn't worked. The best they can do is provide isolated incidents like tunnels (that take months or years to build) people using ladders (which are expensive for poor people and very obvious as they approach) or people using alternatives to get in like in the back of trucks or get in on Visa's and never leave.

But for the actual border crossers, it would reduce entry by at least 90%, and likely much more. That's why our border patrol, for the first time ever, endorsed a presidential candidate like Donald Trump.
The President needs to use his Emergency Powers & Declare a National Emergency and Declare an Imminent Threat to our Elections and Democracy and do a Mass Deportation of about 20 Million Illegals in the next 6 Months.

He just got another $1.4 Billion for The Wall, but a Wall is not enough. It’s time to move all illegals out of this great nation!

Sanctuary Cities are Illegal, so we can lawfully go after them, Subpoena motor voter registrations and Welfare and Public Assistance Records, & Employer Payroll Tax Records and use that plus data from The Census to locate everyone and boot them out.

A 1 Million man strong deportation force could get the job done in about 6 months! Get this done Mr. President!


Why deport half of them? Why not the full 40 million?
The left does not want to deport illegals and will not do so even without work for them to do

Business does not want illegals deported. That is why they are not. "The left" does not control the justice department and it's their call. I would say that you are being lied to but you know what is what. It's not about deporting illegals.
The chamber of commerce is very pro illegal alien

they represent many but not all businesses

small business is often not affiliated with the Chamber and is more loyal to the rule of law

Small business has no say in what the government does. Trump is very pro-big business. Hence, nothing is going to be done.
Big business has a lot of influence

but so do voters

trump is not the problem

its the swamp rats in congress who are holding up progress

Trump has full control to bring the entire weight of the government down on employers. Trump and Trump only. Quit being dishonest.

Employers are only part of the problem. Many come here just to drop kids so they can be considered Americans.

It's estimated by some we have 20 million illegals in this country. I find it hard to believe all 20 million found employment and working here illegally.
Deport all illegals. 1 million deportation force could do it.

Illegals voted in 2016, they will do it again. 13 states GIVE illegals driver licenses, just line up and get one. Think these 13 states don't know they will all cheat and vote dem? Baby jesus told them to in 2016, "voting makes you a citizen"

The problem is you can't just deport people. Once they make it in, they are entitled to a court hearing, especially when they claim asylum. The problem is not finding them, the problem is our court system is so backed up in spite of Trump putting more judges to do the job. 20 million is a hell of a lot of people for courts to handle.
It doesn't work. Walls don't work. Don't you get that yet? They are expensive, disruptive, and ultimately don't do the job. They are a "feel good" solution for you xenophobics. We have high tech solutions that are more cost effective, don't require the seizing of private land, disrupt legitimate border trade and towns, and don't disrupt animal migrations.

And they are also things Democrats could easily remove if they get full control over the federal government again. What scares Democrats the most is not only the great success walls would provide, but the fact they would have a hard time getting rid of them once we spent the billions to erect them. Because let's be honest here, Democrats want these illegals here to vote and put them in power indefinitely.
Why deport half of them? Why not the full 40 million?

The only problem with deportation without a wall is that like pancakes in a greased Teflon pan, they don't stick.

It's a joke.....a free ride home to see family....hook up with a GF etc. Before bouncing right back.

Deportation has long been a paper Tiger.
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Stalin in the 20th century deported the most people & built the most walls.
Basically what Republicans are calling for in the 21st century.

You don't understand history.

Communists / Marxists etc etc walls to KEEP PEOPLE IN.......

Trumps wall is to keep people OUT

You should try to educate yourself on the concept of the difference between desires and objections, choice and slavery.

Walls are walls. People still got out, people will still get in. In the meantime communities are cut off, trade is disrupted, natural migrations cut off.

There are areas where a fence or wall is affective. There are areas where it is not. Meanwhile private property is being seized.

If you have a garden and the deer are getting in your garden putting a wall just along the rear of your property is not going to keep the deer out.

It will if that's the way they are entering your garden.

I had a tenant here a few years back that loved his garden. He planted one every year. But the first year, the deer got to his goods and he put up a fence around and over his vegetables. Problem solved. Never had an animal invasion again.
And they are also things Democrats could easily remove if they get full control over the federal government again. What scares Democrats the most is not only the great success walls would provide, but the fact they would have a hard time getting rid of them once we spent the billions to erect them. Because let's be honest here, Democrats want these illegals here to vote and put them in power indefinitely.


The Dims would definitely spend billions of taxpayers dollars to tear down a wall that saves taxpayers billions.
And they are also things Democrats could easily remove if they get full control over the federal government again. What scares Democrats the most is not only the great success walls would provide, but the fact they would have a hard time getting rid of them once we spent the billions to erect them. Because let's be honest here, Democrats want these illegals here to vote and put them in power indefinitely.


The Dims would definitely spend billions of taxpayers dollars to tear down a wall that saves taxpayers billions.

Of course, but it would also prove something they are denying, and that is they want a country of open borders. Plus after all the positive results, their constituents would turn on them for taking us back to where we are now.
Just suspend Asylum.
Deport all illegals. 1 million deportation force could do it.

Illegals voted in 2016, they will do it again. 13 states GIVE illegals driver licenses, just line up and get one. Think these 13 states don't know they will all cheat and vote dem? Baby jesus told them to in 2016, "voting makes you a citizen"

The problem is you can't just deport people. Once they make it in, they are entitled to a court hearing, especially when they claim asylum. The problem is not finding them, the problem is our court system is so backed up in spite of Trump putting more judges to do the job. 20 million is a hell of a lot of people for courts to handle.
That’s gonna be a “no,” thanks.

So, how many illegals that are total strangers to you, have you personally taken into YOUR private home to feed, provide health care for and educate, all from your own private funds?

ZERO.....yet you are more than willing to ask every American to do so in essence.

We love to help, but like a good pension, many of us have EARNED our good lives.
We DO help....but that doesn't mean we have to be left with nothing to do so.

Remember...if we give it ALL...nothing from nothing LEAVES nothing.
Are you a baby bird? The word is "cheap".

prolly. but cince I always tow the line....."cheep" will due just fyne. ;)

(it will take private tory 24 hours to pull his panties out of his arse over that) :abgg2q.jpg:

You seriously need to find a productive hobby, bubba.

You seriously need to go back to school so you can communicate in English, dumbass!
Just suspend Asylum.
Deport all illegals. 1 million deportation force could do it.

Illegals voted in 2016, they will do it again. 13 states GIVE illegals driver licenses, just line up and get one. Think these 13 states don't know they will all cheat and vote dem? Baby jesus told them to in 2016, "voting makes you a citizen"

The problem is you can't just deport people. Once they make it in, they are entitled to a court hearing, especially when they claim asylum. The problem is not finding them, the problem is our court system is so backed up in spite of Trump putting more judges to do the job. 20 million is a hell of a lot of people for courts to handle.

Trump got pretty close. He created a policy where they had to apply for asylum at their embassy. That and pressuring Mexico to stop the flow to our borders, Trump reduced crossings by more than 70% since May of this year.

He's doing all he can.

Of course the real solution would be Congress to change the laws. Anybody caught here illegally is a felon, and is subject to the minimum of 5 years in federal prison for the first offense. I stress the minimum part.

We wouldn't have to worry about deportations, because they would deport themselves. We wouldn't have to worry about a wall, because few would want to come here. It would solve most of our Visa problems, because everybody would get the hell out on their expiration date.

Problem solved, but who is willing to do it?

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