1 Nephi 1-14


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
Once upon a time a fellow named Lehi was told by God that the city of Jerusalem will be destroyed. His wife and four sons were told to leave their life of comfort to wander around in the wilderness because God said so. Lehi's third born son, Nephi was pretty excited about the idea of following God. His wife Sarai and his other three sons weren't too excited about the idea of this mysterious message from God.

Then God tells Lehi that a man named Laban has possession of some fancy (brass or gold) plates that contain the lineage of Lehi's family. God wanted Lehi to take possession of these plates to take with him when he left Israel. However, Lehi sends his sons to take care of this task. Nephi finally convinces his youngest brother Samuel to be excited about the visions of their father. The two oldest brothers, Laban and Lemuel still continue to grumble about their present situation. The brothers cast lots to decide who goes to visit with Laban to obtain the fancy plates. Laman was chosen to go visit Laban. This didn't work too well.

(End of Part One)

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