10/1/13 How bad will it be?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Obamacare is chock full of redmeat for Republicans and should lead to at least some recalls prior to the 2014 election but what will be the effects on the economy of the Neo-con/Tea party trying to push two or more different conflicting agendas through congress with a lame duck D in the White house?
I've just returned from Home Depot with plywood, duct tape and bisquine.
The wife has yet to return from WalMart with the bottled water and canned goods. I hope an airplane hasn't fallen, unguided by the FAA, and damaged the truck.
Cellphone coverage is starting to get spotty.

Will update regularly
I've just returned from Home Depot with plywood, duct tape and bisquine.
The wife has yet to return from WalMart with the bottled water and canned goods. I hope an airplane hasn't fallen, unguided by the FAA, and damaged the truck.
Cellphone coverage is starting to get spotty.

Will update regularly

Oh God! Only 23 more minutes!!! :eek:
I've just returned from Home Depot with plywood, duct tape and bisquine.
The wife has yet to return from WalMart with the bottled water and canned goods. I hope an airplane hasn't fallen, unguided by the FAA, and damaged the truck.
Cellphone coverage is starting to get spotty.

Will update regularly

Oh God! Only 23 more minutes!!! :eek:
Just like the last one. Remember? No? That's how bad it was.
You mean you don't remember when the Earth blew up?!
And we all escaped to this distant planet on the giant Space-Ark?

The government decided noyt to tell the stupider people for fear that,,,,,,,,,,


(old Steve Martin routine)
Just like the last one. Remember? No? That's how bad it was.
You mean you don't remember when the Earth blew up?!
And we all escaped to this distant planet on the giant Space-Ark?

The government decided noyt to tell the stupider people for fear that,,,,,,,,,,


(old Steve Martin routine)
I remember that. They wanted to avoid a panic, right?
R.I.P. G.O.P.-House Debt Ceiling Proposal Could Bring The Final Curtain Down On The Republican Party - Forbes

Remember that all political parties run on the same fuel—money. And while a government shutdown will prove inconvenient to a large number of Americans while brutally destructive to a few, none who would suffer are those who make significant financial contributions to the Republican Party.

This is not the case with a default.

Indeed, Wall Street has been very, very busy bending the ears of their Republican House Members and their hapless staffs, insisting that the government not be allowed to default on its obligations.


Because Wall Street fears that default could result in tragic consequences for the world economy and that will be devastating for business. Indeed, even if a default failed to result in the economic Armageddon some—but not all— predict, everyone agrees that such a move would surely result in rising interest rates (either quickly or over time) and a devaluation of the dollar—all of which would also be very bad for business.

While the Congressional lunatic fringe may have nothing to fear from a default—their districts would, no doubt, continue to send them back to Congress—the loss of the nation’s financial class to the Republican Party would mean the complete destruction of the party for years to come. Why? Because the demographics of the country, and the unwillingness of the Republicans to get out in front of these changes, now virtually assure that the GOP has ceded control of the White House for the foreseeable future. That means that their sole hope for power rests in the legislative branch.

How long does anyone imagine that the GOP will retain control of either branch of Congress if the money leaves the Republican Party and sits on the sidelines?
R.I.P. G.O.P.-House Debt Ceiling Proposal Could Bring The Final Curtain Down On The Republican Party - Forbes

Remember that all political parties run on the same fuel—money. And while a government shutdown will prove inconvenient to a large number of Americans while brutally destructive to a few, none who would suffer are those who make significant financial contributions to the Republican Party.

This is not the case with a default.

Indeed, Wall Street has been very, very busy bending the ears of their Republican House Members and their hapless staffs, insisting that the government not be allowed to default on its obligations.


Because Wall Street fears that default could result in tragic consequences for the world economy and that will be devastating for business. Indeed, even if a default failed to result in the economic Armageddon some—but not all— predict, everyone agrees that such a move would surely result in rising interest rates (either quickly or over time) and a devaluation of the dollar—all of which would also be very bad for business.

While the Congressional lunatic fringe may have nothing to fear from a default—their districts would, no doubt, continue to send them back to Congress—the loss of the nation’s financial class to the Republican Party would mean the complete destruction of the party for years to come. Why? Because the demographics of the country, and the unwillingness of the Republicans to get out in front of these changes, now virtually assure that the GOP has ceded control of the White House for the foreseeable future. That means that their sole hope for power rests in the legislative branch.

How long does anyone imagine that the GOP will retain control of either branch of Congress if the money leaves the Republican Party and sits on the sidelines?

Ma'am, how's this for a "tragic consequence"... the Fed putting an abrupt halt to their $85 billion per month spending spree.

This country, in the past 5 years, has long since defaulted. Monetarily, socially, morally.

I cannot wait until I finally hear the strains "The Fucktard Has Left the Building".
R.I.P. G.O.P.-House Debt Ceiling Proposal Could Bring The Final Curtain Down On The Republican Party - Forbes

Remember that all political parties run on the same fuel—money. And while a government shutdown will prove inconvenient to a large number of Americans while brutally destructive to a few, none who would suffer are those who make significant financial contributions to the Republican Party.

This is not the case with a default.

Indeed, Wall Street has been very, very busy bending the ears of their Republican House Members and their hapless staffs, insisting that the government not be allowed to default on its obligations.


Because Wall Street fears that default could result in tragic consequences for the world economy and that will be devastating for business. Indeed, even if a default failed to result in the economic Armageddon some—but not all— predict, everyone agrees that such a move would surely result in rising interest rates (either quickly or over time) and a devaluation of the dollar—all of which would also be very bad for business.

While the Congressional lunatic fringe may have nothing to fear from a default—their districts would, no doubt, continue to send them back to Congress—the loss of the nation’s financial class to the Republican Party would mean the complete destruction of the party for years to come. Why? Because the demographics of the country, and the unwillingness of the Republicans to get out in front of these changes, now virtually assure that the GOP has ceded control of the White House for the foreseeable future. That means that their sole hope for power rests in the legislative branch.

How long does anyone imagine that the GOP will retain control of either branch of Congress if the money leaves the Republican Party and sits on the sidelines?

The (D) party can try to lay this at the doorstep of the House but history will only remember who was the President when it happened.

Just like I remember that Clinton was the President the last time the government shut down.
Ya know what the difference is?

Clinton had the balls and LEADERSHIP SKILLS to work with Newt and the House to solve the fucking problem.

Where's Obama?
Out campaigning, of course, and telling everybody that he will not compromise when it comes to his signature legislation.
His ego is bigger than this whole fucking country
R.I.P. G.O.P.-House Debt Ceiling Proposal Could Bring The Final Curtain Down On The Republican Party - Forbes

Remember that all political parties run on the same fuel—money. And while a government shutdown will prove inconvenient to a large number of Americans while brutally destructive to a few, none who would suffer are those who make significant financial contributions to the Republican Party.

This is not the case with a default.

Indeed, Wall Street has been very, very busy bending the ears of their Republican House Members and their hapless staffs, insisting that the government not be allowed to default on its obligations.


Because Wall Street fears that default could result in tragic consequences for the world economy and that will be devastating for business. Indeed, even if a default failed to result in the economic Armageddon some—but not all— predict, everyone agrees that such a move would surely result in rising interest rates (either quickly or over time) and a devaluation of the dollar—all of which would also be very bad for business.

While the Congressional lunatic fringe may have nothing to fear from a default—their districts would, no doubt, continue to send them back to Congress—the loss of the nation’s financial class to the Republican Party would mean the complete destruction of the party for years to come. Why? Because the demographics of the country, and the unwillingness of the Republicans to get out in front of these changes, now virtually assure that the GOP has ceded control of the White House for the foreseeable future. That means that their sole hope for power rests in the legislative branch.

How long does anyone imagine that the GOP will retain control of either branch of Congress if the money leaves the Republican Party and sits on the sidelines?

Ma'am, how's this for a "tragic consequence"... the Fed putting an abrupt halt to their $85 billion per month spending spree.

This country, in the past 5 years, has long since defaulted. Monetarily, socially, morally.

I cannot wait until I finally hear the strains "The Fucktard Has Left the Building".

Really. All the damage that's been done to this country has only been done in the past five years, and solely by Obama.

ODS is a really tragic illness.

You should seek help.

You and the 16% that is COMPLETELY unhinged with regard to how to successfully run a country.

Ma'am, how's this for a "tragic consequence"... the Fed putting an abrupt halt to their $85 billion per month spending spree.

This country, in the past 5 years, has long since defaulted. Monetarily, socially, morally.

I cannot wait until I finally hear the strains "The Fucktard Has Left the Building".

Really. All the damage that's been done to this country has only been done in the past five years, and solely by Obama.

ODS is a really tragic illness.

You should seek help.

You and the 16% that is COMPLETELY unhinged with regard to how to successfully run a country.

Ahhhh.... shaddap.

You and your 47%....
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R.I.P. G.O.P.-House Debt Ceiling Proposal Could Bring The Final Curtain Down On The Republican Party - Forbes

Remember that all political parties run on the same fuel—money. And while a government shutdown will prove inconvenient to a large number of Americans while brutally destructive to a few, none who would suffer are those who make significant financial contributions to the Republican Party.

This is not the case with a default.

Indeed, Wall Street has been very, very busy bending the ears of their Republican House Members and their hapless staffs, insisting that the government not be allowed to default on its obligations.


Because Wall Street fears that default could result in tragic consequences for the world economy and that will be devastating for business. Indeed, even if a default failed to result in the economic Armageddon some—but not all— predict, everyone agrees that such a move would surely result in rising interest rates (either quickly or over time) and a devaluation of the dollar—all of which would also be very bad for business.

While the Congressional lunatic fringe may have nothing to fear from a default—their districts would, no doubt, continue to send them back to Congress—the loss of the nation’s financial class to the Republican Party would mean the complete destruction of the party for years to come. Why? Because the demographics of the country, and the unwillingness of the Republicans to get out in front of these changes, now virtually assure that the GOP has ceded control of the White House for the foreseeable future. That means that their sole hope for power rests in the legislative branch.

How long does anyone imagine that the GOP will retain control of either branch of Congress if the money leaves the Republican Party and sits on the sidelines?

The (D) party can try to lay this at the doorstep of the House but history will only remember who was the President when it happened.

Just like I remember that Clinton was the President the last time the government shut down.
Ya know what the difference is?

Clinton had the balls and LEADERSHIP SKILLS to work with Newt and the House to solve the fucking problem.

Where's Obama?
Out campaigning, of course, and telling everybody that he will not compromise when it comes to his signature legislation.
His ego is bigger than this whole fucking country

There is no reason for him to compromise. None. John Boehner crowed about getting 98% of what he wanted last time. Obama will not be assuming the position this time. And apparently, from everything I'm reading - it's no big deal, right? So what if they crash the economy? So what if we get downgraded again. So what if Wall Street crashes and burns.

It's all a big so what, right?

There's no reason for him to back down. It's no big.
The (D) party can try to lay this at the doorstep of the House but history will only remember who was the President when it happened.

Wrong. Truman ran against the "do-nothing Congress" and pulled the biggest upset of the twentieth century. Every political operative from Karl Rove on down believes the last government shutdown was the cause of the end of Newt's speakership. Polls today show that only 16% would blame a government shutdown on the president. It's this kind of imperviousness to what goes on in the real world that led to the debacle of Romney and his advisors believing he had won the last election. But, by all means, I hope Republicans keep drinking the koolaid and ignoring those Marxists at Forbes who are predicting that this craziness over the debt ceiling will destroy the Republican Party.

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