The Equal Rights Amendment- Will it Finally Become a Reality?

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) | Definition, History, Text, Pros and Cons, & Facts | Britannica

Selected Excerpts: ( All text credited to the linked articles unless otherwise noted)

My note: Clearly it is two edged sword. As always, rights and responsibilities are two sides of the same coin. I believe that most women, especially those who are younger, would gladly accept those responsibilities. It really comes down to the question of whether or not we cling to traditional gender roles as opposed to embracing the blurring of those lines. The fact is that with or without the ERA, gender roles and responsibilities have evolved from decades past. While certain occupations are still dominated by either men or women, there are few insurmountable barriers for women to assume traditional male roles. The barriers that exist are for the most part, not legal barriers but rather the result of systemic sexism. Enshrining the ERA into the Constitution will not eradicate those institutional barriers overnight, but reforming the legal system is the next logical step on the road to true equality.

My Legal Note: Although the required ¾ of the states have ratified the Amendment, it has not been ratified to the Constitution because the final state nee d to reach that threshold Virginia, until 2020, nearly 40 years after the deadline that was set by congress. However, there is nothing in the constitution that requires such a deadline. Congress extended it once already and could do so again, or eliminate it entirely, but will they?

In recent news:

A new wave of Black women are leading the fight for the ERA | The Hill

Selected Excerpts: ( All text credited to the linked articles unless otherwise noted)


What is the Equal Rights Amendment | CNN Politics

They should at least change the Orwellian name. It's the opposite of "rights".
It's a term for politicians to equivocate on. In general, it refers to two contradictory concepts, equal rights and equity.
You are right in saying that equality and equal rights are not the same , but neither are they antithetical. Equal rights under the law lays the foundation for equality. While not garanteeing equality, the absense of equal rights garantees that there will be inequality
I do not know that to be true, but if so , it is just evidence of how women have been subjugated by men for so long that many have lost a sence of themselves

Pay close attention, everyone!^^^This is what the left really thinks about women - that they're too dumb to make up their own minds about anything. They've lost a "sence" of themselves...LOL
You are right in saying that equality and equal rights are not the same , but neither are they antithetical. Equal rights under the law lays the foundation for equality. While not garanteeing equality, the absense of equal rights garantees that there will be inequality

They are opposites. Equal rights requires government to treat everyone equally, despite the fact that society might not. Equity requires government to treat everyone unequally, to compensate for the fact that society might not.
Sorry folks, women and Men will NEVER be the same. You can pass whatever law you want. Brainwash as many generations of school children as you can. It’s just simple biology and psychology.

Any more stupid questions??
Here’s a question for you:

If gender-affirming care is about medical care and not political ideology, then why does Oregon House Bill 2002-A EXCLUDE DETRANSITIONING TREATMENT from being covered by health insurance?

Do you know why Dems rejected language that would include detransitioning treatments in the bill? Because that would require admitting gender identity isn’t immutable at all.

But let’s continue to permanently physically and psychologically scar minors under the guise of “gender-affirming medical care” for a gender identity that may be ultimately prove transitory.
Here’s a question for you:

If gender-affirming care is about medical care and not political ideology, then why does Oregon House Bill 2002-A EXCLUDE DETRANSITIONING TREATMENT from being covered by health insurance?

Do you know why Dems rejected language that would include detransitioning treatments in the bill? Because that would require admitting gender identity isn’t immutable at all.

But let’s continue to permanently physically and psychologically scar minors under the guise of “gender-affirming medical care” for a gender identity that may be ultimately prove transitory.
First of all I cannot speak for the Oregon Democrats and the Oregon Democrats do not speak for all of us You’re basing, what you think is a “gotcha question” on a false assumption that we are all likeminded. Secondly, your making the assumption that being transgender clearly is an ideology. By doing so you are basically dumbing down a complex issue in simplistic and stark terms

We believe, first and foremost, that gender identity is a complex matter involving both psychological and biological factors. Gender dysphoria is, for most, much more than an ideology. It is literally a matter of life or death to be able to transition that they identify as. Having said that, many of us believe and understand that that is a ‘social contagion” factor and that not all people who express gender dysphoria are true transexuals We also know that there are borderline cases and that mistakes can and have been made in terms of moving too fast with transitioning . People have made decisions for themselves that they later regreted. So the issue is not whether or not gender is immutable, but rather, the need to understand that not all trans cases are alike and that there nots to bea cautious and flexible approach.

Not having read the bill in question, and not knowing what the Oregon people were thinking, I am going to say that perhaps the omission of de-transitioning language was misguided. It may well have been omitted out of fear that it would be misused and weaponized against trans people by forcing some to de-transition against their will as has happened in some other states which cruel and dangerous. It should also be noted that we have no reason to believe that the omission means that de-transitioning is prohibited. Hope this helps.
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They are opposites. Equal rights requires government to treat everyone equally, despite the fact that society might not. Equity requires government to treat everyone unequally, to compensate for the fact that society might not.
The goal of "equity " is the equality of outcome. The goals of the Equal Rights Amendment is also the equality of outcome. The goal of equity is not in conflict with the ERA and not a reason to oppose it. You're just playing with words. Policy is what matters
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The goal of "equity " is the equality of outcome. The goals of the Equal Rights Amendment is also the equality of outcome. The goal of equity is not in conflict with the ERA and not a reason to oppose it. You're just playing with words. Policy is what matters
As you point out, the ERA has nothing to do with equal rights. It's also about equal outcomes. So of course it's not in conflict with equity. But actual equal rights are.

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