10.3 million year old Caldera Awakens... USGS Scrambling..


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
An old Yellowstone (Picabo) caldera appears to be awakening. In the last week over 290 quakes have been registered in Idaho around what is believed to be an extinct caldera..


The last time this was an active volcano was over 10 million years ago..


YVO, USGS, and the University Of Utah are scrambling to determine what is going on...
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Soda Springs, where the earthquakes are, is 200 miles ESE of Picabo. So no, not near the old caldera.
Soda Springs, where the earthquakes are, is 200 miles ESE of Picabo. So no, not near the old caldera.

That's why VYO and USGS sent teams to the area.. I guess they are looking for what... Shiney objects?
Silly Billy, you dumb ass, this is the upper end of the Basin and Range Province. The whole of it is very active seismically.
Soda Springs, where the earthquakes are, is 200 miles ESE of Picabo. So no, not near the old caldera.
He a dingbat, but he's right. All volcanoes form or formed on faults between tectonic plates and 10 million years is mere pittance geologically. While the volcano may be extinct, the underlying tectonic activity can last intermittently for eons.
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If it blows again there will be no life within 250+ miles. It will be a modern Krakatoa.
Idaho’s Craters of the Moon added to list of monuments under review
MAY 07, 2017 10:55 AM

The U.S. Department of Interior added Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve to its list of monuments being reviewed under a presidential executive order.

President Donald Trump’s executive order issued April 26 looks at redesignating acreage of national monuments that were expanded under the Antiquities Act, said a Department of Interior news release. Craters of the Moon wasn’t on the original order, but a Friday release listed it among 27 national monuments being reviewed.

Monuments under review had to be created or expanded after January 1996. The Department of Interior is seeking public comment, giving the public 15 days to submit comment on the contentious review of Utah’s Bear Ears National Monument. Public comment will be accepted for all other monuments under review for 60 days after May 12.

Idaho’s Craters of the Moon added to list of monuments under review

So the treasonous fat senile old orange clown removes it as National Monument, and sells it to China or the Saudis. That should prevent any eruption. LOL
If Yellowstone blows, pretty much ends the need to debate climate change. It will be more real than any human cause. Nature makes us look like the pissants we are.
If it blows again there will be no life within 250+ miles. It will be a modern Krakatoa.
Actually, compared to Yellowstone, Krakatoa was a small blip.

Well Krakatoa was no small eruption, but from what I've read yes if Yellowstone goes off the entire US will be in deep trouble and it will gravely affect the whole world. Mt Saint Helens knocked down the forest out to 40 miles which is about the only direct eruption we have in the US in modern times to reference. A Yellowstone eruption would be catastrophic though. I'm not well read on Yellowstone and go only by the various documentaries I've seen. It wouldn't come close to the Steppes eruption that likely brought on the P/T extinction but it would be huge. Certainly a geologic event that would record itself in a layer of soil around the world. And it COULD happen at any time.
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If it blows again there will be no life within 250+ miles. It will be a modern Krakatoa.

Actually, it would be a modern Mt Toba. The Yellowstone volcano group is considered a super volcano.

Mt. Toba is thought to be responsible for a massive drop in human and animal life around the planet.
And ... there's still nothing significant happening. It was one mild 5.3 earthquake with a bunch of little aftershocks. No, Yellowstone is not erupting.

USGS: Volcano Hazards Program YVO Yellowstone
44°25'48" N 110°40'12" W, Summit Elevation 9203 ft (2805 m)
Current Volcano Alert Level: NORMAL
Current Aviation Color Code: GREEN
If Yellowstone blows, pretty much ends the need to debate climate change. It will be more real than any human cause. Nature makes us look like the pissants we are.

Not so... any effect on global temps would be short lived, and the ash itself would be fairly local. And global warming would continue...
If Yellowstone blows, pretty much ends the need to debate climate change. It will be more real than any human cause. Nature makes us look like the pissants we are.

Not so... any effect on global temps would be short lived, and the ash itself would be fairly local. And global warming would continue...
Yes, short lived, like two to five years of cold because of blockage of the sun by aerosols. With rainfall patterns affected by that rapid cooling. An agricultural disaster in a world of over seven billion people dependent on agriculture. The ash would destroy vast amounts of machinery in North America, and cause lung problems in all fauna, including the naked apes, on most of the continent of North America.

The economic effects of removing the US from the trading infrastructure of the world would cause a worldwide economic breakdown, with following political unrest. Yes, when the aerosols cleaned out of the atmosphere, the GHGs already in the atmosphere would continue to increase the warming.

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