10-Year-old transgender boy is dtarting a dating website for trans children

This is pure diseased pedophile vampirism on the part of the scumbag adults who put him up to it. Ten-year-olds have no business dating/fucking! The most facepalming thing about it is that it's so openly acceptable to the Left - it's okay to sexualize children as long as one of their fringe minorities is doing it. Well, I shouldn't be too surprised since liberals sold their soul to the pedophile-founded, pedophile-doctrine, most child-bride religion on earth.
Liberals really don't know how to handle this one. They support it, but know that this is going to cause an uproar that can set their agenda back. Everyone that has anything to do with this boy should get life in prison.
For parents to give (what I hope is illegal) hormone injections into a pre-pubescent child to physically slant them toward the gender they want -- that is the most EXTREME form of child-fucking chemical RAPE an adult can possibly do to a little kid. This shit is so diseased, I don't have a pejorative in my vocabulary that can even begin to do it justice. Literally, I'm at a loss for words.
Yep... if it's corrupt or illegal or PERVERTED the DEMOCRATS LOVE IT.

The boy should be the POSTER CHILD for DEMOCRATS.
Yep... if it's corrupt or illegal or PERVERTED the DEMOCRATS LOVE IT.

The boy should be the POSTER CHILD for DEMOCRATS.

And they can't understand how they lost so badly in the 2016 elections. They can't understand why mainstream Americans are turning away from them.
Either they're destroying them while in the womb or after they are out of the womb, but both methods are highly effective in destroying lives.
Yep... if it's corrupt or illegal or PERVERTED the DEMOCRATS LOVE IT.

The boy should be the POSTER CHILD for DEMOCRATS.

And they can't understand how they lost so badly in the 2016 elections. They can't understand why mainstream Americans are turning away from them.
I think they might even know... but their HATE and VINDICTIVENESS just runs too deep. They've been PROGRAMMED that this is the way for them to behave all through school. They KNOW people might not like it, they KNOW people won't agree, they KNOW it's probably NOT going to help them at the ballot box, but they just... can't... help themselves and STOP. They HAVE to act out... they've been BRAIN WASHED.


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