100 days to a liberal just as well be one day

Another 100 day butthurt thread :lol:

Trump is the blowhard who bragged about how great he is and how much he would get done in the first 100 days of his presidency.

Leave Trump alone! Everybody knows that he can't be held accountable for what he says!

Read and weep. Then there's consumer confidence etc. For example, they raised interest rates because they know an Obama admin. couldn't have handled it:

HERE IT IS=> Complete List of President Trump's Major Accomplishments in First 100 Days
I'm not seeing a Mexico funded wall or the repeal of Obamacare in that list.

You fail but more importantly Trump fails

This is all you need to know about today's leftists.

Are you crying?
For a snowflake Trump was a failure before he took office. The proof is they "expect" Trump to have already fulfilled all his campaign promises, regardless of checks & balances and fellow snowflakes. With all the protests, propaganda by the "tolerant" left, I think it's clear who is dishonest & a threat to democracy.
No, the fact is that we expect him to fulfill something in 100 days, which is expected of all presidents. Something, anything, PASS SOMETHING!

least efficient 100 days, ever.
Presidents don't pass bills.

So what's the holdup with all those republican congressmen? They have both houses.
What's your hurry? Which one of Obama's dumbfuck laws are you dying to redo?
The drug war could have been abolished by executive order in five minutes or less, yesterday.
You are missing the point; this is politics not micro-economics. There is only a limited window of opportunity to implement public policies.
On one hand he's done nothing and on the other he's destroying the Earth. It's like listening to a three year old recite their world view.

Trump becoming president is like giving that 3 year old the wheel of a car going 70mph on the freeway. It's easy to see he has no idea what he is doing, and things will get really bad, really quick.
You've been saying that for a while now. When's it really going to happen? I mean, if 100 days is the deadline, disaster better hurry.

So far, he hasn't been able to accomplished anything, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have stupid plans
So it's not as bad as you feared, which is what I predicted.

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