100 year case shiller chart

Hey Truthiepoo, are you ever going to get around to telling us what this thread was all about???
Is there a point coming? Also, the chart is a little out of date. Anybody got a recent one?
Is there a point coming? Also, the chart is a little out of date. Anybody got a recent one?

Truthnevermatters doesn't have a point. She just posts what she's instructed to post without reading it. Then when it's pointed out to her that her links don't back up what she's asserting she either runs and hides or she just starts yelling "LIAR" as often as she can.

The problem with truthnevermatters is that she NEVER understands the links she posts, but someone tells her that it backs up what they tell her to post, so she blindly posts it and then vehemently defends it to death.

Fucking republican LIARS...blah blah blah...asshole...blah blah...BUSH...Fuck...CONS!!!
pretending economics means nothing is what stupid people who couldnt see the crash coming do

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