Extreme Rent Increases Are Killing US Businesses

In your opinion, which areas are socialist, as in, means of producing and distributing goods owned by the collective in the US
The word "socialist" has a number of meanings. In the US, many things are socialist or socialistic, having in common being under government control > Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, transportation systems, postal service, law enforcement, fire departments, the military + hundreds of government regulations, some more suitable than others (anybody wanna buy a Ford Pinto ?)
The word "socialist" has a number of meanings. In the US, many things are socialist or socialistic, having in common being under government control > Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, transportation systems, postal service, law enforcement, fire departments, the military + hundreds of government regulations, some more suitable than others (anybody wanna buy a Ford Pinto ?)
Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

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