$1000 dollar vagina scarf labeled transphobic

That will look positively fetching with my blackface turtleneck.

Now you know you will need to share a pic of yourself wearing it. =) lol

Gucci pulled them off the shelves. Also, I think they were a thosand dollars. I am far too cheap to spend that type of money for a single piece of clothing.
Anyone that spends 1,000 on a scarf is already a douche.....
this is completely transphobic
I mean the seething hatred is unbearable

SOMETHING MUST BE DONE IMMEDIATELY to stem the rising tide of transphobia .
We must bring this to the attention of lawmakers and demand justice

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lmao all your comment were to flippen good!!
Vagina scarf? Really? And transphobic..... Lord, I thought I heard everything, but this crap takes the cake! Who thinks up this shit anyway?

EDIT: Wait, does that mean if a trans guy was wearing a vagina scarf he'd be f**king himself?
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That will look positively fetching with my blackface turtleneck.

Now you know you will need to share a pic of yourself wearing it. =) lol

Gucci pulled them off the shelves. Also, I think they were a thosand dollars. I am far too cheap to spend that type of money for a single piece of clothing.

No shit.

I go to a garage sale and ask how much fer this t shirt?

Oh, I gotta have a buck fer that'n.

I say, What. No discount fer the bullet holes?
You can start with Alinsky's "rules for radicals". First you pin an offensive label on someone (transphobic) and then you marginalize and isolate the target. It's easy with the cooperation of the liberal media.
James is out workin on his race car but he wandered through to graze in the fridge for a minute. I asked him if he wanted to see a 1,000 dollar vagina scarf and he said oh hell no.

So I called him a bigot.

He said he'll take it if it means he don't have to look at a 1,000 dollar vagina scarf.

It's the little things that keep a marriage alive. :)
I love when the Left starts to eat themselves. Feminist vs LBGT

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