101 Million Americans...

Instead of reading through the right wing rag filter, you can read the original report here: http://www.usda.gov/oig/webdocs/27001-0001-10.pdf

FNS’ primary nutrition program is SNAP. Other FNS programs provide additional benefits targeted to special populations, dietary needs, and delivery settings. FNS estimates that a total of 101 million people currently participate in at least one of its programs, including over 47 million in SNAP, a historically high figure that has risen with the economic downturn and expanded eligibility and funding of food assistance programs. Accordingly, FNS’ FY 2012 budget for SNAP was approximately $88.6 billion. In total, FNS’ FY 2012 budget for its 15 other programs was approximately $25.4 billion.
Psssssst. OP.........pssssssst.

The American economy is showing improvement.

Shhhhhhhhh. Don't tell anyone. Maybe we can stop it.

And any improvement is ALL because of the Democrats :rolleyes:

The economy is improving more SLOWLY than if there would have been ZERO done by the government

The economy is improving more slowly because the single biggest drag on jobs has been the massive elimination of government jobs.

That is what you wanted, right? Smaller government? Why are you bitching about it now?
Psssssst. OP.........pssssssst.

The American economy is showing improvement.

Shhhhhhhhh. Don't tell anyone. Maybe we can stop it.

And any improvement is ALL because of the Democrats :rolleyes:

The economy is improving more SLOWLY than if there would have been ZERO done by the government

The economy is improving more slowly because the single biggest drag on jobs has been the massive elimination of government jobs.

That is what you wanted, right? Smaller government? Why are you bitching about it now?
because obama built his recovery on government jobs. everyone knew it wasn't lasting. he only did it to pad numbers hoping for a positive bump heading into the 2010 midterms. he couldn't even keep it going that long though.
Psssssst. OP.........pssssssst.

The American economy is showing improvement.

Shhhhhhhhh. Don't tell anyone. Maybe we can stop it.

And any improvement is ALL because of the Democrats :rolleyes:

The economy is improving more SLOWLY than if there would have been ZERO done by the government

This seems to be something that the dems here cannot address. The simple fact that this rebound has been slower and taken longer than pretty much ever before is completely lost on them all in the need to assign some sort of credit to the current administration.

It is more than that though. It is not just Obama’s bungling that has ruined the possible recovery. The economy has changed fundamentally and we are NOT addressing the new realities that we face. Instead, we apply the same shit and say it worked with outdated models and law that does nothing to address the new realities.

Not a Dem, but I have no problem addressing that.

The GOP has not cooperated and has forced cuts in government spending that has led to losses in good public sector jobs.

It is simple.....factual.....and fits right up your fat ass.
Thanks for the Debt Ceiling Crisis and the resultant Sequester (never SEEN before!), each causing 1% less in growth, AND for blocking any infrastructure jobs bills, another 1%. Pubs have stopped a recovery from THEIR Great World Recession for 3 years. Great job, shytteheads. Another one in September! Arrgghh!

And before you say it, LOOK at your stupid Pub "jobs bills"- they're ALL pure propaganda, cut years of environmental and worker safeguards, and wouldn't do anything for years, ALL made to be DOA, for superdupes only.

Pubs are good for corrupt bubbles and screwing the nonrich- PERIOD, functional morons. The whole WORLD knows it- Ugly American greedy idiots...
Thanks for the Debt Ceiling Crisis and the resultant Sequester (never SEEN before!), each causing 1% less in growth, AND for blocking any infrastructure jobs bills, another 1%. Pubs have stopped a recovery from THEIR Great World Recession for 3 years. Great job, shytteheads. Another one in September! Arrgghh!

And before you say it, LOOK at your stupid Pub "jobs bills"- they're ALL pure propaganda, cut years of environmental and worker safeguards, and wouldn't do anything for years, ALL made to be DOA, for superdupes only.

Pubs are good for corrupt bubbles and screwing the nonrich- PERIOD, functional morons. The whole WORLD knows it- Ugly American greedy idiots...

Becoming difficult to whitewash 6 trillion in debt under O, huh?
Anyone with common sense can read the left wing drivel on this thread and easily see where the problem lies. None of them has any concept of what is good for an economy, or what is bad for an economy.

Taxation has never, and never will, improve any economy, anywhere, any more than a salary cut will improve your personal economy. Taxation takes money out of the economy and leaves less for growth of that economy.

Regulations have never, and never will, improve any economy, anywhere, any more than restrictions on how you live will improve your personal economy. Adding thousands of new regulations into an already struggling economy is only something a fool or an ignorant ass would endorse.

Government can not stimulate a closed economy, let alone a world wide economy. It doesn't have enough resources to even make a dent. All government can do is distort an economy by throwing money into inefficient, and ineffective efforts that enrich some at the cost to others.

Can anyone conceive of a scenerio where the affordable care act will do anything positive for this economy? Can anyone conceive of a scenerio where thousands of new regulations on energy development and use will do anything positive for this economy. Not if you are honest with yourselves.
No, assholes, that is the result of the eight years under the GOP. It has taken us five years to dig out of the hole that Bush left us in. Now we are finally turning things around, you people are doing your best to sabatoge the economy yet again.

Is this finally the "Summer of Recovery"?
...receiving government food aid. More than the number of Americans working.

You would think this would be reported by ALL media outlets, but you would be wrong. Is it any wonder most Americans and most liberals/dems have no understanding of what is occurring.

But hey...the Obama recovery is moving along nicely.:cuckoo:

101M Get Food Aid from Federal Gov’t; Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/101...e-private-sector-workers#sthash.FSHo4GCj.dpuf

wat r hungry ppl suposed to do? there no good jobs and less everyday

My God, this isn't text messaging... what are you, like 16?

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...receiving government food aid. More than the number of Americans working.

You would think this would be reported by ALL media outlets, but you would be wrong. Is it any wonder most Americans and most liberals/dems have no understanding of what is occurring.

But hey...the Obama recovery is moving along nicely.:cuckoo:

101M Get Food Aid from Federal Gov’t; Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/101...e-private-sector-workers#sthash.FSHo4GCj.dpuf

wat r hungry ppl suposed to do? there no good jobs and less everyday

My God, this isn't text messaging... what are you, like 16?


dnt b sch a htr!
And any improvement is ALL because of the Democrats :rolleyes:

The economy is improving more SLOWLY than if there would have been ZERO done by the government

This seems to be something that the dems here cannot address. The simple fact that this rebound has been slower and taken longer than pretty much ever before is completely lost on them all in the need to assign some sort of credit to the current administration.

It is more than that though. It is not just Obama’s bungling that has ruined the possible recovery. The economy has changed fundamentally and we are NOT addressing the new realities that we face. Instead, we apply the same shit and say it worked with outdated models and law that does nothing to address the new realities.

Not a Dem, but I have no problem addressing that.

The GOP has not cooperated and has forced cuts in government spending that has led to losses in good public sector jobs.

It is simple.....factual.....and fits right up your fat ass.

Nope, far from factual and complete liberal drivel but that really is not the point. Fit right up my fat ass? You are projecting again.

And not a dem? I find that rather hard to believe considering the pure hate you have for all things GOP and the consistent shit stain on your nose from having shoved up Obama’s ass.
They economy is improving?

WHOSE economy is improving?

I ask because clearly we do NOT all live in the same macroeconomy.

Look it up chief. I ate already.

YOu mean the doctored numbers they throw out and not mention how many people who quit looking for a job and more people are working part time then full time . yeah you believe that and when you come out of Obama's ass you will see the light
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No, assholes, that is the result of the eight years under the GOP. It has taken us five years to dig out of the hole that Bush left us in. Now we are finally turning things around, you people are doing your best to sabatoge the economy yet again.

Is this finally the "Summer of Recovery"?

Is this the third "Summer of Recovery" according to BO and his media? It, like all the others, will not materialize. If anything, we are headed for another economic crash thanks to terrible mismanagement by government and the Fed.

Crony capitalism with lots of socialism thrown in, along with an unlimited debt ridden federal government, does not make an effective economic system.
...receiving government food aid. More than the number of Americans working.

You would think this would be reported by ALL media outlets, but you would be wrong. Is it any wonder most Americans and most liberals/dems have no understanding of what is occurring.

But hey...the Obama recovery is moving along nicely.:cuckoo:

101M Get Food Aid from Federal Gov’t; Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/101...e-private-sector-workers#sthash.FSHo4GCj.dpuf

wat r hungry ppl suposed to do? there no good jobs and less everyday

Try not supporting the Food Stamp President and political party (Democrats) who believe that unemployment stimulates the economy
So is this another example of the failure of capitalism? Is it indicative of the corporations off shoring jobs? Do you buy American? Is it indicative of the fact Japan for instance blocks American automobiles but lots of Americans buy Japanese cars? Is it a sign of the Reagan revolution and the destruction of worker rights and unions? Is it a sign that Americans want cheap and support Walmart while Walmart pays wages that are poverty level? Is it a sign that the republicans in 2010 aren't working hard enough on those jobs they promised? Is it sign that tax breaks for the wealthy are a failure? Is free trade not working? Is it sign that Americans buy foreign made stuff more than American made cause foreign nations support their corporations? Lots of stuff out there, gotta be one or the other or some of many reasons. Next time an Asia Indian answers ask her how the weather is? But why.......

'...97 percent of food stamp benefits reach eligible Americans in appropriate amounts...'

PolitiFact Texas | Pete Gallego says 97 percent of food stamp benefits reach eligible Americans in appropriate amounts

'Michele Bachmann says 70 percent of food stamp funding goes to 'bureaucrats''

PolitiFact | Michele Bachmann says 70 percent of food stamp funding goes to 'bureaucrats'


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