101 Million Americans...

...receiving government food aid. More than the number of Americans working.
Just the headline from your link contradicts you. You say "more than the number of Americans working, but the link says more than "Full Time Private Sector Workers," which means it's excluding all part time workers, all government, military, all agriculture, the self employed...and anyone under 16.

But the Food assistance numbers include a lot of children, and military, and agriculture etc, etc. and a lot of people who do have jobs.

So it's a pointless comparison.
Thanks for the Debt Ceiling Crisis and the resultant Sequester (never SEEN before!), each causing 1% less in growth, AND for blocking any infrastructure jobs bills, another 1%. Pubs have stopped a recovery from THEIR Great World Recession for 3 years. Great job, shytteheads. Another one in September! Arrgghh!

And before you say it, LOOK at your stupid Pub "jobs bills"- they're ALL pure propaganda, cut years of environmental and worker safeguards, and wouldn't do anything for years, ALL made to be DOA, for superdupes only.

Pubs are good for corrupt bubbles and screwing the nonrich- PERIOD, functional morons. The whole WORLD knows it- Ugly American greedy idiots...

The sequester was Obama's idea.

And it was Obama who admitted that the "shovel ready" infrastructure jobs were not so shovel ready.

The points you are trying to make would be better appreciated if you used infantile name-calling with a lesser frequency, or not at all.
YOu mean the doctored numbers they throw out
And your evidence that they're doctored? Which they're doing a horrible job at by the way if they are doctoring them.

and not mention how many people who quit looking for a job
Labor force status flows by sex, June 2013 : 2,481,000 people who were looking for work in May stopped looking for work without finding jobs in June. A further 2,000 people who had been looking for work died, joind the military, went to jail, left the country, or were institutionalized.

That was offset by the 7,600,000 people who hadn't been looking in May who started looking by June. 4,390,000 of them started new jobs in the 4 weeks between surveys.

Just because you don't know where to find information, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

and more people are working part time then full time
Table A-9. Selected employment indicators
Where did you learn math that you think 27,442,000 iis greater than 117,400,000?

Oh, and there's a point about "doctoring." All the numbers I've given are the not seasonally adjusted numbers. The seasonally adjusted number of part time workers is 28,059,000 and full time is 115,998,000. Why would they doctor the numbers to make things look worse?
And any improvement is ALL because of the Democrats :rolleyes:

The economy is improving more SLOWLY than if there would have been ZERO done by the government

This seems to be something that the dems here cannot address. The simple fact that this rebound has been slower and taken longer than pretty much ever before is completely lost on them all in the need to assign some sort of credit to the current administration.

It is more than that though. It is not just Obama’s bungling that has ruined the possible recovery. The economy has changed fundamentally and we are NOT addressing the new realities that we face. Instead, we apply the same shit and say it worked with outdated models and law that does nothing to address the new realities.

One would think after the disastrous actions taken by FDR, the Ds would know government intervention in the economy will only make things worse. Or maybe they do know this and don't give a shit. Or maybe that is the plan...to get as many Americans hooked on government welfare so the system craters and then they can impose their beloved Communism. We all know how wonderful Communism is...:cuckoo:

How can you say FDR's drastic actions made things worse? We don't know for sure what America's future would have been like if hoover and a string of republicans would have tried their hands in making the economy that they screwed up right again. We just don't know, but we know for sure that America's done pretty well since FDR and some of his programs like soc. security put an income floor under older people. LBJ added to this by Medicare. Both of these programs have insured that we younger generations haven't been saddled with trying to take care of the older folks. It's enabled us to concentrate on our jobs and families and repay the system by sending in big bucks to the IRS over the years. Again, we don't know where the republican's " give it all to the wealthy and they'll trickle some down on us" philosophy would have taken America.
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This seems to be something that the dems here cannot address. The simple fact that this rebound has been slower and taken longer than pretty much ever before is completely lost on them all in the need to assign some sort of credit to the current administration.

It is more than that though. It is not just Obama’s bungling that has ruined the possible recovery. The economy has changed fundamentally and we are NOT addressing the new realities that we face. Instead, we apply the same shit and say it worked with outdated models and law that does nothing to address the new realities.

One would think after the disastrous actions taken by FDR, the Ds would know government intervention in the economy will only make things worse. Or maybe they do know this and don't give a shit. Or maybe that is the plan...to get as many Americans hooked on government welfare so the system craters and then they can impose their beloved Communism. We all know how wonderful Communism is...:cuckoo:

How can you say FDR's drastic actions made things worse? We don't know for sure what America's future would have been like if hoover and a string of republicans would have tried their hands in making the economy that they screwed up right again. We just don't know, but we know for sure that America's done pretty well since FDR and some of his programs like soc. security put an income floor under older people. LBJ added to this by Medicare. Both of these programs have insured that we younger generations haven't been saddled with trying to take care of the older folks. It's enabled us to concentrate on our jobs and families and repay the system by sending in big bucks to the IRS over the years. Again, we don't know where the republican's " give it all to the wealthy and they'll trickle some down on us" philosophy would have taken America.

at least FDR made people work for their handouts
One would think after the disastrous actions taken by FDR, the Ds would know government intervention in the economy will only make things worse. Or maybe they do know this and don't give a shit. Or maybe that is the plan...to get as many Americans hooked on government welfare so the system craters and then they can impose their beloved Communism. We all know how wonderful Communism is...:cuckoo:

How can you say FDR's drastic actions made things worse? We don't know for sure what America's future would have been like if hoover and a string of republicans would have tried their hands in making the economy that they screwed up right again. We just don't know, but we know for sure that America's done pretty well since FDR and some of his programs like soc. security put an income floor under older people. LBJ added to this by Medicare. Both of these programs have insured that we younger generations haven't been saddled with trying to take care of the older folks. It's enabled us to concentrate on our jobs and families and repay the system by sending in big bucks to the IRS over the years. Again, we don't know where the republican's " give it all to the wealthy and they'll trickle some down on us" philosophy would have taken America.

at least FDR made people work for their handouts

What are the handouts, social security and medicare? How are they handouts? You know, this lingo you have, handouts, free stuff, libs, came into being with reagan, and then limbaugh picked up on it. Now we have a generation of people mimicking them. You will never hear about corporations getting welfare from the right wing hate radio bunch, that's for sure. It's all liberal, handouts, and free stuff talk, and it looks like you're a star pupil of theirs.
Our military spends a major portion of it's time ensuring that corporations can operate safely in areas of the world that would otherwise be unsafe, courtesy of uncle sam. Defense contractors get filthy rich over providing for the military courtesy of the taxpayers and then republican working stiffs rush to their defense when anyone questions why they use other countries as tax havens. kinda like free stuff, no?

How can you say FDR's drastic actions made things worse? We don't know for sure what America's future would have been like if hoover and a string of republicans would have tried their hands in making the economy that they screwed up right again. We just don't know, but we know for sure that America's done pretty well since FDR and some of his programs like soc. security put an income floor under older people. LBJ added to this by Medicare. Both of these programs have insured that we younger generations haven't been saddled with trying to take care of the older folks. It's enabled us to concentrate on our jobs and families and repay the system by sending in big bucks to the IRS over the years. Again, we don't know where the republican's " give it all to the wealthy and they'll trickle some down on us" philosophy would have taken America.

at least FDR made people work for their handouts

What are the handouts, social security and medicare? How are they handouts? You know, this lingo you have, handouts, free stuff, libs, came into being with reagan, and then limbaugh picked up on it. Now we have a generation of people mimicking them. You will never hear about corporations getting welfare from the right wing hate radio bunch, that's for sure. It's all liberal, handouts, and free stuff talk, and it looks like you're a star pupil of theirs.
Our military spends a major portion of it's time ensuring that corporations can operate safely in areas of the world that would otherwise be unsafe, courtesy of uncle sam. Defense contractors get filthy rich over providing for the military courtesy of the taxpayers and then republican working stiffs rush to their defense when anyone questions why they use other countries as tax havens. kinda like free stuff, no?

SS and medicare aren't handout. people pay into them
This seems to be something that the dems here cannot address. The simple fact that this rebound has been slower and taken longer than pretty much ever before is completely lost on them all in the need to assign some sort of credit to the current administration.

It is more than that though. It is not just Obama’s bungling that has ruined the possible recovery. The economy has changed fundamentally and we are NOT addressing the new realities that we face. Instead, we apply the same shit and say it worked with outdated models and law that does nothing to address the new realities.

One would think after the disastrous actions taken by FDR, the Ds would know government intervention in the economy will only make things worse. Or maybe they do know this and don't give a shit. Or maybe that is the plan...to get as many Americans hooked on government welfare so the system craters and then they can impose their beloved Communism. We all know how wonderful Communism is...:cuckoo:

How can you say FDR's drastic actions made things worse? We don't know for sure what America's future would have been like if hoover and a string of republicans would have tried their hands in making the economy that they screwed up right again. We just don't know, but we know for sure that America's done pretty well since FDR and some of his programs like soc. security put an income floor under older people. LBJ added to this by Medicare. Both of these programs have insured that we younger generations haven't been saddled with trying to take care of the older folks. It's enabled us to concentrate on our jobs and families and repay the system by sending in big bucks to the IRS over the years. Again, we don't know where the republican's " give it all to the wealthy and they'll trickle some down on us" philosophy would have taken America.
Let’s at least be accurate here. No matter if you agree with these programs or not, the bolded part is an outright falsehood. The reality is that is EXACTLY what SS and Medicare accomplish: they ‘saddle the young with the care of the old. What those programs did was not remove that onerous ‘saddle’ you called it, instead it made it MANDATORY. You do realize that these are not account type programs. People do not pay their own SS or Medicare, they pay OTHERS SS and Medicare so that when they retire, they get theirs paid for.

In the past, you could have been dropped off on the sidewalk and left to die whereas today such is not an option. You are required by law to pay for the retirement of the elderly.

Now, no matter how you feel about the program or how central you think it is to the success of the nation, you must at least acknowledge that the statement you made is 180 degrees from the truth.

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