$10K in student loans forgiven by Biden; Fine but its NOT ENOUGH

This is an issue I’m not in line with the Democratic Party on. Healthcare costs are a higher priority than loan forgiveness for the middle/upper class.

I get the desire to motivate young folks to vote but giving handouts to people who don’t need them is what the republicans do. Democrats focus relief on the most needy… usually.
Im not gonna try to act ungrateful or anything. $10,000 isnt chump change. But it is FAR from enough. If he’s planning a series of $10K forgiveness events, say another 5-6 over the next 2 years, fine, thats real progress.

Now that we see Biden CAN and WILL forgive loans, we must keep up the pressure until its all forgiven. America needs an educated workforce. We make all workplaces smarter, more effective and just to put it bluntly, we add more modern era social views to the building that otherwise may get overlooked.

Thank you President Biden for this “down payment”. Now its time to talk bigger, much bigger.
Biden can't unilaterally forgive student loans. That's a form of spending that Congress has to approve.
Many western nations (even some third world too) provide their citizens with access to higher education and HC without cost. They recognize the importance of an educated and healthy populace, which provides benefits for the entire nation.

Yeah, but unlike Europe, our professors, nurses and doctors won't work for free.
Biden can't unilaterally forgive student loans. That's a form of spending that Congress has to approve.
He has some limited power in that regard and he’s exercising it

There’s no possibility that the GOP would do anything on that regard obviously
That’s hilarious. You naively think the government abides by the constitution, in the face of enormous facts contradicting your opinion.

I didn't say government did, only that military is much more justified by the Constitution than bailing people out.
Im not gonna try to act ungrateful or anything. $10,000 isnt chump change. But it is FAR from enough. If he’s planning a series of $10K forgiveness events, say another 5-6 over the next 2 years, fine, thats real progress.

Now that we see Biden CAN and WILL forgive loans, we must keep up the pressure until its all forgiven. America needs an educated workforce. We make all workplaces smarter, more effective and just to put it bluntly, we add more modern era social views to the building that otherwise may get overlooked.

Thank you President Biden for this “down payment”. Now its time to talk bigger, much bigger.
We won't be satisfied until Biden pays for Democratic Party voters home mortgages and car payments, too!
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Oh brother you are so uninformed. You think they work for free in Europe. Lol. You need to get out of that basement you subsist in.

You said they get these things at no charge. Of course they charge, it's just that people don't pay for their services directly. In a socialist setting, everybody pays for it.
He has some limited power in that regard and he’s exercising it

There’s no possibility that the GOP would do anything on that regard obviously
This exercise is unconstitutional. He's saying he's going to spend $300 billion at the wave of his hand. He has no such authority. The terms of these loans were set by Congress, and only Congress can change them.
Trying to get a college education is a bad decision?

In Republican world I guess

Getting one and ending up with a degree that's only useful for getting into a grad program to get a PhD to be able to teach the subject of the degree is a bad choice.

Anything with "studies" after it is an academic track only, useless for the real world.
Kinda impossible if you want an education

Not at all. You must have not read all the posts here.

Don't go to college until you're 21. When you get out of school, live with your parents and get a full time job. Save every dime you can, and when you go to college, pay cash.

When class is not in session, get a job to keep your savings account replenished. When you graduate, you will have no liability, or at the worst a very manageable one.

Problem solved.
You said they get these things at no charge. Of course they charge, it's just that people don't pay for their services directly. In a socialist setting, everybody pays for it.
You don’t understand English. They meaning the citizens.


You love socialism for the rich, though you are poor. And you love capitalism for the poor, though you’re poor. CRAZY!!!
Trying to get a college education is a bad decision?

In Republican world I guess

The "bad decisions" are those who chose to go after nearly useless degrees, and now cannot pay their own bills.

66% of US college grads regret their education, study finds​

Nearly two thirds of US college graduates have serious regrets about their education, with many resentful of taking on huge student loan burdens or pursuing worthless humanities degrees, a recent survey has found.

More than a quarter of college graduates with at least a Bachelor’s degree regretted taking out unaffordable student loans more than anything else, according to Payscale’s online salary survey, conducted in April and May and published on Tuesday. Millennials were especially rueful of their poor financial choices, though Generation X came in a close second, and even some Baby Boomer respondents fingered debt as the source of their regrets.


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