11,000 DOW by 3/31?

Don't worry about finding a job and producing anything, just make a living off of the stock market.

or at least get rich giving seminars and selliing books convincing others they can do that :)

Is it somehow a bad thing that those are ways in which someone can achieve wealth?

You sound like you would just prefer everyone be a proletarian with their only possible source of income being that they bust their asses at a 9-5 everyday for 50 or 60 years.

Nope it is just that our nation cannot survive on the market alone. We must actually produce something.
And that those making their money on the market are actually making it on the backs of those who actually work for a living producing things.

I see the sarcasm was lost on ya, sorry.

Dude, that's capitalism. Someone wins, and conversely, someone else loses. Everyone can't be a winner all the time. There's no formula that will

And who's saying that everyone is surviving on the market alone?
We're coming into April though, which is historically a strong month.

Maybe a correction and then a gap back up during April?

The market tends to reverse in March. In eight of the past 10 years, March has seen either the highs or the lows of the cycle/year/several months. If form holds, we saw the high today, at least for a bit. I expect the market to hit higher highs later in the year.
We're coming into April though, which is historically a strong month.

Maybe a correction and then a gap back up during April?
As long as it moves more than 6.3% in either direction I'm happy even though moving first one way and then the other is better.
Of course Mega Corps like Big Government. They collude with politicians to have regulations put in place which squash competition. Now they are salivating over the additional 8 pts. of GDP that ObamaCare will put under government control.

You poor boobies on the Left never grok that Big Government Cronyism always attempts to preserve the Big Business status quo at the expense of real competition and real job creation.

Even at 11,000, it is far below the prior peaks. Much wealth has been transferred from the middle and working classes during this "financial crisis", manufactured to order by your elected representatives for the benefit of their cronies.

LOL. And when did all this transfer of wealth start? Under Reagan. When Clinton was in office there was actually a upward tick in earnings for the working and middle class. Not only that, employment was high enough that it was voted not to penelize anyone over their retirement date that wished to work full time, because of the need of workers in industry. A very strange thought, indeed, considering the last few years. But, thank you very much, working well for me.

We on the left realize the people like you will always lie to get the working man to vote against his own interest.
You poor boobies on the Left never grok that Big Government Cronyism always attempts to preserve the Big Business status quo at the expense of real competition and real job creation.

Holy smokes!

You do realize do you not that you just hit on the number one complaint of the LEFT, don't you?

You think you're a right winger?

Honey,that statement makes you look so left you make me look like a Reaganista conservative.
Dow is up over 4400 points (68%) since the passing of Stimulus/TARP
How is that Hopey/Changey stuff work'n for ya???

Might be just part of the natural cycle of the recession, no?

LOL. Grasp at any straw.

Looks like some of the policies of this administration are having positive results. Totally frosting the Conservatives agates:lol:

Idiot....look at the cycles of the the past recessions....when you can grasp that, come back and maybe then we can talk about it. Until then...pound sand
Might be just part of the natural cycle of the recession, no?

LOL. Grasp at any straw.

Looks like some of the policies of this administration are having positive results. Totally frosting the Conservatives agates:lol:

Idiot....look at the cycles of the the past recessions....when you can grasp that, come back and maybe then we can talk about it. Until then...pound sand

Oh let him gag on obama's cock in peace.
show me a historical example of similar magnitude which "corrected itself"


Not even close to the magnitude of the current recession

Leftwinger....I know this will come as a shock to you....but try and look at percentages, OK?
In 1973 the stock market was around 1051, it dipped to 577 in 1974. In 1976 it rose back up to 1011.
I have to gather you have no clue on what your talking about with that post of yours.
show me a historical example of similar magnitude which "corrected itself"


Not even close to the magnitude of the current recession

Excuse me. I misread. I thought you were talking about the market.

If you compare economic output, we had three quarters of economic contraction during this recession, Q3 and Q4 2008 and Q1 2009. Total economic contraction was -2.72%. There were two other post-war periods that were comparable, Q4 1957 and Q1 1958 when the economy contract -2.68%. Q4 1948 and Q1 1949 was worse, with the economy shrinking -3.24%.

You can find the GDP data here.

St. Louis Fed: Download Data for Series: GDP, Gross Domestic Product, 1 Decimal

This has been the worst for job losses. According to the Household Survey, during this recession, the civilian workforce shrunk by 8.6 million, a 5.9% decline. That compares to a decline of -3.8% in 1958 and -3.0% in 1949. You can find the data here.

St. Louis Fed: Download Data for Series: CLF16OV, Civilian Labor Force

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