11,000 SCIENTISTS for climate change? JUST KIDDING

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Earlier this week, the world’s news media reported breathlessly that 11,000 scientists had issued a report contending that the Earth faces a “climate emergency.” NBC News, to cite just one example, described a “study” produced by an “international consortium of more than 11,000 scientists.” This screen shot of a Google search illustrates the coverage:

Actually, there was no study, there was just a press release. And it wasn’t 11,000 scientists, it was 11,000 random people who put their names on a web page. But today’s reporters are so biased and so incompetent that when it comes to “climate change,” they will swallow anything.

This video by Canada’s Ezra Levant is a little long, but it makes the point very well. Another day, another global warming fraud:

(Excerpt) Read more at powerlineblog.com ...


The lying press, who has its OWN AGENDA has been responsible for more misery, including unnecessary wars, since man first began delivering “ news “.

It’s a far greater scandal than most realize.
Just as the claim years ago was made, most have nothing to do with climate science or meteorology.
These people get caught in way too many lies to make me swallow their Climate change BS....
Earlier this week, the world’s news media reported breathlessly that 11,000 scientists had issued a report contending that the Earth faces a “climate emergency.” NBC News, to cite just one example, described a “study” produced by an “international consortium of more than 11,000 scientists.” This screen shot of a Google search illustrates the coverage:

Actually, there was no study, there was just a press release. And it wasn’t 11,000 scientists, it was 11,000 random people who put their names on a web page. But today’s reporters are so biased and so incompetent that when it comes to “climate change,” they will swallow anything.

(Excerpt) Read more at powerlineblog.com ...


The lying press, who has its OWN AGENDA has been responsible for more misery, including unnecessary wars, since man first began delivering “ news “.

It’s a far greater scandal than most realize.

Just another ignorant, uneducated, science denying, assfuck Trumpette provng to us all what an idiot he really is.
But of course this fool will swallow anything that is intended to sour our freedom....
Earlier this week, the world’s news media reported breathlessly that 11,000 scientists had issued a report contending that the Earth faces a “climate emergency.” NBC News, to cite just one example, described a “study” produced by an “international consortium of more than 11,000 scientists.” This screen shot of a Google search illustrates the coverage:

Actually, there was no study, there was just a press release. And it wasn’t 11,000 scientists, it was 11,000 random people who put their names on a web page. But today’s reporters are so biased and so incompetent that when it comes to “climate change,” they will swallow anything.

(Excerpt) Read more at powerlineblog.com ...


The lying press, who has its OWN AGENDA has been responsible for more misery, including unnecessary wars, since man first began delivering “ news “.

It’s a far greater scandal than most realize.

Just another ignorant, uneducated, science denying, assfuck Trumpette provng to us all what an idiot he really is.
Innerweb polls aren't science.
Earlier this week, the world’s news media reported breathlessly that 11,000 scientists had issued a report contending that the Earth faces a “climate emergency.” NBC News, to cite just one example, described a “study” produced by an “international consortium of more than 11,000 scientists.” This screen shot of a Google search illustrates the coverage:

Actually, there was no study, there was just a press release. And it wasn’t 11,000 scientists, it was 11,000 random people who put their names on a web page. But today’s reporters are so biased and so incompetent that when it comes to “climate change,” they will swallow anything.

(Excerpt) Read more at powerlineblog.com ...


The lying press, who has its OWN AGENDA has been responsible for more misery, including unnecessary wars, since man first began delivering “ news “.

It’s a far greater scandal than most realize.

Just another ignorant, uneducated, science denying, assfuck Trumpette provng to us all what an idiot he really is.
But of course this fool will swallow anything that is intended to sour our freedom....
Ahhhhhh, The freedom to fuck up your children's future is so important the ignorant Trumpette.
These people get caught in way too many lies to make me swallow their Climate change BS....
No lies. Just your uneducated, feeble brain.
All lies.............

IPCC Researchers Admit Global Warming Fraud

Global warming alarmists are scrambling to save face after hackers stole hundreds of incriminating e-mails from a British university and published them on the Internet.

The messages were pirated from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia (UEA) and reveal correspondence between British and American researchers engaged in fraudulent reporting of data to favor their own climate change agenda. UEA officials confirmed one of their servers was hacked, and several of the scientists involved admitted the authenticity of the messages, according to the New York Times. The article opined, "The evidence pointing to a growing human contribution to global warming is so widely accepted that the hacked material is unlikely to erode the overall argument."

Climatologist Patrick J. Michaels challenged that position. "This is not a smoking gun, this is a mushroom cloud." The e-mails implicate scores of researchers, most of whom are associated with the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an organization many skeptics believe was created exclusively to provide evidence of anthropogenic global warming (AGW).

Among the IPCC elite embarrassingly, if not criminally, compromised is Phillip D. Jones, a Ph.D. climatologist at the University of East Anglia whose work figured prominently in the IPCC Third Assessment Report of 2001. Jones also contributed significantly to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report in 2007 (AR4), but he failed to follow through when skeptical investigators asked to review raw data associated with that report. They announced intent to use UK Freedom of Information laws to obtain the data, so Jones sent the following e-mail to one of his collaborators: "Mike, Can you delete any e-mails you may have had with Keith re AR4? Keith will do likewise.... Can you also e-mail Gene and get him to do the same?... Will be getting Caspar to do likewise." The Mike in this message is Michael Mann, professor of meteorology at Pennsylvania State University, whose influential "hockey stick" graph warning of pending global warming eco-catastrophe was found by a congressional investigation to be fraudulent. In another correspondence about AR4 labeled HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL, Jones contacted Mann regarding research critical of their global warming platform. "I can't see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report," wrote Jones. "Kevin and I will keep them out somehow — even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!"

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Mann received another incriminating e-mail from Dr. Kevin Trenberth, a New Zealander now with the University of Colorado and Head of the Climate Analysis Section at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. "The fact is we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't." An incredulous Trenberth simply blamed "our [inadequate] observing system." Yet he and his colleagues are now dodging the "Climategate" bullet, indignant that global warming skeptics are supposedly taking their comments out of context. One wonders if they might be referring to a message from Jones who wrote about a statistical "trick" he used to "hide" data. Or perhaps they mean Mann's reference to climate change skeptics as "idiots."

Now that AGW is revealed as a farce, will big-spending politicians in the U.S. Senate halt efforts to impose a cap-and-trade system to ostensibly combat greenhouse gases and global warming? Of course not. Cap and trade is about raising taxes and increasing government control over our entire economy. Our socialist politicians in Washington will never stop pushing this issue, even if global-warming alarmism is disproven to the point that Hell really does freeze over.

Will widespread and irrefutable knowledge of scientific fraud silence the socialist promoters of a new United Nations Climate Change protocol? Nonsense. In the name of saving the planet, the UN Copenhagen Treaty they intend to impose on the world would help to shackle it. Specifically, their "green" agenda would impose international controls, diminish the industrial might and living standards of developed nations, and transfer wealth from rich countries to poorer ones in an emerging world government. Internationalists and socialists will not back away from their long-sought-after global designs simply because the "science" supporting runaway global warming is shown to be flawed. No doubt they will continue to demand retributions for climate debt from the United States and the largely agreeable EU, despite Trenberth's observed "lack of warming."

The good thing is that even more than in the past, these false scientists and their alarmism will be countered with their own words. Even now reliable researchers are compiling the information in a publication that should shake our nation — and maybe even a few Democratic politicians.

IPCC Researchers Admit Global Warming Fraud
Just another ignorant, uneducated, science denying, assfuck Trumpette provng to us all what an idiot he really is.
Someone doesn't like these memes being debunked.
Oh dear, baby is cranky now. Someone should change your diaper, perhaps. Is mommy around?
Earlier this week, the world’s news media reported breathlessly that 11,000 scientists had issued a report contending that the Earth faces a “climate emergency.” NBC News, to cite just one example, described a “study” produced by an “international consortium of more than 11,000 scientists.” This screen shot of a Google search illustrates the coverage:

Actually, there was no study, there was just a press release. And it wasn’t 11,000 scientists, it was 11,000 random people who put their names on a web page. But today’s reporters are so biased and so incompetent that when it comes to “climate change,” they will swallow anything.

(Excerpt) Read more at powerlineblog.com ...


The lying press, who has its OWN AGENDA has been responsible for more misery, including unnecessary wars, since man first began delivering “ news “.

It’s a far greater scandal than most realize.

Just another ignorant, uneducated, science denying, assfuck Trumpette provng to us all what an idiot he really is.
You would burn us at the stake 500 years ago
Earlier this week, the world’s news media reported breathlessly that 11,000 scientists had issued a report contending that the Earth faces a “climate emergency.” NBC News, to cite just one example, described a “study” produced by an “international consortium of more than 11,000 scientists.” This screen shot of a Google search illustrates the coverage:

Actually, there was no study, there was just a press release. And it wasn’t 11,000 scientists, it was 11,000 random people who put their names on a web page. But today’s reporters are so biased and so incompetent that when it comes to “climate change,” they will swallow anything.

This video by Canada’s Ezra Levant is a little long, but it makes the point very well. Another day, another global warming fraud:

(Excerpt) Read more at powerlineblog.com ...


The lying press, who has its OWN AGENDA has been responsible for more misery, including unnecessary wars, since man first began delivering “ news “.

It’s a far greater scandal than most realize.
Power line is lying to you.

Big surprise, I know.

It was never a study, it's a report.

All 11,000 signatories are scientists.

You've been fooled again, don't you get tired of it?
Earlier this week, the world’s news media reported breathlessly that 11,000 scientists had issued a report contending that the Earth faces a “climate emergency.” NBC News, to cite just one example, described a “study” produced by an “international consortium of more than 11,000 scientists.” This screen shot of a Google search illustrates the coverage:

Actually, there was no study, there was just a press release. And it wasn’t 11,000 scientists, it was 11,000 random people who put their names on a web page. But today’s reporters are so biased and so incompetent that when it comes to “climate change,” they will swallow anything.

(Excerpt) Read more at powerlineblog.com ...


The lying press, who has its OWN AGENDA has been responsible for more misery, including unnecessary wars, since man first began delivering “ news “.

It’s a far greater scandal than most realize.

Just another ignorant, uneducated, science denying, assfuck Trumpette provng to us all what an idiot he really is.
You would burn us at the stake 500 years ago
They were witches, not dumbasses
Sorry but ignoring science is stupid.
Even fake "science" where people are duped into believing something that isn't supported my real authentic scientific method?
Surely YOU must have proof that these 11,000 cited names are all real authentic scientists. And not just scientists but actual climatologists whose field of expertise is global climatology. You denounced doubters so you do have proof, right?
Who is the real "science denying assfuck" here? That's a rhetorical comment. It seems
to be you.
Earlier this week, the world’s news media reported breathlessly that 11,000 scientists had issued a report contending that the Earth faces a “climate emergency.” NBC News, to cite just one example, described a “study” produced by an “international consortium of more than 11,000 scientists.” This screen shot of a Google search illustrates the coverage:

Actually, there was no study, there was just a press release. And it wasn’t 11,000 scientists, it was 11,000 random people who put their names on a web page. But today’s reporters are so biased and so incompetent that when it comes to “climate change,” they will swallow anything.

This video by Canada’s Ezra Levant is a little long, but it makes the point very well. Another day, another global warming fraud:

(Excerpt) Read more at powerlineblog.com ...


The lying press, who has its OWN AGENDA has been responsible for more misery, including unnecessary wars, since man first began delivering “ news “.

It’s a far greater scandal than most realize.
Power line is lying to you.

Big surprise, I know.

It was never a study, it's a report.

All 11,000 signatories are scientists.

You've been fooled again, don't you get tired of it?
Link to their credentials, and how the website confirmed them.
Earlier this week, the world’s news media reported breathlessly that 11,000 scientists had issued a report contending that the Earth faces a “climate emergency.” NBC News, to cite just one example, described a “study” produced by an “international consortium of more than 11,000 scientists.” This screen shot of a Google search illustrates the coverage:

Actually, there was no study, there was just a press release. And it wasn’t 11,000 scientists, it was 11,000 random people who put their names on a web page. But today’s reporters are so biased and so incompetent that when it comes to “climate change,” they will swallow anything.

This video by Canada’s Ezra Levant is a little long, but it makes the point very well. Another day, another global warming fraud:

(Excerpt) Read more at powerlineblog.com ...


The lying press, who has its OWN AGENDA has been responsible for more misery, including unnecessary wars, since man first began delivering “ news “.

It’s a far greater scandal than most realize.
The one and only factor for so-called “global warming/global cooling/climate change” And she Ain’t man made… End of story


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