11 Democrat states have formed a pact to sabotage the Electoral College

Then the campaigns would run differently aimed at the popular vote. Trump would have focused on Blue states to encourage Republicans and Blue dog Democrats to vote for him. Under the EC, candidates focus on battleground states. I live in the People's Republic of New York and know Republicans who have to be consoled to vote because they know the state will go democRAT and their vote doesn't matter.

Guy, you are working on the assumption that Trump really wanted to win and had a plan to win. He didn't. This was a branding exercise gone horribly wrong.

a bad system failed miserably... that's all that happened here. If we had a popular vote, and everyone in every state knew their vote really counted, you wouldn't have had twits voting for third party candidates like Stein and Johnson to show what hipsters they were.
Then the campaigns would run differently aimed at the popular vote. Trump would have focused on Blue states to encourage Republicans and Blue dog Democrats to vote for him. Under the EC, candidates focus on battleground states. I live in the People's Republic of New York and know Republicans who have to be consoled to vote because they know the state will go democRAT and their vote doesn't matter.

Guy, you are working on the assumption that Trump really wanted to win and had a plan to win. He didn't. This was a branding exercise gone horribly wrong.

a bad system failed miserably... that's all that happened here. If we had a popular vote, and everyone in every state knew their vote really counted, you wouldn't have had twits voting for third party candidates like Stein and Johnson to show what hipsters they were.
/----/ "Guy, you are working on the assumption that Trump really wanted to win and had a plan to win. He didn't. " I can't believe you're spinning that old yawn again. Trump busted his ass up until the last minute campaigning. If he didn't want to win, then he would have pulled a Mitt Romney and coasted the last month. You need a better excuse of Hildabeast's lousy campaigning. Claiming Trump didn't want to win is laughable.
are you a moron.gif
I can't believe you're spinning that old yawn again. Trump busted his ass up until the last minute campaigning. If he didn't want to win, then he would have pulled a Mitt Romney and coasted the last month. You need a better excuse of Hildabeast's lousy campaigning. Claiming Trump didn't want to win is laughable.

If Trump wanted to win, we still wouldn't have half the posts in his government unfilled.

Because he would have actually had a plan after the election.
I can't believe you're spinning that old yawn again. Trump busted his ass up until the last minute campaigning. If he didn't want to win, then he would have pulled a Mitt Romney and coasted the last month. You need a better excuse of Hildabeast's lousy campaigning. Claiming Trump didn't want to win is laughable.

If Trump wanted to win, we still wouldn't have half the posts in his government unfilled.

Because he would have actually had a plan after the election.
/----/ OK Scooter. Now you're just flapping in the wind with whatever crapola you can pull out of your azz. You've wandered so far off the original topic it's laughable. His posts are unfilled because dems are blocking them, you troll.
Trump hits Dems on 'record' number of unconfirmed nominees | TheHill
Mar 11, 2018 - President Trump on Sunday blasted Democrats for obstructing his nominations and urged the Senate to move faster to confirm his nominees.
Last edited:
OK Scooter. Now you're just flapping in the wind with whatever crapola you can pull out of your azz. You've wandered so far off the original topic it's laughable. His pots are unfilled because dems are blocking them, you troll.

Well, yeah, when his qualification for VA Secretary is "Willing to Hold Trump's balls while he coughs", you can see why no one is getting through.
OK Scooter. Now you're just flapping in the wind with whatever crapola you can pull out of your azz. You've wandered so far off the original topic it's laughable. His pots are unfilled because dems are blocking them, you troll.

Well, yeah, when his qualification for VA Secretary is "Willing to Hold Trump's balls while he coughs", you can see why no one is getting through.
/——/ Lame sex jokes are all you have, loser.
Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?

Wait until we make DC and Puerto Rico states, and add two more justices to the Supreme Court.
Puerto Rico has been so well treated after the hurricane, and the current government loves Spanish speakers so much that they'll no doubt vote to become a state right away.
Then the campaigns would run differently aimed at the popular vote. Trump would have focused on Blue states to encourage Republicans and Blue dog Democrats to vote for him. Under the EC, candidates focus on battleground states. I live in the People's Republic of New York and know Republicans who have to be consoled to vote because they know the state will go democRAT and their vote doesn't matter.

Guy, you are working on the assumption that Trump really wanted to win and had a plan to win. He didn't. This was a branding exercise gone horribly wrong.

a bad system failed miserably... that's all that happened here. If we had a popular vote, and everyone in every state knew their vote really counted, you wouldn't have had twits voting for third party candidates like Stein and Johnson to show what hipsters they were.

Because only twits would think that a candidate other than a D or R might be a good one, right? Because Clinton and Trump were such outstanding presidential candidates, right? :p
Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?


Why don't RWNJs believe that their vote should be counted?

Hmmm ?

Why do LWNJs believe that they should override the voters of a state? If Connecticut votes in favor of a candidate that doesn't get the majority of the nationwide popular vote, their votes are nullified.

It's a rhetorical question. We all understand that you Progs don't respect the Will of the People.
/—-/ I see this being challenged up to the USSC

I certainly hope so. It's a move to completely undo our Federal Republic and turn it into a mass mob majority rules nightmare controlled by Blue State major metro areas.
Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?


Why don't RWNJs believe that their vote should be counted?

Hmmm ?

Why do LWNJs believe that they should override the voters of a state? If Connecticut votes in favor of a candidate that doesn't get the majority of the nationwide popular vote, their votes are nullified.

It's a rhetorical question. We all understand that you Progs don't respect the Will of the People.
/—-/ I see this being challenged up to the USSC

I certainly hope so. It's a move to completely undo our Federal Republic and turn it into a mass mob majority rules nightmare controlled by Blue State major metro areas.

I don't know why I keep trying with this question, but how is it that the method of presidential election is the one determining factor between being a Federal Republic and "a mass mob majority rules nightmare"?

The president is neither a monarch nor a dictator, so why does the method in which a president is elected determine the type of nation we have? Does the rest of government not matter? Will there be no more representational government with a popular vote elected president? Will Congress disband and the president rule by decree if elected by popular vote?

If the Electoral College (which, by the way, would still be the method of electing presidents in this compact) is the lone barrier between representational government and mob rule, where are the calls for all elections to follow an EC system? Why is it only important for the president?

I understand the arguments in favor of the EC, but this idea that changing to a popular vote in presidential elections would turn the country into one run by pure democracy is ludicrous.
Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?


Why don't RWNJs believe that their vote should be counted?

Hmmm ?

Why do LWNJs believe that they should override the voters of a state? If Connecticut votes in favor of a candidate that doesn't get the majority of the nationwide popular vote, their votes are nullified.

It's a rhetorical question. We all understand that you Progs don't respect the Will of the People.
/—-/ I see this being challenged up to the USSC

I certainly hope so. It's a move to completely undo our Federal Republic and turn it into a mass mob majority rules nightmare controlled by Blue State major metro areas.

I don't know why I keep trying with this question, but how is it that the method of presidential election is the one determining factor between being a Federal Republic and "a mass mob majority rules nightmare"?

The president is neither a monarch nor a dictator, so why does the method in which a president is elected determine the type of nation we have? Does the rest of government not matter? Will there be no more representational government with a popular vote elected president? Will Congress disband and the president rule by decree if elected by popular vote?

If the Electoral College (which, by the way, would still be the method of electing presidents in this compact) is the lone barrier between representational government and mob rule, where are the calls for all elections to follow an EC system? Why is it only important for the president?

I understand the arguments in favor of the EC, but this idea that changing to a popular vote in presidential elections would turn the country into one run by pure democracy is ludicrous.

Federal Republic of STATES.

Read about it.
Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?


Why don't RWNJs believe that their vote should be counted?

Hmmm ?

Why do LWNJs believe that they should override the voters of a state? If Connecticut votes in favor of a candidate that doesn't get the majority of the nationwide popular vote, their votes are nullified.

It's a rhetorical question. We all understand that you Progs don't respect the Will of the People.
/—-/ I see this being challenged up to the USSC

I certainly hope so. It's a move to completely undo our Federal Republic and turn it into a mass mob majority rules nightmare controlled by Blue State major metro areas.

I don't know why I keep trying with this question, but how is it that the method of presidential election is the one determining factor between being a Federal Republic and "a mass mob majority rules nightmare"?

The president is neither a monarch nor a dictator, so why does the method in which a president is elected determine the type of nation we have? Does the rest of government not matter? Will there be no more representational government with a popular vote elected president? Will Congress disband and the president rule by decree if elected by popular vote?

If the Electoral College (which, by the way, would still be the method of electing presidents in this compact) is the lone barrier between representational government and mob rule, where are the calls for all elections to follow an EC system? Why is it only important for the president?

I understand the arguments in favor of the EC, but this idea that changing to a popular vote in presidential elections would turn the country into one run by pure democracy is ludicrous.
/-----/ The argument about mob rule applies to the difference between a democracy and a republic. If 51% vote for slavery, then it's the law of the land in a democracy. It won't happen in a republic because we have elected representatives to protect the liberty of minorities. The EC was set up to protect the voices of the scarcely populated agricultural states from the overbearing manufacturing states with large populations. If only New York and California decide who is president with the popular vote, they can structure the government to secure their power base and run the country to what best suits those two states even to the detriment of the other 48.

Why don't RWNJs believe that their vote should be counted?

Hmmm ?

Why do LWNJs believe that they should override the voters of a state? If Connecticut votes in favor of a candidate that doesn't get the majority of the nationwide popular vote, their votes are nullified.

It's a rhetorical question. We all understand that you Progs don't respect the Will of the People.
/—-/ I see this being challenged up to the USSC

I certainly hope so. It's a move to completely undo our Federal Republic and turn it into a mass mob majority rules nightmare controlled by Blue State major metro areas.

I don't know why I keep trying with this question, but how is it that the method of presidential election is the one determining factor between being a Federal Republic and "a mass mob majority rules nightmare"?

The president is neither a monarch nor a dictator, so why does the method in which a president is elected determine the type of nation we have? Does the rest of government not matter? Will there be no more representational government with a popular vote elected president? Will Congress disband and the president rule by decree if elected by popular vote?

If the Electoral College (which, by the way, would still be the method of electing presidents in this compact) is the lone barrier between representational government and mob rule, where are the calls for all elections to follow an EC system? Why is it only important for the president?

I understand the arguments in favor of the EC, but this idea that changing to a popular vote in presidential elections would turn the country into one run by pure democracy is ludicrous.
/-----/ The argument about mob rule applies to the difference between a democracy and a republic. If 51% vote for slavery, then it's the law of the land in a democracy. It won't happen in a republic because we have elected representatives to protect the liberty of minorities. The EC was set up to protect the voices of the scarcely populated agricultural states from the overbearing manufacturing states with large populations. If only New York and California decide who is president with the popular vote, they can structure the government to secure their power base and run the country to what best suits those two states even to the detriment of the other 48.

^^^ Winner Winner Chicken Dinner ^^^

The Founders understood the pure democracies always turn into the Tyranny of the Majority. Hence the system was set up to protect the minority, as you correctly noted.
Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?


Why don't RWNJs believe that their vote should be counted?

Hmmm ?

Why do LWNJs believe that they should override the voters of a state? If Connecticut votes in favor of a candidate that doesn't get the majority of the nationwide popular vote, their votes are nullified.

It's a rhetorical question. We all understand that you Progs don't respect the Will of the People.
/—-/ I see this being challenged up to the USSC

I certainly hope so. It's a move to completely undo our Federal Republic and turn it into a mass mob majority rules nightmare controlled by Blue State major metro areas.

I don't know why I keep trying with this question, but how is it that the method of presidential election is the one determining factor between being a Federal Republic and "a mass mob majority rules nightmare"?

The president is neither a monarch nor a dictator, so why does the method in which a president is elected determine the type of nation we have? Does the rest of government not matter? Will there be no more representational government with a popular vote elected president? Will Congress disband and the president rule by decree if elected by popular vote?

If the Electoral College (which, by the way, would still be the method of electing presidents in this compact) is the lone barrier between representational government and mob rule, where are the calls for all elections to follow an EC system? Why is it only important for the president?

I understand the arguments in favor of the EC, but this idea that changing to a popular vote in presidential elections would turn the country into one run by pure democracy is ludicrous.

Exactly. If it were anywhere within smelling distance of a valid point, states would for example elect their governors (and Senators) via a "state electoral college" that took state electoral votes from each county, lest the so-called "mob" "control" the state. The number of states that actually do that is still Zero, roughly equivalent to the number of states that have suggested doing that.

This "mob rule" canard is a crutch used by those who will not or cannot simply take the Electrical College for what it is -- a short circuit that has long since burned out its own purpose. And they won't address that state analogy because they know it exposes the flaw in that canard.

Why don't RWNJs believe that their vote should be counted?

Hmmm ?

Why do LWNJs believe that they should override the voters of a state? If Connecticut votes in favor of a candidate that doesn't get the majority of the nationwide popular vote, their votes are nullified.

It's a rhetorical question. We all understand that you Progs don't respect the Will of the People.
/—-/ I see this being challenged up to the USSC

I certainly hope so. It's a move to completely undo our Federal Republic and turn it into a mass mob majority rules nightmare controlled by Blue State major metro areas.

I don't know why I keep trying with this question, but how is it that the method of presidential election is the one determining factor between being a Federal Republic and "a mass mob majority rules nightmare"?

The president is neither a monarch nor a dictator, so why does the method in which a president is elected determine the type of nation we have? Does the rest of government not matter? Will there be no more representational government with a popular vote elected president? Will Congress disband and the president rule by decree if elected by popular vote?

If the Electoral College (which, by the way, would still be the method of electing presidents in this compact) is the lone barrier between representational government and mob rule, where are the calls for all elections to follow an EC system? Why is it only important for the president?

I understand the arguments in favor of the EC, but this idea that changing to a popular vote in presidential elections would turn the country into one run by pure democracy is ludicrous.

Exactly. If it were anywhere within smelling distance of a valid point, states would for example elect their governors (and Senators) via a "state electoral college" that took state electoral votes from each county, lest the so-called "mob" "control" the state. The number of states that actually do that is still Zero, roughly equivalent to the number of states that have suggested doing that.

This "mob rule" canard is a crutch used by those who will not or cannot simply take the Electrical College for what it is -- a short circuit that has long since burned out its own purpose. And they won't address that state analogy because they know it exposes the flaw in that canard.

Mon petit chou, you need to read up on your Tocqueville.

Why don't RWNJs believe that their vote should be counted?

Hmmm ?

Why do LWNJs believe that they should override the voters of a state? If Connecticut votes in favor of a candidate that doesn't get the majority of the nationwide popular vote, their votes are nullified.

It's a rhetorical question. We all understand that you Progs don't respect the Will of the People.
/—-/ I see this being challenged up to the USSC

I certainly hope so. It's a move to completely undo our Federal Republic and turn it into a mass mob majority rules nightmare controlled by Blue State major metro areas.

I don't know why I keep trying with this question, but how is it that the method of presidential election is the one determining factor between being a Federal Republic and "a mass mob majority rules nightmare"?

The president is neither a monarch nor a dictator, so why does the method in which a president is elected determine the type of nation we have? Does the rest of government not matter? Will there be no more representational government with a popular vote elected president? Will Congress disband and the president rule by decree if elected by popular vote?

If the Electoral College (which, by the way, would still be the method of electing presidents in this compact) is the lone barrier between representational government and mob rule, where are the calls for all elections to follow an EC system? Why is it only important for the president?

I understand the arguments in favor of the EC, but this idea that changing to a popular vote in presidential elections would turn the country into one run by pure democracy is ludicrous.

Federal Republic of STATES.

Read about it.

And a president elected by popular vote would change the nation from being a federal republic of states?

Are you aware that there have only been 5 instances in which a president took office without winning the popular vote?

Would a presidential election done by popular vote change the powers of the presidency?
Why do LWNJs believe that they should override the voters of a state? If Connecticut votes in favor of a candidate that doesn't get the majority of the nationwide popular vote, their votes are nullified.

It's a rhetorical question. We all understand that you Progs don't respect the Will of the People.
/—-/ I see this being challenged up to the USSC

I certainly hope so. It's a move to completely undo our Federal Republic and turn it into a mass mob majority rules nightmare controlled by Blue State major metro areas.

I don't know why I keep trying with this question, but how is it that the method of presidential election is the one determining factor between being a Federal Republic and "a mass mob majority rules nightmare"?

The president is neither a monarch nor a dictator, so why does the method in which a president is elected determine the type of nation we have? Does the rest of government not matter? Will there be no more representational government with a popular vote elected president? Will Congress disband and the president rule by decree if elected by popular vote?

If the Electoral College (which, by the way, would still be the method of electing presidents in this compact) is the lone barrier between representational government and mob rule, where are the calls for all elections to follow an EC system? Why is it only important for the president?

I understand the arguments in favor of the EC, but this idea that changing to a popular vote in presidential elections would turn the country into one run by pure democracy is ludicrous.

Federal Republic of STATES.

Read about it.

And a president elected by popular vote would change the nation from being a federal republic of states?

Are you aware that there have only been 5 instances in which a president took office without winning the popular vote?

Would a presidential election done by popular vote change the powers of the presidency?


So what?

That's not the point - the issue is proper representation. Mob rule by NYC, DC, LA, SF, Seattle, Portland and Chicago is not at all desirable; especially considering the appalling conditions in the Democrat led hellholes.
/——/ I have no problem with state

Why don't RWNJs believe that their vote should be counted?

Hmmm ?

Why do LWNJs believe that they should override the voters of a state? If Connecticut votes in favor of a candidate that doesn't get the majority of the nationwide popular vote, their votes are nullified.

It's a rhetorical question. We all understand that you Progs don't respect the Will of the People.
/—-/ I see this being challenged up to the USSC

I certainly hope so. It's a move to completely undo our Federal Republic and turn it into a mass mob majority rules nightmare controlled by Blue State major metro areas.

I don't know why I keep trying with this question, but how is it that the method of presidential election is the one determining factor between being a Federal Republic and "a mass mob majority rules nightmare"?

The president is neither a monarch nor a dictator, so why does the method in which a president is elected determine the type of nation we have? Does the rest of government not matter? Will there be no more representational government with a popular vote elected president? Will Congress disband and the president rule by decree if elected by popular vote?

If the Electoral College (which, by the way, would still be the method of electing presidents in this compact) is the lone barrier between representational government and mob rule, where are the calls for all elections to follow an EC system? Why is it only important for the president?

I understand the arguments in favor of the EC, but this idea that changing to a popular vote in presidential elections would turn the country into one run by pure democracy is ludicrous.

Exactly. If it were anywhere within smelling distance of a valid point, states would for example elect their governors (and Senators) via a "state electoral college" that took state electoral votes from each county, lest the so-called "mob" "control" the state. The number of states that actually do that is still Zero, roughly equivalent to the number of states that have suggested doing that.

This "mob rule" canard is a crutch used by those who will not or cannot simply take the Electrical College for what it is -- a short circuit that has long since burned out its own purpose. And they won't address that state analogy because they know it exposes the flaw in that canard.
/——-/ I have no problem with states adoption of the EC. Then maybe New York would have a shot at being governed by anyone but the libtard moonbats that dominate the lower counties. Now let’s see if the democrats running NY will give up their power.
/—-/ I see this being challenged up to the USSC

I certainly hope so. It's a move to completely undo our Federal Republic and turn it into a mass mob majority rules nightmare controlled by Blue State major metro areas.

I don't know why I keep trying with this question, but how is it that the method of presidential election is the one determining factor between being a Federal Republic and "a mass mob majority rules nightmare"?

The president is neither a monarch nor a dictator, so why does the method in which a president is elected determine the type of nation we have? Does the rest of government not matter? Will there be no more representational government with a popular vote elected president? Will Congress disband and the president rule by decree if elected by popular vote?

If the Electoral College (which, by the way, would still be the method of electing presidents in this compact) is the lone barrier between representational government and mob rule, where are the calls for all elections to follow an EC system? Why is it only important for the president?

I understand the arguments in favor of the EC, but this idea that changing to a popular vote in presidential elections would turn the country into one run by pure democracy is ludicrous.

Federal Republic of STATES.

Read about it.

And a president elected by popular vote would change the nation from being a federal republic of states?

Are you aware that there have only been 5 instances in which a president took office without winning the popular vote?

Would a presidential election done by popular vote change the powers of the presidency?


So what?

That's not the point - the issue is proper representation. Mob rule by NYC, DC, LA, SF, Seattle, Portland and Chicago is not at all desirable; especially considering the appalling conditions in the Democrat led hellholes.

That is the salient point. When a state declares that its electoral votes will go to the national vote winner, it is explicitly notifying its citizens that their votes literally don't matter, that even though they may have voted overwhelmingly for candidate A, their votes will be given by legislative fiat to candidate B, this completely nullifying voter intent. There would be no need to vote.

Why don't RWNJs believe that their vote should be counted?

Hmmm ?

Why do LWNJs believe that they should override the voters of a state? If Connecticut votes in favor of a candidate that doesn't get the majority of the nationwide popular vote, their votes are nullified.

It's a rhetorical question. We all understand that you Progs don't respect the Will of the People.
/—-/ I see this being challenged up to the USSC

I certainly hope so. It's a move to completely undo our Federal Republic and turn it into a mass mob majority rules nightmare controlled by Blue State major metro areas.

I don't know why I keep trying with this question, but how is it that the method of presidential election is the one determining factor between being a Federal Republic and "a mass mob majority rules nightmare"?

The president is neither a monarch nor a dictator, so why does the method in which a president is elected determine the type of nation we have? Does the rest of government not matter? Will there be no more representational government with a popular vote elected president? Will Congress disband and the president rule by decree if elected by popular vote?

If the Electoral College (which, by the way, would still be the method of electing presidents in this compact) is the lone barrier between representational government and mob rule, where are the calls for all elections to follow an EC system? Why is it only important for the president?

I understand the arguments in favor of the EC, but this idea that changing to a popular vote in presidential elections would turn the country into one run by pure democracy is ludicrous.

Exactly. If it were anywhere within smelling distance of a valid point, states would for example elect their governors (and Senators) via a "state electoral college" that took state electoral votes from each county, lest the so-called "mob" "control" the state. The number of states that actually do that is still Zero, roughly equivalent to the number of states that have suggested doing that.

This "mob rule" canard is a crutch used by those who will not or cannot simply take the Electrical College for what it is -- a short circuit that has long since burned out its own purpose. And they won't address that state analogy because they know it exposes the flaw in that canard.

And, as always, if you don't like something the Constitution says, you're welcome to amend it. The Founders decided that the presidency is a unique role that should not be decided by a popularity contest. The states are allowed to select their leaders however they like.

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