11 Democrat states have formed a pact to sabotage the Electoral College

If they are dem states does it really change anything.....wouldn't the dem alrdy have won all of em

Quite true of past elections. If this became enacted I would love to see a GOP candidate win the popular vote but have this be only reason he/she won the electoral vote as well. These blue states would be crapping their pants.
If they are dem states does it really change anything.....wouldn't the dem alrdy have won all of em

Quite true of past elections. If this became enacted I would love to see a GOP candidate win the popular vote but have this be only reason he/she won the electoral vote as well. These blue states would be crapping their pants.
I'm sure there would be a clause in the agreement that in any event they will vote democrat. I wonder how republicans and independents feel about their votes being co opted? kind of like union forced compliance to pay reductions in pay to them even if you don't agree with their policies and you must be a member (no choice)
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Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?

Ummmm news flash for those who skipped all their high school civics classes ---- the individual states all decide how their electors will be selected. They're not bound by any vote at all. The entire 'voting' charade is bread and circus.

Who says so? The Constitution. Prove me wrong.

Article II, Section l of the U.S. Constitution proves you're right.
Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?

Ummmm news flash for those who skipped all their high school civics classes ---- the individual states all decide how their electors will be selected. They're not bound by any vote at all. The entire 'voting' charade is bread and circus.

Who says so? The Constitution. Prove me wrong.

Article II, Section l of the U.S. Constitution proves you're right.
The state must represent their constituency. They can proportionality distribute their college votes by the populace within their state or they can give them all to the winner of the popular vote WITHIN THEIR STATE, but they can not give their votes away due to voting in other states.. This violates FEC rules..

And if i was a voter in one of those states they would find themselves in court defending that disenfranchisement of my right to vote.
Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?
Here's why this is a bad idea.

Texas, Oklahoma, Georgia, and Tennessee all agree to give their votes to the GOP, regardless of the state outcome, in perpetuity.

That's what will happen. Republican states will simply ignore voters and give all delegates to whomever they please.

We'd note this as the official end of democracy. What comes after would be ugly. Again I think it past time to split the US into 2-4 smaller countries. Conservatives have gotten to a point they will cheat or simply ignore elections now so let them go form their new Hillbillies-R-Us-Land. Their states combined won't amount to much of an economy and they'll be happy all making minimum wage of $7.50/hr. They can also force women to have children which they are dying to do. But the point is they'd have their own shithole to fuckup as they see fit. No more blaming anyone else for their failures.

The blue states combined have a huge economy and are really the engine that drives the American economy so breaking off into a smaller country will in fact mean that economy is concentrated and benefits a much smaller but much more productive populace.

It's time isn't it folks? We had a good run, let's move on and split the country up before cons really lose their shit and demand to impose their lifestyle on everyone else permanently.
LMAO! That’s the funniest fucking thing I’ve read all week. Good job.

Oh I'm so glad. We're all here to make you happy.

View attachment 192639
Oh you did. Thanks for the entertainment.

Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?

And then they will whine to have it changed back when they lose a popular vote. ROFL. They are crazy is all there is to it.
Read and learn, neo libs.

Donald Trump’s election with fewer popular votes than Hillary Clinton has raised again the question of why the presidency is decided through an Electoral College and not a popular vote. Mr. Trump himself said in a recent interview said that a popular vote seems more sensible.

Many people who are currently calling for the abolition of the Electoral College, however, don’t realize the chaos that would result.

Two elements of the “Great Compromise” among the large and small states led to the ratification of the Constitution. A House of Representatives would reflect the popular vote—disadvantaging the small states—but a Senate would give the small states equal representation with the large ones.

This idea was carried through to the Electoral College, where each state’s allocation of electoral votes is simply the total of its representation in the House and Senate. This again gave the smaller states some additional power in the important choice of the president.

Leaving aside the fact that a deal is a deal, there are very practical reasons why we will always need the Electoral College under our current constitutional system.

The most important is that we want the presidential election to settle the question of legitimacy—who is entitled carry on the office of the president. Under the Constitution, the person who receives the most electoral votes becomes the president, even if he or she does not receive either a plurality or a majority of the popular vote.

In the election of 1992, Bill Clinton received a majority of electoral votes and was the duly elected president, despite the fact that he received only a plurality (43 percent) of the popular votes. A third party candidate, Ross Perot, received almost 19 percent. In fact, Bill Clinton did not win a majority of the popular vote in either of his elections, yet there was never any doubt—because he won an Electoral College majority—that he had the legitimacy to speak for the American people.

This points to the reason why the Electoral College should remain as an important element of our governmental structure. If we had a pure popular vote system, as many people who are disappointed with the 2016 outcome are now proposing, it would not be feasible—because of third party candidates—to ensure that any candidate would win a popular majority. Even in 2016, for example, although Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, she only received a plurality (48 percent)—not a majority; third party candidates took the rest.

If we abandoned the Electoral College, and adopted a system in which a person could win the presidency with only a plurality of the popular votes we would be swamped with candidates. Every group with an ideological or major policy interest would field a candidate, hoping that their candidate would win a plurality and become the president.

There would candidates of the pro-life and pro-choice parties; free trade and anti-trade parties; pro-immigration and anti-immigration parties; and parties favoring or opposing gun control—just to use the hot issues of today as examples.

We see this effect in parliamentary systems, where the party with the most votes after an election has to put together a coalition of many parties in order to create a governing majority in the Parliament. Unless we were to scrap the constitutional system we have today and adopt a parliamentary structure, we could easily end up with a president elected with only 20 percent-25 percent of the vote.

Of course, we could graft a run-off system onto our Constitution; the two top candidates in, say, a 10-person race, would then run against one another for the presidency. But that could easily mean that the American people would have a choice between a candidate of the pro-choice party and a candidate of the pro-gun party. If you thought the choice was bad this year, it could be far worse.

Those who complain now that it is unfair for Donald Trump to become president when he received fewer votes than Hillary Clinton have not considered either the implications of what they are proposing or the genius of the Framers.

Why We Need the Electoral College | RealClearPolitics
Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?

Just one more effort by the Democrats to stage a coup of our government. They've been working for years to game the system for democratic votes. Now they want to rig it so that all EC votes, even the ones won by the opposition go for them.

Proof they are getting desperate. With Trump cutting off illegal immigration, tightening up voter roles, fighting sanctuary cities, the Democrats are running out of ways to cheat to win. What a novel idea that all the EC votes can only go for one party! Just goes to show they really have no confidence that Mueller will get him impeached, or that they can beat him straight up in 2020!

Won't it be great now when Trump wins the popular vote in 2020 and the whole thing if left unstopped by the Republicans blows up in their face and they have to give all the democratic EC votes to Trump in a landslide victory?! :laughing0301:
Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?


Why don't RWNJs believe that their vote should be counted?

Hmmm ?
Without an enemy, a scapegoat, a boogeyman they wouldn't be Right Wing Nut Jobs, just garden variety nut jobs.
Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?

You mean the electoral college that sabotages WE THE PEOPLE from having their voices heard?

If they truly wanted every vote to be counted, they would apportion EC votes to the popular vote in the state.
CBS had a poll about the Mueller investigation and found that 53% found it to be politically motivated... CBS did not like that out come. They fear that Republicans are rising up in a huge wave that is about to wash them from the little power they have and the elections tonight are showing substantial Republican enthusiasm and mediocre democrat turn out....

IF you thin they are going nuts over the EC just wait until they lose seats in both houses and wonder why it happened..

Keep on chanting Russia, Russia, Russia... I dare you!
CBS had a poll about the Mueller investigation and found that 53% found it to be politically motivated... CBS did not like that out come. They fear that Republicans are rising up in a huge wave that is about to wash them from the little power they have and the elections tonight are showing substantial Republican enthusiasm and mediocre democrat turn out....

IF you thin they are going nuts over the EC just wait until they lose seats in both houses and wonder why it happened..

Keep on chanting Russia, Russia, Russia... I dare you!

Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?

Ummmm news flash for those who skipped all their high school civics classes ---- the individual states all decide how their electors will be selected. They're not bound by any vote at all. The entire 'voting' charade is bread and circus.

Who says so? The Constitution. Prove me wrong.

Article II, Section l of the U.S. Constitution proves you're right.
The state must represent their constituency. They can proportionality distribute their college votes by the populace within their state or they can give them all to the winner of the popular vote WITHIN THEIR STATE, but they can not give their votes away due to voting in other states.. This violates FEC rules..

And if i was a voter in one of those states they would find themselves in court defending that disenfranchisement of my right to vote.

ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. If Trump wins 60% of the popular vote in state XYZ, that state cannot say that Hillary won the national popular vote (which is a meaningless, non-binding statistic only with no legal value), by 2%, so they are giving Trump's 60% state win over to Hillary. That violates every election law in the books.

For the Dems to even suggest such a thing is the hare-brained fascist power-grab to end all hare-brained fascist power grabs and will be challenged and defeated in the Supreme Court.
Subversion of the US Constitution and its defined means of electing our president is an act of treason against the United States. The compac will be held unconstitutional as it subverts the intent of each area having an equal vote. This keeps population centers from becoming dictatorial to the rest of the US. We have never been a popular vote democracy. We are a REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY.

If they do this each states governor needs to be removed from power and kept from ever holding office again..
Subversion occurred early on, by the states....

when some states changed their rules to WINNER TAKES ALL electors of the state.... then other states joined in and did the same....

the founders created the set up for electors to REPRESENT the US House of Representatives, and the US Senate....

each state is given 1 elector for every congressmen/congressional district and 1 elector for each Senator.

as example, California has 53 Congressmen, and 2 Senators, so with electors they are allotted 53 electors plus the 2 electors, so they have a total of 55 Electors.

Let's say a majority of california's congress critters agree with each other on a bill they are voting on....say 30 of the critters vote YES to pass this bill, the other 23 congress critters vote NO on this bill in Congress..... The Congress does NOT change the 23 congress critters who voted NO to voting YES just because the majority/30 of Calif's congressmen wanted the bill to pass....

This is what many of our states decided to do by changing the elector's votes to WINNER TAKES ALL..... they basically shunned the 23 who voted no, (Or in the case with electors, voted for the 'other' candidate), and forced them to vote yes....

THIS is what has screwed up the electoral college... but the 'rules' allowed them to do it and change it.....so, we are stuck with it... :(

JUST AS what is happening now with Connecticut, and the other 10 states that have the same rule..... that their state electors will go to the national popular vote winner..... agree it is a subversion, of who their citizens voted for....

BUT so was the way the rule was before this new change....a subversion from the state citizen's vote.

the right way to do it, is how Maine does it.....which I explained in the earlier post.
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Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?
If this keeps up, Trump will have no path to defeat Hillary.
Don't worry, I'm sure Vladimir will be there to assist again.
I hope so. He might be our last hope.

I never thought I would ever read or hear an American citizen ever say those words.


You people keep disgusting me everyday.

Turns out after all these decades of calling anyone who doesn't agree with you a commie in a lame attempt to silence them, it's you republicans who turn out to be the real commies.

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