11 Egyptian Student On Visas Are No Shows, Gov't Looking For Them

bet the one caught here will claim stupidity or something like he couldn't read english, etc., to make his excuse for being caught in MN not MT...then the liberals will cater to him like he didn't do anything wrong.
It's starting already. there was a college professor from the U interviewed last night (i think on the fox 9 station here) and said that the only reason these students were being tracked was because of racial profiling and that they didn't do anything wrong, and it was racist of us to do so, etc... :blah2:

if I can find a copy of the news story, i'll post it.
Yea, because we all know we Americans can freely roam about the streets of places like Eygpt or nightclubs in Kuwait without being racially profiled ourselves. ;)
OOOH...just found a video from KSTP... I love how the guy's attorney says he just wanted to transfer to the U of M...newflash...if that's all he wanted to do, then why did he just not show up at the place he was SUPPOSED to be, especially since he was on a special program that was going to MT, and then transfer later??? Why so urgent?? And, if they posed no terrorist threat, then why were 4 other people turned down for the program just days before? If they're not a threat, then why is the FBI looking for them?

OOOH...just found a video from KSTP... I love how the guy's attorney says he just wanted to transfer to the U of M...newflash...if that's all he wanted to do, then why did he just not show up at the place he was SUPPOSED to be, especially since he was on a special program that was going to MT, and then transfer later??? Why so urgent?? And, if they posed no terrorist threat, then why were 4 other people turned down for the program just days before? If they're not a threat, then why is the FBI looking for them?


I think it's the typical ham-stringing of our law inforcement folks that only allow us to be reactive, rather than pro-active. It's the big "no no" against racial, religious, profiling that's created this situation where our government has to literally walk on egg shells around anyone with the surname of Mohammed.

What's it going to take to force a change to objective reality with these N.Y. lawyers and the ACLU?

Will 8 or 10 plane loads of Americans and Brits have to die needlessly so that so many of our citizens will finally remove their collective ostrich-heads out of their collective hiding-holes of denial?

The very fabric of our society is being rotted from within by twisted constitutional interpretations of laws, and libertys at a time when we are truly at war.

War isn't always big old armies facing each other on the big old battle field in constant, open clashes. War is a state of threat, and potential threat that must be fought-against with many different tools. It means citizens of all nationality backgrounds giving up their sensitivities to pro-filing for their country's greater good.

If pro-filing isn't brought back as well as pro-active pursuit of suspects, leads, with the understanding that lives are potentially at risk, and social anarchy will result if not, we will be in a sorry'er state indeed.

A patriotic citizen must "bite" the bullet and allow profiling for the protection of the nation's very existence. This is a time of war. The threat is from without and from within.

How would have FDR or JFK handled this?
Omigosh! Some college kids didn't show up for a meeting they were supposed to be at, that never happens! Quick, assemble the mob!


U.S. picks up six of 11 missing Egyptian students
Thu 10 Aug 2006 4:08 PM ET
CHICAGO, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Six of 11 Egyptian students who failed to turn up as scheduled for a Montana university exchange program last week have been apprehended and authorities said on Thursday none of them posed a terror threat.

The six were either taken into custody or turned themselves in to authorities in Minneapolis, Chicago, suburban Maryland, and a town in New Jersey.

"There is no terror threat" from the students, who were in their early 20s, said Tim Counts, a spokesman with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, an agency within the Department of Homeland Security.

The government will seek to have them deported, he added.

An alert went out last week for the students after they did not show up as scheduled for an academic program at Montana State University in Bozeman, the agency said.

Chicago police detained Ahmed Ela, 22, at O'Hare International Airport on Thursday as he was attempting to book a flight to Montana. Some of the others were apprehended at private residences.

All U.S. airports were on a state of heightened alert following the thwarted U.K. airline bomb plot.

Authorities were looking for the remaining five students. Those in custody were held on violations of their temporary student visas.

Omigosh! Some college kids didn't show up for a meeting they were supposed to be at, that never happens! Quick, assemble the mob!:ali:


U.S. picks up six of 11 missing Egyptian students
Thu 10 Aug 2006 4:08 PM ET
CHICAGO, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Six of 11 Egyptian students who failed to turn up as scheduled for a Montana university exchange program last week have been apprehended and authorities said on Thursday none of them posed a terror threat.

The six were either taken into custody or turned themselves in to authorities in Minneapolis, Chicago, suburban Maryland, and a town in New Jersey.

"There is no terror threat" from the students, who were in their early 20s, said Tim Counts, a spokesman with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, an agency within the Department of Homeland Security.

The government will seek to have them deported, he added.

An alert went out last week for the students after they did not show up as scheduled for an academic program at Montana State University in Bozeman, the agency said.

Chicago police detained Ahmed Ela, 22, at O'Hare International Airport on Thursday as he was attempting to book a flight to Montana. Some of the others were apprehended at private residences.

All U.S. airports were on a state of heightened alert following the thwarted U.K. airline bomb plot.

Authorities were looking for the remaining five students. Those in custody were held on violations of their temporary student visas.


One ostrich with collective head buried in denial.......found/indentified.

One ostrich that will have collective arse bitten when not expecting it, and will cry, "Ma ma" or "Wolf" and will not be believed or heard of again. :)
Excuse me lemming enabiler of the police state, I don't know how other people feel, but in the future if you're going to quote me please don't edit my quote.

I'm sure you're clever enough to find ways to insult someone without altering their post.
Excuse me lemming enabiler of the police state, I don't know how other people feel, but in the future if you're going to quote me please don't edit my quote.

I'm sure you're clever enough to find ways to insult someone without altering their post.

I'm sure your big and strong enough to take it, and not lose sleep over it. Bet your ego is big enough to stand a little ribbing isn't it. Unless it's fragile, and then this forum ain't the place to interact with folks of differing views from yours.

Just the fact that you interpret my response as an insult gives me much insight into your psyche.........it's rather fragile isn't it? That's not a insult........that's an observation. So was the previous response.

If I met you on the street or somewhere and we talked politics, and you voiced what you did previously, I would still be candid with you, as I was in my post. I've lived enough years, to see through a lot of this B.S. and phony intellect.......that gets thrown around on these political forums, as just that........intellectual puffyness.

We have here a generation of "cowards", "chickens", folks that won't take responsibility for their actions, but would sue anyone that spills coffee on their laps, in a micro-second.

Anyone who has avatars with the cartoonish devil, should be able to take a little criticism without having a problem.

Unless of course the "devil" stuff with the avatars, is just "fluff" for a rather introverted, quiet person that only speaks out behind an anonymous P.C.

Call it an insult if you want..........that's the option of a fragile ego.........but I call it an observation, based on reading and getting an understanding of the psyche that's behind those posts. If you like to "dish" it out, be willing to get it back. It may hurt, but it also may help you to enjoy folks with differing opinions, too.:p:
I'll try not to alter your literary masterpieces from now on.:p:
I've been beat up pretty bad:crutch: in quite a few posts on quite a few forum in the last few years, and it isn't a big deal.

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