11 year old, carrying a shot gun, saves family members from bear attack...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
So....anti gunners......this 11 year old from a family used to using and carrying guns, who taught the lad how to shoot and how to be safe with a gun...owe their lives to his abililty, to use a gun in self defense...in the middle of a violent attack by a bear...with family right around him.....

He was a good shooter, he killed the Bear with Bird shot......

Armed 11-year-old boy saves fishing party from charging bear

Quick action from a Hoonah boy saved a fishing party from a charging brown bear on June 18, the Empire has learned through Alaska State Troopers and family members.

It was the first Defense of Life or Property (DLP) killing in the Hoonah area this year, according to trooper spokesperson Megan Peters.

When the attack occurred, Elliot Clark, then 11 years old, was walking through the woods near Game Creek in Port Frederick several miles south of Hoonah. The young outdoorsman was heading to a nearby fishing hole with his uncle, Craig Stoltzfus, Stoltzfus’ father, a cousin and three dogs.

Stoltzfus and Elliot Clark were armed when a brown bear came out of the woods, charging the group head on. The other members of the party were not armed.


There was four of them in a line … my son was third,” Clark said. “The bear came down the trail at them, fella in the front, who was his uncle, the bear was on him so quickly that he didn’t have time to take his rifle off his shoulder.”

The bear ran through the first two men, who were pushed to the side of the trail, leaving Elliot Clark in front of his unarmed cousin. The boy raised his pump action shotgun and shot the sow, hitting it with birdshot, which is often used just to scare bears off, Lucas Clark said.

“His first shot was a light load of birdshot. That first shot hit him in the shoulder and did absolutely nothing. The next shot hit him in the nose and traveled down through the neck,” Lucas Clark said.

The third shot went into the bear’s shoulder and his back, dropping it to the ground. The bear was so close when Elliot hit it with his third shot, there were powder burns on the bear’s mouth. Still alive, the bear then slid by Elliot’s feet.

“As the bear slid past him and came to a stop, he put a kill shot it him,” Lucas Clark said.

Stoltzfus finished it off with another round.

The moment could have turned out differently. Lucas Clark hadn’t gotten around to putting a sling on his son’s shotgun, leaving the 11-year-old to carry it in his hands. He credits this and a lot of shooting practice with preparing Elliot for the moment.

“He was carrying it in his hands rather than on his shoulder. That was the problem with the other ones, when the bear came at his uncle, he had his rifle on his shoulder and the bear was very close, so he couldn’t get it off in time,” Lucas Clark said.

This just proves that the arguments presented by anti gunners are a bunch of bs if this kid didn't have a gun at all he and the entire family probably would have been killed by the bear.
So....anti gunners......this 11 year old from a family used to using and carrying guns, who taught the lad how to shoot and how to be safe with a gun...owe their lives to his abililty, to use a gun in self defense...in the middle of a violent attack by a bear...with family right around him.....

He was a good shooter, he killed the Bear with Bird shot......

Armed 11-year-old boy saves fishing party from charging bear

Quick action from a Hoonah boy saved a fishing party from a charging brown bear on June 18, the Empire has learned through Alaska State Troopers and family members.

It was the first Defense of Life or Property (DLP) killing in the Hoonah area this year, according to trooper spokesperson Megan Peters.

When the attack occurred, Elliot Clark, then 11 years old, was walking through the woods near Game Creek in Port Frederick several miles south of Hoonah. The young outdoorsman was heading to a nearby fishing hole with his uncle, Craig Stoltzfus, Stoltzfus’ father, a cousin and three dogs.

Stoltzfus and Elliot Clark were armed when a brown bear came out of the woods, charging the group head on. The other members of the party were not armed.


There was four of them in a line … my son was third,” Clark said. “The bear came down the trail at them, fella in the front, who was his uncle, the bear was on him so quickly that he didn’t have time to take his rifle off his shoulder.”

The bear ran through the first two men, who were pushed to the side of the trail, leaving Elliot Clark in front of his unarmed cousin. The boy raised his pump action shotgun and shot the sow, hitting it with birdshot, which is often used just to scare bears off, Lucas Clark said.

“His first shot was a light load of birdshot. That first shot hit him in the shoulder and did absolutely nothing. The next shot hit him in the nose and traveled down through the neck,” Lucas Clark said.

The third shot went into the bear’s shoulder and his back, dropping it to the ground. The bear was so close when Elliot hit it with his third shot, there were powder burns on the bear’s mouth. Still alive, the bear then slid by Elliot’s feet.

“As the bear slid past him and came to a stop, he put a kill shot it him,” Lucas Clark said.

Stoltzfus finished it off with another round.

The moment could have turned out differently. Lucas Clark hadn’t gotten around to putting a sling on his son’s shotgun, leaving the 11-year-old to carry it in his hands. He credits this and a lot of shooting practice with preparing Elliot for the moment.

“He was carrying it in his hands rather than on his shoulder. That was the problem with the other ones, when the bear came at his uncle, he had his rifle on his shoulder and the bear was very close, so he couldn’t get it off in time,” Lucas Clark said.

For those of us living in bear country, there's a lot that's odd about this article.
So....anti gunners......this 11 year old from a family used to using and carrying guns, who taught the lad how to shoot and how to be safe with a gun...owe their lives to his abililty, to use a gun in self defense...in the middle of a violent attack by a bear...with family right around him.....

He was a good shooter, he killed the Bear with Bird shot......

Armed 11-year-old boy saves fishing party from charging bear

Quick action from a Hoonah boy saved a fishing party from a charging brown bear on June 18, the Empire has learned through Alaska State Troopers and family members.

It was the first Defense of Life or Property (DLP) killing in the Hoonah area this year, according to trooper spokesperson Megan Peters.

When the attack occurred, Elliot Clark, then 11 years old, was walking through the woods near Game Creek in Port Frederick several miles south of Hoonah. The young outdoorsman was heading to a nearby fishing hole with his uncle, Craig Stoltzfus, Stoltzfus’ father, a cousin and three dogs.

Stoltzfus and Elliot Clark were armed when a brown bear came out of the woods, charging the group head on. The other members of the party were not armed.


There was four of them in a line … my son was third,” Clark said. “The bear came down the trail at them, fella in the front, who was his uncle, the bear was on him so quickly that he didn’t have time to take his rifle off his shoulder.”

The bear ran through the first two men, who were pushed to the side of the trail, leaving Elliot Clark in front of his unarmed cousin. The boy raised his pump action shotgun and shot the sow, hitting it with birdshot, which is often used just to scare bears off, Lucas Clark said.

“His first shot was a light load of birdshot. That first shot hit him in the shoulder and did absolutely nothing. The next shot hit him in the nose and traveled down through the neck,” Lucas Clark said.

The third shot went into the bear’s shoulder and his back, dropping it to the ground. The bear was so close when Elliot hit it with his third shot, there were powder burns on the bear’s mouth. Still alive, the bear then slid by Elliot’s feet.

“As the bear slid past him and came to a stop, he put a kill shot it him,” Lucas Clark said.

Stoltzfus finished it off with another round.

The moment could have turned out differently. Lucas Clark hadn’t gotten around to putting a sling on his son’s shotgun, leaving the 11-year-old to carry it in his hands. He credits this and a lot of shooting practice with preparing Elliot for the moment.

“He was carrying it in his hands rather than on his shoulder. That was the problem with the other ones, when the bear came at his uncle, he had his rifle on his shoulder and the bear was very close, so he couldn’t get it off in time,” Lucas Clark said.

For those of us living in bear country, there's a lot that's odd about this article.

So....anti gunners......this 11 year old from a family used to using and carrying guns, who taught the lad how to shoot and how to be safe with a gun...owe their lives to his abililty, to use a gun in self defense...in the middle of a violent attack by a bear...with family right around him.....

He was a good shooter, he killed the Bear with Bird shot......

Armed 11-year-old boy saves fishing party from charging bear

Quick action from a Hoonah boy saved a fishing party from a charging brown bear on June 18, the Empire has learned through Alaska State Troopers and family members.

It was the first Defense of Life or Property (DLP) killing in the Hoonah area this year, according to trooper spokesperson Megan Peters.

When the attack occurred, Elliot Clark, then 11 years old, was walking through the woods near Game Creek in Port Frederick several miles south of Hoonah. The young outdoorsman was heading to a nearby fishing hole with his uncle, Craig Stoltzfus, Stoltzfus’ father, a cousin and three dogs.

Stoltzfus and Elliot Clark were armed when a brown bear came out of the woods, charging the group head on. The other members of the party were not armed.


There was four of them in a line … my son was third,” Clark said. “The bear came down the trail at them, fella in the front, who was his uncle, the bear was on him so quickly that he didn’t have time to take his rifle off his shoulder.”

The bear ran through the first two men, who were pushed to the side of the trail, leaving Elliot Clark in front of his unarmed cousin. The boy raised his pump action shotgun and shot the sow, hitting it with birdshot, which is often used just to scare bears off, Lucas Clark said.

“His first shot was a light load of birdshot. That first shot hit him in the shoulder and did absolutely nothing. The next shot hit him in the nose and traveled down through the neck,” Lucas Clark said.

The third shot went into the bear’s shoulder and his back, dropping it to the ground. The bear was so close when Elliot hit it with his third shot, there were powder burns on the bear’s mouth. Still alive, the bear then slid by Elliot’s feet.

“As the bear slid past him and came to a stop, he put a kill shot it him,” Lucas Clark said.

Stoltzfus finished it off with another round.

The moment could have turned out differently. Lucas Clark hadn’t gotten around to putting a sling on his son’s shotgun, leaving the 11-year-old to carry it in his hands. He credits this and a lot of shooting practice with preparing Elliot for the moment.

“He was carrying it in his hands rather than on his shoulder. That was the problem with the other ones, when the bear came at his uncle, he had his rifle on his shoulder and the bear was very close, so he couldn’t get it off in time,” Lucas Clark said.

For those of us living in bear country, there's a lot that's odd about this article.


Sorry didn't see this post.

You are more likely to be hurt in a vending machine accident than attacked by a brown bear. They just don't attack unless it is a sow defending her cubs. They are actually really shy. In the past year I've flushed two brown bears unintentionally and they ran like the dickens when we encountered each other.

So there's that. Then think about the story these folks are telling. They're in a line walking on a trail. The bear comes down the trail at them. Bears don't hang out near hiking trails unless they've been used to campsites. Did she have her cub on the trail? No mention at all of finding a cub after the shooting. Silence. The bear pushes by the first two guys, doesn't attack them, and the kid gets off three shots before the bear gets close to him. Doesn't make sense. If you've ever seen a brown bear run, it doesn't make sense. They are so fast you can't even believe something that large can move that fast. Even directly up steep embankments. If it really was brushing by two guys to get to the kid (to do what, to eat him?), no way the kid gets three shots off.

These clowns were hunting the bear, pure and simple. They came up with the story you just read to cover up their act. No harm in getting a license and doing it the right way, but some folks just can't figure it out and think that because they're carrying a gun they can shoot any animal they want. Only think that doesn't make sense is the birdshot. That doesn't fit in my theory unless they are even more stupid than I imagine. Maybe they told the kid to shoot at it with birdshot to scare it off and it turned on them and they bit off more than they wanted to chew and then the story they told is almost true.

Bear's Lives Matter (that's a joke).
So....anti gunners......this 11 year old from a family used to using and carrying guns, who taught the lad how to shoot and how to be safe with a gun...owe their lives to his abililty, to use a gun in self defense...in the middle of a violent attack by a bear...with family right around him.....

He was a good shooter, he killed the Bear with Bird shot......

Armed 11-year-old boy saves fishing party from charging bear

Quick action from a Hoonah boy saved a fishing party from a charging brown bear on June 18, the Empire has learned through Alaska State Troopers and family members.

It was the first Defense of Life or Property (DLP) killing in the Hoonah area this year, according to trooper spokesperson Megan Peters.

When the attack occurred, Elliot Clark, then 11 years old, was walking through the woods near Game Creek in Port Frederick several miles south of Hoonah. The young outdoorsman was heading to a nearby fishing hole with his uncle, Craig Stoltzfus, Stoltzfus’ father, a cousin and three dogs.

Stoltzfus and Elliot Clark were armed when a brown bear came out of the woods, charging the group head on. The other members of the party were not armed.


There was four of them in a line … my son was third,” Clark said. “The bear came down the trail at them, fella in the front, who was his uncle, the bear was on him so quickly that he didn’t have time to take his rifle off his shoulder.”

The bear ran through the first two men, who were pushed to the side of the trail, leaving Elliot Clark in front of his unarmed cousin. The boy raised his pump action shotgun and shot the sow, hitting it with birdshot, which is often used just to scare bears off, Lucas Clark said.

“His first shot was a light load of birdshot. That first shot hit him in the shoulder and did absolutely nothing. The next shot hit him in the nose and traveled down through the neck,” Lucas Clark said.

The third shot went into the bear’s shoulder and his back, dropping it to the ground. The bear was so close when Elliot hit it with his third shot, there were powder burns on the bear’s mouth. Still alive, the bear then slid by Elliot’s feet.

“As the bear slid past him and came to a stop, he put a kill shot it him,” Lucas Clark said.

Stoltzfus finished it off with another round.

The moment could have turned out differently. Lucas Clark hadn’t gotten around to putting a sling on his son’s shotgun, leaving the 11-year-old to carry it in his hands. He credits this and a lot of shooting practice with preparing Elliot for the moment.

“He was carrying it in his hands rather than on his shoulder. That was the problem with the other ones, when the bear came at his uncle, he had his rifle on his shoulder and the bear was very close, so he couldn’t get it off in time,” Lucas Clark said.

For those of us living in bear country, there's a lot that's odd about this article.


Sorry didn't see this post.

You are more likely to be hurt in a vending machine accident than attacked by a brown bear. They just don't attack unless it is a sow defending her cubs. They are actually really shy. In the past year I've flushed two brown bears unintentionally and they ran like the dickens when we encountered each other.

So there's that. Then think about the story these folks are telling. They're in a line walking on a trail. The bear comes down the trail at them. Bears don't hang out near hiking trails unless they've been used to campsites. Did she have her cub on the trail? No mention at all of finding a cub after the shooting. Silence. The bear pushes by the first two guys, doesn't attack them, and the kid gets off three shots before the bear gets close to him. Doesn't make sense. If you've ever seen a brown bear run, it doesn't make sense. They are so fast you can't even believe something that large can move that fast. Even directly up steep embankments. If it really was brushing by two guys to get to the kid (to do what, to eat him?), no way the kid gets three shots off.

These clowns were hunting the bear, pure and simple. They came up with the story you just read to cover up their act. No harm in getting a license and doing it the right way, but some folks just can't figure it out and think that because they're carrying a gun they can shoot any animal they want. Only think that doesn't make sense is the birdshot. That doesn't fit in my theory unless they are even more stupid than I imagine. Maybe they told the kid to shoot at it with birdshot to scare it off and it turned on them and they bit off more than they wanted to chew and then the story they told is almost true.

Bear's Lives Matter (that's a joke).

Where did you read that it was female?
The rest is assumption.
Pure nonsense.
So....anti gunners......this 11 year old from a family used to using and carrying guns, who taught the lad how to shoot and how to be safe with a gun...owe their lives to his abililty, to use a gun in self defense...in the middle of a violent attack by a bear...with family right around him.....

He was a good shooter, he killed the Bear with Bird shot......

Armed 11-year-old boy saves fishing party from charging bear

Quick action from a Hoonah boy saved a fishing party from a charging brown bear on June 18, the Empire has learned through Alaska State Troopers and family members.

It was the first Defense of Life or Property (DLP) killing in the Hoonah area this year, according to trooper spokesperson Megan Peters.

When the attack occurred, Elliot Clark, then 11 years old, was walking through the woods near Game Creek in Port Frederick several miles south of Hoonah. The young outdoorsman was heading to a nearby fishing hole with his uncle, Craig Stoltzfus, Stoltzfus’ father, a cousin and three dogs.

Stoltzfus and Elliot Clark were armed when a brown bear came out of the woods, charging the group head on. The other members of the party were not armed.


There was four of them in a line … my son was third,” Clark said. “The bear came down the trail at them, fella in the front, who was his uncle, the bear was on him so quickly that he didn’t have time to take his rifle off his shoulder.”

The bear ran through the first two men, who were pushed to the side of the trail, leaving Elliot Clark in front of his unarmed cousin. The boy raised his pump action shotgun and shot the sow, hitting it with birdshot, which is often used just to scare bears off, Lucas Clark said.

“His first shot was a light load of birdshot. That first shot hit him in the shoulder and did absolutely nothing. The next shot hit him in the nose and traveled down through the neck,” Lucas Clark said.

The third shot went into the bear’s shoulder and his back, dropping it to the ground. The bear was so close when Elliot hit it with his third shot, there were powder burns on the bear’s mouth. Still alive, the bear then slid by Elliot’s feet.

“As the bear slid past him and came to a stop, he put a kill shot it him,” Lucas Clark said.

Stoltzfus finished it off with another round.

The moment could have turned out differently. Lucas Clark hadn’t gotten around to putting a sling on his son’s shotgun, leaving the 11-year-old to carry it in his hands. He credits this and a lot of shooting practice with preparing Elliot for the moment.

“He was carrying it in his hands rather than on his shoulder. That was the problem with the other ones, when the bear came at his uncle, he had his rifle on his shoulder and the bear was very close, so he couldn’t get it off in time,” Lucas Clark said.

For those of us living in bear country, there's a lot that's odd about this article.


Sorry didn't see this post.

You are more likely to be hurt in a vending machine accident than attacked by a brown bear. They just don't attack unless it is a sow defending her cubs. They are actually really shy. In the past year I've flushed two brown bears unintentionally and they ran like the dickens when we encountered each other.

So there's that. Then think about the story these folks are telling. They're in a line walking on a trail. The bear comes down the trail at them. Bears don't hang out near hiking trails unless they've been used to campsites. Did she have her cub on the trail? No mention at all of finding a cub after the shooting. Silence. The bear pushes by the first two guys, doesn't attack them, and the kid gets off three shots before the bear gets close to him. Doesn't make sense. If you've ever seen a brown bear run, it doesn't make sense. They are so fast you can't even believe something that large can move that fast. Even directly up steep embankments. If it really was brushing by two guys to get to the kid (to do what, to eat him?), no way the kid gets three shots off.

These clowns were hunting the bear, pure and simple. They came up with the story you just read to cover up their act. No harm in getting a license and doing it the right way, but some folks just can't figure it out and think that because they're carrying a gun they can shoot any animal they want. Only think that doesn't make sense is the birdshot. That doesn't fit in my theory unless they are even more stupid than I imagine. Maybe they told the kid to shoot at it with birdshot to scare it off and it turned on them and they bit off more than they wanted to chew and then the story they told is almost true.

Bear's Lives Matter (that's a joke).

Where did you read that it was female?
The rest is assumption.
Pure nonsense.

Okay, Daniel Boone. You know better. From the article that was posted:

The bear ran through the first two men, who were pushed to the side of the trail, leaving Elliot Clark in front of his unarmed cousin. The boy raised his pump action shotgun and shot the sow, hitting it with birdshot, which is often used just to scare bears off, Lucas Clark said.

Sow = female
So....anti gunners......this 11 year old from a family used to using and carrying guns, who taught the lad how to shoot and how to be safe with a gun...owe their lives to his abililty, to use a gun in self defense...in the middle of a violent attack by a bear...with family right around him.....

He was a good shooter, he killed the Bear with Bird shot......

Armed 11-year-old boy saves fishing party from charging bear

Quick action from a Hoonah boy saved a fishing party from a charging brown bear on June 18, the Empire has learned through Alaska State Troopers and family members.

It was the first Defense of Life or Property (DLP) killing in the Hoonah area this year, according to trooper spokesperson Megan Peters.

When the attack occurred, Elliot Clark, then 11 years old, was walking through the woods near Game Creek in Port Frederick several miles south of Hoonah. The young outdoorsman was heading to a nearby fishing hole with his uncle, Craig Stoltzfus, Stoltzfus’ father, a cousin and three dogs.

Stoltzfus and Elliot Clark were armed when a brown bear came out of the woods, charging the group head on. The other members of the party were not armed.


There was four of them in a line … my son was third,” Clark said. “The bear came down the trail at them, fella in the front, who was his uncle, the bear was on him so quickly that he didn’t have time to take his rifle off his shoulder.”

The bear ran through the first two men, who were pushed to the side of the trail, leaving Elliot Clark in front of his unarmed cousin. The boy raised his pump action shotgun and shot the sow, hitting it with birdshot, which is often used just to scare bears off, Lucas Clark said.

“His first shot was a light load of birdshot. That first shot hit him in the shoulder and did absolutely nothing. The next shot hit him in the nose and traveled down through the neck,” Lucas Clark said.

The third shot went into the bear’s shoulder and his back, dropping it to the ground. The bear was so close when Elliot hit it with his third shot, there were powder burns on the bear’s mouth. Still alive, the bear then slid by Elliot’s feet.

“As the bear slid past him and came to a stop, he put a kill shot it him,” Lucas Clark said.

Stoltzfus finished it off with another round.

The moment could have turned out differently. Lucas Clark hadn’t gotten around to putting a sling on his son’s shotgun, leaving the 11-year-old to carry it in his hands. He credits this and a lot of shooting practice with preparing Elliot for the moment.

“He was carrying it in his hands rather than on his shoulder. That was the problem with the other ones, when the bear came at his uncle, he had his rifle on his shoulder and the bear was very close, so he couldn’t get it off in time,” Lucas Clark said.

For those of us living in bear country, there's a lot that's odd about this article.


Sorry didn't see this post.

You are more likely to be hurt in a vending machine accident than attacked by a brown bear. They just don't attack unless it is a sow defending her cubs. They are actually really shy. In the past year I've flushed two brown bears unintentionally and they ran like the dickens when we encountered each other.

So there's that. Then think about the story these folks are telling. They're in a line walking on a trail. The bear comes down the trail at them. Bears don't hang out near hiking trails unless they've been used to campsites. Did she have her cub on the trail? No mention at all of finding a cub after the shooting. Silence. The bear pushes by the first two guys, doesn't attack them, and the kid gets off three shots before the bear gets close to him. Doesn't make sense. If you've ever seen a brown bear run, it doesn't make sense. They are so fast you can't even believe something that large can move that fast. Even directly up steep embankments. If it really was brushing by two guys to get to the kid (to do what, to eat him?), no way the kid gets three shots off.

These clowns were hunting the bear, pure and simple. They came up with the story you just read to cover up their act. No harm in getting a license and doing it the right way, but some folks just can't figure it out and think that because they're carrying a gun they can shoot any animal they want. Only think that doesn't make sense is the birdshot. That doesn't fit in my theory unless they are even more stupid than I imagine. Maybe they told the kid to shoot at it with birdshot to scare it off and it turned on them and they bit off more than they wanted to chew and then the story they told is almost true.

Bear's Lives Matter (that's a joke).

Where did you read that it was female?
The rest is assumption.
Pure nonsense.

Okay, Daniel Boone. You know better. From the article that was posted:

The bear ran through the first two men, who were pushed to the side of the trail, leaving Elliot Clark in front of his unarmed cousin. The boy raised his pump action shotgun and shot the sow, hitting it with birdshot, which is often used just to scare bears off, Lucas Clark said.

Sow = female

Well if they can tell the difference between the sex, they have a pretty good idea of what they were doing.
What was he supposed to do, let her kill his uncle?.
For those of us living in bear country, there's a lot that's odd about this article.


Sorry didn't see this post.

You are more likely to be hurt in a vending machine accident than attacked by a brown bear. They just don't attack unless it is a sow defending her cubs. They are actually really shy. In the past year I've flushed two brown bears unintentionally and they ran like the dickens when we encountered each other.

So there's that. Then think about the story these folks are telling. They're in a line walking on a trail. The bear comes down the trail at them. Bears don't hang out near hiking trails unless they've been used to campsites. Did she have her cub on the trail? No mention at all of finding a cub after the shooting. Silence. The bear pushes by the first two guys, doesn't attack them, and the kid gets off three shots before the bear gets close to him. Doesn't make sense. If you've ever seen a brown bear run, it doesn't make sense. They are so fast you can't even believe something that large can move that fast. Even directly up steep embankments. If it really was brushing by two guys to get to the kid (to do what, to eat him?), no way the kid gets three shots off.

These clowns were hunting the bear, pure and simple. They came up with the story you just read to cover up their act. No harm in getting a license and doing it the right way, but some folks just can't figure it out and think that because they're carrying a gun they can shoot any animal they want. Only think that doesn't make sense is the birdshot. That doesn't fit in my theory unless they are even more stupid than I imagine. Maybe they told the kid to shoot at it with birdshot to scare it off and it turned on them and they bit off more than they wanted to chew and then the story they told is almost true.

Bear's Lives Matter (that's a joke).

Where did you read that it was female?
The rest is assumption.
Pure nonsense.

Okay, Daniel Boone. You know better. From the article that was posted:

The bear ran through the first two men, who were pushed to the side of the trail, leaving Elliot Clark in front of his unarmed cousin. The boy raised his pump action shotgun and shot the sow, hitting it with birdshot, which is often used just to scare bears off, Lucas Clark said.

Sow = female

Well if they can tell the difference between the sex, they have a pretty good idea of what they were doing.
What was he supposed to do, let her kill his uncle?.

Hey, Simon Kenton. You think they knew her sex when they shot her? You're over your head here, my friend. Stop digging. This bear was as likely to attack them without provocation as you are to spend three nights in the forest without getting scared.

Sorry didn't see this post.

You are more likely to be hurt in a vending machine accident than attacked by a brown bear. They just don't attack unless it is a sow defending her cubs. They are actually really shy. In the past year I've flushed two brown bears unintentionally and they ran like the dickens when we encountered each other.

So there's that. Then think about the story these folks are telling. They're in a line walking on a trail. The bear comes down the trail at them. Bears don't hang out near hiking trails unless they've been used to campsites. Did she have her cub on the trail? No mention at all of finding a cub after the shooting. Silence. The bear pushes by the first two guys, doesn't attack them, and the kid gets off three shots before the bear gets close to him. Doesn't make sense. If you've ever seen a brown bear run, it doesn't make sense. They are so fast you can't even believe something that large can move that fast. Even directly up steep embankments. If it really was brushing by two guys to get to the kid (to do what, to eat him?), no way the kid gets three shots off.

These clowns were hunting the bear, pure and simple. They came up with the story you just read to cover up their act. No harm in getting a license and doing it the right way, but some folks just can't figure it out and think that because they're carrying a gun they can shoot any animal they want. Only think that doesn't make sense is the birdshot. That doesn't fit in my theory unless they are even more stupid than I imagine. Maybe they told the kid to shoot at it with birdshot to scare it off and it turned on them and they bit off more than they wanted to chew and then the story they told is almost true.

Bear's Lives Matter (that's a joke).

Where did you read that it was female?
The rest is assumption.
Pure nonsense.

Okay, Daniel Boone. You know better. From the article that was posted:

The bear ran through the first two men, who were pushed to the side of the trail, leaving Elliot Clark in front of his unarmed cousin. The boy raised his pump action shotgun and shot the sow, hitting it with birdshot, which is often used just to scare bears off, Lucas Clark said.

Sow = female

Well if they can tell the difference between the sex, they have a pretty good idea of what they were doing.
What was he supposed to do, let her kill his uncle?.

Hey, Simon Kenton. You think they knew her sex when they shot her? You're over your head here, my friend. Stop digging. This bear was as likely to attack them without provocation as you are to spend three nights in the forest without getting scared.

I do see that you don't live in wilderness, you a city dweller?
Sorry didn't see this post.

You are more likely to be hurt in a vending machine accident than attacked by a brown bear. They just don't attack unless it is a sow defending her cubs. They are actually really shy. In the past year I've flushed two brown bears unintentionally and they ran like the dickens when we encountered each other.

So there's that. Then think about the story these folks are telling. They're in a line walking on a trail. The bear comes down the trail at them. Bears don't hang out near hiking trails unless they've been used to campsites. Did she have her cub on the trail? No mention at all of finding a cub after the shooting. Silence. The bear pushes by the first two guys, doesn't attack them, and the kid gets off three shots before the bear gets close to him. Doesn't make sense. If you've ever seen a brown bear run, it doesn't make sense. They are so fast you can't even believe something that large can move that fast. Even directly up steep embankments. If it really was brushing by two guys to get to the kid (to do what, to eat him?), no way the kid gets three shots off.

These clowns were hunting the bear, pure and simple. They came up with the story you just read to cover up their act. No harm in getting a license and doing it the right way, but some folks just can't figure it out and think that because they're carrying a gun they can shoot any animal they want. Only think that doesn't make sense is the birdshot. That doesn't fit in my theory unless they are even more stupid than I imagine. Maybe they told the kid to shoot at it with birdshot to scare it off and it turned on them and they bit off more than they wanted to chew and then the story they told is almost true.

Bear's Lives Matter (that's a joke).

Where did you read that it was female?
The rest is assumption.
Pure nonsense.

Okay, Daniel Boone. You know better. From the article that was posted:

The bear ran through the first two men, who were pushed to the side of the trail, leaving Elliot Clark in front of his unarmed cousin. The boy raised his pump action shotgun and shot the sow, hitting it with birdshot, which is often used just to scare bears off, Lucas Clark said.

Sow = female

Well if they can tell the difference between the sex, they have a pretty good idea of what they were doing.
What was he supposed to do, let her kill his uncle?.

Hey, Simon Kenton. You think they knew her sex when they shot her? You're over your head here, my friend. Stop digging. This bear was as likely to attack them without provocation as you are to spend three nights in the forest without getting scared.

I do see that you don't live in wilderness, you a city dweller?

I don't need to prove my bona fides to you, Tecumseh. I live a half mile from a National Forest. And I'm heading out on a bike ride into it now. You have proven yourself repeatedly in this thread to not have a clue. And that's cool, if you don't mind, I don't mind.
So....anti gunners......this 11 year old from a family used to using and carrying guns, who taught the lad how to shoot and how to be safe with a gun...owe their lives to his abililty, to use a gun in self defense...in the middle of a violent attack by a bear...with family right around him.....

He was a good shooter, he killed the Bear with Bird shot......

Armed 11-year-old boy saves fishing party from charging bear

Quick action from a Hoonah boy saved a fishing party from a charging brown bear on June 18, the Empire has learned through Alaska State Troopers and family members.

It was the first Defense of Life or Property (DLP) killing in the Hoonah area this year, according to trooper spokesperson Megan Peters.

When the attack occurred, Elliot Clark, then 11 years old, was walking through the woods near Game Creek in Port Frederick several miles south of Hoonah. The young outdoorsman was heading to a nearby fishing hole with his uncle, Craig Stoltzfus, Stoltzfus’ father, a cousin and three dogs.

Stoltzfus and Elliot Clark were armed when a brown bear came out of the woods, charging the group head on. The other members of the party were not armed.


There was four of them in a line … my son was third,” Clark said. “The bear came down the trail at them, fella in the front, who was his uncle, the bear was on him so quickly that he didn’t have time to take his rifle off his shoulder.”

The bear ran through the first two men, who were pushed to the side of the trail, leaving Elliot Clark in front of his unarmed cousin. The boy raised his pump action shotgun and shot the sow, hitting it with birdshot, which is often used just to scare bears off, Lucas Clark said.

“His first shot was a light load of birdshot. That first shot hit him in the shoulder and did absolutely nothing. The next shot hit him in the nose and traveled down through the neck,” Lucas Clark said.

The third shot went into the bear’s shoulder and his back, dropping it to the ground. The bear was so close when Elliot hit it with his third shot, there were powder burns on the bear’s mouth. Still alive, the bear then slid by Elliot’s feet.

“As the bear slid past him and came to a stop, he put a kill shot it him,” Lucas Clark said.

Stoltzfus finished it off with another round.

The moment could have turned out differently. Lucas Clark hadn’t gotten around to putting a sling on his son’s shotgun, leaving the 11-year-old to carry it in his hands. He credits this and a lot of shooting practice with preparing Elliot for the moment.

“He was carrying it in his hands rather than on his shoulder. That was the problem with the other ones, when the bear came at his uncle, he had his rifle on his shoulder and the bear was very close, so he couldn’t get it off in time,” Lucas Clark said.

For those of us living in bear country, there's a lot that's odd about this article.


Sorry didn't see this post.

You are more likely to be hurt in a vending machine accident than attacked by a brown bear. They just don't attack unless it is a sow defending her cubs. They are actually really shy. In the past year I've flushed two brown bears unintentionally and they ran like the dickens when we encountered each other.

So there's that. Then think about the story these folks are telling. They're in a line walking on a trail. The bear comes down the trail at them. Bears don't hang out near hiking trails unless they've been used to campsites. Did she have her cub on the trail? No mention at all of finding a cub after the shooting. Silence. The bear pushes by the first two guys, doesn't attack them, and the kid gets off three shots before the bear gets close to him. Doesn't make sense. If you've ever seen a brown bear run, it doesn't make sense. They are so fast you can't even believe something that large can move that fast. Even directly up steep embankments. If it really was brushing by two guys to get to the kid (to do what, to eat him?), no way the kid gets three shots off.

These clowns were hunting the bear, pure and simple. They came up with the story you just read to cover up their act. No harm in getting a license and doing it the right way, but some folks just can't figure it out and think that because they're carrying a gun they can shoot any animal they want. Only think that doesn't make sense is the birdshot. That doesn't fit in my theory unless they are even more stupid than I imagine. Maybe they told the kid to shoot at it with birdshot to scare it off and it turned on them and they bit off more than they wanted to chew and then the story they told is almost true.

Bear's Lives Matter (that's a joke).

You can bet wildlife management/game wardens got involved and inspected the animal closely to see if their story matched the gunshot wounds to the bear.
If they were all to the front of the bear I'd be inclined to believe them.
Where did you read that it was female?
The rest is assumption.
Pure nonsense.

Okay, Daniel Boone. You know better. From the article that was posted:

The bear ran through the first two men, who were pushed to the side of the trail, leaving Elliot Clark in front of his unarmed cousin. The boy raised his pump action shotgun and shot the sow, hitting it with birdshot, which is often used just to scare bears off, Lucas Clark said.

Sow = female

Well if they can tell the difference between the sex, they have a pretty good idea of what they were doing.
What was he supposed to do, let her kill his uncle?.

Hey, Simon Kenton. You think they knew her sex when they shot her? You're over your head here, my friend. Stop digging. This bear was as likely to attack them without provocation as you are to spend three nights in the forest without getting scared.

I do see that you don't live in wilderness, you a city dweller?

I don't need to prove my bona fides to you, Tecumseh. I live a half mile from a National Forest. And I'm heading out on a bike ride into it now. You have proven yourself repeatedly in this thread to not have a clue. And that's cool, if you don't mind, I don't mind.

Wow a war chief!

I live in the middle of wilderness not near it riding my bike.
When a large animal attack happens you kill it.
Including the small ones like rattle snakes threatening your dogs in your own back yard.
Maybe they weren't really fishing did they have fishing poles with them?
The park rangers would know this.
Okay, Daniel Boone. You know better. From the article that was posted:

The bear ran through the first two men, who were pushed to the side of the trail, leaving Elliot Clark in front of his unarmed cousin. The boy raised his pump action shotgun and shot the sow, hitting it with birdshot, which is often used just to scare bears off, Lucas Clark said.

Sow = female

Well if they can tell the difference between the sex, they have a pretty good idea of what they were doing.
What was he supposed to do, let her kill his uncle?.

Hey, Simon Kenton. You think they knew her sex when they shot her? You're over your head here, my friend. Stop digging. This bear was as likely to attack them without provocation as you are to spend three nights in the forest without getting scared.

I do see that you don't live in wilderness, you a city dweller?

I don't need to prove my bona fides to you, Tecumseh. I live a half mile from a National Forest. And I'm heading out on a bike ride into it now. You have proven yourself repeatedly in this thread to not have a clue. And that's cool, if you don't mind, I don't mind.

Wow a war chief!

I live in the middle of wilderness not near it riding my bike.
When a large animal attack happens you kill it.
Including the small ones like rattle snakes threatening your dogs in your own back yard.
Maybe they weren't really fishing did they have fishing poles with them?
The park rangers would know this.

Reading comprehension really isn't your strength, is it Pucksinwah? You and your mate are obviously a thousand times more Boonesque than I'll ever be. I might as well live in midtown Manhattan with my total lack of Boone sense.
Well if they can tell the difference between the sex, they have a pretty good idea of what they were doing.
What was he supposed to do, let her kill his uncle?.

Hey, Simon Kenton. You think they knew her sex when they shot her? You're over your head here, my friend. Stop digging. This bear was as likely to attack them without provocation as you are to spend three nights in the forest without getting scared.

I do see that you don't live in wilderness, you a city dweller?

I don't need to prove my bona fides to you, Tecumseh. I live a half mile from a National Forest. And I'm heading out on a bike ride into it now. You have proven yourself repeatedly in this thread to not have a clue. And that's cool, if you don't mind, I don't mind.

Wow a war chief!

I live in the middle of wilderness not near it riding my bike.
When a large animal attack happens you kill it.
Including the small ones like rattle snakes threatening your dogs in your own back yard.
Maybe they weren't really fishing did they have fishing poles with them?
The park rangers would know this.

Reading comprehension really isn't your strength, is it Pucksinwah? You and your mate are obviously a thousand times more Boonesque than I'll ever be. I might as well live in midtown Manhattan with my total lack of Boone sense.

Common sense sure isn't yours.
It's rather interesting that you think a small woman should be compared to a war chief though. :)

The question of fishing poles is still up in the air.
So....anti gunners......this 11 year old from a family used to using and carrying guns, who taught the lad how to shoot and how to be safe with a gun...owe their lives to his abililty, to use a gun in self defense...in the middle of a violent attack by a bear...with family right around him.....

He was a good shooter, he killed the Bear with Bird shot......

Armed 11-year-old boy saves fishing party from charging bear

Quick action from a Hoonah boy saved a fishing party from a charging brown bear on June 18, the Empire has learned through Alaska State Troopers and family members.

It was the first Defense of Life or Property (DLP) killing in the Hoonah area this year, according to trooper spokesperson Megan Peters.

When the attack occurred, Elliot Clark, then 11 years old, was walking through the woods near Game Creek in Port Frederick several miles south of Hoonah. The young outdoorsman was heading to a nearby fishing hole with his uncle, Craig Stoltzfus, Stoltzfus’ father, a cousin and three dogs.

Stoltzfus and Elliot Clark were armed when a brown bear came out of the woods, charging the group head on. The other members of the party were not armed.


There was four of them in a line … my son was third,” Clark said. “The bear came down the trail at them, fella in the front, who was his uncle, the bear was on him so quickly that he didn’t have time to take his rifle off his shoulder.”

The bear ran through the first two men, who were pushed to the side of the trail, leaving Elliot Clark in front of his unarmed cousin. The boy raised his pump action shotgun and shot the sow, hitting it with birdshot, which is often used just to scare bears off, Lucas Clark said.

“His first shot was a light load of birdshot. That first shot hit him in the shoulder and did absolutely nothing. The next shot hit him in the nose and traveled down through the neck,” Lucas Clark said.

The third shot went into the bear’s shoulder and his back, dropping it to the ground. The bear was so close when Elliot hit it with his third shot, there were powder burns on the bear’s mouth. Still alive, the bear then slid by Elliot’s feet.

“As the bear slid past him and came to a stop, he put a kill shot it him,” Lucas Clark said.

Stoltzfus finished it off with another round.

The moment could have turned out differently. Lucas Clark hadn’t gotten around to putting a sling on his son’s shotgun, leaving the 11-year-old to carry it in his hands. He credits this and a lot of shooting practice with preparing Elliot for the moment.

“He was carrying it in his hands rather than on his shoulder. That was the problem with the other ones, when the bear came at his uncle, he had his rifle on his shoulder and the bear was very close, so he couldn’t get it off in time,” Lucas Clark said.
At school?
DIM BULB You failed to address my comment.

"You can bet wildlife management/game wardens got involved and inspected the animal closely to see if their story matched the gunshot wounds to the bear.
If they were all to the front of the bear I'd be inclined to believe them."
Well if they can tell the difference between the sex, they have a pretty good idea of what they were doing.
What was he supposed to do, let her kill his uncle?.

Hey, Simon Kenton. You think they knew her sex when they shot her? You're over your head here, my friend. Stop digging. This bear was as likely to attack them without provocation as you are to spend three nights in the forest without getting scared.

I do see that you don't live in wilderness, you a city dweller?

I don't need to prove my bona fides to you, Tecumseh. I live a half mile from a National Forest. And I'm heading out on a bike ride into it now. You have proven yourself repeatedly in this thread to not have a clue. And that's cool, if you don't mind, I don't mind.

Wow a war chief!

I live in the middle of wilderness not near it riding my bike.
When a large animal attack happens you kill it.
Including the small ones like rattle snakes threatening your dogs in your own back yard.
Maybe they weren't really fishing did they have fishing poles with them?
The park rangers would know this.

Reading comprehension really isn't your strength, is it Pucksinwah? You and your mate are obviously a thousand times more Boonesque than I'll ever be. I might as well live in midtown Manhattan with my total lack of Boone sense.

My fault was speed reading.
DIM BULB You failed to address my comment.

"You can bet wildlife management/game wardens got involved and inspected the animal closely to see if their story matched the gunshot wounds to the bear.
If they were all to the front of the bear I'd be inclined to believe them."
Meh. Show me where I say that you aren't allowed to protect yourself if attacked. Any fool can use a gun while walking through a forest. It takes real knowledge to walk through the forest and not put yourself in position to be attacked or to have to use the gun. The best shot you take is the one you don't have to take. This is what I've learned from my father and older brother, and what I've taught my children. And if you have no other choice, then by all means take the shot. But you know so much more than I, I'll just read and learn from you and your chums.
DIM BULB You failed to address my comment.

"You can bet wildlife management/game wardens got involved and inspected the animal closely to see if their story matched the gunshot wounds to the bear.
If they were all to the front of the bear I'd be inclined to believe them."
Meh. Show me where I say that you aren't allowed to protect yourself if attacked. Any fool can use a gun while walking through a forest. It takes real knowledge to walk through the forest and not put yourself in position to be attacked or to have to use the gun. The best shot you take is the one you don't have to take. This is what I've learned from my father and older brother, and what I've taught my children. And if you have no other choice, then by all means take the shot. But you know so much more than I, I'll just read and learn from you and your chums.

And now you're going to get all testy because your narrative fell apart.
And you still didnt address my comment.

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