11 year old stabs another 11 year old spurs a protest

Can anybody tell a Canadian why there is such a culture of continuous violence between blacks and whites and blacks in America these days?
Can anybody tell a Canadian why there is such a culture of continuous violence between blacks and whites and blacks in America these days?
Simple. BAD PARENTING, across the board.
Nice. I didn't know they kitchen knife sets.

So did Gerber. I almost bought a set of these Gerber steak knives at Goodwill the other day. But they weren't worth much, so I passed.

Can anybody tell a Canadian why there is such a culture of continuous violence between blacks and whites and blacks in America these days?
There is virtually no violence committed by whites against blacks. It happens, but its rare as fuck. However, there is an overwhelming number of blacks attacking whites. There are hundreds of such attacks every day in this nation. Most dont end up on video, but of the ones that do, they are all black on white crime, or black on asian crime. The reason for this is because, the black communities culture has been poisoned. Its a destructive subculture now, hence the insane amount of violence.
There is virtually no violence committed by whites against blacks. It happens, but its rare as fuck. However, there is an overwhelming number of blacks attacking whites. There are hundreds of such attacks every day in this nation. Most dont end up on video, but of the ones that do, they are all black on white crime, or black on asian crime. The reason for this is because, the black communities culture has been poisoned. Its a destructive subculture now, hence the insane amount of violence.
because of lack of education in anyway too.
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