1100 lies in 7 weeks.

Trump defenders are doing a great job proving........Trump is a liar.
You don't love anything, till the democrat talking points tell you what to do. The country is doing great right now, and you hate that. Very telling what you love or hate.
Running up the debt, trade wars, alienating our alles, and rhetoric that kills people is not winning.
Lol, Obama outspent all presidents combined, and didn't have shit to show for it. Oh, he did have one thing, men in girls locker rooms.
That is the absolute dumbest statement ever made.
it's true.....
Prove it.
Obama by far, we'll see how Trump will handle it, but it's Obama by a country mile. And he did let me in girls locker rooms, so what is incorrect?

United States federal budget - Wikipedia

2018 United States federal budget – $4.1 trillion (submitted 2017 by President Trump)
You and your pals don't care when Obama, Hillary and other Democrats lie, so why should we care about your accusations that Trump lies?
They also over look this fact also.View attachment 226429
How does a Secretary of State kill people?

This should be interesting.
By bombing random countries...it kills a lot of people

oh and also by putting diplomats in dangerous areas without the proper security and then allowing them to die while you do nothing and are accuses of not allowing anyone else to help.
The S of S controls the military..

Libya was a dangerous place & the ambassador chose it. Benghazi consulate was in a temporary location. Clinton did not send him there. The military said you are a fucking liar because there was nothing that could have been done in time to save him

When will you assfucks quit using the deaths at Benghazi to spread your ignorance & lies?

Trump drops far more bombs that .Bush or Obama.

So shove your fake gioing a shit about bombs up your ignorant fat ass,.
No the Sec of State does not control the military, but she was for bombing those countries and intervening...She does have input when concerning those matters.
The President picks the ambassadors

But if it was so dangerous....and with no government....what was the purpose of an ambassador there? We couyld have kept the position unoccupied

List of ambassadors of the United States to Libya - Wikipedia

I notice a hug gap between 1980 and 2006 with no ambassador....if there was no govt and it was so dangerous, we could have not filled the position...or atleast beefed up the security.

Now I'm picking an article that says Trump mislead with 600 requests for security to Libya/.

But notice they did say security was inadequate (who is responsible for that? The S of State and the President)

And they had several requests which were denied....(WHY????)

600 ‘requests’ from Benghazi for better security: What this statistic really means
I have counted them up and so has a lot of others. You are the one who needs to count them up. Stop being such a delusional retard.
Well then you should be able to provide examples
Anyone can Google or Bing Trump lies to gain access to well researched and documented lists of documented provable lies from Donald Trump.
Camp, you don't get it. I want to know what YOU consider a big lie. I have looked at a lot of them, they don't amount to much, most of the time it's an exaggeration or the wrong time/day kind of thing.....so give us an example of what you consider a really horrible lie by the President.


All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

he's a liar - I consder his word equal to a gob of spit on the sidewalk.

So which one is your biggest concern, I cant discuss 1000 issues at once....

here is one

Donald Trump
"Democrats oppose any effort to secure our border."

— PolitiFact National on Tuesday, October 30th, 2018

This to me is true..... What have the democrats done to secure the border? a wall is the only answer, don't give me this tech bs......they could have done that already.......
Running up the debt, trade wars, alienating our alles, and rhetoric that kills people is not winning.
Lol, Obama outspent all presidents combined, and didn't have shit to show for it. Oh, he did have one thing, men in girls locker rooms.
That is the absolute dumbest statement ever made.
it's true.....
Prove it.
Obama by far, we'll see how Trump will handle it, but it's Obama by a country mile. And he did let me in girls locker rooms, so what is incorrect?

United States federal budget - Wikipedia

2018 United States federal budget – $4.1 trillion (submitted 2017 by President Trump)
Submiited budgets. Not what they actually were.

In 2017, the government spent under 4 trillion.
They also over look this fact also.View attachment 226429
How does a Secretary of State kill people?

This should be interesting.
By bombing random countries...it kills a lot of people

oh and also by putting diplomats in dangerous areas without the proper security and then allowing them to die while you do nothing and are accuses of not allowing anyone else to help.
The S of S controls the military..

Libya was a dangerous place & the ambassador chose it. Benghazi consulate was in a temporary location. Clinton did not send him there. The military said you are a fucking liar because there was nothing that could have been done in time to save him

When will you assfucks quit using the deaths at Benghazi to spread your ignorance & lies?

Trump drops far more bombs that .Bush or Obama.

So shove your fake gioing a shit about bombs up your ignorant fat ass,.
No the Sec of State does not control the military, but she was for bombing those countries and intervening...She does have input when concerning those matters.
The President picks the ambassadors

But if it was so dangerous....and with no government....what was the purpose of an ambassador there? We couyld have kept the position unoccupied

List of ambassadors of the United States to Libya - Wikipedia

I notice a hug gap between 1980 and 2006 with no ambassador....if there was no govt and it was so dangerous, we could have not filled the position...or atleast beefed up the security.

Now I'm picking an article that says Trump mislead with 600 requests for security to Libya/.

But notice they did say security was inadequate (who is responsible for that? The S of State and the President)

And they had several requests which were denied....(WHY????)

600 ‘requests’ from Benghazi for better security: What this statistic really means
Well then you should be able to provide examples
Anyone can Google or Bing Trump lies to gain access to well researched and documented lists of documented provable lies from Donald Trump.
Camp, you don't get it. I want to know what YOU consider a big lie. I have looked at a lot of them, they don't amount to much, most of the time it's an exaggeration or the wrong time/day kind of thing.....so give us an example of what you consider a really horrible lie by the President.


All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

he's a liar - I consder his word equal to a gob of spit on the sidewalk.

So which one is your biggest concern, I cant discuss 1000 issues at once....

here is one

Donald Trump
"Democrats oppose any effort to secure our border."

— PolitiFact National on Tuesday, October 30th, 2018

This to me is true..... What have the democrats done to secure the border? a wall is the only answer, don't give me this tech bs......they could have done that already.......
Lol, Obama outspent all presidents combined, and didn't have shit to show for it. Oh, he did have one thing, men in girls locker rooms.
That is the absolute dumbest statement ever made.
it's true.....
Prove it.
Obama by far, we'll see how Trump will handle it, but it's Obama by a country mile. And he did let me in girls locker rooms, so what is incorrect?

United States federal budget - Wikipedia

2018 United States federal budget – $4.1 trillion (submitted 2017 by President Trump)
Submiited budgets. Not what they actually were.

In 2017, the government spent under 4 trillion.
you have a link?
Running up the debt, trade wars, alienating our alles, and rhetoric that kills people is not winning.
Lol, Obama outspent all presidents combined, and didn't have shit to show for it. Oh, he did have one thing, men in girls locker rooms.
That is the absolute dumbest statement ever made.
it's true.....
Prove it.
Obama by far, we'll see how Trump will handle it, but it's Obama by a country mile. And he did let me in girls locker rooms, so what is incorrect?

United States federal budget - Wikipedia

2018 United States federal budget – $4.1 trillion (submitted 2017 by President Trump)
2018 deficit. 800 billion
2019 Budget????? How much?
Another Republican Debt Explosion is Destroying the USA!!!
Lol, Obama outspent all presidents combined, and didn't have shit to show for it. Oh, he did have one thing, men in girls locker rooms.
That is the absolute dumbest statement ever made.
it's true.....
Prove it.
Obama by far, we'll see how Trump will handle it, but it's Obama by a country mile. And he did let me in girls locker rooms, so what is incorrect?

United States federal budget - Wikipedia

2018 United States federal budget – $4.1 trillion (submitted 2017 by President Trump)
2018 deficit. 800 billion
2019 Budget????? How much?
I don't rely on projections, they are notoriously unreliable.
How does a Secretary of State kill people?

This should be interesting.
By bombing random countries...it kills a lot of people

oh and also by putting diplomats in dangerous areas without the proper security and then allowing them to die while you do nothing and are accuses of not allowing anyone else to help.
The S of S controls the military..

Libya was a dangerous place & the ambassador chose it. Benghazi consulate was in a temporary location. Clinton did not send him there. The military said you are a fucking liar because there was nothing that could have been done in time to save him

When will you assfucks quit using the deaths at Benghazi to spread your ignorance & lies?

Trump drops far more bombs that .Bush or Obama.

So shove your fake gioing a shit about bombs up your ignorant fat ass,.
No the Sec of State does not control the military, but she was for bombing those countries and intervening...She does have input when concerning those matters.
The President picks the ambassadors

But if it was so dangerous....and with no government....what was the purpose of an ambassador there? We couyld have kept the position unoccupied

List of ambassadors of the United States to Libya - Wikipedia

I notice a hug gap between 1980 and 2006 with no ambassador....if there was no govt and it was so dangerous, we could have not filled the position...or atleast beefed up the security.

Now I'm picking an article that says Trump mislead with 600 requests for security to Libya/.

But notice they did say security was inadequate (who is responsible for that? The S of State and the President)

And they had several requests which were denied....(WHY????)

600 ‘requests’ from Benghazi for better security: What this statistic really means
Anyone can Google or Bing Trump lies to gain access to well researched and documented lists of documented provable lies from Donald Trump.
Camp, you don't get it. I want to know what YOU consider a big lie. I have looked at a lot of them, they don't amount to much, most of the time it's an exaggeration or the wrong time/day kind of thing.....so give us an example of what you consider a really horrible lie by the President.


All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

he's a liar - I consder his word equal to a gob of spit on the sidewalk.

So which one is your biggest concern, I cant discuss 1000 issues at once....

here is one

Donald Trump
"Democrats oppose any effort to secure our border."

— PolitiFact National on Tuesday, October 30th, 2018

This to me is true..... What have the democrats done to secure the border? a wall is the only answer, don't give me this tech bs......they could have done that already.......
That is the absolute dumbest statement ever made.
it's true.....
Prove it.
Obama by far, we'll see how Trump will handle it, but it's Obama by a country mile. And he did let me in girls locker rooms, so what is incorrect?

United States federal budget - Wikipedia

2018 United States federal budget – $4.1 trillion (submitted 2017 by President Trump)
Submiited budgets. Not what they actually were.

In 2017, the government spent under 4 trillion.
you have a link?

What a dumb fucking idiot you are, huh?

a) the numbers you posted are from submitted budgets, not actual spending. Actual total spending is usually higher.

b) you’re moronically comparing nominal figures, not real figures.

c) even using the numbers you posted doesn’t show Obama spending more than all other presidents combined. :lmao:

Forget for the moment that you idiotically posted submitted budgets and not actual spending... and forget for the moment that you’re boneheadingly posting nominal figures ... the numbers you posted come out to...

Obama (8 years) ....... $30.5t
Bush (8 years) ........... $20.8t
Clinton (6 years) ........ $10.3t

Just using the limited data you posted, you prove you’re a moron by claiming Obama spent more than all other presidents combined. Shit, just Bush’s 8 years and Clinton’s last 6 years were already more. And that’s not even counting Clinton’s first two budgets or any other president’s.


Thanks for the laughs. This is exactly the reason you brain-dead cultist freaks crack me up!
By bombing random countries...it kills a lot of people

oh and also by putting diplomats in dangerous areas without the proper security and then allowing them to die while you do nothing and are accuses of not allowing anyone else to help.
The S of S controls the military..

Libya was a dangerous place & the ambassador chose it. Benghazi consulate was in a temporary location. Clinton did not send him there. The military said you are a fucking liar because there was nothing that could have been done in time to save him

When will you assfucks quit using the deaths at Benghazi to spread your ignorance & lies?

Trump drops far more bombs that .Bush or Obama.

So shove your fake gioing a shit about bombs up your ignorant fat ass,.
No the Sec of State does not control the military, but she was for bombing those countries and intervening...She does have input when concerning those matters.
The President picks the ambassadors

But if it was so dangerous....and with no government....what was the purpose of an ambassador there? We couyld have kept the position unoccupied

List of ambassadors of the United States to Libya - Wikipedia

I notice a hug gap between 1980 and 2006 with no ambassador....if there was no govt and it was so dangerous, we could have not filled the position...or atleast beefed up the security.

Now I'm picking an article that says Trump mislead with 600 requests for security to Libya/.

But notice they did say security was inadequate (who is responsible for that? The S of State and the President)

And they had several requests which were denied....(WHY????)

600 ‘requests’ from Benghazi for better security: What this statistic really means
Camp, you don't get it. I want to know what YOU consider a big lie. I have looked at a lot of them, they don't amount to much, most of the time it's an exaggeration or the wrong time/day kind of thing.....so give us an example of what you consider a really horrible lie by the President.


All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

he's a liar - I consder his word equal to a gob of spit on the sidewalk.

So which one is your biggest concern, I cant discuss 1000 issues at once....

here is one

Donald Trump
"Democrats oppose any effort to secure our border."

— PolitiFact National on Tuesday, October 30th, 2018

This to me is true..... What have the democrats done to secure the border? a wall is the only answer, don't give me this tech bs......they could have done that already.......
Obama by far, we'll see how Trump will handle it, but it's Obama by a country mile. And he did let me in girls locker rooms, so what is incorrect?

United States federal budget - Wikipedia

2018 United States federal budget – $4.1 trillion (submitted 2017 by President Trump)
Submiited budgets. Not what they actually were.

In 2017, the government spent under 4 trillion.
you have a link?

What a dumb fucking idiot you are, huh?

a) the numbers you posted are from submitted budgets, not actual spending. Actual total spending is usually higher.

b) you’re moronically comparing nominal figures, not real figures.

c) even using the numbers you posted doesn’t show Obama spending more than all other presidents combined. :lmao:

Forget for the moment that you idiotically posted submitted budgets and not actual spending... and forget for the moment that you’re boneheadingly posting nominal figures ... the numbers you posted come out to...

Obama (8 years) ....... $30.5t
Bush (8 years) ........... $20.8t
Clinton (6 years) ........ $10.3t

Just using the limited data you posted, you prove you’re a moron by claiming Obama spent more than all other presidents combined. Shit, just Bush’s 8 years and Clinton’s last 6 years were already more. And that’s not even counting Clinton’s first two budgets or any other president’s.


Thanks for the laughs. This is exactly the reason you brain-dead cultist freaks crack me up!
Then give us a link for actual spending.......since it's not so difficult
The S of S controls the military..

Libya was a dangerous place & the ambassador chose it. Benghazi consulate was in a temporary location. Clinton did not send him there. The military said you are a fucking liar because there was nothing that could have been done in time to save him

When will you assfucks quit using the deaths at Benghazi to spread your ignorance & lies?

Trump drops far more bombs that .Bush or Obama.

So shove your fake gioing a shit about bombs up your ignorant fat ass,.
No the Sec of State does not control the military, but she was for bombing those countries and intervening...She does have input when concerning those matters.
The President picks the ambassadors

But if it was so dangerous....and with no government....what was the purpose of an ambassador there? We couyld have kept the position unoccupied

List of ambassadors of the United States to Libya - Wikipedia

I notice a hug gap between 1980 and 2006 with no ambassador....if there was no govt and it was so dangerous, we could have not filled the position...or atleast beefed up the security.

Now I'm picking an article that says Trump mislead with 600 requests for security to Libya/.

But notice they did say security was inadequate (who is responsible for that? The S of State and the President)

And they had several requests which were denied....(WHY????)

600 ‘requests’ from Benghazi for better security: What this statistic really means

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

he's a liar - I consder his word equal to a gob of spit on the sidewalk.

So which one is your biggest concern, I cant discuss 1000 issues at once....

here is one

Donald Trump
"Democrats oppose any effort to secure our border."

— PolitiFact National on Tuesday, October 30th, 2018

This to me is true..... What have the democrats done to secure the border? a wall is the only answer, don't give me this tech bs......they could have done that already.......
Prove it.
Obama by far, we'll see how Trump will handle it, but it's Obama by a country mile. And he did let me in girls locker rooms, so what is incorrect?

United States federal budget - Wikipedia

2018 United States federal budget – $4.1 trillion (submitted 2017 by President Trump)
Submiited budgets. Not what they actually were.

In 2017, the government spent under 4 trillion.
you have a link?

What a dumb fucking idiot you are, huh?

a) the numbers you posted are from submitted budgets, not actual spending. Actual total spending is usually higher.

b) you’re moronically comparing nominal figures, not real figures.

c) even using the numbers you posted doesn’t show Obama spending more than all other presidents combined. :lmao:

Forget for the moment that you idiotically posted submitted budgets and not actual spending... and forget for the moment that you’re boneheadingly posting nominal figures ... the numbers you posted come out to...

Obama (8 years) ....... $30.5t
Bush (8 years) ........... $20.8t
Clinton (6 years) ........ $10.3t

Just using the limited data you posted, you prove you’re a moron by claiming Obama spent more than all other presidents combined. Shit, just Bush’s 8 years and Clinton’s last 6 years were already more. And that’s not even counting Clinton’s first two budgets or any other president’s.


Thanks for the laughs. This is exactly the reason you brain-dead cultist freaks crack me up!
Then give us a link for actual spending.......since it's not so difficult
I’ve already humiliated you enough with your own bullshit. If you want to defend YOUR claim, YOU will have to produce the numbers YOU claimed.

No the Sec of State does not control the military, but she was for bombing those countries and intervening...She does have input when concerning those matters.
The President picks the ambassadors

But if it was so dangerous....and with no government....what was the purpose of an ambassador there? We couyld have kept the position unoccupied

List of ambassadors of the United States to Libya - Wikipedia

I notice a hug gap between 1980 and 2006 with no ambassador....if there was no govt and it was so dangerous, we could have not filled the position...or atleast beefed up the security.

Now I'm picking an article that says Trump mislead with 600 requests for security to Libya/.

But notice they did say security was inadequate (who is responsible for that? The S of State and the President)

And they had several requests which were denied....(WHY????)

600 ‘requests’ from Benghazi for better security: What this statistic really means
So which one is your biggest concern, I cant discuss 1000 issues at once....

here is one

Donald Trump
"Democrats oppose any effort to secure our border."

— PolitiFact National on Tuesday, October 30th, 2018

This to me is true..... What have the democrats done to secure the border? a wall is the only answer, don't give me this tech bs......they could have done that already.......
Obama by far, we'll see how Trump will handle it, but it's Obama by a country mile. And he did let me in girls locker rooms, so what is incorrect?

United States federal budget - Wikipedia

2018 United States federal budget – $4.1 trillion (submitted 2017 by President Trump)
Submiited budgets. Not what they actually were.

In 2017, the government spent under 4 trillion.
you have a link?

What a dumb fucking idiot you are, huh?

a) the numbers you posted are from submitted budgets, not actual spending. Actual total spending is usually higher.

b) you’re moronically comparing nominal figures, not real figures.

c) even using the numbers you posted doesn’t show Obama spending more than all other presidents combined. :lmao:

Forget for the moment that you idiotically posted submitted budgets and not actual spending... and forget for the moment that you’re boneheadingly posting nominal figures ... the numbers you posted come out to...

Obama (8 years) ....... $30.5t
Bush (8 years) ........... $20.8t
Clinton (6 years) ........ $10.3t

Just using the limited data you posted, you prove you’re a moron by claiming Obama spent more than all other presidents combined. Shit, just Bush’s 8 years and Clinton’s last 6 years were already more. And that’s not even counting Clinton’s first two budgets or any other president’s.


Thanks for the laughs. This is exactly the reason you brain-dead cultist freaks crack me up!
Then give us a link for actual spending.......since it's not so difficult
I’ve already humiliated you enough with your own bullshit. If you want to defend YOUR claim, YOU will have to produce the numbers YOU claimed.


no you haven't, by all means PLEASE CONTINUE

No the Sec of State does not control the military, but she was for bombing those countries and intervening...She does have input when concerning those matters.
The President picks the ambassadors

But if it was so dangerous....and with no government....what was the purpose of an ambassador there? We couyld have kept the position unoccupied

List of ambassadors of the United States to Libya - Wikipedia

I notice a hug gap between 1980 and 2006 with no ambassador....if there was no govt and it was so dangerous, we could have not filled the position...or atleast beefed up the security.

Now I'm picking an article that says Trump mislead with 600 requests for security to Libya/.

But notice they did say security was inadequate (who is responsible for that? The S of State and the President)

And they had several requests which were denied....(WHY????)

600 ‘requests’ from Benghazi for better security: What this statistic really means
So which one is your biggest concern, I cant discuss 1000 issues at once....

here is one

Donald Trump
"Democrats oppose any effort to secure our border."

— PolitiFact National on Tuesday, October 30th, 2018

This to me is true..... What have the democrats done to secure the border? a wall is the only answer, don't give me this tech bs......they could have done that already.......
Obama by far, we'll see how Trump will handle it, but it's Obama by a country mile. And he did let me in girls locker rooms, so what is incorrect?

United States federal budget - Wikipedia

2018 United States federal budget – $4.1 trillion (submitted 2017 by President Trump)
Submiited budgets. Not what they actually were.

In 2017, the government spent under 4 trillion.
you have a link?

What a dumb fucking idiot you are, huh?

a) the numbers you posted are from submitted budgets, not actual spending. Actual total spending is usually higher.

b) you’re moronically comparing nominal figures, not real figures.

c) even using the numbers you posted doesn’t show Obama spending more than all other presidents combined. :lmao:

Forget for the moment that you idiotically posted submitted budgets and not actual spending... and forget for the moment that you’re boneheadingly posting nominal figures ... the numbers you posted come out to...

Obama (8 years) ....... $30.5t
Bush (8 years) ........... $20.8t
Clinton (6 years) ........ $10.3t

Just using the limited data you posted, you prove you’re a moron by claiming Obama spent more than all other presidents combined. Shit, just Bush’s 8 years and Clinton’s last 6 years were already more. And that’s not even counting Clinton’s first two budgets or any other president’s.


Thanks for the laughs. This is exactly the reason you brain-dead cultist freaks crack me up!
Then give us a link for actual spending.......since it's not so difficult
I’ve already humiliated you enough with your own bullshit. If you want to defend YOUR claim, YOU will have to produce the numbers YOU claimed.

I provided a link, unlike you......

If all 1100 lies are like this...the lest is fake news.
Submiited budgets. Not what they actually were.

In 2017, the government spent under 4 trillion.
you have a link?

What a dumb fucking idiot you are, huh?

a) the numbers you posted are from submitted budgets, not actual spending. Actual total spending is usually higher.

b) you’re moronically comparing nominal figures, not real figures.

c) even using the numbers you posted doesn’t show Obama spending more than all other presidents combined. :lmao:

Forget for the moment that you idiotically posted submitted budgets and not actual spending... and forget for the moment that you’re boneheadingly posting nominal figures ... the numbers you posted come out to...

Obama (8 years) ....... $30.5t
Bush (8 years) ........... $20.8t
Clinton (6 years) ........ $10.3t

Just using the limited data you posted, you prove you’re a moron by claiming Obama spent more than all other presidents combined. Shit, just Bush’s 8 years and Clinton’s last 6 years were already more. And that’s not even counting Clinton’s first two budgets or any other president’s.


Thanks for the laughs. This is exactly the reason you brain-dead cultist freaks crack me up!
Then give us a link for actual spending.......since it's not so difficult
I’ve already humiliated you enough with your own bullshit. If you want to defend YOUR claim, YOU will have to produce the numbers YOU claimed.

I provided a link, unlike you......

If all 1100 lies are like this...the lest is fake news.

Yes, you provided a link — to the wrong data!

you have a link?

What a dumb fucking idiot you are, huh?

a) the numbers you posted are from submitted budgets, not actual spending. Actual total spending is usually higher.

b) you’re moronically comparing nominal figures, not real figures.

c) even using the numbers you posted doesn’t show Obama spending more than all other presidents combined. :lmao:

Forget for the moment that you idiotically posted submitted budgets and not actual spending... and forget for the moment that you’re boneheadingly posting nominal figures ... the numbers you posted come out to...

Obama (8 years) ....... $30.5t
Bush (8 years) ........... $20.8t
Clinton (6 years) ........ $10.3t

Just using the limited data you posted, you prove you’re a moron by claiming Obama spent more than all other presidents combined. Shit, just Bush’s 8 years and Clinton’s last 6 years were already more. And that’s not even counting Clinton’s first two budgets or any other president’s.


Thanks for the laughs. This is exactly the reason you brain-dead cultist freaks crack me up!
Then give us a link for actual spending.......since it's not so difficult
I’ve already humiliated you enough with your own bullshit. If you want to defend YOUR claim, YOU will have to produce the numbers YOU claimed.

I provided a link, unlike you......

If all 1100 lies are like this...the lest is fake news.

Yes, you provided a link — to the wrong data!

I still don't see a link from you

What a dumb fucking idiot you are, huh?

a) the numbers you posted are from submitted budgets, not actual spending. Actual total spending is usually higher.

b) you’re moronically comparing nominal figures, not real figures.

c) even using the numbers you posted doesn’t show Obama spending more than all other presidents combined. :lmao:

Forget for the moment that you idiotically posted submitted budgets and not actual spending... and forget for the moment that you’re boneheadingly posting nominal figures ... the numbers you posted come out to...

Obama (8 years) ....... $30.5t
Bush (8 years) ........... $20.8t
Clinton (6 years) ........ $10.3t

Just using the limited data you posted, you prove you’re a moron by claiming Obama spent more than all other presidents combined. Shit, just Bush’s 8 years and Clinton’s last 6 years were already more. And that’s not even counting Clinton’s first two budgets or any other president’s.


Thanks for the laughs. This is exactly the reason you brain-dead cultist freaks crack me up!
Then give us a link for actual spending.......since it's not so difficult
I’ve already humiliated you enough with your own bullshit. If you want to defend YOUR claim, YOU will have to produce the numbers YOU claimed.

I provided a link, unlike you......

If all 1100 lies are like this...the lest is fake news.

Yes, you provided a link — to the wrong data!

I still don't see a link from you

You know you’re fucking deranged, right?

Why on Earth do you think I should post a link to anything when you failed miserably to prove your billshit that Obama outspent all other presidents combined?

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