12/19/2022: Trump Criminal Referral Day

Wasn’t the Obumbler AG (Holder) referred to the DOJ by Congress, too?

Yeah - and when he dodged his subpoena it was "stunning and brave".

If Trump does the same, I guarantee you that it'll be a total criminal subversion of Democracy.

And the mindless drove of sheep will lap up their orders from the corporate press.

Not much gray matter.
Apparently a criminal referral from the J6 Committee won't carry much, if any, weight with the DOJ - so the experts say. However, I think it will carry some weight. Regardless, it serves as a great historical document on one of the darkest days in American history.

Neat story
One crime that cannot be denied is "inciting a riot" of which there is ample proof of. Using his own words he made claims that were based on half truths and no real evidence that the election was stolen.

Did he want his people to stand outside the capitol and shout his name or did he want them to disrupt the proceedings?

Well all the prosecution would have to proof is that the defendant committed or engaged in conduct that encouraged a riot or commit acts of destroying property or violence.

Yet then a jury must convict which is where the real problem is or if anyone really wants to prosecute.

It’s far long past time that this country stop treating this person as it has been treating him for the past two years— as some sort of distressing anomaly or curiosity to be tolerated and managed, and instead treat him like any other person who makes calculated, violent threats against our justice system and the people who uphold it. Trump occupies a peculiar place in our history, one that should by any reasonable measure hold him to a higher standard of behavior. That is an implicit bargain that an elected official submits to — willingly or not — when he is placed in an office of public trust. The fact that Trump refuses to accept that precept doesn’t negate it; rather, it makes its enforcement all the more critical.

We have to stop coddling this guy or making excuses for him. We have to stop tolerating the excuses others make for him. He’s a menace, a clear and present danger, deliberately trying to be cute and clever by couching his terminology in a twisted and grotesque simulation of what he thinks will pass as “patriotism.” And wrapping himself in the cloak of what he thinks will pass muster as “free speech.”

But this isn’t patriotic. Read it again in the context of someone who incited an insurrection against a lawful election, and keeping in mind the person who is saying this, his position, and his implicit (and explicit) duty and responsibility:

The Crooked FBI, the so-called Department of 'Justice,' and 'Intelligence,' all parts of the Democrat Party and System, is the Cancer. These Weaponized Thugs and Tyrants must be dealt with, or our once great and beautiful Country will die!!
And please don’t pretend that “dealt with” means anything less than what is obvious. This isn’t a message of complaint or protest against government overreach or malfeasance, in the context of who is delivering it. It is a threat, from a former president and a now-declared candidate for the same office.

This is sedition, and it’s an evocation — and exhortation — to violence and terrorism to achieve that.

Garland and Smith, please. Do. Your. Jobs.
It’s far long past time that this country stop treating this person as it has been treating him for the past two years— as some sort of distressing anomaly or curiosity to be tolerated and managed, and instead treat him like any other person who makes calculated, violent threats against our justice system and the people who uphold it. Trump occupies a peculiar place in our history, one that should by any reasonable measure hold him to a higher standard of behavior. That is an implicit bargain that an elected official submits to — willingly or not — when he is placed in an office of public trust. The fact that Trump refuses to accept that precept doesn’t negate it; rather, it makes its enforcement all the more critical.

We have to stop coddling this guy or making excuses for him. We have to stop tolerating the excuses others make for him. He’s a menace, a clear and present danger, deliberately trying to be cute and clever by couching his terminology in a twisted and grotesque simulation of what he thinks will pass as “patriotism.” And wrapping himself in the cloak of what he thinks will pass muster as “free speech.”

But this isn’t patriotic. Read it again in the context of someone who incited an insurrection against a lawful election, and keeping in mind the person who is saying this, his position, and his implicit (and explicit) duty and responsibility:

And please don’t pretend that “dealt with” means anything less than what is obvious. This isn’t a message of complaint or protest against government overreach or malfeasance, in the context of who is delivering it. It is a threat, from a former president and a now-declared candidate for the same office.

This is sedition, and it’s an evocation — and exhortation — to violence and terrorism to achieve that.

Garland and Smith, please. Do. Your. Jobs.
Apparently a criminal referral from the J6 Committee won't carry much, if any, weight with the DOJ - so the experts say. However, I think it will carry some weight. Regardless, it serves as a great historical document on one of the darkest days in American history.
one of the darkest days.....was it darker than 9/11?.....just asking....
On Dec 20, 2022:

Trump will shoot a 74 on a world class golf course and then go home to bed his supermodel wife.

You will be shitting in the woods behind your teepee and eating road kill.

Literally nothing will change.

What will change is that this will only increase Trump's popularity and bring in the bucks at his fundraising affairs.

We might even get to see a whole new batch of Trump NFT cards.
Once Republicans take the majority next year, they are not expected to renew the committee, instead launching a slew of investigations that will focus on the Biden administration and the president’s family.
A slew of meritless, bad faith ‘investigations’ motivated solely by blind partisan revenge.

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