12 Minutes of Democrat Election Deniers

Have you ever seen such vile hypocritical creatures?

I'm cornfused--- 🌽

All I ever hear from leftists is how there is no evidence of election fraud! Despite more and more and new and newer evidence constantly showing up! Like now the democrats keeping RFK on some ballots hoping it'll cost Trump to lose the state. Even Jimmy Carter said election fraud was a problem.

Yet here are all these democrats exclaiming ELECTION FRAUD!

I'm afraid this is just beyond my ken, perhaps a true expert like JackOfNoTrades can explain how there is no fraud when Biden wins but nothing BUT fraud when Trump won???
Have you ever seen such vile hypocritical creatures?

Funny how when anyone in the republicans questions the bizarre, atypical 2020 election, the GOP jumps all over them as radical misfits and malcontents not representative of the party, yet when democrats en masse declare Trump did not legitimately win, no one in the DNC objects nor minds.
Remember when the violent left-wing bigots rioted across the country when Trump won in 2016.
They weren't called election deniers and insurrectionists.

Thread summary:

The Democrats never denied any elections or overthrow the government. The Trump cultists all just keep lying for the glory of their communist/fascist party.

Why? Because they're still trying to justify attempting to violently overthrow an election, an act so vile that it never happened before in US history. And they're planning more such violent treason in the future.

What, Trump cult losers, you thought it wasn't obvious? Come on.

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