$12 Trillion thanks to Donald Trump

Trump with >400 companies has bankrupted five of them over several decades? What a travesty huh?

Those were his father's companies and he only managed to bankrupt five; so far

Prove that with links...we used to take people’s word for shit until severe TDS starting owning people's thoughts.
He paid $38 million in income taxes in 2005 alone....will you and your entire family tree contribute that to society over all of your lifetimes?
Trump with >400 companies has bankrupted five of them over several decades? What a travesty huh?

Those were his father's companies and he only managed to bankrupt five; so far
/----/ Oh stop lying. Fred Trump had one company.
Frederick Christ Trump (October 11, 1905 – June 25, 1999) was an American real estate developer in New York City and the father of Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, and Maryanne Trump Barry, a former United States Court of Appeals judge.
In partnership with his mother Elizabeth Christ Trump, Trump began a career in home construction and sales. The development company was incorporated as Elizabeth Trump & Son in 1927, and grew to build and manage single-family houses in Queens, barracks and garden apartments for U.S. Navy personnel near major shipyards along the East Coast, and more than 27,000 apartments in New York City.

The Trump Organization is the collective name for a group of approximately 500 business entities of which Donald Trump, the current U.S. President, is the sole or principal owner. Around 250 use the Trump name. Founded in 1923, by Donald Trump's grandmother and father as E. Trump & Son, Donald Trump led the organization between 1971 and 2017, as both chairman and president.Wikipedia
Sustainable Investing Assets Hit $12 Trillion — Thanks to Donald Trump

Trump had nothing to do with the above, nada, zip.
Trump has declared bankruptcy five (5) times and now he is trying to do the same with our economy.
Please don't be fooled by this con artist. When he is talking to you he will promise you everything you want and more but the moment you turn your back he will stab you while smiling with glee

So Trump wrote the article? I hate when non business people opine on business matters. Corporate bankruptcies are nothing like personal ones.
dead people dont own things/companies,,,

Then you are falsely giving the trumpit credit for something he inherited?

/----/ How many golf courses did Fred Trump start?
Donald Trump Top 17 Golf Courses in the World | Golf Overnight
Donald Trump owns 17 golf courses in and outside the U.S.; he owns 12 courses in the U.S., two in Scotland, two in Dubai, and one in Ireland. Overview of each of Trump's Golf Courses
It boggles the mind to see grownup’s following trump like lap dogs.

Then again, that is what dog’s doo
Time to put up or shut up champ.

ok :)-

If I choose to support Trump, why is that not my right and similarly if I choose to bash him? Why must you criticize a political view? That again makes you an asshole. I posted an unbiased and what I hoped to be a unifying article as our country is better off but you went down to the gutter. Again that makes you an emoji using asshole.
Sustainable Investing Assets Hit $12 Trillion — Thanks to Donald Trump

Pretty interesting. Being seen as a business friendly president had its perks. This is not meant to be a divisive thread. Hopefully it is something both the Left, Right and Middle can agree is a good thing.

not meaning to downplay a persons richs,,,

but this goes to show that that not just POTUS but the feds have overstepped their bounds if all it takes is one guys policy to change the economy in this way

its not the job of the fed gov to control a persons daily life or their money,,,

its their job to get out of the way and let us and the free market decide whether we succeed or fail,,,

You could not be more WRONG. It is the job of government to ensure an equal playing field for EVERYONE, not just the wealthy. Trump's government hasn't done that. The wealthy are not paying their fair share, and the amount of investment is hardly a good measure of the economy.

Since Ronald Reagan first tinkered with the tax code, wealthy has trickled inexorably to the top. If you're in the top 20%, you're doing fine. The remaining 80% of the population is not. The government is responsible for this. BEFORE Reagan tinkered with the tax code, and lowered taxes for the wealthy, the working class owned 5% of the wealth of the nation. Now they're dependent on food stamps and earned income credits.

That's why it's well past time to restore the balance so that ALL Americans are benefitting from the economy, not just the takers at the topl.

If it was so bad why didn't Clinton in 8 years or Obama in 8 years fix the tax code? They had 16 years to fix it.

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