$12 Trillion thanks to Donald Trump

Sustainable Investing Assets Hit $12 Trillion — Thanks to Donald Trump

Pretty interesting. Being seen as a business friendly president had its perks. This is not meant to be a divisive thread. Hopefully it is something both the Left, Right and Middle can agree is a good thing.

not meaning to downplay a persons richs,,,

but this goes to show that that not just POTUS but the feds have overstepped their bounds if all it takes is one guys policy to change the economy in this way

its not the job of the fed gov to control a persons daily life or their money,,,

its their job to get out of the way and let us and the free market decide whether we succeed or fail,,,

You could not be more WRONG. It is the job of government to ensure an equal playing field for EVERYONE, not just the wealthy. Trump's government hasn't done that. The wealthy are not paying their fair share, and the amount of investment is hardly a good measure of the economy.

Since Ronald Reagan first tinkered with the tax code, wealthy has trickled inexorably to the top. If you're in the top 20%, you're doing fine. The remaining 80% of the population is not. The government is responsible for this. BEFORE Reagan tinkered with the tax code, and lowered taxes for the wealthy, the working class owned 5% of the wealth of the nation. Now they're dependent on food stamps and earned income credits.

That's why it's well past time to restore the balance so that ALL Americans are benefitting from the economy, not just the takers at the topl.

And of course ignorant fucks like yourself think importing more poverty is the solution. What kind of fucked up bassackwards thinking is that?

And of course ignorant fucks like yourself think importing more poverty is the solution. What kind of fucked up bassackwards thinking is that?

.,., :)-

Well child I have no patients for assholes that constantly cry about poverty while advocating importing millions of impoverished people a year to compete with our current poor. And then demand the taxpayers pay more to support their asses.

fix the tax code? They had 16 years to fix it.

Yes, trump's new tax for the rich is perminite; while the rest of us got a one year tax break that never materialized. This is called smoke and mirrors.

I am sure you are enjoying taking from the masses to give more to the rich who are living in a ten bedroom mansion with the owner and his wife. The two can play hide and seek and never find each other among the maze.


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