12 year old boy transitions to female then this happens just two years later

The teen recognized that his gender confusion began to dissipate when his school teachers started referring to him as a female.
12-Year-Old Boy 'Transitions' To Female. Then This Happens Just Two Years Later.


This is the confusion you are going to create with your pathetic liberal dumbass agenda , while accepting this being taught in our own US schools. Wake up zombies!

You do know that the DailyWire.com is an self-admitted "fake news" site similar to the Onion.

No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

Like sharks to chum, the right wingers here ate up that piece of shit article with a fork and spoon without even checking out the story or the website.

You conservatives are your own worst enemies.

Check your sources!! Trust no one.
. Who created fake news ?? The left or the right ? Who is responsible for engaging in it mostly ? The left or the right ?

I'm thinking the term " Cloward and Piven" go right over their heads.
Imagine the psychological damage of this boy being called a girl for two years. Homos really f1ck-up children, both literally and figuratively.
12 year old boy transitions to female then this happens just two years later
Well the best thing for you to do is to throw a hissy fit over shit that happens, the reasons for which you know nothing about.
The boy should not be able to make life changing decisions at his age. His parents should be put in jail.

Without a medical industry enthusiastically raking in big bucks pandering to these mentally ill sickos and school systems warping them, they would indeed have to wait. The surgeons should be locked up and so should the parents and those in the school system egging the kid on. This is some seriously sicko shit going on here.
The teen recognized that his gender confusion began to dissipate when his school teachers started referring to him as a female.
12-Year-Old Boy 'Transitions' To Female. Then This Happens Just Two Years Later.


This is the confusion you are going to create with your pathetic liberal dumbass agenda , while accepting this being taught in our own US schools. Wake up zombies!

You do know that the DailyWire.com is an self-admitted "fake news" site similar to the Onion.

No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

Like sharks to chum, the right wingers here ate up that piece of shit article with a fork and spoon without even checking out the story or the website.

You conservatives are your own worst enemies.

Check your sources!! Trust no one.
. Who created fake news ?? The left or the right ? Who is responsible for engaging in it mostly ? The left or the right ?

I read an article about fake news a couple of years ago so I don't even remember where or who published it so I have no links to share but they became a big thing around the US election.

One of the guys who owns a number of fake news sites said that they tried running fake news sites for liberals but they never worked. Within 10 minutes of the stories being posted, they were debunked. But conservatives were such easy targets because they don't do research. If the story feeds into their previously held beliefs, they'll swallow it whole.

This thread is a prime example. Not one of the conservatives here checked out the story, they just accept anything that says that leftists are child abusing pervs.

Then there's the guy who shot up the pizzeria because fake news sites said John Podesta was running a child sex ring out of it.

I trust no one. I check sources people here link to. Every single one. Without exception. I also check out the writers.
. So it's leftist targeting conservatives with fake news in hopes that they will swallow it, and then react so the leftist can try to make them look foolish when they bite it hook line and sinker ? So what does that say about leftist liberals who do such evilness ??
The teen recognized that his gender confusion began to dissipate when his school teachers started referring to him as a female.
12-Year-Old Boy 'Transitions' To Female. Then This Happens Just Two Years Later.


This is the confusion you are going to create with your pathetic liberal dumbass agenda , while accepting this being taught in our own US schools. Wake up zombies!

You do know that the DailyWire.com is an self-admitted "fake news" site similar to the Onion.

No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

Like sharks to chum, the right wingers here ate up that piece of shit article with a fork and spoon without even checking out the story or the website.

You conservatives are your own worst enemies.

Check your sources!! Trust no one.
. Who created fake news ?? The left or the right ? Who is responsible for engaging in it mostly ? The left or the right ?

I read an article about fake news a couple of years ago so I don't even remember where or who published it so I have no links to share but they became a big thing around the US election.

One of the guys who owns a number of fake news sites said that they tried running fake news sites for liberals but they never worked. Within 10 minutes of the stories being posted, they were debunked. But conservatives were such easy targets because they don't do research. If the story feeds into their previously held beliefs, they'll swallow it whole.

This thread is a prime example. Not one of the conservatives here checked out the story, they just accept anything that says that leftists are child abusing pervs.

Then there's the guy who shot up the pizzeria because fake news sites said John Podesta was running a child sex ring out of it.

I trust no one. I check sources people here link to. Every single one. Without exception. I also check out the writers.
. So it's leftist targeting conservatives with fake news in hopes that they will swallow it, and then react so the leftist can try to make them look foolish when they bite it hook line and sinker ? So what does that say about leftist liberals who do such evilness ??

Not a big deal, since the story is close enough to the truth that it isn't really that misleading a title. They do indeed drug kids and screw with them using drugs and indoctrination by sicko 'mental health professionals', mostly faggots with agendas.
The teen recognized that his gender confusion began to dissipate when his school teachers started referring to him as a female.
12-Year-Old Boy 'Transitions' To Female. Then This Happens Just Two Years Later.


This is the confusion you are going to create with your pathetic liberal dumbass agenda , while accepting this being taught in our own US schools. Wake up zombies!

You do know that the DailyWire.com is an self-admitted "fake news" site similar to the Onion.

No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

Like sharks to chum, the right wingers here ate up that piece of shit article with a fork and spoon without even checking out the story or the website.

You conservatives are your own worst enemies.

Check your sources!! Trust no one.

Well tech. you leftist have been well trained and well indoctrinated to think anything that isn't along the lines of what you yourselves think, or leftist in general well you've all been trained to say " IT'S FAKE" ...

You already have one layer peeled away enough you know about GMO's you should peel away the rest of the bs there is hope for you to grasp what is real or fake. you are letting these leftist loons drag your thoughts into their shit holes.

Go along to get along just to be in a click kinda thing.

Wrong. I don't say something is "fake" without some evidence that it's fake.

Ben Shapiro, the owner of the website who published this article, says his website is a "comedy site", not to be taken seriously.
No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

They give drugs to kids 'transitioning', so this is a misleading lie, but you knew that. Take your own advice and google.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise

... and many more news stories.

Did you read the article you linked to? It said that they don't give hormones to children under 16. Treatment prior to puberty is counselling.

The fake news article about the 12 year old boy says he was given estrogen at age 12. That's how I knew it was probably a fake news story.

Also the boy is purportedly Australian. Another hallmark of fake news is that it happens in another country.

Then I googled the DailyWire.com and got a bunch of reputable sources which says that it has a history of being factually challenged, including media bias.com, Wikipedia, Snopes. The LA Times has them on their list of "fake news" websites.

This story never happened. But none of you checked that because you WANT to believe it happened. Why?
The teen recognized that his gender confusion began to dissipate when his school teachers started referring to him as a female.
12-Year-Old Boy 'Transitions' To Female. Then This Happens Just Two Years Later.


This is the confusion you are going to create with your pathetic liberal dumbass agenda , while accepting this being taught in our own US schools. Wake up zombies!

You do know that the DailyWire.com is an self-admitted "fake news" site similar to the Onion.

No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

Like sharks to chum, the right wingers here ate up that piece of shit article with a fork and spoon without even checking out the story or the website.

You conservatives are your own worst enemies.

Check your sources!! Trust no one.

Well tech. you leftist have been well trained and well indoctrinated to think anything that isn't along the lines of what you yourselves think, or leftist in general well you've all been trained to say " IT'S FAKE" ...

You already have one layer peeled away enough you know about GMO's you should peel away the rest of the bs there is hope for you to grasp what is real or fake. you are letting these leftist loons drag your thoughts into their shit holes.

Go along to get along just to be in a click kinda thing.

Wrong. I don't say something is "fake" without some evidence that it's fake.

Ben Shapiro, the owner of the website who published this article, says his website is a "comedy site", not to be taken seriously.
No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

They give drugs to kids 'transitioning', so this is a misleading lie, but you knew that. Take your own advice and google.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise

... and many more news stories.

Did you read the article you linked to? It said that they don't give hormones to children under 16. Treatment prior to puberty is counselling.

The fake news article about the 12 year old boy says he was given estrogen at age 12. That's how I knew it was probably a fake news story.

Also the boy is purportedly Australian. Another hallmark of fake news is that it happens in another country.

Then I googled the DailyWire.com and got a bunch of reputable sources which says that it has a history of being factually challenged, including media bias.com, Wikipedia, Snopes. The LA Times has them on their list of "fake news" websites.

This story never happened. But none of you checked that because you WANT to believe it happened. Why?

Well maybe an American story line will work for you.


One Doctor Explains the Journey for Kids Who Are Transitioning

Dr. Michelle Forcier, associate professor of pediatrics at Brown University Alpert Medical School, explains how puberty blockers work for transgender kids.

One Doctor Explains the Journey for Kids Who Are Transitioning

And when you listen to this twat she mentions about the " soul" .. yet you can bet this same leftist doesn't believe in God. lol

And there is no mention about the kid regretting it, this loon tries to say kids just totally know at age 3 or 4 Mmm k.
And blocking puberty give me a break. Jesus Cripe these people are messing with natural body functions and the dumbass parents to STOP puberty should be sent up the river for abuse. Tampering with genetics, or normal body functions never has a good out come, All the drugs will end up causing cancer, screw up their internal organs later down the road.

and it's already been proven those who go through this whole process often end up regretting it.
Imagine the psychological damage of this boy being called a girl for two years. Homos really f1ck-up children, both literally and figuratively.
Imagine the physical damage of taking female hormones. The child had a good chance of being a sterile eunuch.
No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

They give drugs to kids 'transitioning', so this is a misleading lie, but you knew that. Take your own advice and google.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise

... and many more news stories.

Kids don't "transition" until they are past puberty.

Also, I didn't say drugs, I said hormones. Estrogen is a female hormone, like testosterone is the male hormone. They don't give hormones to children. Period. They don't give estrogen to girls who haven't reached puberty either.

Children don't "transition", even if they gender identify with the opposite sex. They may dress as the gender they identify with but the only treatment they will receive is counselling, not hormones.

Check facts people.
The teen recognized that his gender confusion began to dissipate when his school teachers started referring to him as a female.
12-Year-Old Boy 'Transitions' To Female. Then This Happens Just Two Years Later.


This is the confusion you are going to create with your pathetic liberal dumbass agenda , while accepting this being taught in our own US schools. Wake up zombies!

You do know that the DailyWire.com is an self-admitted "fake news" site similar to the Onion.

No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

Like sharks to chum, the right wingers here ate up that piece of shit article with a fork and spoon without even checking out the story or the website.

You conservatives are your own worst enemies.

Check your sources!! Trust no one.

Well tech. you leftist have been well trained and well indoctrinated to think anything that isn't along the lines of what you yourselves think, or leftist in general well you've all been trained to say " IT'S FAKE" ...

You already have one layer peeled away enough you know about GMO's you should peel away the rest of the bs there is hope for you to grasp what is real or fake. you are letting these leftist loons drag your thoughts into their shit holes.

Go along to get along just to be in a click kinda thing.

Wrong. I don't say something is "fake" without some evidence that it's fake.

Ben Shapiro, the owner of the website who published this article, says his website is a "comedy site", not to be taken seriously.
No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

They give drugs to kids 'transitioning', so this is a misleading lie, but you knew that. Take your own advice and google.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise

... and many more news stories.

Did you read the article you linked to? It said that they don't give hormones to children under 16. Treatment prior to puberty is counselling.

The fake news article about the 12 year old boy says he was given estrogen at age 12. That's how I knew it was probably a fake news story.

Also the boy is purportedly Australian. Another hallmark of fake news is that it happens in another country.

Then I googled the DailyWire.com and got a bunch of reputable sources which says that it has a history of being factually challenged, including media bias.com, Wikipedia, Snopes. The LA Times has them on their list of "fake news" websites.

This story never happened. But none of you checked that because you WANT to believe it happened. Why?
Jazz Jennings has been on hormone blockers since 10 and estrogen since 12.

Jazz Jennings’ candid discussion about the realities of bottom surgery

He is now a sexless eunuch. He is sterile with a penis so underdeveloped he cannot undergo a more normal vaginoplasty. He must have a bowel resection instead using a portion of bowel to replicate the vagina.

I saw the show where he got the bad news. Because the bowel secretes its own mucus with an unpleasant odor, Jazz will have a vagina that smells like an ass.

It's child abuse no matter how you slice it.
Imagine the psychological damage of this boy being called a girl for two years. Homos really f1ck-up children, both literally and figuratively.
Imagine the physical damage of taking female hormones. The child had a good chance of being a sterile eunuch.

"Imagine" is correct. The article is fake. Children are not given hormones
The teen recognized that his gender confusion began to dissipate when his school teachers started referring to him as a female.
12-Year-Old Boy 'Transitions' To Female. Then This Happens Just Two Years Later.


This is the confusion you are going to create with your pathetic liberal dumbass agenda , while accepting this being taught in our own US schools. Wake up zombies!

You do know that the DailyWire.com is an self-admitted "fake news" site similar to the Onion.

No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

Like sharks to chum, the right wingers here ate up that piece of shit article with a fork and spoon without even checking out the story or the website.

You conservatives are your own worst enemies.

Check your sources!! Trust no one.

Well tech. you leftist have been well trained and well indoctrinated to think anything that isn't along the lines of what you yourselves think, or leftist in general well you've all been trained to say " IT'S FAKE" ...

You already have one layer peeled away enough you know about GMO's you should peel away the rest of the bs there is hope for you to grasp what is real or fake. you are letting these leftist loons drag your thoughts into their shit holes.

Go along to get along just to be in a click kinda thing.

Wrong. I don't say something is "fake" without some evidence that it's fake.

Ben Shapiro, the owner of the website who published this article, says his website is a "comedy site", not to be taken seriously.
No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

They give drugs to kids 'transitioning', so this is a misleading lie, but you knew that. Take your own advice and google.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise

... and many more news stories.

Did you read the article you linked to? It said that they don't give hormones to children under 16. Treatment prior to puberty is counselling.

The fake news article about the 12 year old boy says he was given estrogen at age 12. That's how I knew it was probably a fake news story.

Also the boy is purportedly Australian. Another hallmark of fake news is that it happens in another country.

Then I googled the DailyWire.com and got a bunch of reputable sources which says that it has a history of being factually challenged, including media bias.com, Wikipedia, Snopes. The LA Times has them on their list of "fake news" websites.

This story never happened. But none of you checked that because you WANT to believe it happened. Why?

Well maybe an American story line will work for you.

View attachment 148380

One Doctor Explains the Journey for Kids Who Are Transitioning

Dr. Michelle Forcier, associate professor of pediatrics at Brown University Alpert Medical School, explains how puberty blockers work for transgender kids.

One Doctor Explains the Journey for Kids Who Are Transitioning

And when you listen to this twat she mentions about the " soul" .. yet you can bet this same leftist doesn't believe in God. lol

And there is no mention about the kid regretting it, this loon tries to say kids just totally know at age 3 or 4 Mmm k.

Years ago I was chatting with a neighbour who was gay (since deceased). I asked how old he was when he knew he was gay and he say 5. He wasn't joking. I had a friend from public school who was quite obviously gay and very effeminate before he was 10. These men are exceptions.

By the same token, I know men and women who didn't know they were gay until they were 19 or 20, to which I wonder, how did they not know? One woman said she focussed on her studies and had no interest in boys. It wasn't until University and a woman expressed an interest that she realized she was gay.

Everyone is different but yes, you can know you're gay, trans, whatever, from a surprisingly young age.
The teen recognized that his gender confusion began to dissipate when his school teachers started referring to him as a female.
12-Year-Old Boy 'Transitions' To Female. Then This Happens Just Two Years Later.


This is the confusion you are going to create with your pathetic liberal dumbass agenda , while accepting this being taught in our own US schools. Wake up zombies!

You do know that the DailyWire.com is an self-admitted "fake news" site similar to the Onion.

No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

Like sharks to chum, the right wingers here ate up that piece of shit article with a fork and spoon without even checking out the story or the website.

You conservatives are your own worst enemies.

Check your sources!! Trust no one.

Well tech. you leftist have been well trained and well indoctrinated to think anything that isn't along the lines of what you yourselves think, or leftist in general well you've all been trained to say " IT'S FAKE" ...

You already have one layer peeled away enough you know about GMO's you should peel away the rest of the bs there is hope for you to grasp what is real or fake. you are letting these leftist loons drag your thoughts into their shit holes.

Go along to get along just to be in a click kinda thing.

Wrong. I don't say something is "fake" without some evidence that it's fake.

Ben Shapiro, the owner of the website who published this article, says his website is a "comedy site", not to be taken seriously.
No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

They give drugs to kids 'transitioning', so this is a misleading lie, but you knew that. Take your own advice and google.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise

... and many more news stories.

Did you read the article you linked to? It said that they don't give hormones to children under 16. Treatment prior to puberty is counselling.

The fake news article about the 12 year old boy says he was given estrogen at age 12. That's how I knew it was probably a fake news story.

Also the boy is purportedly Australian. Another hallmark of fake news is that it happens in another country.

Then I googled the DailyWire.com and got a bunch of reputable sources which says that it has a history of being factually challenged, including media bias.com, Wikipedia, Snopes. The LA Times has them on their list of "fake news" websites.

This story never happened. But none of you checked that because you WANT to believe it happened. Why?
Jazz Jennings has been on hormone blockers since 10 and estrogen since 12.

Jazz Jennings’ candid discussion about the realities of bottom surgery

He is now a sexless eunuch. He is sterile with a penis so underdeveloped he cannot undergo a more normal vaginoplasty. He must have a bowel resection instead using a portion of bowel to replicate the vagina.

I saw the show where he got the bad news. Because the bowel secretes its own mucus with an unpleasant odor, Jazz will have a vagina that smells like an ass.

It's child abuse no matter how you slice it.

The link is to a website called "starcasm.net". Why would you believe ANYTHING on this website?

But I do have a real article which I know isn't fake news, you may wish to discuss. This is an article from the Toronto Star a few years ago. The older boys attended the same school as my grandsons. My daughter, who is very left wing, and who votes NDP, just rolled her eyes and said the parents are both total loons.

Parents keep child's gender secret | Toronto Star
The teen recognized that his gender confusion began to dissipate when his school teachers started referring to him as a female.
12-Year-Old Boy 'Transitions' To Female. Then This Happens Just Two Years Later.


This is the confusion you are going to create with your pathetic liberal dumbass agenda , while accepting this being taught in our own US schools. Wake up zombies!

You do know that the DailyWire.com is an self-admitted "fake news" site similar to the Onion.

No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

Like sharks to chum, the right wingers here ate up that piece of shit article with a fork and spoon without even checking out the story or the website.

You conservatives are your own worst enemies.

Check your sources!! Trust no one.

Well tech. you leftist have been well trained and well indoctrinated to think anything that isn't along the lines of what you yourselves think, or leftist in general well you've all been trained to say " IT'S FAKE" ...

You already have one layer peeled away enough you know about GMO's you should peel away the rest of the bs there is hope for you to grasp what is real or fake. you are letting these leftist loons drag your thoughts into their shit holes.

Go along to get along just to be in a click kinda thing.

Wrong. I don't say something is "fake" without some evidence that it's fake.

Ben Shapiro, the owner of the website who published this article, says his website is a "comedy site", not to be taken seriously.
No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

They give drugs to kids 'transitioning', so this is a misleading lie, but you knew that. Take your own advice and google.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise

... and many more news stories.

Did you read the article you linked to? It said that they don't give hormones to children under 16. Treatment prior to puberty is counselling.

The fake news article about the 12 year old boy says he was given estrogen at age 12. That's how I knew it was probably a fake news story.

Also the boy is purportedly Australian. Another hallmark of fake news is that it happens in another country.

Then I googled the DailyWire.com and got a bunch of reputable sources which says that it has a history of being factually challenged, including media bias.com, Wikipedia, Snopes. The LA Times has them on their list of "fake news" websites.

This story never happened. But none of you checked that because you WANT to believe it happened. Why?
Jazz Jennings has been on hormone blockers since 10 and estrogen since 12.

Jazz Jennings’ candid discussion about the realities of bottom surgery

He is now a sexless eunuch. He is sterile with a penis so underdeveloped he cannot undergo a more normal vaginoplasty. He must have a bowel resection instead using a portion of bowel to replicate the vagina.

I saw the show where he got the bad news. Because the bowel secretes its own mucus with an unpleasant odor, Jazz will have a vagina that smells like an ass.

It's child abuse no matter how you slice it.

The link is to a website called "starcasm.net". Why would you believe ANYTHING on this website?

But I do have a real article which I know isn't fake news, you may wish to discuss. This is an article from the Toronto Star a few years ago. The older boys attended the same school as my grandsons. My daughter, who is very left wing, and who votes NDP, just rolled her eyes and said the parents are both total loons.

Parents keep child's gender secret | Toronto Star
I gave you a link. The Jennings boy has had the same show on television as to when he started taking blockers and he was ten. Transitioning children is child abuse.
The teen recognized that his gender confusion began to dissipate when his school teachers started referring to him as a female.
12-Year-Old Boy 'Transitions' To Female. Then This Happens Just Two Years Later.


This is the confusion you are going to create with your pathetic liberal dumbass agenda , while accepting this being taught in our own US schools. Wake up zombies!
Kids are confused and neurotic. Yeah I once believed I was trans specied clam from the 5th dimension back in 75'. I got over it.

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