12 year old boy transitions to female then this happens just two years later

You do know that the DailyWire.com is an self-admitted "fake news" site similar to the Onion.

No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

Like sharks to chum, the right wingers here ate up that piece of shit article with a fork and spoon without even checking out the story or the website.

You conservatives are your own worst enemies.

Check your sources!! Trust no one.

Well tech. you leftist have been well trained and well indoctrinated to think anything that isn't along the lines of what you yourselves think, or leftist in general well you've all been trained to say " IT'S FAKE" ...

You already have one layer peeled away enough you know about GMO's you should peel away the rest of the bs there is hope for you to grasp what is real or fake. you are letting these leftist loons drag your thoughts into their shit holes.

Go along to get along just to be in a click kinda thing.

Wrong. I don't say something is "fake" without some evidence that it's fake.

Ben Shapiro, the owner of the website who published this article, says his website is a "comedy site", not to be taken seriously.
No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

They give drugs to kids 'transitioning', so this is a misleading lie, but you knew that. Take your own advice and google.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise

... and many more news stories.

Did you read the article you linked to? It said that they don't give hormones to children under 16. Treatment prior to puberty is counselling.

The fake news article about the 12 year old boy says he was given estrogen at age 12. That's how I knew it was probably a fake news story.

Also the boy is purportedly Australian. Another hallmark of fake news is that it happens in another country.

Then I googled the DailyWire.com and got a bunch of reputable sources which says that it has a history of being factually challenged, including media bias.com, Wikipedia, Snopes. The LA Times has them on their list of "fake news" websites.

This story never happened. But none of you checked that because you WANT to believe it happened. Why?
Jazz Jennings has been on hormone blockers since 10 and estrogen since 12.

Jazz Jennings’ candid discussion about the realities of bottom surgery

He is now a sexless eunuch. He is sterile with a penis so underdeveloped he cannot undergo a more normal vaginoplasty. He must have a bowel resection instead using a portion of bowel to replicate the vagina.

I saw the show where he got the bad news. Because the bowel secretes its own mucus with an unpleasant odor, Jazz will have a vagina that smells like an ass.

It's child abuse no matter how you slice it.

The link is to a website called "starcasm.net". Why would you believe ANYTHING on this website?

But I do have a real article which I know isn't fake news, you may wish to discuss. This is an article from the Toronto Star a few years ago. The older boys attended the same school as my grandsons. My daughter, who is very left wing, and who votes NDP, just rolled her eyes and said the parents are both total loons.

Parents keep child's gender secret | Toronto Star
I gave you a link. The Jennings boy has had the same show on television as to when he started taking blockers and he was ten. Transitioning children is child abuse.

I'd prosecute the doctor who is treating him, as well as the parents. It could reasonably be said they're torturing this child for money. Who is the broadcaster?

And why hasn't it been stopped?
The link is to a website called "starcasm.net". Why would you believe ANYTHING on this website?

But I do have a real article which I know isn't fake news, you may wish to discuss. This is an article from the Toronto Star a few years ago. The older boys attended the same school as my grandsons. My daughter, who is very left wing, and who votes NDP, just rolled her eyes and said the parents are both total loons.

Parents keep child's gender secret | Toronto Star

Just google it instead of just writing off a story you don't want to hear because the site has a funny name. It's a site that is all about reality tv 'stars' so the name actually makes sense. Fucking lefties. Here, let me do it for you. Is People magazine mainstream enough for you?

Jazz Jennings Gets Real About the 'Complications' Delaying Her Bottom Surgery
The teen recognized that his gender confusion began to dissipate when his school teachers started referring to him as a female.
12-Year-Old Boy 'Transitions' To Female. Then This Happens Just Two Years Later.


This is the confusion you are going to create with your pathetic liberal dumbass agenda , while accepting this being taught in our own US schools. Wake up zombies!
Liberalism is a mental disorder.

I used to think that was a joke, but have come to realize just how terribly true it is. There is definitely something missing
The link is to a website called "starcasm.net". Why would you believe ANYTHING on this website?

But I do have a real article which I know isn't fake news, you may wish to discuss. This is an article from the Toronto Star a few years ago. The older boys attended the same school as my grandsons. My daughter, who is very left wing, and who votes NDP, just rolled her eyes and said the parents are both total loons.

Parents keep child's gender secret | Toronto Star

Just google it instead of just writing off a story you don't want to hear because the site has a funny name. It's a site that is all about reality tv 'stars' so the name actually makes sense. Fucking lefties. Here, let me do it for you. Is People magazine mainstream enough for you?

Jazz Jennings Gets Real About the 'Complications' Delaying Her Bottom Surgery

Not only that, but Jazz is very depressed and even suicidal.
No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

They give drugs to kids 'transitioning', so this is a misleading lie, but you knew that. Take your own advice and google.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise

... and many more news stories.

Kids don't "transition" until they are past puberty.

Also, I didn't say drugs, I said hormones. Estrogen is a female hormone, like testosterone is the male hormone. They don't give hormones to children. Period. They don't give estrogen to girls who haven't reached puberty either.

Children don't "transition", even if they gender identify with the opposite sex. They may dress as the gender they identify with but the only treatment they will receive is counselling, not hormones.

Check facts people.

Yes, can't admit you're as sick as the kid's parents, and Democrats can't say Islamic terrorism; your distinction without a difference noted. We already established they're being shot up with drugs, so give up that llie already. It's just stupid to keep peddling on it.
The UK starts sex change drugs at 9.

Controversial Therapy f
Sex change drugs 'to be offered to nine-year-olds'
A lesbian couple drugs for their 11 year old.
Controversial Therapy for Pre-Teen Transgender Patient Raises Questions

Step into the modern world. We used to have doctors that cared.

And of course we can bet the children adopted by homosexual 'parents' will magically be 'transgendered' at much higher percentages than the statistical norm as well, same as with them 'identifying as gay' in larger percentages as well. Any kid who is obsessed with sex at 5 you can bet is sexually molested.
The teen recognized that his gender confusion began to dissipate when his school teachers started referring to him as a female.
12-Year-Old Boy 'Transitions' To Female. Then This Happens Just Two Years Later.


This is the confusion you are going to create with your pathetic liberal dumbass agenda , while accepting this being taught in our own US schools. Wake up zombies!

You do know that the DailyWire.com is an self-admitted "fake news" site similar to the Onion.

No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

Like sharks to chum, the right wingers here ate up that piece of shit article with a fork and spoon without even checking out the story or the website.

You conservatives are your own worst enemies.

Check your sources!! Trust no one.

Well tech. you leftist have been well trained and well indoctrinated to think anything that isn't along the lines of what you yourselves think, or leftist in general well you've all been trained to say " IT'S FAKE" ...

You already have one layer peeled away enough you know about GMO's you should peel away the rest of the bs there is hope for you to grasp what is real or fake. you are letting these leftist loons drag your thoughts into their shit holes.

Go along to get along just to be in a click kinda thing.

Wrong. I don't say something is "fake" without some evidence that it's fake.

Ben Shapiro, the owner of the website who published this article, says his website is a "comedy site", not to be taken seriously.
No real doctor would give estrogen to a 12 year old - male or female.

They give drugs to kids 'transitioning', so this is a misleading lie, but you knew that. Take your own advice and google.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise

... and many more news stories.

Did you read the article you linked to? It said that they don't give hormones to children under 16. Treatment prior to puberty is counselling.

The fake news article about the 12 year old boy says he was given estrogen at age 12. That's how I knew it was probably a fake news story.

Also the boy is purportedly Australian. Another hallmark of fake news is that it happens in another country.

Then I googled the DailyWire.com and got a bunch of reputable sources which says that it has a history of being factually challenged, including media bias.com, Wikipedia, Snopes. The LA Times has them on their list of "fake news" websites.

This story never happened. But none of you checked that because you WANT to believe it happened. Why?

Well maybe an American story line will work for you.

View attachment 148380

One Doctor Explains the Journey for Kids Who Are Transitioning

Dr. Michelle Forcier, associate professor of pediatrics at Brown University Alpert Medical School, explains how puberty blockers work for transgender kids.

One Doctor Explains the Journey for Kids Who Are Transitioning

And when you listen to this twat she mentions about the " soul" .. yet you can bet this same leftist doesn't believe in God. lol

And there is no mention about the kid regretting it, this loon tries to say kids just totally know at age 3 or 4 Mmm k.

Want to bet the 'Dr.' is a homosexual Rights hoax 'activist'?
Years ago I was chatting with a neighbour who was gay (since deceased). I asked how old he was when he knew he was gay and he say 5. He wasn't joking. I had a friend from public school who was quite obviously gay and very effeminate before he was 10. These men are exceptions.

By the same token, I know men and women who didn't know they were gay until they were 19 or 20, to which I wonder, how did they not know? One woman said she focussed on her studies and had no interest in boys. It wasn't until University and a woman expressed an interest that she realized she was gay.

Everyone is different but yes, you can know you're gay, trans, whatever, from a surprisingly young age.

That may appear true, but it's all bullsh1t. Five-year-olds have no biological drive and no nothing of the sexes, beyond what little they were taught. If a man believes he was queer from an young age, it reveals that he was the victim of some sort of abuse.

20-year-olds have had a biological drive for a few years. For a man of that age to just realize he's queer reveals that he's bisexual, or rather simply morally unrestrained.

Some people are asexual, which probably makes them easy prey for homosexual recruiting.
The UK starts sex change drugs at 9.

Controversial Therapy f
Sex change drugs 'to be offered to nine-year-olds'
A lesbian couple drugs for their 11 year old.
Controversial Therapy for Pre-Teen Transgender Patient Raises Questions

Step into the modern world. We used to have doctors that cared.

And of course we can bet the children adopted by homosexual 'parents' will magically be 'transgendered' at much higher percentages than the statistical norm as well, same as with them 'identifying as gay' in larger percentages as well. Any kid who is obsessed with sex at 5 you can bet is sexually molested.

Children of gay parents aren't gay in larger numbers than the general population. Gays aren't "recruited", they're born.
The teen recognized that his gender confusion began to dissipate when his school teachers started referring to him as a female.
12-Year-Old Boy 'Transitions' To Female. Then This Happens Just Two Years Later.


This is the confusion you are going to create with your pathetic liberal dumbass agenda , while accepting this being taught in our own US schools. Wake up zombies!

His parents need to be euthanized.
12 year old boy transitions to female then this happens just two years later
Well the best thing for you to do is to throw a hissy fit over shit that happens, the reasons for which you know nothing about.

Most lefty degenerates at least have enough sense to avoid chiming in on this subject yet here you are.
The degenerates on this board, as is for most boards, are the conservative repukes. Chiming in is what has to happen to stop you freeking retards from gaining control of the nation.

You support mutilating children you disgusting subhuman disease, get in the gas chamber.
12 year old boy transitions to female then this happens just two years later
Well the best thing for you to do is to throw a hissy fit over shit that happens, the reasons for which you know nothing about.

Most lefty degenerates at least have enough sense to avoid chiming in on this subject yet here you are.
The degenerates on this board, as is for most boards, are the conservative repukes. Chiming in is what has to happen to stop you freeking retards from gaining control of the nation.

You support mutilating children you disgusting subhuman disease, get in the gas chamber.
100% Right On! "With the hijacking of the American Psychological Association (APA) by the left, there are now enough votes to classify a mental disorder (transgenderism) as perfectly “normal.” Clearly, the APA should be decertified and no longer used by the Department of Defense as the key reference."
The APA should throw out it's DSM-5 manual of mental disorders because it is full of garbage and PCism, or face being labeled a hate group by the SPLC (another hate group: it takes one to know one).
I have no problem with someone being gay. You can love the sinner and still not condone the sin. What they do in the privacy of their own bedroom is their business. When they want to force their proclivities on the military, it becomes everyone's business, and we should not stand for that.

Social engineering mandates have compromised shipboard readiness


By James A. Lyons - - Wednesday, September 6, 2017
The U.S. Navy’s loss of two sophisticated, key anti-ballistic-missile-capable destroyers within a matter of several weeks is symptomatic of a much larger issue. The fact that these highly maneuverable ships were “steaming” independently and collided with two civilian merchant ships, which was clearly avoidable, demands drastic corrective action. A recent directive by the Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson calling for a top-to-bottom review by all levels of the Navy’s command structure is a step in the right direction.
Areas most likely to be reviewed include the current size of the Navy and an assessment of its impact on force deployments, operational tempo as well as lack of time for required maintenance. Certainly, current training procedures and how personnel are qualified to perform critical bridge watch-standing duties, as well as in the combat information center, must be examined. While these are key areas to review, the Navy has always had long deployments and overworked crews, neither of which affected fundamental seamanship on operating our ships. However, I am sure that eliminating of the Surface Warfare Officer School will be highlighted as a contributing factor.
In that sense, I never understood why a newly commissioned ensign from the U.S. Naval Academy or from a four-year NROTC program had to be sent to six months of additional training to learn to be a division officer before reporting to his first ship. What was he doing for four years of intense training at the U.S. Naval Academy?
One area that I have not heard would be examined is a “third rail” for the Navy as it deals with personnel-manning policies for its ships and aircraft squadrons: What impact has “diversity” policies had on a ship’s manning criteria? Implicit within this is examining what has been the impact of President Obama’s social engineering mandates that were forced on our military and their negative impact on our readiness and capabilities. His Executive Order 13583 declaring that “diversity” is a strategic imperative critical to mission readiness and accomplishment simply does not compute. This is faculty lounge logic. What the EO did, in effect, was to provide cover for the forced implementation of his social engineering programs. Many of these programs were a distraction with valuable time devoted to “sensitivity training” instead of, for example, learning the meaning of “code of conduct.” Due to political correctness, our military leaders failed to challenge the EO just as they failed to challenge the Restricted Rules of Engagement that cost so many lives.
Another distraction that needs to be reviewed is the opening of all combat roles to women. There are many viable roles for women in the military — combat is not one of them.
When I used to visit ship wardrooms, it was not unusual for me to find that the chief engineer was an MIT graduate, the anti-submarine officer was a graduate of Brown, the weapons officer was a Naval Academy graduate, the first lieutenant was from Princeton, and so on. You won’t find a wardroom today with such talent. This is due primarily to current shipboard-manning policies that preclude this type of talent from getting shipboard billets.
President Trump’s recent decision to ban transgender personnel from military service was clearly the right decision. No finer expert that Dr. Paul McHugh, former head psychologist at Johns Hopkins University Hospital, has stated that transgenderism is not a physical issue, it is a mental disorder that needs understanding and treatment. It is not a civil rights issue and should never be forced on the military. However, with the hijacking of the American Psychological Association (APA) by the left, there are now enough votes to classify a mental disorder (transgenderism) as perfectly “normal.” Clearly, the APA should be decertified and no longer used by the Department of Defense as the key reference.
Over the years, I have found that there are three elements aboard ship that are unacceptable for good order and discipline. One, you cannot have a thief; two, you cannot tolerate a drug user or drug pusher; and three, you cannot have a homosexual aboard. In fact, the entire LGBT agenda is clearly a distraction and impacts negatively on unit integrity, cohesiveness and the “will to win.” It should be pointed out that in the late 1800s, homosexuality was so rampant on Navy ships that mothers would not let their sons enlist until the Navy cleaned up its act.
The bottom line is that the military is an institution whose mission is to protect and defend the country against all enemies foreign or domestic. Anything that distracts from this mission must be rejected. It is the institution that sets the standards for enlistment. No one has a right to serve in the military unless they meet those standards. In that sense, Navy leadership can take the lead in rejecting the social engineering mandates that were forced on our military forces by the Obama administration.
I believe the current problems our ships are experiencing can be traced to these mandates. With the hundreds of millions of dollars that are expended to build today’s sophisticated warships, we must have the “best and brightest” to man those ships. Now is the time to take the lead by breaking the shackles of political correctness and put the Navy back on an even keel.
• James A. Lyons, a retired U.S. Navy admiral, was commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations.

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