$120,472 billion



So much cash sent to Israel.






Good Americans support Israel, and don't give a fuck about their own people.
I've been saying it for years: America needs to clean up her own messes before messing around with the problems occurring half way around the globe.

I sent my sister an "e-Card" for her birthday the other day. We emailed back and forth and were having a nice conversation when I made a HUGE mistake. I dared to criticize our government for pandering to special interest groups ... including Israel. She brought our conversation to an abrupt halt and hasn't spoken to me since. The moral to my little story is that Americans (especially "fundamentalist" "Christians") have become an idolatrous bunch. They literally WORSHIP the term "Israeli" as if it is a god of sorts. You can criticize Ireland, France, Brazil, or Uganda and nobody will blink an eye but say one thing negative about Israel and you'll see a human being turn into a rabid dog full of wrath. It's a true phenomenon.
Sadly, most American's have been soo brain washed by the zionist propaganda media. They think Israel is our 51st state. And the US Constitution requires us to defend Israel down to the last American citizen. ....... :cool:
So much cash sent to Israel.






Good Americans support Israel, and don't give a fuck about their own people.

And yet another failed attempt at demonising Israel by LYING about what they get, when the truth is Israel pays the US more than it receives as most of the money is in the form of loans. And as every one knows LOANS attract interest that must be paid. This also keeps many thousands of Americans employed in the defence and IT business, who would have been laid of many years ago if the ISLAMONAZI STOOGES had their way.

Care to explain why you LIED and tried to blame Israel for the homeless in the USA ?
I've been saying it for years: America needs to clean up her own messes before messing around with the problems occurring half way around the globe.

I sent my sister an "e-Card" for her birthday the other day. We emailed back and forth and were having a nice conversation when I made a HUGE mistake. I dared to criticize our government for pandering to special interest groups ... including Israel. She brought our conversation to an abrupt halt and hasn't spoken to me since. The moral to my little story is that Americans (especially "fundamentalist" "Christians") have become an idolatrous bunch. They literally WORSHIP the term "Israeli" as if it is a god of sorts. You can criticize Ireland, France, Brazil, or Uganda and nobody will blink an eye but say one thing negative about Israel and you'll see a human being turn into a rabid dog full of wrath. It's a true phenomenon.

Ever thought that it is you with the problem due to your RACISM and NAZI JEW HATRED
Sadly, most American's have been soo brain washed by the zionist propaganda media. They think Israel is our 51st state. And the US Constitution requires us to defend Israel down to the last American citizen. ....... :cool:

Actually many Americans think that Saudi is the 52st state as they supply more aid there than they do to their own.
And yet another failed attempt at demonising Israel by LYING about what they get, when the truth is Israel pays the US more than it receives as most of the money is in the form of loans. And as every one knows LOANS attract interest that must be paid. This also keeps many thousands of Americans employed in the defence and IT business, who would have been laid of many years ago if the ISLAMONAZI STOOGES had their way.

Care to explain why you LIED and tried to blame Israel for the homeless in the USA ?

I'm curious about something, Phoenall, and this is as good a place to ask as any. You are British, right? My experience over the years on the net is that I encounter about 100 Brits who sound just like indofred to every one who doesn't, and for those who don't, too many sound like soccer hooligans who just hate everybody, instead. You sound entirely rational.

Are reasonable people like yourself really in the minority vs those who would like a comfy job working for Rotherham child protective services, or does the net just bring out the George Galloway types?
So much cash sent to Israel.






Good Americans support Israel, and don't give a fuck about their own people.

And yet another failed attempt at demonising Israel by LYING about what they get, when the truth is Israel pays the US more than it receives as most of the money is in the form of loans. And as every one knows LOANS attract interest that must be paid. This also keeps many thousands of Americans employed in the defence and IT business, who would have been laid of many years ago if the ISLAMONAZI STOOGES had their way.

Care to explain why you LIED and tried to blame Israel for the homeless in the USA ?

"Loans" demand interest! America shouldn't need to borrow from anyone for any reason. We should be productive and powerful enough to be self-sustaining WITHOUT borrowing from anyone at all.

But America IS borrowing from China and the Jewish banking cartel for some, odd reason. Here's a tidbit of wisdom that many (most) folks totally overlook and/or ignore:

Proverbs 22:7, "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."
Aid to Israel is about 3 billion a year.
Jordan gets 2.5 billion and Egypt just under 2 billion
Aid to Israel, Jordan and Egypt have decreased in recent years
Iraq has been getting around 5 billion a year
PA gets around 1/2 billion from the US and more from other countries.

Hamas' income is more than a billion a year...........and they can't pay their workers wages or electric bills (or won't)
Aid to Israel is about 3 billion a year.
Jordan gets 2.5 billion and Egypt just under 2 billion
Aid to Israel, Jordan and Egypt have decreased in recent years
Iraq has been getting around 5 billion a year
PA gets around 1/2 billion from the US and more from other countries.

Hamas' income is more than a billion a year...........and they can't pay their workers wages or electric bills (or won't)

Why does Israel get one red penny?
And yet another failed attempt at demonising Israel by LYING about what they get, when the truth is Israel pays the US more than it receives as most of the money is in the form of loans. And as every one knows LOANS attract interest that must be paid. This also keeps many thousands of Americans employed in the defence and IT business, who would have been laid of many years ago if the ISLAMONAZI STOOGES had their way.

Care to explain why you LIED and tried to blame Israel for the homeless in the USA ?

I'm curious about something, Phoenall, and this is as good a place to ask as any. You are British, right? My experience over the years on the net is that I encounter about 100 Brits who sound just like indofred to every one who doesn't, and for those who don't, too many sound like soccer hooligans who just hate everybody, instead. You sound entirely rational.

Are reasonable people like yourself really in the minority vs those who would like a comfy job working for Rotherham child protective services, or does the net just bring out the George Galloway types?

We were in the minority due to neo Marxist political correctness that branded anyone that spoke out against islam migrants to be racists. The outspoken ones were few and far between and were untouchable by the thug arm of the neo Marxists, they could not lose their jobs so all the neo Marxists could do was hound, stalk, flame and LIE about them. Now we are getting stronger and larger as more and more people are seeing that the neo Marxists have no hold over them anymore. Yes it was the football hooligans, not me I find the game boring, that were the most vocal and they were easily manipulated by the left. Many have seen first hand just how psychopathic and manipulative the muslims can be, and are trying to get changes in the laws to kick out all the disruptive ones. So expect more and more reasonable people to start speaking out in the future, and making complaints about the left wing activists for their racism towards Jews. Many like me are branded NAZI's, RACIST's, FASCIST's and ISLAMOPHOBES because we are outspoken and truthful about everything including the Jews. We get branded as such because we demand the truth about what really happened in WW2 and after, who was to blame for the deaths and the truth about the camps. So much so that many European countries made it illegal to even defend a revisionist on trial for revisionism.
Sadly, most American's have been soo brain washed by the zionist propaganda media. They think Israel is our 51st state. And the US Constitution requires us to defend Israel down to the last American citizen. ....... :cool:
No doubt that they've done a fantastic marketing blitz! Facts be damned!

The facts speak for themselves and they that islam gets more aid than Israel, and that Israel is the only country that has to spend its aid money in the US. This is because the US has found that passing the money to a third party allows them to subsidise their economy legally and not fall foul of illegal trading practises.
So much cash sent to Israel.






Good Americans support Israel, and don't give a fuck about their own people.

And yet another failed attempt at demonising Israel by LYING about what they get, when the truth is Israel pays the US more than it receives as most of the money is in the form of loans. And as every one knows LOANS attract interest that must be paid. This also keeps many thousands of Americans employed in the defence and IT business, who would have been laid of many years ago if the ISLAMONAZI STOOGES had their way.

Care to explain why you LIED and tried to blame Israel for the homeless in the USA ?

"Loans" demand interest! America shouldn't need to borrow from anyone for any reason. We should be productive and powerful enough to be self-sustaining WITHOUT borrowing from anyone at all.

But America IS borrowing from China and the Jewish banking cartel for some, odd reason. Here's a tidbit of wisdom that many (most) folks totally overlook and/or ignore:

Proverbs 22:7, "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."

Try again the US is issuing loans to Israel under treaties singed 25 years ago, and Israel is the only country in receipt of US aid that is forced to spend it in the US. The IMF know that this is a scam to allow the US to subsidise their industries without falling foul of International laws on subsidies.
Aid to Israel is about 3 billion a year.
Jordan gets 2.5 billion and Egypt just under 2 billion
Aid to Israel, Jordan and Egypt have decreased in recent years
Iraq has been getting around 5 billion a year
PA gets around 1/2 billion from the US and more from other countries.

Hamas' income is more than a billion a year...........and they can't pay their workers wages or electric bills (or won't)

Aid to Israel from the US is just over half a billion, the rest is in the form of unsecured loans
Aid to Israel is about 3 billion a year.
Jordan gets 2.5 billion and Egypt just under 2 billion
Aid to Israel, Jordan and Egypt have decreased in recent years
Iraq has been getting around 5 billion a year
PA gets around 1/2 billion from the US and more from other countries.

Hamas' income is more than a billion a year...........and they can't pay their workers wages or electric bills (or won't)

Why does Israel get one red penny?

Because of treaties singed back in the 1980's that were part and parcel of peace deals. The only way the US could promise peace was to pay for it in the form of aid to Jordan and Egypt. Because they demanded blood money before they would sign the US brokered peace deal the US had to also give the same deal to Israel. The only way out is to stop the aid to all 3 nations which will reduce the M.E. to all out war and the US having to stand guard over the area at a huge cost , more that the cost of the aid, and could potentially bankrupt the USA.

Is this what you really want in the long run so the ISLAMONAZIS can take over and get all of Americas nuclear arsenal ?
So much cash sent to Israel.






Good Americans support Israel, and don't give a fuck about their own people.

And yet another failed attempt at demonising Israel by LYING about what they get, when the truth is Israel pays the US more than it receives as most of the money is in the form of loans. And as every one knows LOANS attract interest that must be paid. This also keeps many thousands of Americans employed in the defence and IT business, who would have been laid of many years ago if the ISLAMONAZI STOOGES had their way.

Care to explain why you LIED and tried to blame Israel for the homeless in the USA ?

"Loans" demand interest! America shouldn't need to borrow from anyone for any reason. We should be productive and powerful enough to be self-sustaining WITHOUT borrowing from anyone at all.

But America IS borrowing from China and the Jewish banking cartel for some, odd reason. Here's a tidbit of wisdom that many (most) folks totally overlook and/or ignore:

Proverbs 22:7, "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."

Try again the US is issuing loans to Israel under treaties singed 25 years ago, and Israel is the only country in receipt of US aid that is forced to spend it in the US. The IMF know that this is a scam to allow the US to subsidise their industries without falling foul of International laws on subsidies.

Yes, Israel spends the money on US goods and services so it goes to generating jobs and tax dollars within the US. The loans are good business for the US.
I've been saying it for years: America needs to clean up her own messes before messing around with the problems occurring half way around the globe.

I sent my sister an "e-Card" for her birthday the other day. We emailed back and forth and were having a nice conversation when I made a HUGE mistake. I dared to criticize our government for pandering to special interest groups ... including Israel. She brought our conversation to an abrupt halt and hasn't spoken to me since. The moral to my little story is that Americans (especially "fundamentalist" "Christians") have become an idolatrous bunch. They literally WORSHIP the term "Israeli" as if it is a god of sorts. You can criticize Ireland, France, Brazil, or Uganda and nobody will blink an eye but say one thing negative about Israel and you'll see a human being turn into a rabid dog full of wrath. It's a true phenomenon.

An absolutely fascinating report from someone on the inside. We can only imagine that many Americans are bat-shit-crazy over Israel, but we generally hope there is just something that hasn't been explained over their support for the place.

But you seem to be indicating that bat-shit-crazy is just the right diagnosis.

I saw something related, recently:

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