13 More Things NOT Found in Schools Anymore…That We Miss!

BY the the thirteen classes claim to be missing from school are not gone from every school.
We are born with body parts they should not be thought of as pornography................... teach restraint and respect not pornography
Teach modesty and self-restraint. Teach respect for your neighbors. And, while in public school, teach the necessities of life without sexually explicit distractions.
Men seem to have problems with explicit sexually distractions
more so than women UNLESS every man was exposing a six pack front 24/7. I say it's a man problem across the board.
Shop class was a big deal in my days in high school (wood, metal, and auto shops).
Do schools today still have a metal shop and a wood shop?

I was a member of the FFA (Future Farmers of America). I doubt very much that the woke crowd allows that any more.
FFA, is this gone or still in school?

The answer to both questions is yes.
I'm sure there are some inner city schools that don't have FFA, but I can speak about WA State.
Do schools today still have a metal shop and a wood shop?

FFA, is this gone or still in school?

The answer to both questions is yes.
I'm sure there are some inner city schools that don't have FFA, but I can speak about WA State.
All the above is diminishing. There are likely some schools that have the above, but the school I went to either eliminated some of the programs or seriously watered them down to a skeleton of its former status.
Do schools today still have a metal shop and a wood shop?

FFA, is this gone or still in school?
Ours has it. We can still hear the Moo Moos in the morning.
EDIT: we used to walk behind the barns and half the time would run into deer or coyotes.
The answer to both questions is yes.
I'm sure there are some inner city schools that don't have FFA, but I can speak about WA State.
I doubt places that had FFA don't still have it unless they have become urbanized.

Our school system has computers, programming, robot, 3D manufacturing, and engineering labs.
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Until military assault weapons are taken off the streets and off retail shelves lives will continue to be lost.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The great majority of the gun crimes in this country are done with hand guns in Democrat controlled big city shitholes by Black and Brown street thugs, druggies and gang bangers.
All the above is diminishing. There are likely some schools that have the above, but the school I went to either eliminated some of the programs or seriously watered them down to a skeleton of its former status.

Still Strong in WA State.
The guy missed the student smoking area.
As long as you had signed permission from a parent you could smoke in the student smoking area.
I told my Mom you might as well sign it or I'll just skip class and go smoke behind the football stadium.
And I might not even go back to school for the day.
Circle the Square

The forced opposition to smoking is not for medical reasons. The sissy ruling class fears the Marlboro Man and all other masculine images.

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