13 protesters were killed by Israeli gunfire and 225 wounded

What do you mean losing side? The Palestinians never lost anything.

They are going to lose this war that they started. Israel is God's land and God does not lose. Mark my words on that one, son. There is still time to give up this folly you perpetuate.

When did the Palestinians start a war?

IF you really wanted that question answered you would use google...but you choose ignorance. So be it, we will see how far it gets you when the chips are on the felt.
They were there with the imprimatur of the Syrian government.

thank you for bringing that up.

this was a way for syria to deflect from its murder of its own people... and also to challenge israeli sovereignty.... something that can't be allowed b/c to allow it is a sign of weakness to arab governments.

If you visit the Al Jazzera web site and see their version of the events, you will note that the Syrian government bussed several loads of folks in to a controlled military zone.

What seems to have happened is that the Syrians, in an effort to deflect serious internal problems, bussed large numbers of folks into the area to stage a protest. And then lost control of them.

If you see the size of the mob, you will be a bit more sympathetic to the position of the Israeli soldier.

And the Israelis did warn the folks tossing the rocks and advancing on the border to stop.

At the same time, I don't see the Israeli public opinion being as relaxed as the majority of the US public opinion.

On the Syrian side, the Syrian secret police will dance for joy of the nifty provision of corpses, wich they will use to make Israel the enemy, instead of the Syrian police state.
what a crock of shit.

If Dr. Martin Luther King bussed half a million blacks into Alabama and whitey started taking shots you'd be standing on a different foot altogether.

It's ironic when jews make excuses for killing non-jews. for the sake of racial purity in israel, no less.
They were there with the imprimatur of the Syrian government.

thank you for bringing that up.

this was a way for syria to deflect from its murder of its own people... and also to challenge israeli sovereignty.... something that can't be allowed b/c to allow it is a sign of weakness to arab governments.

If you visit the Al Jazzera web site and see their version of the events, you will note that the Syrian government bussed several loads of folks in to a controlled military zone.

What seems to have happened is that the Syrians, in an effort to deflect serious internal problems, bussed large numbers of folks into the area to stage a protest. And then lost control of them.

If you see the size of the mob, you will be a bit more sympathetic to the position of the Israeli soldier.

And the Israelis did warn the folks tossing the rocks and advancing on the border to stop.

At the same time, I don't see the Israeli public opinion being as relaxed as the majority of the US public opinion.

On the Syrian side, the Syrian secret police will dance for joy of the nifty provision of corpses, wich they will use to make Israel the enemy, instead of the Syrian police state.

If you see the size of the mob, you will be a bit more sympathetic to the position of the Israeli soldier.

The Israeli soldiers are not in Israel. What right do they have to shoot anyone?
thank you for bringing that up.

this was a way for syria to deflect from its murder of its own people... and also to challenge israeli sovereignty.... something that can't be allowed b/c to allow it is a sign of weakness to arab governments.

If you visit the Al Jazzera web site and see their version of the events, you will note that the Syrian government bussed several loads of folks in to a controlled military zone.

What seems to have happened is that the Syrians, in an effort to deflect serious internal problems, bussed large numbers of folks into the area to stage a protest. And then lost control of them.

If you see the size of the mob, you will be a bit more sympathetic to the position of the Israeli soldier.

And the Israelis did warn the folks tossing the rocks and advancing on the border to stop.

At the same time, I don't see the Israeli public opinion being as relaxed as the majority of the US public opinion.

On the Syrian side, the Syrian secret police will dance for joy of the nifty provision of corpses, wich they will use to make Israel the enemy, instead of the Syrian police state.

If you see the size of the mob, you will be a bit more sympathetic to the position of the Israeli soldier.

The Israeli soldiers are not in Israel. What right do they have to shoot anyone?

Is it not apparent, since you are the only one who seems to think they have no right? Pretty much the entire world, with a few exceptions, believes Israel has the right, and we all agree on where EXACTLY Israels borders are. In fact, the POTUS is trying to get them to agree to new borders, and you cant have new borders without having old ones first. In other words, youre a fucking retard.

I like that you hate the jews, yet they ALWAYS win. They have the recognized borders, they have the power, and the only way your shit people will ever get the land they want is is if Israel is kind enough to give it to them. The palis may as well worship the Israelis as if they were their gods, because they are.
If you visit the Al Jazzera web site and see their version of the events, you will note that the Syrian government bussed several loads of folks in to a controlled military zone.

What seems to have happened is that the Syrians, in an effort to deflect serious internal problems, bussed large numbers of folks into the area to stage a protest. And then lost control of them.

If you see the size of the mob, you will be a bit more sympathetic to the position of the Israeli soldier.

And the Israelis did warn the folks tossing the rocks and advancing on the border to stop.

At the same time, I don't see the Israeli public opinion being as relaxed as the majority of the US public opinion.

On the Syrian side, the Syrian secret police will dance for joy of the nifty provision of corpses, wich they will use to make Israel the enemy, instead of the Syrian police state.

If you see the size of the mob, you will be a bit more sympathetic to the position of the Israeli soldier.

The Israeli soldiers are not in Israel. What right do they have to shoot anyone?

Is it not apparent, since you are the only one who seems to think they have no right? Pretty much the entire world, with a few exceptions, believes Israel has the right, and we all agree on where EXACTLY Israels borders are. In fact, the POTUS is trying to get them to agree to new borders, and you cant have new borders without having old ones first. In other words, youre a fucking retard.

I like that you hate the jews, yet they ALWAYS win. They have the recognized borders, they have the power, and the only way your shit people will ever get the land they want is is if Israel is kind enough to give it to them. The palis may as well worship the Israelis as if they were their gods, because they are.

Those Israeli soldiers are in occupied territory not in Israel.

Palestine's borders were defined in 1922 and have not changed.

and we all agree on where EXACTLY Israels borders are.

OK, where exactly are they?
The Israeli soldiers are not in Israel. What right do they have to shoot anyone?

Is it not apparent, since you are the only one who seems to think they have no right? Pretty much the entire world, with a few exceptions, believes Israel has the right, and we all agree on where EXACTLY Israels borders are. In fact, the POTUS is trying to get them to agree to new borders, and you cant have new borders without having old ones first. In other words, youre a fucking retard.

I like that you hate the jews, yet they ALWAYS win. They have the recognized borders, they have the power, and the only way your shit people will ever get the land they want is is if Israel is kind enough to give it to them. The palis may as well worship the Israelis as if they were their gods, because they are.

Those Israeli soldiers are in occupied territory not in Israel.

Palestine's borders were defined in 1922 and have not changed.

and we all agree on where EXACTLY Israels borders are.

OK, where exactly are they?

Theres sooooo many maps available, yet you are prepetually confused over simple geography. :lol:
Is it not apparent, since you are the only one who seems to think they have no right? Pretty much the entire world, with a few exceptions, believes Israel has the right, and we all agree on where EXACTLY Israels borders are. In fact, the POTUS is trying to get them to agree to new borders, and you cant have new borders without having old ones first. In other words, youre a fucking retard.

I like that you hate the jews, yet they ALWAYS win. They have the recognized borders, they have the power, and the only way your shit people will ever get the land they want is is if Israel is kind enough to give it to them. The palis may as well worship the Israelis as if they were their gods, because they are.

Those Israeli soldiers are in occupied territory not in Israel.

Palestine's borders were defined in 1922 and have not changed.

and we all agree on where EXACTLY Israels borders are.

OK, where exactly are they?

Theres sooooo many maps available, yet you are prepetually confused over simple geography. :lol:

indeed, there ARE plenty of maps showing whose land it was before zionism canaanized the land. You are not very good at this whole debating thing.

I guess that is why you have to fall back to the ole trusty assumption that everyone just hates jews.

Dumb comparison, but lets examine it.

the issue here is civil disobedience. If a law is against morality, then the law has no validity. The issue in Montgomery was the segregated busses. King moved hundreds of folks into Birmingham to protest the immoral law. The were dressed in Sunday best, went to do a violation of an immoral ordinance and were booked into jail by the thousand. The Birmingham cops used tear gas, fire hoses and vicious dogs to deal with the protesters. the protesters were on their best behavior at all times. It was the cops who were misbehaving. And the law was stupid.

Don't forget the white power structure did resort to violence during the protests in Alabama.

Now we come to the issue of the international border between Israel and Syria. I am not going to defend the placement of that border, the morality of the establishment of that border, but only with went on there.
This was a closed military zone. The Syrian Government bused the folks in and they were not peaceably protesting. They were throwing rocks. Every border has the same moral basis. It is the place where the shooting stopped. Or in the case of the 49th Parallel, what was established in lui of shooting. Borders are established by corpses or the threat of corpses. Why they were permitted to the border of Israel and encouraged to protest there as opposed to the border of Turkey, Iraq, Jordan or Lebanon? All borders have the same justification. If they had gone to the Turkish border in their hundreds and tossed rocks at the Turks, the same thing would have happened. Had they gone to the Jordan border and tried it there, same result.

When people watched what happened in Alabama, they saw well behaved church going folks set upon by thugs and goons.

Yesterday bunches of rock throwing goons, pushed by Syrian government officials, attacked a military position. It was not a peaceful protest, it was not spontaneous (Were it actually spontaneous, Syria being Syria, the Syrian Army would have killed a lot more than 13 of them) and the Israeli army dealt with a violent threat in its own language.
Those Israeli soldiers are in occupied territory not in Israel.

Palestine's borders were defined in 1922 and have not changed.

OK, where exactly are they?

Theres sooooo many maps available, yet you are prepetually confused over simple geography. :lol:

indeed, there ARE plenty of maps showing whose land it was before zionism canaanized the land. You are not very good at this whole debating thing.

I guess that is why you have to fall back to the ole trusty assumption that everyone just hates jews.


Im not good at debating? If you go back far enough, the US wont be on any maps either. Hell, go back far enough, and there was a time when there were no maps. Whats your polint, other than to show us you are a fucking retard?

Kick rocks kid. This place is for the big boys.
Is it not apparent, since you are the only one who seems to think they have no right? Pretty much the entire world, with a few exceptions, believes Israel has the right, and we all agree on where EXACTLY Israels borders are. In fact, the POTUS is trying to get them to agree to new borders, and you cant have new borders without having old ones first. In other words, youre a fucking retard.

I like that you hate the jews, yet they ALWAYS win. They have the recognized borders, they have the power, and the only way your shit people will ever get the land they want is is if Israel is kind enough to give it to them. The palis may as well worship the Israelis as if they were their gods, because they are.

Those Israeli soldiers are in occupied territory not in Israel.

Palestine's borders were defined in 1922 and have not changed.

and we all agree on where EXACTLY Israels borders are.

OK, where exactly are they?

Theres sooooo many maps available, yet you are prepetually confused over simple geography. :lol:

The dash dot dash line is the 1949 armistice line. That line was specifically not to be a political or national border. The armistice line followed the border between Lebanon and Palestine, Syria and Palestine, Jordan and Palestine except for the West Bank, Egypt and Palestine except for Gaza. There are no borders for an Israel. See 1949 armistice agreements.

Those Israeli soldiers are in occupied territory not in Israel.

Palestine's borders were defined in 1922 and have not changed.

OK, where exactly are they?

Theres sooooo many maps available, yet you are prepetually confused over simple geography. :lol:

The dash dot dash line is the 1949 armistice line. That line was specifically not to be a political or national border. The armistice line followed the border between Lebanon and Palestine, Syria and Palestine, Jordan and Palestine except for the West Bank, Egypt and Palestine except for Gaza. There are no borders for an Israel. See 1949 armistice agreements.


What kind of moron fucks up and somehow finds a map that doesnt have Israel on it? Do you do anything right? Then again, I suppose posting a current map would sink your whole arguement.
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Why would anyone be surprised when people get shot after a large group of angry men try to forcefully break their way into Israel, cutting barbed wire fences and throwing rocks at Israeli troops? Shit, if i was in charge, i wouldnt have stopped firing until every last person in the mob was dead. I dont understand why the rest were allowed to live.

Its definitely time for Israel to take the gloves off, afterall, every time a jew hater dies, the world gets a little bit better.
The Israeli occupation is illegal. The U.S. has had to use its veto power in the U.N. more than a dozen times to help Israel get away with its crimes.

NaZionism is the problem

General Assembly

A/RES/3379 (XXX)
10 November 1975

Thirtieth session
Agenda item 68

[on the report of the Third Committee (A/10320)]

3379 (XXX). Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination

The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolution 1904 (XVIII) of 20 November 1963, proclaiming the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, and in particular its affirmation that "any doctrine of racial differentiation or superiority is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous" and its expression of alarm at "the manifestations of racial discrimination still in evidence in some areas in the world, some of which are imposed by certain Governments by means of legislative, administrative or other measures",

Recalling also that, in its resolution 3151 G (XXVIII) of 14 December 1973, the General Assembly condemned, inter alia, the unholy alliance between South African racism and zionism,

Taking note of the Declaration of Mexico on the Equality of Women and Their Contribution to Development and Peace, 1/ proclaimed by the World Con-ference of the International Women's Year, held at Mexico City from 19 June to 2 July 1975, which promulgated the principle that "international co-operation and peace require the achievement of national liberation and independence, the elimination of colonialism and neo-colonialism, foreign occupation, zionism, apartheid and racial discrimination in all its forms, as well as the recognition of the dignity of peoples and their right to self-determination",

Taking note also of resolution 77 (XII) adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity at its twelfth ordinary session,2/ hold at Kampala from 28 July to 1 August 1975, which considered "that the racist regime in occupied Palestine and the racist regimes in Zimbabwe and South Africa have a common imperialist origin, forming a whole and having the same racist structure and being organically linked in their policy aimed at repression of the dignity and integrity of the human being",

Taking note also of the Political Declaration and Strategy to Strengthen International Peace and Security and to Intensify Solidarity and Mutual Assistance among Non-Aligned Countries,3/ adopted at the Conference of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Non-Aligned Countries held at Lima from 25 to 30 August 1975, which most severely condemned zionism as a threat to world peace and security and called upon all countries to oppose this racism and imperialist ideology,

Determines that zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.
2400th plenary meeting
10 November 1975
An attitude of "I refuse to see it, therefore it isn't there" is not mentally healthy. it is there whether you see it or not.

From where I sit, I can't see Uranus. The it is huge, and its existence is not dependent on my perception, and it was there before me, and will be there long after I am gone.
Too bad, so sad.

There is no such thing as Palestine.
Yes, there is. And the Arab and Christians there were promised self-determination. Palestine was there before the British created Israel after WWI in the hope they could get rid of all Europe's Jews by sending them to Palestine.
You do not need to shoot people who are throwing stones and that was certainly not the procedure in Northern Ireland.

This is being done by people in line with the arab spring and they have as much right to do it as any one else.

Israel did not need to shoot them. Apparently a 12 year old is among the dead. After shooting Israel eventually released tear gas and that got them back. If she wanted to be offensive she could have done that rather than shoot unarmed protesters dead.

Israel is going to have to learn to deal with passive resistance or she is going to be in trouble. The point of such protests is to annoy but to kill is far too over an reaction.

While there may be a trail, previous similar instances have not come to anything, Besides responsibility for such things lies with the commanders. However she should start learning how to deal with passive resistance. The barrage of flotillas are coming soon

Come climb my fence and throw rocks at me, I will return lead to you. Understand?
Israel had every right to open fire.

Is that international law ?
More than a Dozen U.S. vetoes have prevented Israel from being held to international law
'Well enough' meaning the ethnic cleansing of Arabs and the expulsion of Muslims and Christians from their homes as part of an illegal occupation by Israel?
Why would anyone be surprised when people get shot after a large group of angry men try to forcefully break their way into Israel, cutting barbed wire fences and throwing rocks at Israeli troops? Shit, if i was in charge, i wouldnt have stopped firing until every last person in the mob was dead. I dont understand why the rest were allowed to live.

Its definitely time for Israel to take the gloves off, afterall, every time a jew hater dies, the world gets a little bit better.
The Israeli occupation is illegal. The U.S. has had to use its veto power in the U.N. more than a dozen times to help Israel get away with its crimes.

NaZionism is the problem

The UN disagrees, and so does almost every country in the world. Just saying the words "its illegal" doesnt make it so. If courts arent actively pursuing it, its not illegal.

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