13 Steps

Thanks for sharing

Clever, how did you ever come up with such a unique and original response? You must have a very good mentor.

Methinks TASB uses idiotgrams (how else to describe his posts) as a means to censor posts he lacks the intelligence to grapple with or competently analyze. Sad, must suck to be so cocksure of himself and yet can't convince anyone he is not retarded, for there is nothing of substance in his writings.

I think you just described yourself

9.9 times out of 10, his posts are pure emotional rubbish with no substance. He'll stumble into a mediocre post one time in a thousand.
Thanks for sharing

Clever, how did you ever come up with such a unique and original response? You must have a very good mentor.

Methinks TASB uses idiotgrams (how else to describe his posts) as a means to censor posts he lacks the intelligence to grapple with or competently analyze. Sad, must suck to be so cocksure of himself and yet can't convince anyone he is not retarded, for there is nothing of substance in his writings.

It takes little evidence to conclude that you are mildly retarded. Wipe that drool off your chin, boy.
The Right to Life Movement

Yes, we are horrible people for trying to save the lives of the unborn. Abortionists would like you to move your eyes away from the baby and focus on the crotch that mysteriously opened and allowed itself to get pregnant.

Don't look at the child! Can't have that!

ANSWER:The Right to Life crowd has opposed all efforts to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Why do they not support - and most reject - an age appropriate health care curriculum which includes human sexuality? Including how to prevent pregnancy, SED's, the costs to raised a child from birth to adult hood and the financial responsibility of the father.

I support a full sexual education program. Half of all abortions are because no contraception of any kind was used. By improving and increasing the usage of birth control, we would see a radical decline in abortions.

A consumption tax is far superior to a tax on production (income tax). Ask any economist. The only problem with the Fair Tax is that it needs to come with a ban on tax expenditures or it will be corrupted as much as our income tax is.

ANSWER: This is your opinion and I disagree. A consumption tax impacts the very wealthy little, and the middle class families to a much greater degree. It is regressive and it imposed further increase the divide between the very rich and the rest of us.

I don't think you know much about the Fair Tax. The Fair Tax has a monthly rebate to offset the regressive nature of a sales tax. That's why it is called the Fair Tax and not a sales tax.

And it is not just my opinion that consumption taxes are better than taxes on production, it is the opinion of actual economists, who are more authoritative about this sort of thing than you or I. That is why I suggested you ask one for yourself.

We are living longer than out ancestors, we should be working longer. Common sense!

ANSWER: We are living longer, that doesn't mean we need to work longer. Have you considered any other alternatives? I have, but that is the grist for a whole new thread.

It IS common sense. Our ancestors' life expectancy was 63 when SS was enacted, and only 5.6% of the US population was over 65. Today, life expectancy is 78 and 13% of the population is over 65. This is so blatantly obviously unsustainable, that if you can't see it, then you have zero common sense.

It's all about free speech. You don't like free speech?

ANSWER: It is not about free speech. Brother's Koch can walk outside with a sandwich board, they should not be able to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to anonymously influence elections.

Why shouldn't they? It's their money!

You act as if you don't have any means to amplify your voice. Join the NRA, or Greenpeace, or Move-On. That is why our founders protected the right of association. You think they would protect that right and then believed we shouldn't exercise it?!?!

Unions are disrupting the creative destruction process. People shouldn't be getting paid $20 an hour to make lava lamps. Sorry. Those jobs should move overseas.

ANSWER: A return to the Gilded Age? Not a good time for most Americans. Consider this (should be go back to this time?):

American Experience . The Richest Man in the World: Andrew Carnegie . Strike at Homestead Mill | PBS

I am not saying we should eliminate unions. I am saying they have become as corrupt and damaging to our economy as the system which gave birth to them.

Have you ever noticed that high tech jobs are rarely unionized? And yet high tech workers are well paid and have benefits out the wazoo. You know why? Because they have skills that are in demand.

ANSWER: It is my understanding that high paid high tech workers are generally independent contractors and thus establish their own independent health care contracts and retirement accounts. Many didn't fair too well during the Great Recession. Some drove taxi and made coffee drinks at Starbucks.

You understanding is wrong. Most high tech workers are hourly wage workers, with some on salary. The guy working in an Intel fab is not an independent contractor. :lol:

The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives

This is unmitigated bullshit. The effort is to stop making me pay for someone else's contraception. They can buy their own. And stop making someone pay for someone else's contraception against their religious beliefs.

ANSWER: So you oppose abortion and welfare, yet are angered that you might pay a few pennies to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. When did GOD tell you contraception was evil? Your response to this one is out of character.

You seem to believe contraception is so cost prohibitive that people need some kind of government subsidy to obtain it. How in the world did you get this impression, I wonder?

You are being manipulated.

And please learn how to use the quote function!
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Thanks for sharing

Clever, how did you ever come up with such a unique and original response? You must have a very good mentor.

Methinks TASB uses idiotgrams (how else to describe his posts) as a means to censor posts he lacks the intelligence to grapple with or competently analyze. Sad, must suck to be so cocksure of himself and yet can't convince anyone he is not retarded, for there is nothing of substance in his writings.

I think you just described yourself

You're too stupid to evaluate anything I write. Don't feel bad, you're not alone, as can be verified by every post above which attacks me and not my argument.

The Right to Life Movement

Yes, we are horrible people for trying to save the lives of the unborn. Abortionists would like you to move your eyes away from the baby and focus on the crotch that mysteriously opened and allowed itself to get pregnant.

Don't look at the child! Can't have that!

ANSWER:The Right to Life crowd has opposed all efforts to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Why do they not support - and most reject - an age appropriate health care curriculum which includes human sexuality? Including how to prevent pregnancy, SED's, the costs to raised a child from birth to adult hood and the financial responsibility of the father.

I support a full sexual education program. Half of all abortions are because no contraception of any kind was used. By improving and increasing the usage of birth control, we would see a radical decline in abortions.

I don't think you know much about the Fair Tax. The Fair Tax has a monthly rebate to offset the regressive nature of a sales tax. That's why it is called the Fair Tax and not a sales tax.

And it is not just my opinion that consumption taxes are better than taxes on production, it is the opinion of actual economists, who are more authoritative about this sort of thing than you or I. That is why I suggested you ask one for yourself.

It IS common sense. Our ancestors' life expectancy was 63 when SS was enacted, and only 5.6% of the US population was over 65. Today, life expectancy is 78 and 13% of the population is over 65. This is so blatantly obviously unsustainable, that if you can't see it, then you have zero common sense.

Why shouldn't they? It's their money!

You act as if you don't have any means to amplify your voice. Join the NRA, or Greenpeace, or Move-On. That is why our founders protected the right of association. You think they would protect that right and then believed we shouldn't exercise it?!?!

I am not saying we should eliminate unions. I am saying they have become as corrupt and damaging to our economy as the system which gave birth to them.

You understanding is wrong. Most high tech workers are hourly wage workers, with some on salary. The guy working in an Intel fab is not an independent contractor. :lol:

The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives

This is unmitigated bullshit. The effort is to stop making me pay for someone else's contraception. They can buy their own. And stop making someone pay for someone else's contraception against their religious beliefs.

ANSWER: So you oppose abortion and welfare, yet are angered that you might pay a few pennies to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. When did GOD tell you contraception was evil? Your response to this one is out of character.

You seem to believe contraception is so cost prohibitive that people need some kind of government subsidy to obtain it. How in the world did you get this impression, I wonder?

You are being manipulated.

And please learn how to use the quote function!

I'm being manipulated? I think not. Take a look at the history of the legality of the sale of contraceptives in our country, then consider "hidden agendas" and how this entire controversy focused on religion and not the fetus. Some even want us to believe the use of contraceptives is a form of abortion.

Cost is relative and can be an issue in power and control relationships. Do some homework on domestic violence, for example. I believed once you had a good mind, I'm now beginning to question that judgment.

I'm off to the dog park, I have no choice as my dog is sitting there looking at me with a look I cannot ignore.
So the usual members of the echo chamber have engaged in a collective series of ad hominem attacks. What a surprise.

Now, these 15 items represent movements or actions supported overtly or covertly by the GOP and the Power Elite (i.e. the Brothers Koch):

The Right to Life Movement
The 'Fair Tax'
The Reduction or Elimination of Entitlements (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA)
The USSC Decision in CU v. FEC
The Effort to Suppress the Vote
The Anti-Union Movement
The Right to Work Movement
The Effort to Deny Workers Collective Bargaining
The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives
The Effort to Eliminate Minimum Wage Laws
The War on Women
The War on Public Education
The Effort to Foil Comprehensive Immigration Reform
The War on Women
The War on Public Education
The Effort to Foil Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Deny them if you dare, ample evidence exists that all are supported by the faction of he Republican Party, its Conservative Fringe, which is today guiding their platform and policy debates.

These are the responses from the echo chamber:

Paid SPAM much? ";

"Now. One step.
Think of how that has influenced your party for the better part of 60 years and then get back to me.";

Wow a list of liberal talking points how original. " ;

"Wow, beyond "MUCH"! ";

"If a little SPAM is good then lots is great, right?";

"Your very good at repeating talking points but beyond that there is nothing of relevance here.";

"You have to have something of substance to respond to in order give it the fact you can't think beyond partisan talking points is not my problem if you ever come up with a original thought by all means get back to me until then I will call a talking point a talking point."

"It could easily be the default position of our current course given another decade or two.
so we should be scared.
entitlements were created when our life expectancy was 62 NOW we're at 80+ so the system MUST be changed or it will cease to exist all on its own.
suppressing the vote is nonsense.
Right to work should be the norm. Unions have bankrupted many businesses and cost us billions in lost tax revenue.
Fair taxes needs no explanation.
right to life needs no explanation.
ANYONE can EASILY buy contraception.
The war on women = the Democrat war on common sense.
I'll go no further as most of your list is just twisted liberal stupidity"

And the authors of these comments have the audacity to call me stupid.

Think how taken collectively the fact that these movements have the potential to create an untrained and poorly educated underclass and how that might march our nation further into the abyss of an Oligarchy of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.

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