13 Steps

You simply don't get the connection between all of those "talking points", in fact movements within the GOP fringe, and how the success of those efforts will further harm the middle class, working poor and those living in abject poverty, the aged, the infirm and future generations.

Maybe you're stupid, maybe brainwashed or maybe simply an angry and slightly paranoid white guy who resents a black man in the oval office. What I do know is you offer nothing of substance to counter the point made in my thread. Don't feel too bad, no one else has and I doubt anyone will offer anything beyond the crap you've already offered.

You bitching at him for offering no substance in response to your post and you then proceed to sling multiple personal insults.

Perhaps YOU are in need of some windex for your mirror

Not likely, I simply run out of patience when confronted by fools. Hey, how about Alex Smith?

I have hope. Have yet to see him under pressure though. I saw your link but I didn't get home from work till bout 30 minutes ago. Gotta shower, eat & catch the Walking Dead before it's too late
Wow, a brilliant retort of zero substance. Add two pejoratives and the post above and it may grow into an ad hominem attack.
You have to have something of substance to respond to in order give it the fact you can't think beyond partisan talking points is not my problem if you ever come up with a original thought by all means get back to me until then I will call a talking point a talking point.

You simply don't get the connection between all of those "talking points", in fact movements within the GOP fringe, and how the success of those efforts will further harm the middle class, working poor and those living in abject poverty, the aged, the infirm and future generations.

Maybe you're stupid, maybe brainwashed or maybe simply an angry and slightly paranoid white guy who resents a black man in the oval office. What I do know is you offer nothing of substance to counter the point made in my thread. Don't feel too bad, no one else has and I doubt anyone will offer anything beyond the crap you've already offered.

No I just see you for the useless talking points repeating hack you are your incapable of coming up with a single thought that is not a regurgitated DNC talking point which includes your above response maybe one day you will get beyond that but I highly doubt it.
You have to have something of substance to respond to in order give it the fact you can't think beyond partisan talking points is not my problem if you ever come up with a original thought by all means get back to me until then I will call a talking point a talking point.

You simply don't get the connection between all of those "talking points", in fact movements within the GOP fringe, and how the success of those efforts will further harm the middle class, working poor and those living in abject poverty, the aged, the infirm and future generations.

Maybe you're stupid, maybe brainwashed or maybe simply an angry and slightly paranoid white guy who resents a black man in the oval office. What I do know is you offer nothing of substance to counter the point made in my thread. Don't feel too bad, no one else has and I doubt anyone will offer anything beyond the crap you've already offered.

You bitching at him for offering no substance in response to your post and you then proceed to sling multiple personal insults.

Perhaps YOU are in need of some windex for your mirror

He's not smart enough to see how uninformed he is I feel somewhat sorry for him.
You bitching at him for offering no substance in response to your post and you then proceed to sling multiple personal insults.

Perhaps YOU are in need of some windex for your mirror

Not likely, I simply run out of patience when confronted by fools. Hey, how about Alex Smith?

I have hope. Have yet to see him under pressure though. I saw your link but I didn't get home from work till bout 30 minutes ago. Gotta shower, eat & catch the Walking Dead before it's too late

It's all good, but that last clip of the NO Playoff Game will give you confidence. I was at the game and our seats were directly above the 10-yard line so his naked roll out was right in front of us.
The Right to Life Movement
The 'Fair Tax'
The Reduction or Elimination of Entitlements (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA)
The USSC Decision in CU v. FEC
The Effort to Suppress the Vote
The Anti-Union Movement
The Right to Work Movement
The Effort to Deny Workers Collective Bargaining
The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives
The Effort to Eliminate Minimum Wage Laws
The War on Women
The War on Public Education
The Effort to Foil Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Think how taken collectively the fact that these movements (dispute them if you are able) march our nation further into the abyss of an Oligarchy of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.

Each on their own make spiffy bumper stickers. Collectively, you could wallpaper the tailend of your Prius.
The Right to Life Movement
The 'Fair Tax'
The Reduction or Elimination of Entitlements (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA)
The USSC Decision in CU v. FEC
The Effort to Suppress the Vote
The Anti-Union Movement
The Right to Work Movement
The Effort to Deny Workers Collective Bargaining
The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives
The Effort to Eliminate Minimum Wage Laws
The War on Women
The War on Public Education
The Effort to Foil Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Think how taken collectively the fact that these movements (dispute them if you are able) march our nation further into the abyss of an Oligarchy of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.

Each on their own make spiffy bumper stickers. Collectively, you could wallpaper the tailend of your Prius.

My wife drives the Prius, I drive the Odyssey and not one bumper sticker sullies our vehicles. You might, however, post one on your Ford 350 PU with the gun rack, huge tires and larger tail pipes to read: "I don't think, ergo, I'm a real man".

As for your post, it too is one which verifies my opinion that those of you on the New Right are poorly educated, challenged by critical thought and a half of bubble out of plumb emotionally.
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The Right to Life Movement

Yes, we are horrible people for trying to save the lives of the unborn. Abortionists would like you to move your eyes away from the baby and focus on the crotch that mysteriously opened and allowed itself to get pregnant.

Don't look at the child! Can't have that!

The 'Fair Tax'

A consumption tax is far superior to a tax on production (income tax). Ask any economist. The only problem with the Fair Tax is that it needs to come with a ban on tax expenditures or it will be corrupted as much as our income tax is.

The Reduction or Elimination of Entitlements (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA)

We are living longer than out ancestors, we should be working longer. Common sense!

The USSC Decision in CU v. FEC

It's all about free speech. You don't like free speech?

The Effort to Suppress the Vote

I'm with you on this one. Voter ID and other voter suppressions are shameful, shameful acts. We actually have defenders of these dick moves arguing that voting isn't a right! That's the dead giveaway this isn't about making sure only eligible voters vote, as they claim.

The Anti-Union Movement
The Right to Work Movement

Unions are disrupting the creative destruction process. People shouldn't be getting paid $20 an hour to make lava lamps. Sorry. Those jobs should move overseas.

The real crime is in our education system which is failing to train our children for the high tech jobs of tomorrow. We are making a nation of lava lamp assembly line workers instead.

The Effort to Deny Workers Collective Bargaining

Have you ever noticed that high tech jobs are rarely unionized? And yet high tech workers are well paid and have benefits out the wazoo. You know why? Because they have skills that are in demand.

You don't need a union if you have a kick ass skill.

Stay in school. Take Calculus and Chemistry.

The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives

This is unmitigated bullshit. The effort is to stop making me pay for someone else's contraception. They can buy their own. And stop making someone pay for someone else's contraception against their religious beliefs.
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You have to have something of substance to respond to in order give it the fact you can't think beyond partisan talking points is not my problem if you ever come up with a original thought by all means get back to me until then I will call a talking point a talking point.

You simply don't get the connection between all of those "talking points", in fact movements within the GOP fringe, and how the success of those efforts will further harm the middle class, working poor and those living in abject poverty, the aged, the infirm and future generations.

Maybe you're stupid, maybe brainwashed or maybe simply an angry and slightly paranoid white guy who resents a black man in the oval office. What I do know is you offer nothing of substance to counter the point made in my thread. Don't feel too bad, no one else has and I doubt anyone will offer anything beyond the crap you've already offered.

No I just see you for the useless talking points repeating hack you are your incapable of coming up with a single thought that is not a regurgitated DNC talking point which includes your above response maybe one day you will get beyond that but I highly doubt it.

Thanks for sharing, now, if you would please post a link to any source wherein the movements I listed are grouped together and leads to a conclusion that together they will have the impact of creating a large, poorly trained workforce willing to work for peanuts.

I'm not suggesting such a conspiracy is rational or even one discussed by the nations power elite, the fact remains that the impact of the collective takeaways may have the impact I suggest. If my inference is correct and it comes to pass it may benefit the power elite for a time, but history suggests its eventual outcome will harm all.

Now prove to me and others that I've plagiarized my conclusion, or STFU. For nothing you've posted is based on anything but your own biases framed by what you've heard from right wing purveyors of propaganda. Meaning, you are guilty of what you falsely claim I have done. Hence, I conclude you're not very bright and mendacious; evidence abounds that I my assessment of you is correct.
The Right to Life Movement
The 'Fair Tax'
The Reduction or Elimination of Entitlements (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA)
The USSC Decision in CU v. FEC
The Effort to Suppress the Vote
The Anti-Union Movement
The Right to Work Movement
The Effort to Deny Workers Collective Bargaining
The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives
The Effort to Eliminate Minimum Wage Laws
The War on Women
The War on Public Education
The Effort to Foil Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Think how taken collectively the fact that these movements (dispute them if you are able) march our nation further into the abyss of an Oligarchy of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.

Thanks for sharing
The Right to Life Movement
The 'Fair Tax'
The Reduction or Elimination of Entitlements (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA)
The USSC Decision in CU v. FEC
The Effort to Suppress the Vote
The Anti-Union Movement
The Right to Work Movement
The Effort to Deny Workers Collective Bargaining
The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives
The Effort to Eliminate Minimum Wage Laws
The War on Women
The War on Public Education
The Effort to Foil Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Think how taken collectively the fact that these movements (dispute them if you are able) march our nation further into the abyss of an Oligarchy of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.

What in the FUCK are you babbling about?
The Right to Life Movement
The 'Fair Tax'
The Reduction or Elimination of Entitlements (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA)
The USSC Decision in CU v. FEC
The Effort to Suppress the Vote
The Anti-Union Movement
The Right to Work Movement
The Effort to Deny Workers Collective Bargaining
The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives
The Effort to Eliminate Minimum Wage Laws
The War on Women
The War on Public Education
The Effort to Foil Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Think how taken collectively the fact that these movements (dispute them if you are able) march our nation further into the abyss of an Oligarchy of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.

What in the FUCK are you babbling about?
The talking points from the last presidential election.
The Right to Life Movement
The 'Fair Tax'
The Reduction or Elimination of Entitlements (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA)
The USSC Decision in CU v. FEC
The Effort to Suppress the Vote
The Anti-Union Movement
The Right to Work Movement
The Effort to Deny Workers Collective Bargaining
The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives
The Effort to Eliminate Minimum Wage Laws
The War on Women
The War on Public Education
The Effort to Foil Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Think how taken collectively the fact that these movements (dispute them if you are able) march our nation further into the abyss of an Oligarchy of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.

One wouldn’t go so far as to say the United States is an ‘oligarchy,’ or becoming one, for that matter; but the business of America has always been business, and the manifestations you cite are more designed to keep America of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich.

The problem with most of the cited manifestations, however, is that they seek to take away the gains made by working Americans during the 20th Century, upsetting the balance between ‘working class’ and ‘ruling class’ carefully crafted by government and the courts with regard to regulatory policy since the end of the Lochner Era.

For example, the ‘right to work’ is clearly not – it’s collusion between conservative lawmakers and private sector employers to keep wages low, profits high, and workers subject to the capricious whims of employers.
Now, anything intelligent to say about this:

Probably not.

After all, you can't really get intelligent responses to posts that are unintelligent.

Of course, you might think that it was intelligent. Our standards may differ there. I just don't think posting a list that is questionably accurate to make an argument to divide people is that intelligent.
The Right to Life Movement

Yes, we are horrible people for trying to save the lives of the unborn. Abortionists would like you to move your eyes away from the baby and focus on the crotch that mysteriously opened and allowed itself to get pregnant.

Don't look at the child! Can't have that!

ANSWER:The Right to Life crowd has opposed all efforts to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Why do they not support - and most reject - an age appropriate health care curriculum which includes human sexuality? Including how to prevent pregnancy, SED's, the costs to raised a child from birth to adult hood and the financial responsibility of the father.

The 'Fair Tax'

A consumption tax is far superior to a tax on production (income tax). Ask any economist. The only problem with the Fair Tax is that it needs to come with a ban on tax expenditures or it will be corrupted as much as our income tax is.

ANSWER: This is your opinion and I disagree. A consumption tax impacts the very wealthy little, and the middle class families to a much greater degree. It is regressive and it imposed further increase the divide between the very rich and the rest of us.

We are living longer than out ancestors, we should be working longer. Common sense!

ANSWER: We are living longer, that doesn't mean we need to work longer. Have you considered any other alternatives? I have, but that is the grist for a whole new thread.

It's all about free speech. You don't like free speech?

ANSWER: It is not about free speech. Brother's Koch can walk outside with a sandwich board, they should not be able to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to anonymously influence elections.

I'm with you on this one. Voter ID and other voter suppressions are shameful, shameful acts. We actually have defenders of these dick moves arguing that voting isn't a right! That's the dead giveaway this isn't about making sure only eligible voters vote.


Unions are disrupting the creative destruction process. People shouldn't be getting paid $20 an hour to make lava lamps. Sorry. Those jobs should move overseas.

ANSWER: A return to the Gilded Age? Not a good time for most Americans. Consider this (should be go back to this time?):

American Experience . The Richest Man in the World: Andrew Carnegie . Strike at Homestead Mill | PBS

The real crime is in our education system which is failing to train our children for the high tech jobs of tomorrow. We are making a nation of lava lamp assembly line workers instead.

ANSWER: Another topic for a new thread.
The Effort to Deny Workers Collective Bargaining

Have you ever noticed that high tech jobs are rarely unionized? And yet high tech workers are well paid and have benefits out the wazoo. You know why? Because they have skills that are in demand.

ANSWER: It is my understanding that high paid high tech workers are generally independent contractors and thus establish their own independent health care contracts and retirement accounts. Many didn't fair too well during the Great Recession. Some drove taxi and made coffee drinks at Starbucks.

You don't need a union if you have a kick ass skill.

ANSWER: No one is forced to join a union. If they go to work in a closed shop, that is a decision they have made.

Stay in school. Take Calculus and Chemistry.

My oldest son has a degree in Math and lots of computer classes. Today he drives for UPS, makes good money and has a "kick ass" health care package courtesy of the Teamsters Union.

The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives

This is unmitigated bullshit. The effort is to stop making me pay for someone else's contraception. They can buy their own. And stop making someone pay for someone else's contraception against their religious beliefs.

ANSWER: So you oppose abortion and welfare, yet are angered that you might pay a few pennies to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. When did GOD tell you contraception was evil? Your response to this one is out of character.

Both organized religions and the power elite (no, they are not mutually exclusive) like lots of babies they eventually are good for their business.
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Thanks for sharing

Clever, how did you ever come up with such a unique and original response? You must have a very good mentor.

Methinks TASB uses idiotgrams (how else to describe his posts) as a means to censor posts he lacks the intelligence to grapple with or competently analyze. Sad, must suck to be so cocksure of himself and yet can't convince anyone he is not retarded, for there is nothing of substance in his writings.
Thanks for sharing

Clever, how did you ever come up with such a unique and original response? You must have a very good mentor.

Methinks TASB uses idiotgrams (how else to describe his posts) as a means to censor posts he lacks the intelligence to grapple with or competently analyze. Sad, must suck to be so cocksure of himself and yet can't convince anyone he is not retarded, for there is nothing of substance in his writings.

I think you just described yourself

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