14.5% Increase in Medicare Premiums Will Wipe Out 5.7% Gains in Social Security For Seniors

Medicare.gov is a good source to see it won't wipe out any gains for most and it was only expected to go about 6% in October but the commission took into account that Medicare would have to pay under Part B for the new drug Aduhelm for alzheimer patients at an approximate cost of $56,000 annually.

The increase for most people with Part B will be $170.10. While just one month ago was expected to be $158 until they threw in the above drug.

I would like to know how many with Alzheimer's will be taking this drug in 2022 though.
That drug is bullshit I've looked at it through research.

It is only for earlier onset. It helps a little for a rather short time

People untreated for high lipids through their 40s have a significant chance of alz compared to those who do not

Plaque just doesn't stick to coronary................It sticks on everything
Thank you. This will hit seniors who depend primarily on social security hard. While everyone is passing out money left and right to unskilled workers who never even paid federal taxes, what about seniors who paid taxes for 40 years?

I have more sympathy for them. The young people can apply themselves and learn better job skills, but seniors have no real opportunity for earnings any more.
They did get a $1200, and a $600 and a $1400 covid stimulus checks the past year or so....to ease some of the pain....?
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Medicare ads have been running 24/7 on tv the past month....and I have a question for those collecting SS and on medicare....

If your income and SS money are a low amount, does Medicare pick up the cost for premiums when the SS recipient has a low annual income to survive on?

These ads imply they do?????
I've done plenty to defend Trump from left wing hacks. I know it's confusing to meet somebody that's actually consistent and tries to be loyal to reality.
Here is how I roll................I respect every single conserv or leaning here. I never disrespect them. I always cheer for them. If I don't agree totally I carefully say why and end it. Again I use respect

Some here like to just argue with anyone no matter what. Call like minded thinkers ass holes. Flame...bla....bla

Now I talk to libturd men like their lame horses for sure, and I even give the libturd women a lot of slack too when arguing
Then try doing the math.

The most an individual who files a claim for Social Security retirement benefits in 2021 can receive per month is:

  • $3,895 for someone who files at age 70.
5.7% of $3,895 is$222.
What are the odds that moron made enough money in their lifetime to max out the benefit? That's the bullshit I am smelling.
I'm not saying it's not. I just think a source like that is garbage and that ida person should do better when making threads. The source does matter.
Yes, look at the headline

Increase in Medicare Premiums Will Wipe Out Gains in Social Security For Seniors​

Then, right near the beginning of the article

It “will consume the entire annual cost of living adjustment (COLA) of Social Security recipients with the very lowest benefits, of about $365 per month,” said Mary Johnson, a Social Security and Medicare policy analyst for The Senior Citizens League, an advocacy group.

So, it would only consume the entire cost of living increase for those receiving the lowest benefit. And that is from the scam outfit, Senior Citizens League, who are more interesting in collecting donations to pay idiots like Mary Johnson. Because if Mary Johnson knew jackshit about Social Security and Medicare should would know that almost everyone receiving the minimum Social Security benefit is a QMB, Qualified Medicare Beneficiary, and they pay exactly ZERO DOLLARS for the Medicare Part B premium.
He can, with executive orders, have some impact. Biden eliminated 11000 jobs by closing the XL pipeline and others by banning oil drilling on Fed lands. This increased unemployment and raised oil prices.
False, that job number is highly inflated. Keystone was already dead in the water, and we are producing more oil on federal lands than ever before. In fact, in two days the Biden administration is going to auction off more permits and leasing for oil than ever in history.

Environmental advocates say Biden is breaking that pledge now as the administration prepares to hold the largest offshore oil and gas lease sale in U.S. history on Nov. 17.

--drops mike----
Medicare ads have been running 24/7 on tv the past month....and I have a question for those collecting SS and on medicare....

If your income and SS money are a low amount, does Medicare pick up the cost for premiums when the SS recipient has a low annual income to survive on?

These ads imply they do?????

Yes, look at the headline

Increase in Medicare Premiums Will Wipe Out Gains in Social Security For Seniors​

Then, right near the beginning of the article

It “will consume the entire annual cost of living adjustment (COLA) of Social Security recipients with the very lowest benefits, of about $365 per month,” said Mary Johnson, a Social Security and Medicare policy analyst for The Senior Citizens League, an advocacy group.

So, it would only consume the entire cost of living increase for those receiving the lowest benefit. And that is from the scam outfit, Senior Citizens League, who are more interesting in collecting donations to pay idiots like Mary Johnson. Because if Mary Johnson knew jackshit about Social Security and Medicare should would know that almost everyone receiving the minimum Social Security benefit is a QMB, Qualified Medicare Beneficiary, and they pay exactly ZERO DOLLARS for the Medicare Part B premium.
Thank you! I was wondering about that!!!!!!

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