14-Year-Old Missing Boys Are Skilled Enough to Sail Solo?

Then, its probably a case of two boys dead. Boat capsized, one life vest, currents. Either they were taken against their will or they just ran into a big assed wave and they drifted too far from the boat. Ever see the movie Open Water? That's what I think happened. The parents are idiots.
Then, its probably a case of two boys dead. Boat capsized, one life vest, currents. Either they were taken against their will or they just ran into a big assed wave and they drifted too far from the boat. Ever see the movie Open Water? That's what I think happened. The parents are idiots.

No telling what happened until they investigate the boat and/or find the kids. They supposedly gassed up before they left the inlet. Teenagers think they are invincible an infallible. Most states a kid can't get a learner's permit for a car until they are sixteen.

Their stupid, stupid parents should be held criminally liable.
14 years old is not fully cooked yet. NO WAY would I have let my 14 year olds out on the ocean without an adult for supervision. But that's me.
My husband and I prayed for these two boys today. The parents told them to stay within the bay and inlet. They didn't tell them they could go out on the open ocean. Let's take it easy on the parents. They are already in enough agony not knowing where their sons are.

God knows where these two boys are. I'm believing God for a miracle that even though their boat was found capsized they are wading water waiting to be rescued and the LORD is going to direct that rescue boat straight to them. In Jesus name, I am believing for a miracle for these two boys.

I was 14 years old once. My parents told me not to do a lot of things, too. But what these parents have been doing is tantamount to giving two kids the keys to the car and telling them not to leave the city limits. Were your parents that stupid when you were fourteen?

Unlike cars, kids are allowed to pilot boats beyond the age of 12

But they are still kids and subject to doing stupid things. Going to the Bahamas is stupid
My husband and I prayed for these two boys today. The parents told them to stay within the bay and inlet. They didn't tell them they could go out on the open ocean. Let's take it easy on the parents. They are already in enough agony not knowing where their sons are.

God knows where these two boys are. I'm believing God for a miracle that even though their boat was found capsized they are wading water waiting to be rescued and the LORD is going to direct that rescue boat straight to them. In Jesus name, I am believing for a miracle for these two boys.

I was 14 years old once. My parents told me not to do a lot of things, too. But what these parents have been doing is tantamount to giving two kids the keys to the car and telling them not to leave the city limits. Were your parents that stupid when you were fourteen?

Unlike cars, kids are allowed to pilot boats beyond the age of 12

But they are still kids and subject to doing stupid things. Going to the Bahamas is stupid
Yeah, it's crazy. They can't smoke or drink or drive but they can operate a boat. Half the adults down here shouldn't be operating a boat.
Then, its probably a case of two boys dead. Boat capsized, one life vest, currents. Either they were taken against their will or they just ran into a big assed wave and they drifted too far from the boat. Ever see the movie Open Water? That's what I think happened. The parents are idiots.

No telling what happened until they investigate the boat and/or find the kids. They supposedly gassed up before they left the inlet. Teenagers think they are invincible an infallible. Most states a kid can't get a learner's permit for a car until they are sixteen.

Their stupid, stupid parents should be held criminally liable.

Why? because their kids didnt listen. I dont even know if there is any age limits for boating.
That would be super scary to be stranded out at sea. No matter what your survival skills...you wouldnt stand a chance.
You have to wonder why they didnt stay with the boat or if they were unable to.
You always stay with the boat in situations like that for visibility reasons and they had to of known that.

Yes sounds like they don't have both life jackets either.

You can bet they had lifevests if for no other reason than to avoid tickets.
And even if they werent wearing them at the time,you'd think they'd have been able to retrieve them from the boat unless they were incapacitated in some way.

On a side note..does any one else think of the show Flipper when you see the blonde headed kid?
At fourteen they are not required to wear life jackets.

They are required to have vests, clearly they should have been wearing them.
You have to wonder why they didnt stay with the boat or if they were unable to.
You always stay with the boat in situations like that for visibility reasons and they had to of known that.

Yes sounds like they don't have both life jackets either.

You can bet they had lifevests if for no other reason than to avoid tickets.
And even if they werent wearing them at the time,you'd think they'd have been able to retrieve them from the boat unless they were incapacitated in some way.

On a side note..does any one else think of the show Flipper when you see the blonde headed kid?

Yes it sounds like they had two and one was found with the boat.

That is what I read. I was trying to find an update report on these two boys and one report said they found the boat 180 miles from where it originated so that is leading them to believe the two boys were headed for the Bahamas. My husband said that in a 19 ft boat if they didn't go over the waves just right it could capsize and he believes the boat capsized at night - not during the day. If it capsized at night it was pitch black and they would not have been able to see the life vests to get them & put them on. They would have been thrown from the boat. Which would have made it impossible for them to stay with the boat if they couldn't see it (at night). Still if they are strong swimmers as the parents said they were- they could still be alive but they have a navy boat, 3 coast guard boats and a plane searching and still no sign of them. Pray for the parents. They are surely in great distress right now. It's an awful thing to happen to anyone.

Are you sure about it being at night? I could see that causing a problem seeing the waves so you know when to throttle up or down but it would have to be a cloudy moonless night and even then a white boat hull sticks out like a sore thumb.
If nothing else you'd think they'd have been able to tie themselves off to the boat.
You have to wonder why they didnt stay with the boat or if they were unable to.
You always stay with the boat in situations like that for visibility reasons and they had to of known that.

Yes sounds like they don't have both life jackets either.

You can bet they had lifevests if for no other reason than to avoid tickets.
And even if they werent wearing them at the time,you'd think they'd have been able to retrieve them from the boat unless they were incapacitated in some way.

On a side note..does any one else think of the show Flipper when you see the blonde headed kid?
At fourteen they are not required to wear life jackets.

Thats not my point.You still need to have life vests for everyone in the boat.
You have to wonder why they didnt stay with the boat or if they were unable to.
You always stay with the boat in situations like that for visibility reasons and they had to of known that.

Yes sounds like they don't have both life jackets either.

You can bet they had lifevests if for no other reason than to avoid tickets.
And even if they werent wearing them at the time,you'd think they'd have been able to retrieve them from the boat unless they were incapacitated in some way.

On a side note..does any one else think of the show Flipper when you see the blonde headed kid?
At fourteen they are not required to wear life jackets.

They are required to have vests, clearly they should have been wearing them.
There is no indication that they weren't. Typically, you put them on if the sea gets rough
Their problem now is exposure and hypothermia

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You have to wonder why they didnt stay with the boat or if they were unable to.
You always stay with the boat in situations like that for visibility reasons and they had to of known that.

I grew up on the Gulf Coast in Florida. Nobody had parents who let their 14-year-olds out on a boat alone. There were enough ADULTS who capsized, lost control of their boats and got caught in storms. Who needs two kids with no judgment skills out there trying to do the same thing?

My ex-H bought a catamaran when we were in Mexico years ago on the Pacific Coast. He and my nephew took out on it and capsized. They clung to the hull for about 11 hours before a fisherman found them and took them to shore. A Pemex tanker spotted them and radioed in to the local authorities.

If these boys weren't hanging on to the boat or didn't swim to shore, then they most likely drowned.

I can see letting experienced kids out on the bay but sure as hell not in the Gulf or the Atlantic.
But yeah they most likely drowned.
The way I heard it is that the step father of one of the boys said that they weren't allowed to venture on ocean waters. The boat was found upside down about a hundred miles north in the Atlantic. Rip currents are vicious and they can pull a swimmer or a boat way off course before they know it. Since they found the boat and not the boys it's doubtful if they are alive. Try not to make a political issue out of it.

Who is making a political issue out of it? I said their parents were stupid. I didn't say they were Republicans, now did I?
I didn't take long.
You have to wonder why they didnt stay with the boat or if they were unable to.
You always stay with the boat in situations like that for visibility reasons and they had to of known that.

Yes sounds like they don't have both life jackets either.

You can bet they had lifevests if for no other reason than to avoid tickets.
And even if they werent wearing them at the time,you'd think they'd have been able to retrieve them from the boat unless they were incapacitated in some way.

On a side note..does any one else think of the show Flipper when you see the blonde headed kid?

Yes it sounds like they had two and one was found with the boat.

That is what I read. I was trying to find an update report on these two boys and one report said they found the boat 180 miles from where it originated so that is leading them to believe the two boys were headed for the Bahamas. My husband said that in a 19 ft boat if they didn't go over the waves just right it could capsize and he believes the boat capsized at night - not during the day. If it capsized at night it was pitch black and they would not have been able to see the life vests to get them & put them on. They would have been thrown from the boat. Which would have made it impossible for them to stay with the boat if they couldn't see it (at night). Still if they are strong swimmers as the parents said they were- they could still be alive but they have a navy boat, 3 coast guard boats and a plane searching and still no sign of them. Pray for the parents. They are surely in great distress right now. It's an awful thing to happen to anyone.

Are you sure about it being at night? I could see that causing a problem seeing the waves so you know when to throttle up or down but it would have to be a cloudy moonless night and even then a white boat hull sticks out like a sore thumb.
If nothing else you'd think they'd have been able to tie themselves off to the boat.

They definitely shouldn't have been out at night...
Yes sounds like they don't have both life jackets either.

You can bet they had lifevests if for no other reason than to avoid tickets.
And even if they werent wearing them at the time,you'd think they'd have been able to retrieve them from the boat unless they were incapacitated in some way.

On a side note..does any one else think of the show Flipper when you see the blonde headed kid?

Yes it sounds like they had two and one was found with the boat.

That is what I read. I was trying to find an update report on these two boys and one report said they found the boat 180 miles from where it originated so that is leading them to believe the two boys were headed for the Bahamas. My husband said that in a 19 ft boat if they didn't go over the waves just right it could capsize and he believes the boat capsized at night - not during the day. If it capsized at night it was pitch black and they would not have been able to see the life vests to get them & put them on. They would have been thrown from the boat. Which would have made it impossible for them to stay with the boat if they couldn't see it (at night). Still if they are strong swimmers as the parents said they were- they could still be alive but they have a navy boat, 3 coast guard boats and a plane searching and still no sign of them. Pray for the parents. They are surely in great distress right now. It's an awful thing to happen to anyone.

Are you sure about it being at night? I could see that causing a problem seeing the waves so you know when to throttle up or down but it would have to be a cloudy moonless night and even then a white boat hull sticks out like a sore thumb.
If nothing else you'd think they'd have been able to tie themselves off to the boat.

They definitely shouldn't have been out at night...

I never really heard a timeline.
But you can easily go to the Bahamas and back in one day,it's only around fifty miles depending on where you take off from.
If you had calm seas you could easily make it in about an hour and a half.

I'd read that a bunch of other kids were going to go but they chickened out,so I really think they were going for the day and coming back
"14-Year-Old Missing Boys Are Skilled Enough to Sail Solo?:

Many are, that's not uncommon in Florida.
My husband and I prayed for these two boys today. The parents told them to stay within the bay and inlet. They didn't tell them they could go out on the open ocean. Let's take it easy on the parents. They are already in enough agony not knowing where their sons are.

God knows where these two boys are. I'm believing God for a miracle that even though their boat was found capsized they are wading water waiting to be rescued and the LORD is going to direct that rescue boat straight to them. In Jesus name, I am believing for a miracle for these two boys.

I was 14 years old once. My parents told me not to do a lot of things, too. But what these parents have been doing is tantamount to giving two kids the keys to the car and telling them not to leave the city limits. Were your parents that stupid when you were fourteen?

I'd rather not answer that question. Returning to your OP, the parents knew their sons and trusted they would stay in the bay - inlet area where they told them to stay. They were specific in telling them not to leave the bay / inlet area. They did not give them permission to go out on the ocean. The boys didn't have permission to go out to the ocean.

Did you ever disobey your parents when you were 14? Did your own children ever disobey you and do what you told them not to do? Enough said.

They need prayers and support from as many people as possible. That is what they need right now.
You have to wonder why they didnt stay with the boat or if they were unable to.
You always stay with the boat in situations like that for visibility reasons and they had to of known that.

Yes sounds like they don't have both life jackets either.

You can bet they had lifevests if for no other reason than to avoid tickets.
And even if they werent wearing them at the time,you'd think they'd have been able to retrieve them from the boat unless they were incapacitated in some way.

On a side note..does any one else think of the show Flipper when you see the blonde headed kid?

Yes it sounds like they had two and one was found with the boat.

That is what I read. I was trying to find an update report on these two boys and one report said they found the boat 180 miles from where it originated so that is leading them to believe the two boys were headed for the Bahamas. My husband said that in a 19 ft boat if they didn't go over the waves just right it could capsize and he believes the boat capsized at night - not during the day. If it capsized at night it was pitch black and they would not have been able to see the life vests to get them & put them on. They would have been thrown from the boat. Which would have made it impossible for them to stay with the boat if they couldn't see it (at night). Still if they are strong swimmers as the parents said they were- they could still be alive but they have a navy boat, 3 coast guard boats and a plane searching and still no sign of them. Pray for the parents. They are surely in great distress right now. It's an awful thing to happen to anyone.

Are you sure about it being at night? I could see that causing a problem seeing the waves so you know when to throttle up or down but it would have to be a cloudy moonless night and even then a white boat hull sticks out like a sore thumb.
If nothing else you'd think they'd have been able to tie themselves off to the boat.

No. My husband was thinking it would take a day to get to the Bahamas and it would have been dark before they got there (if that is where they were headed) but someone else said it isn't that far so I do not know. If it is only a short trip then is more likely they got into bad weather and that is what caused the boat to capsize. There have been cases of people surviving longer than 4 days out there so we need to continue to pray for these boys - they could very well still be out there waiting to be rescued.
"14-Year-Old Missing Boys Are Skilled Enough to Sail Solo?:

Many are, that's not uncommon in Florida.
Absolutely - and keep in mind the parents told them to stay in the inlet / bay area. They never gave them permission to go out on the ocean. I cannot imagine what the parents are going through right now. It's a parents worst nightmare to not know where their children are - if they are alright or not.
My husband and I prayed for these two boys today. The parents told them to stay within the bay and inlet. They didn't tell them they could go out on the open ocean. Let's take it easy on the parents. They are already in enough agony not knowing where their sons are.

God knows where these two boys are. I'm believing God for a miracle that even though their boat was found capsized they are wading water waiting to be rescued and the LORD is going to direct that rescue boat straight to them. In Jesus name, I am believing for a miracle for these two boys.

I was 14 years old once. My parents told me not to do a lot of things, too. But what these parents have been doing is tantamount to giving two kids the keys to the car and telling them not to leave the city limits. Were your parents that stupid when you were fourteen?

I rode around on a dirt bike with a rifle or shotgun and ranged out to twenty miles from my house when I was eleven,I dont see this being any different.

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