Harris and the Border

You believe that Harris convincing U.S companies to invest $5B IN ANOTHER COUNTRY TO EMPLOY THEIR CITIZENS, is not shipping jobs outside of the U.S?

How about they invest that money is the lowly American worker who some seem to not like?

Furthermore, does she or you for that matter, believe that sending $5B outside of your borders is going to stop traffickers and cartel members from charging thousands of dollars to help Mexicans and Central Americans enter America illegally?

No wonder the West is in decline. China is going to stream roll the world if America keeps following the Establishment. Going to absolutely steamroll us.
Show me where U.S. companies are shipping U.S. jobs to Central America.

You made the accusation.
Show me where U.S. companies are shipping U.S. jobs to Central America.

You made the accusation.
In 2023, Mexico produced 106,180 electric vehicles (EVs), which were all exported. This was a significant increase from previous years, with Mexico producing 58,453 EVs in 2021 and 6,717 in 2020. Some of the EVs produced in Mexico in 2023 include:
Close the border so we can pay $10 for a head of lettuce?
I think some people would be surprised to learn that not everyone hates Hispanics who come here for better lives as my 4 grandparents did. Yes, my ancestors did the proper paperwork. So what?
Only a moron could think that they risk fines, prison and or deportation to cast a vote.
Consumers are already used to ridiculously high grocery prices, thanks to Harris and Biden. Who cares. The consequences of policies need to shine instead of attempting to use stupid analogies to justify the need for illegals.
Close the border so we can pay $10 for a head of lettuce?
I think some people would be surprised to learn that not everyone hates Hispanics who come here for better lives as my 4 grandparents did. Yes, my ancestors did the proper paperwork. So what?
Only a moron could think that they risk fines, prison and or deportation to cast a vote.
Where did your grandparents come from?
Fighting is happening between the migrants that have been here working the fields for decades and the new comers who will work for less.... and the mega farms get richer.... and food costs you more....
Notice, no one on the Left gave a damn about the 11 million plus illegals pouring into Texas. I mean, it's Texas and it is a red state, so who the hell cares? The whole time, for 3 long years, they claimed there was no border crisis.

But once a few hundred thousand started to be sent to blue cities like New York, all hell broke lose and the nation had a border crisis overnight!!! Then they had the utter gall to blame Trump.

Narcissistic Ass wipes.
Show me where U.S. companies are shipping U.S. jobs to Central America.

You made the accusation.

It's called Opportunity Cost. If I have $5B to invest, I can invest it in anything or anywhere. All of this could be invested in America employing Americans, generating jobs and tax revenue. Or, I can invest this in Mexico and Mexico can gain those jobs and trickle down tax revenue.

This is basically an acknowledgement that these people coming to America so that employers can pay them under the table. This destroys the former narrative that they were moving because of climate change or fear for their lives.

Is that a viable refugee claim option?

What a way to destroy and replace your workers and patriotism. China loves it.
Where did your grandparents come from?
Slovakia, which was Czechoslovakia when they left. My 4 year old father and his 6 year old brother came with them. My grandfather came first and found work when employers would sooner employ people who couldn`t speak the language than Blacks who were fleeing Jim Crow violence.
She regularly met with leaders from Mexico and the Northern Triangle countries to slow down the human trafficking cartels and invest in public safety in areas where high crime drove migrants to the U.S.

What a load of shit. All she had to do was talk her boss into renouncing his own executive orders that opened up the border when he took office. It's pretty simple and simple exposes all these stupid attempts to rewrite history.

Those same "root causes" were true when Trump was POTUS and we never experienced this record breaking influx of illegal immigrants under him. KaMaLa failed about as badly as was possible.
Mexico only agreed to the Remain policy because of Covid, not Trump's magnificent manliness. 🙄
It is not up to Mexico to set our border standards.

Remain in Mexico (officially Migrant Protection Protocols) is a United States immigration policy originally implemented in January 2019 under the administration of President Donald Trump, affecting immigration across the border with Mexico. Administered by the Department of Homeland Security, it requires migrants seeking asylum to remain in Mexico until their US immigration court date.

The policy was initially ended by the Biden administration, and after some legal battles, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on June 30, 2022, in Biden v. Texas, that the administration had the authority to end the policy. In December 2022, however, a federal judge blocked the Biden administration from ending the program. Remain in Mexico has been widely criticized by human rights organizations for exposing migrants to attacks while they awaited processing.[1][2][3]

Trumpers are ignorant jackasses.
Now admit that the ignorant jackass is you.

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