15,700 year old arrowheads found in Idaho.

They have dated artifacts found in FL to 14.5K and to 13K years ago here in Virginia so I don't find it all that intriguing as to the timeline, more of a one-up numbers game....Still neat to find though.

I found a Pre-Clovis "knife" along a small stream that dumps into the Shenandoah River that's estimated to be 9-11K years old.....The little stream, maybe a yard wide most of the time, is deeply cut with 20' banks on either side. You can still go there and pick points out of the sides of those banks.

LOL....I bet only a handful of people even know about it. Where it hits the river there is a gravel bar and you can easily pick-up a baker's dozen points in a couple minutes if the river is low, most will be broken though. We used to skip them across the river.

I'd save most of the unbroken ones for my Uncle who was a huge collector. I understand that before his death last year he donated the collection to a local collage. I guess my knife is there now. ;)
But the whacko religious nuts say that the earth is only 7,000 years old, so how could this be?

The bible doesn't state how old the earth is in years. But that being said, why would old arrowheads be "proof" the earth is older than 7000 years when dinosaur bones that are millions of years old have been found? The dino bones don't prove that?

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But the whacko religious nuts say that the earth is only 7,000 years old, so how could this be?
LOL! That was one medieval biblical scholar that came to that conclusion by trying to count the generations mentioned in the Bible. Hardly credible.

The Bible is neither a science or history book. It is about the relationshiph between Man and God. There are many accurate historical references in it but you can't figure out the age of the earth by reading it.
The Red Paint People finds in North Eastern American Seaboard have older dates than those Arrowheads . There were waves of migration to Western Hemisphere dating back 40 Thousand years easily
I thought you were kidding about "stone dart tips" instead of arrowheads. Are they afraid of insulting football stadiums or something?
More likely it's a more accurate term because stone tips were used on more than just arrows. Before the bow primitive man just carried a handful of small spears and a throwing device called an atlatl.
Maybe it explains why all the caves in the Grand Canyon are sealed off by the federal government and the Smithsonian Museum confiscates any proof that there was a civilization here before the Native Americans.
As does the Vatican I suspect

The original Americans probably used those to fight off the invading horde of Injuns that came across from Mongolia.
More likely it's a more accurate term because stone tips were used on more than just arrows. Before the bow primitive man just carried a handful of small spears and a throwing device called an atlatl.
I heard Biden read this article and immediately pointed out that proves when he was younger he still didn't use guns to hunt.
We're supposed to call them 'stone dart tips' now but if you don't mind I'm just going to keep calling them arrowheads .

The implications are remarkable, particularly given that we're told, for example, that the Egyptian pyramids are less than 5000 years old.
It certainly puts holes in the widely accepted interpreted Biblical time-line.

Thirteen “razor sharp” stone dart tips uncovered in western Idaho are “roughly” 15,700 years old, making them the oldest weapons ever found in the Americas, according to archaeologists at the Oregon State University.

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There is a massive difference in technological advancement between a dart and an arrow.

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