$15 minimum wage would destroy 1.4 Million jobs

Simply because You type it on the Internet?

Simply because ......math.
The math proves my point not yours.

Business: $100,000 earnings at 21% tax rate pays how much in taxes? $21,000.

Employee: $10,000 earnings at 10% tax rate pays how much in taxes? $1,000.

$22,000 total.

Now subtract $10,000 from the business earnings and add it to the employee earnings.

Recalculate the taxes and post your results.
Employee earnings are around thirty thousand at fifteen dollars an hour.

Why does any business have any problem raising wages if they can expense the cost for higher profit?

Employee earnings are around thirty thousand at fifteen dollars an hour.

In my example the worker isn't full time.

Still working on the math?

Recalculate the taxes and post your results.
Don't need to. Your hypothetical makes no rational sense even without doing the math.

Why does any business have any problem raising wages if they can expense the cost for higher profit?
You comparing home depot to the mom and pop hardware store?

You don't even need to take a economics course to see how silly you are.
And this is according to the Far Left CBO.

Undoubtably it would be a lot more.

Any poor person who needs to work deserves this shit sandwich they are being served- if they actually voted for the Dems.

That's the whole point for the Democrats. They want to transition low-wage workers from private payrolls to government welfare, where they can be more easily controlled and subjugated.

Raising the minimum wage to a level employers won't pay and the market won't tolerate is the most direct method. You didn't think employers were just going to eat those increased labor costs, did you? Of course not, they'll increase prices, automate, or simply decrease staff (most likely, since it costs them nothing to lay people off). This isn't difficult. It's very clear what the end game is here.
To them they don't care in there tiny minds they think they are sticking it to the rich
No, you think that it is sticking it to the rich. That’s why you carry their water.
No I don't want to make $6 bucks over minimum wage I am happy with $13 bucks over today.
For the last 25 years every increase in the minimum wage was met by two threats from Republicans

That unemployment would go up and that businesses would fail.

Minimum wage hikes don't cause unemployment? Never cause business failures? Link?
Lousy management. Small businesses fail all the time. Only right wingers hate on the Poor instead of recalculating the cost of business for their bottom line.
They fail because they pay their employees $15 an hour and don't understand they are in debt.
Sounds like you don't have the foggiest notion as to what you're commenting

I was commenting on your unsourced claim.
Posted on multiple occasions. Easy enough to look up.

I am not your 4th grade history teacher. If you're grow'd up enough to be commenting here you're grow'd up enough to look up what you do not know.

Posted on multiple occasions. Easy enough to look up.

If you've posted it multiple times.....what's one more?

I am not your 4th grade history teacher.

Based on your 4th grade understanding of economics, obviously not.
That you are too lazy or too stupid to look for yourself imbues no obligation on my part to cure your willful ignorance.

At least there's that 4th grade understanding. As opposed to your complete ignorance.

I Googled "Dadoalex's unsourced claim", didn't get anything that backed you up........
If you're too stupid to use google perhaps this isn't the best place for you?
Have you tried IAmStupid.com? Seems more along your expertise.

I understand that you're afraid to admit you lied. Don't cry........
The shout of the Trumpinista when faced with the truth.
Sounds like you don't have the foggiest notion as to what you're commenting

I was commenting on your unsourced claim.
Posted on multiple occasions. Easy enough to look up.

I am not your 4th grade history teacher. If you're grow'd up enough to be commenting here you're grow'd up enough to look up what you do not know.

Posted on multiple occasions. Easy enough to look up.

If you've posted it multiple times.....what's one more?

I am not your 4th grade history teacher.

Based on your 4th grade understanding of economics, obviously not.
That you are too lazy or too stupid to look for yourself imbues no obligation on my part to cure your willful ignorance.

At least there's that 4th grade understanding. As opposed to your complete ignorance.

I Googled "Dadoalex's unsourced claim", didn't get anything that backed you up........
If you're too stupid to use google perhaps this isn't the best place for you?
Have you tried IAmStupid.com? Seems more along your expertise.

I understand that you're afraid to admit you lied. Don't cry........
The shout of the Trumpinista when faced with the truth.

Okay Sir Robin........
And this is according to the Far Left CBO.

Undoubtably it would be a lot more.

Any poor person who needs to work deserves this shit sandwich they are being served- if they actually voted for the Dems.

For the last 25 years every increase in the minimum wage was met by two threats from Republicans

That unemployment would go up and that businesses would fail.

In every case unemployment went DOWN and economic activity increased.

Do you know why?
When those at the bottom earn a bit more, they spend it increasing business activity.
Increased business activity increases employment and other economic indicators.

When you give those at the top a few extra buck they pay off bills and buy stocks neither of which contribute much to economic activity.

You are buying into a myth.

The right wing propaganda also babbles a lot about how it makes businesses automate jobs n stuff, never mind it had been doing that since the beginnings of the industrial revolution in the 18th century, when there was no minimum wage for over 300 years. lol they're just into kicking people around, is all; it makes them feel good about being feckless suckups at work all day and playing big business players on the innernnetz every night. As I said earlier, many of them don't like an inflation adjusted minimum wage because it makes their own wages look a lot less 'speshul'. The right wing Freeper and Town Hall shills are no more honest than the left wing shills are when it comes to economics. They're like those dumbass 'anti-union' Klan supporters who would fight to the death to preserve their extra nickel an hour chump change the bosses paid white workers over black workers, as if it raised their status or something.
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And this is according to the Far Left CBO.

Undoubtably it would be a lot more.

Any poor person who needs to work deserves this shit sandwich they are being served- if they actually voted for the Dems.

That's the whole point for the Democrats. They want to transition low-wage workers from private payrolls to government welfare, where they can be more easily controlled and subjugated.

Raising the minimum wage to a level employers won't pay and the market won't tolerate is the most direct method. You didn't think employers were just going to eat those increased labor costs, did you? Of course not, they'll increase prices, automate, or simply decrease staff (most likely, since it costs them nothing to lay people off). This isn't difficult. It's very clear what the end game is here.
To them they don't care in there tiny minds they think they are sticking it to the rich
No, you think that it is sticking it to the rich. That’s why you carry their water.
No I don't want to make $6 bucks over minimum wage I am happy with $13 bucks over today.
Okay, I fail to see what other people make and how it affects your wage.

Can you post to that .
And this is according to the Far Left CBO.

Undoubtably it would be a lot more.

Any poor person who needs to work deserves this shit sandwich they are being served- if they actually voted for the Dems.

That's the whole point for the Democrats. They want to transition low-wage workers from private payrolls to government welfare, where they can be more easily controlled and subjugated.

Raising the minimum wage to a level employers won't pay and the market won't tolerate is the most direct method. You didn't think employers were just going to eat those increased labor costs, did you? Of course not, they'll increase prices, automate, or simply decrease staff (most likely, since it costs them nothing to lay people off). This isn't difficult. It's very clear what the end game is here.
To them they don't care in there tiny minds they think they are sticking it to the rich
No, you think that it is sticking it to the rich. That’s why you carry their water.
No I don't want to make $6 bucks over minimum wage I am happy with $13 bucks over today.
Okay, I fail to see what other people make and how it affects your wage.

Can you post to that .

Ever hear of purchasing power???????????......?????????????
And this is according to the Far Left CBO.

Undoubtably it would be a lot more.

Any poor person who needs to work deserves this shit sandwich they are being served- if they actually voted for the Dems.

For the last 25 years every increase in the minimum wage was met by two threats from Republicans

That unemployment would go up and that businesses would fail.

In every case unemployment went DOWN and economic activity increased.

Do you know why?
When those at the bottom earn a bit more, they spend it increasing business activity.
Increased business activity increases employment and other economic indicators.

When you give those at the top a few extra buck they pay off bills and buy stocks neither of which contribute much to economic activity.

You are buying into a myth.

The right wing propaganda also babbles a lot about how it makes businesses automate jobs n stuff, never mind it had been doing that since the beginnings of the industrial revolution in the 18th century, when there was no minimum wage for over 300 years. lol they're just into kicking people around, is all; it makes them feel good about being feckless suckups at work all day and playing big business players on the innernnetz every night. As I said earlier, many of them don't like an inflation adjusted minimum wage because it makes their own wages look a lot less 'speshul'. The right wing Freeper and Town Hall shills are no more honest than the left wing shills are when it comes to economics. They're like those dumbass 'anti-union' Klan supporters who would fight to the death to preserve their extra nickel an hour chump change the bosses paid white workers over black workers, as if it raised their status or something.

With automation everything could of been automated in the 1980s if money was no object .
Last edited:
And this is according to the Far Left CBO.

Undoubtably it would be a lot more.

Any poor person who needs to work deserves this shit sandwich they are being served- if they actually voted for the Dems.

That's the whole point for the Democrats. They want to transition low-wage workers from private payrolls to government welfare, where they can be more easily controlled and subjugated.

Raising the minimum wage to a level employers won't pay and the market won't tolerate is the most direct method. You didn't think employers were just going to eat those increased labor costs, did you? Of course not, they'll increase prices, automate, or simply decrease staff (most likely, since it costs them nothing to lay people off). This isn't difficult. It's very clear what the end game is here.
To them they don't care in there tiny minds they think they are sticking it to the rich
No, you think that it is sticking it to the rich. That’s why you carry their water.
No I don't want to make $6 bucks over minimum wage I am happy with $13 bucks over today.
Okay, I fail to see what other people make and how it affects your wage.

Can you post to that .

Here is a visual...

What's the difference between this $7 dollar hamburger plate in Wyoming

download (39).jpeg

And this $9 dollar hamburger plate in colorado?

download (39).jpeg
If 2 bucks means that much to you fire up your damn grill and do it really cheap
And this is according to the Far Left CBO.

Undoubtably it would be a lot more.

Any poor person who needs to work deserves this shit sandwich they are being served- if they actually voted for the Dems.

That's the whole point for the Democrats. They want to transition low-wage workers from private payrolls to government welfare, where they can be more easily controlled and subjugated.

Raising the minimum wage to a level employers won't pay and the market won't tolerate is the most direct method. You didn't think employers were just going to eat those increased labor costs, did you? Of course not, they'll increase prices, automate, or simply decrease staff (most likely, since it costs them nothing to lay people off). This isn't difficult. It's very clear what the end game is here.
To them they don't care in there tiny minds they think they are sticking it to the rich
No, you think that it is sticking it to the rich. That’s why you carry their water.
No I don't want to make $6 bucks over minimum wage I am happy with $13 bucks over today.
Okay, I fail to see what other people make and how it affects your wage.

Can you post to that .

Here is a visual...

What's the difference between this $7 dollar hamburger plate in Wyoming

View attachment 455635

And this $9 dollar hamburger plate in colorado?

View attachment 455635

So what? The minimum wage stayed at the same levels for a long time, yet the prices of burgers and everything else kept rising anyway,so you still have no point. Wholesale prices of beef and poultry actually rose after Saint Ronald of Reagan cleared the way for busloads of Mexican scabs were allowed to bust the strikes at the meatpacking plants. and wages got knocked down to shit levels. The looney lie that 'minimum wage' is why inflation is high is just stupid rubbish, not to mention a clear admission you hacks don't have a clue about labor costs as a percentage of total costs and just repeating memes fed to you by hack propagandists, same as left wing shills.
And this is according to the Far Left CBO.

Undoubtably it would be a lot more.

Any poor person who needs to work deserves this shit sandwich they are being served- if they actually voted for the Dems.

That's the whole point for the Democrats. They want to transition low-wage workers from private payrolls to government welfare, where they can be more easily controlled and subjugated.

Raising the minimum wage to a level employers won't pay and the market won't tolerate is the most direct method. You didn't think employers were just going to eat those increased labor costs, did you? Of course not, they'll increase prices, automate, or simply decrease staff (most likely, since it costs them nothing to lay people off). This isn't difficult. It's very clear what the end game is here.
To them they don't care in there tiny minds they think they are sticking it to the rich
No, you think that it is sticking it to the rich. That’s why you carry their water.
No I don't want to make $6 bucks over minimum wage I am happy with $13 bucks over today.
Okay, I fail to see what other people make and how it affects your wage.

Can you post to that .

Here is a visual...

What's the difference between this $7 dollar hamburger plate in Wyoming

View attachment 455635

And this $9 dollar hamburger plate in colorado?

View attachment 455635

So what? The minimum wage stayed at the same levels for a long time, yet the prices of burgers and everything else kept rising anyway,so you still have no point. Wholesale prices of beef and poultry actually rose after Saint Ronald of Reagan cleared the way for busloads of Mexican scabs were allowed to bust the strikes at the meatpacking plants. and wages got knocked down to shit levels. The looney lie that 'minimum wage' is why inflation is high is just stupid rubbish, not to mention a clear admission you hacks don't have a clue about labor costs as a percentage of total costs and just repeating memes fed to you by hack propagandists, same as left wing shills.
Of course I have a point, Wyoming minimum wage is $7.35 , colorado is $11 an hour
And this is according to the Far Left CBO.

Undoubtably it would be a lot more.

Any poor person who needs to work deserves this shit sandwich they are being served- if they actually voted for the Dems.

That's the whole point for the Democrats. They want to transition low-wage workers from private payrolls to government welfare, where they can be more easily controlled and subjugated.

Raising the minimum wage to a level employers won't pay and the market won't tolerate is the most direct method. You didn't think employers were just going to eat those increased labor costs, did you? Of course not, they'll increase prices, automate, or simply decrease staff (most likely, since it costs them nothing to lay people off). This isn't difficult. It's very clear what the end game is here.
To them they don't care in there tiny minds they think they are sticking it to the rich
No, you think that it is sticking it to the rich. That’s why you carry their water.
No I don't want to make $6 bucks over minimum wage I am happy with $13 bucks over today.
Okay, I fail to see what other people make and how it affects your wage.

Can you post to that .

Here is a visual...

What's the difference between this $7 dollar hamburger plate in Wyoming

View attachment 455635

And this $9 dollar hamburger plate in colorado?

View attachment 455635

So what? The minimum wage stayed at the same levels for a long time, yet the prices of burgers and everything else kept rising anyway,so you still have no point. Wholesale prices of beef and poultry actually rose after Saint Ronald of Reagan cleared the way for busloads of Mexican scabs were allowed to bust the strikes at the meatpacking plants. and wages got knocked down to shit levels. The looney lie that 'minimum wage' is why inflation is high is just stupid rubbish, not to mention a clear admission you hacks don't have a clue about labor costs as a percentage of total costs and just repeating memes fed to you by hack propagandists, same as left wing shills.

If the minimum wage had kept up with the increases in Social Security Checks since 2009, the wage would be $8.75 today. Not that much greater.

And most employers pay more than that now.
And this is according to the Far Left CBO.

Undoubtably it would be a lot more.

Any poor person who needs to work deserves this shit sandwich they are being served- if they actually voted for the Dems.

That's the whole point for the Democrats. They want to transition low-wage workers from private payrolls to government welfare, where they can be more easily controlled and subjugated.

Raising the minimum wage to a level employers won't pay and the market won't tolerate is the most direct method. You didn't think employers were just going to eat those increased labor costs, did you? Of course not, they'll increase prices, automate, or simply decrease staff (most likely, since it costs them nothing to lay people off). This isn't difficult. It's very clear what the end game is here.
To them they don't care in there tiny minds they think they are sticking it to the rich
No, you think that it is sticking it to the rich. That’s why you carry their water.
No I don't want to make $6 bucks over minimum wage I am happy with $13 bucks over today.
Okay, I fail to see what other people make and how it affects your wage.

Can you post to that .

Here is a visual...

What's the difference between this $7 dollar hamburger plate in Wyoming

View attachment 455635

And this $9 dollar hamburger plate in colorado?

View attachment 455635

So what? The minimum wage stayed at the same levels for a long time, yet the prices of burgers and everything else kept rising anyway,so you still have no point. Wholesale prices of beef and poultry actually rose after Saint Ronald of Reagan cleared the way for busloads of Mexican scabs were allowed to bust the strikes at the meatpacking plants. and wages got knocked down to shit levels. The looney lie that 'minimum wage' is why inflation is high is just stupid rubbish, not to mention a clear admission you hacks don't have a clue about labor costs as a percentage of total costs and just repeating memes fed to you by hack propagandists, same as left wing shills.

If the minimum wage had kept up with the increases in Social Security Checks since 2009, the wage would be $8.75 today. Not that much greater.

And most employers pay more than that now.
Say it isn't so idaho minimum wage $7.35 dishwasher can make $6 bucks over...

Dishwasher/Prep Cook
Bardenay Restaurant & Distillery
16 reviews
155 East Riverside Drive, Eagle, ID 83616
Urgently hiring
Job details
$13 - $14 an hour

And this is according to the Far Left CBO.

Undoubtably it would be a lot more.

Any poor person who needs to work deserves this shit sandwich they are being served- if they actually voted for the Dems.

That's the whole point for the Democrats. They want to transition low-wage workers from private payrolls to government welfare, where they can be more easily controlled and subjugated.

Raising the minimum wage to a level employers won't pay and the market won't tolerate is the most direct method. You didn't think employers were just going to eat those increased labor costs, did you? Of course not, they'll increase prices, automate, or simply decrease staff (most likely, since it costs them nothing to lay people off). This isn't difficult. It's very clear what the end game is here.
To them they don't care in there tiny minds they think they are sticking it to the rich
No, you think that it is sticking it to the rich. That’s why you carry their water.
No I don't want to make $6 bucks over minimum wage I am happy with $13 bucks over today.
Okay, I fail to see what other people make and how it affects your wage.

Can you post to that .

Here is a visual...

What's the difference between this $7 dollar hamburger plate in Wyoming

View attachment 455635

And this $9 dollar hamburger plate in colorado?

View attachment 455635

So what? The minimum wage stayed at the same levels for a long time, yet the prices of burgers and everything else kept rising anyway,so you still have no point. Wholesale prices of beef and poultry actually rose after Saint Ronald of Reagan cleared the way for busloads of Mexican scabs were allowed to bust the strikes at the meatpacking plants. and wages got knocked down to shit levels. The looney lie that 'minimum wage' is why inflation is high is just stupid rubbish, not to mention a clear admission you hacks don't have a clue about labor costs as a percentage of total costs and just repeating memes fed to you by hack propagandists, same as left wing shills.

If the minimum wage had kept up with the increases in Social Security Checks since 2009, the wage would be $8.75 today. Not that much greater.

And most employers pay more than that now.

lol rubbish. It would be around $18 an hour, even more of one went by the gold standard, which woyld put it at around $30 an hour. Most employers pay far less than that.The govt. always under reports real inflation; it has a vested interest in lying about it, same as the Wall Street bankers do.
And this is according to the Far Left CBO.

Undoubtably it would be a lot more.

Any poor person who needs to work deserves this shit sandwich they are being served- if they actually voted for the Dems.

That's the whole point for the Democrats. They want to transition low-wage workers from private payrolls to government welfare, where they can be more easily controlled and subjugated.

Raising the minimum wage to a level employers won't pay and the market won't tolerate is the most direct method. You didn't think employers were just going to eat those increased labor costs, did you? Of course not, they'll increase prices, automate, or simply decrease staff (most likely, since it costs them nothing to lay people off). This isn't difficult. It's very clear what the end game is here.
To them they don't care in there tiny minds they think they are sticking it to the rich
No, you think that it is sticking it to the rich. That’s why you carry their water.
No I don't want to make $6 bucks over minimum wage I am happy with $13 bucks over today.
Okay, I fail to see what other people make and how it affects your wage.

Can you post to that .

Here is a visual...

What's the difference between this $7 dollar hamburger plate in Wyoming

View attachment 455635

And this $9 dollar hamburger plate in colorado?

View attachment 455635

So what? The minimum wage stayed at the same levels for a long time, yet the prices of burgers and everything else kept rising anyway,so you still have no point. Wholesale prices of beef and poultry actually rose after Saint Ronald of Reagan cleared the way for busloads of Mexican scabs were allowed to bust the strikes at the meatpacking plants. and wages got knocked down to shit levels. The looney lie that 'minimum wage' is why inflation is high is just stupid rubbish, not to mention a clear admission you hacks don't have a clue about labor costs as a percentage of total costs and just repeating memes fed to you by hack propagandists, same as left wing shills.

If the minimum wage had kept up with the increases in Social Security Checks since 2009, the wage would be $8.75 today. Not that much greater.

And most employers pay more than that now.
Say it isn't so idaho minimum wage $7.35 dishwasher can make $6 bucks over...

Dishwasher/Prep Cook
Bardenay Restaurant & Distillery
16 reviews
155 East Riverside Drive, Eagle, ID 83616
Urgently hiring
Job details
$13 - $14 an hour

For comparison they make 50 cents over minimum wage in the state of washington

The Homegrown Group
20 reviews
Mercer Island, WA 98040
Job details
$14 an hour
Job Type

And this is according to the Far Left CBO.

Undoubtably it would be a lot more.

Any poor person who needs to work deserves this shit sandwich they are being served- if they actually voted for the Dems.

That's the whole point for the Democrats. They want to transition low-wage workers from private payrolls to government welfare, where they can be more easily controlled and subjugated.

Raising the minimum wage to a level employers won't pay and the market won't tolerate is the most direct method. You didn't think employers were just going to eat those increased labor costs, did you? Of course not, they'll increase prices, automate, or simply decrease staff (most likely, since it costs them nothing to lay people off). This isn't difficult. It's very clear what the end game is here.
To them they don't care in there tiny minds they think they are sticking it to the rich
No, you think that it is sticking it to the rich. That’s why you carry their water.
No I don't want to make $6 bucks over minimum wage I am happy with $13 bucks over today.
Okay, I fail to see what other people make and how it affects your wage.

Can you post to that .

Here is a visual...

What's the difference between this $7 dollar hamburger plate in Wyoming

View attachment 455635

And this $9 dollar hamburger plate in colorado?

View attachment 455635

So what? The minimum wage stayed at the same levels for a long time, yet the prices of burgers and everything else kept rising anyway,so you still have no point. Wholesale prices of beef and poultry actually rose after Saint Ronald of Reagan cleared the way for busloads of Mexican scabs were allowed to bust the strikes at the meatpacking plants. and wages got knocked down to shit levels. The looney lie that 'minimum wage' is why inflation is high is just stupid rubbish, not to mention a clear admission you hacks don't have a clue about labor costs as a percentage of total costs and just repeating memes fed to you by hack propagandists, same as left wing shills.

If the minimum wage had kept up with the increases in Social Security Checks since 2009, the wage would be $8.75 today. Not that much greater.

And most employers pay more than that now.

lol rubbish. It would be around $18 an hour, even more of one went by the gold standard, which woyld put it at around $30 an hour. Most employers pay far less than that.The govt. always under reports real inflation; it has a vested interest in lying about it, same as the Wall Street bankers do.
So you want 70% of the workers to make minimum wage?

That's socialism/communism

So what? The minimum wage stayed at the same levels for a long time, yet the prices of burgers and everything else kept rising anyway,so you still have no point. Wholesale prices of beef and poultry actually rose after Saint Ronald of Reagan cleared the way for busloads of Mexican scabs were allowed to bust the strikes at the meatpacking plants. and wages got knocked down to shit levels. The looney lie that 'minimum wage' is why inflation is high is just stupid rubbish, not to mention a clear admission you hacks don't have a clue about labor costs as a percentage of total costs and just repeating memes fed to you by hack propagandists, same as left wing shills.

Our grocery bill went up big time after we made the decision to burn up our food supply for the gasoline additive ethanol. We did this to try and please our environmentalist friends on the left.

While ethanol is made from a variety of agricultural products, we feed our livestock these products as well. The more it costs to feed cattle, chickens, hogs, the more it costs when you slaughter them for meat products.

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