15 Month Old White Babies Racially Aware And Show Bias When Picking Playmates

The Thought Police Fascists are forever trying to beat out of people what is innate in them. They also love to assign pernicious motives to natural behaviors. It's not just that a person has a preference to be with those most like themselves, to the progressive scumbags it has to mean you hate anyone not like you.

It's actually demented to try and force people together who prefer to stay apart; it breeds resentment on both sides, and then the hate happens. Their 'bussing' initiatives in the 70's did that, now HUD is doing it with housing.
It is genetic predisposition that makes us love our race over all others, a built-in survival mechanism. The child's genetic makeup knows the difference between his people and outsiders. It is completely natural. We are not all the same.

White babies just 15 months old show racial bias when picking playmates, study found | Mail Online

You are correct. You cant produce enough melanin to protect yourself from the sun. That being said a baby would naturally be attracted to whatever their mom more closely resembled. Its called imprinting. The phenomenon is famous in ducks though in humans it is a little different. Whatever is there when they hatch turns into mama and they follow it. If the white child was only exposed to Black people from birth they would prefer Black people. How stupid you are to mis-interpret this study.
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No, I don't agree [MENTION=44774]Asclepias[/MENTION] the study is flawed. They did the study by teasing the children. The failure of this study actually comes down to what most would demand, controlled variables and independent variables. By not changing their control variables ( those white and Asian people in the study giving out the toys) and using the same people who teased the kids by giving the others more, it would be logical to assume this children developed a bias against the person teasing them or treating them unfairly by not giving them what they had given the others.

The study IMO proves nothing. Its flawed. It certainty does not prove the OPs assertions either.
CaféAuLait;8945943 said:
No, I don't agree [MENTION=44774]Asclepias[/MENTION] the study is flawed. They did the study by teasing the children. The failure of this study actually comes down to what most would demand, controlled variables and independent variables. By not changing their control variables ( those white and Asian people in the study giving out the toys) and using the same people who teased the kids by giving the others more, it would be logical to assume this children developed a bias against the person teasing them or treating them unfairly by not giving them what they had given the others.

The study IMO proves nothing. Its flawed. It certainty does not prove the OPs assertions either.

I agree the study is fatally flawed and all over the place. They built a bias in the child by teasing as you said. Under normal circumstances the children are going to be attracted to what they associate with comfort.
People are naturally more comfortable around others with similar traits and interests.

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