15 year old b/m goes on killing spree in Bama; 3 dead. Just a child!

WCSC : 15-year-old charged in 3 Birmingham homicides

15 years old. I was collecting baseball cards and riding my bike. Seems other cultures....go one drug related killing sprees. Black male 15 year old has killed at least 3 as they sat in their cars. Hmmm. Libs say teens are "children" who aren't capable of harming anyone and need hugs. Guess not.
Nope, we don't say that, we say they aren't little adults.

Ummmm....nope. You turds say exactly that. Everytime a teen is involved...it's a "child". But of course...you morons supported Obamacare which considers 26 still a child.
26 still is a child by biology. Adult brains are 27 for females and 29 for males.

I'm not sure if I understand you. Are you suggesting that those males who are under the age of 29 and females under the age of 27 are “children”???

I'm sure you would agree that “children” should not be allowed to join the military, get married, enter into contract obligations or even vote.

At least until they inform the axiom...;
If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain
While I can agree with the idea that mental maturity doesn't occur until 20-something; that is to say they've developed an adult responsibility, marriage, etc. I will /not/ agree that such people have no concept of what they are doing being a crime or not, being "right" or "wrong," as these are things that we develop far earlier, I'd guess at age 10 at the latest. Thus I'll not excuse a 15 year old killing someone, regardless of their mental maturity level. If they still have not recognized that murdering others is unacceptable, then there is more than the "average mental maturity" level at play.
WCSC : 15-year-old charged in 3 Birmingham homicides

15 years old. I was collecting baseball cards and riding my bike. Seems other cultures....go one drug related killing sprees. Black male 15 year old has killed at least 3 as they sat in their cars. Hmmm. Libs say teens are "children" who aren't capable of harming anyone and need hugs. Guess not.
Nope, we don't say that, we say they aren't little adults.

Ummmm....nope. You turds say exactly that. Everytime a teen is involved...it's a "child". But of course...you morons supported Obamacare which considers 26 still a child.
26 still is a child by biology. Adult brains are 27 for females and 29 for males.

To a parent a child is still a child even if the child is 80 years old.

To the government and other such authorities, such distinction should stop when that child can sign up for the armed forces and vote and can handle alcohol responsibly; usually by 18 years of age.

To paraphrase misogynist your post: If you are male your IQ is 29, if you are female, it is 27.

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