151 years ago today: Democrats founded and staffed the Ku Klux Klan

I'm pretty happy that I've made my case. You on the other hand have no case other than dismissing your defeat and ignoring the incongruities of the cold hard history of historical facts that I have presented to you. I believe you are making a mistake, but it is your mistake to make. I will be more than happy to use your opposition to reality as a platform to share this information with others. Your call.

You made no "case" Elmer. You claimed a document says something it doesn't say and then got called on it.
Next time vet your own material to make sure it works because you can bet someone else already has.
Good Lord, you must be the biggest racist piece of shit in the history of racist pieces of shit to deny the truth of your party's racist history. Just where in the hell do you believe History.com got their information from if not from the testimony of those 13 congressonal volumes.

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s. After a period of decline, white Protestant nativist groups revived the Klan in the early 20th century, burning crosses and staging rallies, parades and marches denouncing immigrants, Catholics, Jews, blacks and organized labor. The civil rights movement of the 1960s also saw a surge of Ku Klux Klan activity, including bombings of black schools and churches and violence against black and white activists in the South..."

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

The Democratic Party was founded on slavery, racism and segregation. The Democratic Party founded the KKK for the express purpose to taking back the state houses of the south after the Civil War through terror and intimidation. Stop denying the truth about your racist Democratic heritage, you racist piece of shit. Stop lying to black people just to keep them voting for your racist party. C'mon Pogo, say it with me... black lives matter.

I don't have a "party" Gummo. What I have is history. And your link above is part of it. You'll notice it says nothing about a political party founding. Because there isn't any. This is the same link the OP used to contradict his own post.

See, I knew all this WAAAY before this bogus thread started. Because I've seen the previous bogus threads.

God love you for actually debating that POS maniac.

He appears to be one of those binary-bots (BBs) who think all human matter in the universe is made up of one of two atoms, the Democrat one or the Republican one, as if it's somewhere somehow required that every human being MUST belong to a fucking political party. And that any act of any kind that he can cherrypick 150 years later as running counter to one, must therefore make the actor comprised of the other type of atoms.

It's bizarre. And it requires applying Composition Fallacies to everything.

What a shallow little hole these BBs live in. I suspect brain damage. Their right hemisphere --- the one that deals with context -- seems to be shut down.
Add in, as has been stated numerous times, for those that did belong --> parties change, ideologies do not.

Slaveowners / KKK...many of the alt-right -- were and are by and large, conservatives.
By the way . Polaski Tenn. 2012 voting results

Romney 64%
Obama. 35%

Can we be done with this "republicans freed the slaves " bullshit ?
These knuckle dragging RW conservatives just can't grasp the fact that liberals freed the slaves not conservatives. Conservatives OWN the KKK and all the continuing violence and suppression of civil liberties associated with them till this very day! I don't care what party they are affiliated with. In any era,racist and bigotry is the realm of conservative ideology while tolerance and respect for all of humanity is a cornerstone of liberalism.
Dear JQPublic1
1. I have found worse hypocrisy among the left-- rejecting diversity of beliefs, thus contradicting inclusion and tolerance, and violating free choice by forcing mandates through federal govt that violate due process and deprive citizens of liberty.
2. On the right, yes, I have caught many who claim to respect religious freedom under the Constitution deny equal protections for Muslim beliefs by assuming the connection with Jihadist and terrorists. But with issues like
3. Right to life and right to health care, the LEFT has now done more to penalize free choice with federal mandates. And with Beliefs on both sides of the marriage issues, BOTH sides are equally guilty of pushing their beliefs through govt to threaten the other!

So its at least even on that score.
Neither party respects the beliefs of the other but both push to impose their own. Both are guilty of violating equal civil rights of people of other beliefs!

I need a clarification of your notion regarding the left "rejecting diversity of beliefs."I'll step out on a limb and assume you are referring to the PPACA mandate as an example of that.
I respectfully disagree, mainly because I don't see a contradiction of inclusion and tolerance. The PPACA , in FACT is a paragon of inclusiveness. By its very nature the PPACA is inclusive.
Tolerance? Well you may have some modicum of a point there. Free loaders, who normally get free health care in the ER after a traffic accident or bar fight, are forced to contribute in one of two ways: either by signing up for a plan or by paying a penalty. I believe that type of intolerance is necessary for the greater common good.

But lets not lose sight of the conservative ownership of the KKK. To me that sin is far worse than any liberal mandate that I know of.
Do you go to klan meetings, being that your a good democrat?
The Klan doesn't like democrats. And no I don't attend Trump rallies where KKK members and American Nazi factions can be found in abundance.
Democrats don't like anybody.....
You made no "case" Elmer. You claimed a document says something it doesn't say and then got called on it.
Next time vet your own material to make sure it works because you can bet someone else already has.
Good Lord, you must be the biggest racist piece of shit in the history of racist pieces of shit to deny the truth of your party's racist history. Just where in the hell do you believe History.com got their information from if not from the testimony of those 13 congressonal volumes.

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s. After a period of decline, white Protestant nativist groups revived the Klan in the early 20th century, burning crosses and staging rallies, parades and marches denouncing immigrants, Catholics, Jews, blacks and organized labor. The civil rights movement of the 1960s also saw a surge of Ku Klux Klan activity, including bombings of black schools and churches and violence against black and white activists in the South..."

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

The Democratic Party was founded on slavery, racism and segregation. The Democratic Party founded the KKK for the express purpose to taking back the state houses of the south after the Civil War through terror and intimidation. Stop denying the truth about your racist Democratic heritage, you racist piece of shit. Stop lying to black people just to keep them voting for your racist party. C'mon Pogo, say it with me... black lives matter.

I don't have a "party" Gummo. What I have is history. And your link above is part of it. You'll notice it says nothing about a political party founding. Because there isn't any. This is the same link the OP used to contradict his own post.

See, I knew all this WAAAY before this bogus thread started. Because I've seen the previous bogus threads.

God love you for actually debating that POS maniac.

He appears to be one of those binary-bots (BBs) who think all human matter in the universe is made up of one of two atoms, the Democrat one or the Republican one, as if it's somewhere somehow required that every human being MUST belong to a fucking political party. And that any act of any kind that he can cherrypick 150 years later as running counter to one, must therefore make the actor comprised of the other type of atoms.

It's bizarre. And it requires applying Composition Fallacies to everything.

What a shallow little hole these BBs live in. I suspect brain damage. Their right hemisphere --- the one that deals with context -- seems to be shut down.
Add in, as has been stated numerous times, for those that did belong --> parties change, ideologies do not.

Slaveowners / KKK...many of the alt-right -- were and are by and large, conservatives.
You've had what --- three chances now to cite the citation in what you claim exists in the 1871 document? And yet you can't ----- you traipse over to YouTube where anyone can make any kind of video making any kind of point (or myth) they like without any kind of documentation.
That's because you don't HAVE the documentation. This ploy is as transparent as a new pane of glass.
I'm pretty happy that I've made my case. You on the other hand have no case other than dismissing your defeat and ignoring the incongruities of the cold hard history of historical facts that I have presented to you. I believe you are making a mistake, but it is your mistake to make. I will be more than happy to use your opposition to reality as a platform to share this information with others. Your call.

You made no "case" Elmer. You claimed a document says something it doesn't say and then got called on it.
Next time vet your own material to make sure it works because you can bet someone else already has.
Good Lord, you must be the biggest racist piece of shit in the history of racist pieces of shit to deny the truth of your party's racist history. Just where in the hell do you believe History.com got their information from if not from the testimony of those 13 congressonal volumes.

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s. After a period of decline, white Protestant nativist groups revived the Klan in the early 20th century, burning crosses and staging rallies, parades and marches denouncing immigrants, Catholics, Jews, blacks and organized labor. The civil rights movement of the 1960s also saw a surge of Ku Klux Klan activity, including bombings of black schools and churches and violence against black and white activists in the South..."

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

The Democratic Party was founded on slavery, racism and segregation. The Democratic Party founded the KKK for the express purpose to taking back the state houses of the south after the Civil War through terror and intimidation. Stop denying the truth about your racist Democratic heritage, you racist piece of shit. Stop lying to black people just to keep them voting for your racist party. C'mon Pogo, say it with me... black lives matter.

I don't have a "party" Gummo. What I have is history. And your link above is part of it. You'll notice it says nothing about a political party founding. Because there isn't any. This is the same link the OP used to contradict his own post.

See, I knew all this WAAAY before this bogus thread started. Because I've seen the previous bogus threads.

God love you for actually debating that POS maniac.
You don't believe in God.
Republican + democrat are just titles .

Think conservatives and liberals. That has never changed .

Fast forward to today . As anyone who has. Confederate flag flying outside their home what party they belong too. The answer won't be "democrat" !!!
Yep, that is just a lie told to keep blacks voting for Democrats. Look how well that has turned out for them. Baltimore, Ferguson, etc. All cities controlled by their Democrat masters. Good job, Timmy.

Actually Ferguson is controlled by Republicans. Not that that means anything either --- Democrats run cities, Republicans run suburbs. It's how things work.

Black voters rejecting Democratic Party in Ferguson: ‘It’s time to send a message’
I'm pretty happy that I've made my case. You on the other hand have no case other than dismissing your defeat and ignoring the incongruities of the cold hard history of historical facts that I have presented to you. I believe you are making a mistake, but it is your mistake to make. I will be more than happy to use your opposition to reality as a platform to share this information with others. Your call.

You made no "case" Elmer. You claimed a document says something it doesn't say and then got called on it.
Next time vet your own material to make sure it works because you can bet someone else already has.
Good Lord, you must be the biggest racist piece of shit in the history of racist pieces of shit to deny the truth of your party's racist history. Just where in the hell do you believe History.com got their information from if not from the testimony of those 13 congressonal volumes.

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s. After a period of decline, white Protestant nativist groups revived the Klan in the early 20th century, burning crosses and staging rallies, parades and marches denouncing immigrants, Catholics, Jews, blacks and organized labor. The civil rights movement of the 1960s also saw a surge of Ku Klux Klan activity, including bombings of black schools and churches and violence against black and white activists in the South..."

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

The Democratic Party was founded on slavery, racism and segregation. The Democratic Party founded the KKK for the express purpose to taking back the state houses of the south after the Civil War through terror and intimidation. Stop denying the truth about your racist Democratic heritage, you racist piece of shit. Stop lying to black people just to keep them voting for your racist party. C'mon Pogo, say it with me... black lives matter.

I don't have a "party" Gummo. What I have is history. And your link above is part of it. You'll notice it says nothing about a political party founding. Because there isn't any. This is the same link the OP used to contradict his own post.

See, I knew all this WAAAY before this bogus thread started. Because I've seen the previous bogus threads.

God love you for actually debating that POS maniac.

He appears to be one of those binary-bots (BBs) who think all human matter in the universe is made up of one of two atoms, the Democrat one or the Republican one, as if it's somewhere somehow required that every human being MUST belong to a fucking political party. And that any act of any kind that he can cherrypick 150 years later as running counter to one, must therefore make the actor comprised of the other type of atoms.

It's bizarre. And it requires applying Composition Fallacies to everything.

What a shallow little hole these BBs live in. I suspect brain damage. Their right hemisphere --- the one that deals with context -- seems to be shut down.
So says the man with a Trump animation running as a signature, lol.
Videos are just another form of communicating information, pogo. You are getting your ass handed to you, not because I am more intelligent than you, although I probably am, but because what I am posting is the truth. Your heritage is that of a terrorists, racist, thugs. Deal with it because the weight of its 150 year history is overwhelming and will crush you. Your call.

You've had what --- three chances now to cite the citation in what you claim exists in the 1871 document? And yet you can't ----- you traipse over to YouTube where anyone can make any kind of video making any kind of point (or myth) they like without any kind of documentation.
That's because you don't HAVE the documentation. This ploy is as transparent as a new pane of glass.
I'm pretty happy that I've made my case. You on the other hand have no case other than dismissing your defeat and ignoring the incongruities of the cold hard history of historical facts that I have presented to you. I believe you are making a mistake, but it is your mistake to make. I will be more than happy to use your opposition to reality as a platform to share this information with others. Your call.


WHICH ONE of us has been posting extensive histories and WHICH ONE of us is resorting to Wittle Bill on YouTube after having been called out on content of a document that doesn't even exist?

I like my chances. As I said before --- bring it.
I'm the one who has been posting history. You are the one who has been posting racist piece of shit lies for the express purpose of concealing your racist history. Where the hell do you believe History.com got their information from? They got it from personal testimonies from the 13 Congressional Volumes. The Democratic Party was founded on slavery, racism and segregation. The Democratic Party founded the KKK for the express purpose to taking back the state houses of the south after the Civil War through terror and intimidation.

"... From 1867 onward, African-American participation in public life in the South became one of the most radical aspects of Reconstruction, as blacks won election to southern state governments and even to the U.S. Congress. For its part, the Ku Klux Klan dedicated itself to an underground campaign of violence against Republican leaders and voters (both black and white) in an effort to reverse the policies of Radical Reconstruction and restore white supremacy in the South. They were joined in this struggle by similar organizations such as the Knights of the White Camelia (launched in Louisiana in 1867) and the White Brotherhood. At least 10 percent of the black legislators elected during the 1867-1868 constitutional conventions became victims of violence during Reconstruction, including seven who were killed. White Republicans (derided as “carpetbaggers” and “scalawags”) and black institutions such as schools and churches—symbols of black autonomy—were also targets for Klan attacks..."

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Stop denying the truth about your racist Democratic heritage, you racist piece of shit. Stop lying to black people just to keep them voting for your racist party. C'mon Pogo, say it with me you lying racist piece of shit... black lives matter.

Once AGAIN I've already seen these 1871-72 documents. I know what they say and what they don't say. If there was such a history in it, you could cite a page number. There isn't one.

I've got other government docs (hard copy, 1967) that DO cite the founding history and it's exactly what I've laid out here.
They passed legislation after the testimony, jackass. Why do you think they did that? History shows that Democrats took back their political offices after the KKK was formed. Why do you think that happened, jackass? Good Lord, you are stupid and a liar.
You made no "case" Elmer. You claimed a document says something it doesn't say and then got called on it.
Next time vet your own material to make sure it works because you can bet someone else already has.
Good Lord, you must be the biggest racist piece of shit in the history of racist pieces of shit to deny the truth of your party's racist history. Just where in the hell do you believe History.com got their information from if not from the testimony of those 13 congressonal volumes.

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s. After a period of decline, white Protestant nativist groups revived the Klan in the early 20th century, burning crosses and staging rallies, parades and marches denouncing immigrants, Catholics, Jews, blacks and organized labor. The civil rights movement of the 1960s also saw a surge of Ku Klux Klan activity, including bombings of black schools and churches and violence against black and white activists in the South..."

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

The Democratic Party was founded on slavery, racism and segregation. The Democratic Party founded the KKK for the express purpose to taking back the state houses of the south after the Civil War through terror and intimidation. Stop denying the truth about your racist Democratic heritage, you racist piece of shit. Stop lying to black people just to keep them voting for your racist party. C'mon Pogo, say it with me... black lives matter.

I don't have a "party" Gummo. What I have is history. And your link above is part of it. You'll notice it says nothing about a political party founding. Because there isn't any. This is the same link the OP used to contradict his own post.

See, I knew all this WAAAY before this bogus thread started. Because I've seen the previous bogus threads.

God love you for actually debating that POS maniac.

He appears to be one of those binary-bots (BBs) who think all human matter in the universe is made up of one of two atoms, the Democrat one or the Republican one, as if it's somewhere somehow required that every human being MUST belong to a fucking political party. And that any act of any kind that he can cherrypick 150 years later as running counter to one, must therefore make the actor comprised of the other type of atoms.

It's bizarre. And it requires applying Composition Fallacies to everything.

What a shallow little hole these BBs live in. I suspect brain damage. Their right hemisphere --- the one that deals with context -- seems to be shut down.
So says the man with a Trump animation running as a signature, lol.

Pretty cute innit?

Got nothing the fuck to do with context or right-hemisphere damage though.
You've had what --- three chances now to cite the citation in what you claim exists in the 1871 document? And yet you can't ----- you traipse over to YouTube where anyone can make any kind of video making any kind of point (or myth) they like without any kind of documentation.
That's because you don't HAVE the documentation. This ploy is as transparent as a new pane of glass.
I'm pretty happy that I've made my case. You on the other hand have no case other than dismissing your defeat and ignoring the incongruities of the cold hard history of historical facts that I have presented to you. I believe you are making a mistake, but it is your mistake to make. I will be more than happy to use your opposition to reality as a platform to share this information with others. Your call.


WHICH ONE of us has been posting extensive histories and WHICH ONE of us is resorting to Wittle Bill on YouTube after having been called out on content of a document that doesn't even exist?

I like my chances. As I said before --- bring it.
I'm the one who has been posting history. You are the one who has been posting racist piece of shit lies for the express purpose of concealing your racist history. Where the hell do you believe History.com got their information from? They got it from personal testimonies from the 13 Congressional Volumes. The Democratic Party was founded on slavery, racism and segregation. The Democratic Party founded the KKK for the express purpose to taking back the state houses of the south after the Civil War through terror and intimidation.

"... From 1867 onward, African-American participation in public life in the South became one of the most radical aspects of Reconstruction, as blacks won election to southern state governments and even to the U.S. Congress. For its part, the Ku Klux Klan dedicated itself to an underground campaign of violence against Republican leaders and voters (both black and white) in an effort to reverse the policies of Radical Reconstruction and restore white supremacy in the South. They were joined in this struggle by similar organizations such as the Knights of the White Camelia (launched in Louisiana in 1867) and the White Brotherhood. At least 10 percent of the black legislators elected during the 1867-1868 constitutional conventions became victims of violence during Reconstruction, including seven who were killed. White Republicans (derided as “carpetbaggers” and “scalawags”) and black institutions such as schools and churches—symbols of black autonomy—were also targets for Klan attacks..."

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Stop denying the truth about your racist Democratic heritage, you racist piece of shit. Stop lying to black people just to keep them voting for your racist party. C'mon Pogo, say it with me you lying racist piece of shit... black lives matter.

Once AGAIN I've already seen these 1871-72 documents. I know what they say and what they don't say. If there was such a history in it, you could cite a page number. There isn't one.

I've got other government docs (hard copy, 1967) that DO cite the founding history and it's exactly what I've laid out here.
They passed legislation after the testimony, jackass. Why do you think they did that? History shows that Democrats took back their political offices after the KKK was formed. Why do you think that happened, jackass? Good Lord, you are stupid and a liar.

See what I mean? "Why do you think they did that" is not what we call "evidence". It's what we call "speculation".

Moreover it's a complete non sequitur.anyway. Whether or not they passed legislation IN NO WAY depends on "who founded it for what purpose".

Holy SHIT engage brain cells.
Oh look, poo-boi got a camera for Xmas. Isn't that cute.

Good Lord, you must be the biggest racist piece of shit in the history of racist pieces of shit to deny the truth of your party's racist history. Just where in the hell do you believe History.com got their information from if not from the testimony of those 13 congressonal volumes.

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s. After a period of decline, white Protestant nativist groups revived the Klan in the early 20th century, burning crosses and staging rallies, parades and marches denouncing immigrants, Catholics, Jews, blacks and organized labor. The civil rights movement of the 1960s also saw a surge of Ku Klux Klan activity, including bombings of black schools and churches and violence against black and white activists in the South..."

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

The Democratic Party was founded on slavery, racism and segregation. The Democratic Party founded the KKK for the express purpose to taking back the state houses of the south after the Civil War through terror and intimidation. Stop denying the truth about your racist Democratic heritage, you racist piece of shit. Stop lying to black people just to keep them voting for your racist party. C'mon Pogo, say it with me... black lives matter.

I don't have a "party" Gummo. What I have is history. And your link above is part of it. You'll notice it says nothing about a political party founding. Because there isn't any. This is the same link the OP used to contradict his own post.

See, I knew all this WAAAY before this bogus thread started. Because I've seen the previous bogus threads.

God love you for actually debating that POS maniac.

He appears to be one of those binary-bots (BBs) who think all human matter in the universe is made up of one of two atoms, the Democrat one or the Republican one, as if it's somewhere somehow required that every human being MUST belong to a fucking political party. And that any act of any kind that he can cherrypick 150 years later as running counter to one, must therefore make the actor comprised of the other type of atoms.

It's bizarre. And it requires applying Composition Fallacies to everything.

What a shallow little hole these BBs live in. I suspect brain damage. Their right hemisphere --- the one that deals with context -- seems to be shut down.
So says the man with a Trump animation running as a signature, lol.

Pretty cute innit?

Got nothing the fuck to do with context or right-hemisphere damage though.
It doesn't bother me. It is more an indictment on you and where you are at. I'm cool either way.
I'm pretty happy that I've made my case. You on the other hand have no case other than dismissing your defeat and ignoring the incongruities of the cold hard history of historical facts that I have presented to you. I believe you are making a mistake, but it is your mistake to make. I will be more than happy to use your opposition to reality as a platform to share this information with others. Your call.


WHICH ONE of us has been posting extensive histories and WHICH ONE of us is resorting to Wittle Bill on YouTube after having been called out on content of a document that doesn't even exist?

I like my chances. As I said before --- bring it.
I'm the one who has been posting history. You are the one who has been posting racist piece of shit lies for the express purpose of concealing your racist history. Where the hell do you believe History.com got their information from? They got it from personal testimonies from the 13 Congressional Volumes. The Democratic Party was founded on slavery, racism and segregation. The Democratic Party founded the KKK for the express purpose to taking back the state houses of the south after the Civil War through terror and intimidation.

"... From 1867 onward, African-American participation in public life in the South became one of the most radical aspects of Reconstruction, as blacks won election to southern state governments and even to the U.S. Congress. For its part, the Ku Klux Klan dedicated itself to an underground campaign of violence against Republican leaders and voters (both black and white) in an effort to reverse the policies of Radical Reconstruction and restore white supremacy in the South. They were joined in this struggle by similar organizations such as the Knights of the White Camelia (launched in Louisiana in 1867) and the White Brotherhood. At least 10 percent of the black legislators elected during the 1867-1868 constitutional conventions became victims of violence during Reconstruction, including seven who were killed. White Republicans (derided as “carpetbaggers” and “scalawags”) and black institutions such as schools and churches—symbols of black autonomy—were also targets for Klan attacks..."

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Stop denying the truth about your racist Democratic heritage, you racist piece of shit. Stop lying to black people just to keep them voting for your racist party. C'mon Pogo, say it with me you lying racist piece of shit... black lives matter.

Once AGAIN I've already seen these 1871-72 documents. I know what they say and what they don't say. If there was such a history in it, you could cite a page number. There isn't one.

I've got other government docs (hard copy, 1967) that DO cite the founding history and it's exactly what I've laid out here.
They passed legislation after the testimony, jackass. Why do you think they did that? History shows that Democrats took back their political offices after the KKK was formed. Why do you think that happened, jackass? Good Lord, you are stupid and a liar.

See what I mean? "Why do you think they did that" is not what we call "evidence". It's what we call "speculation".

Moreover it's a complete non sequitur.anyway. Whether or not they passed legislation IN NO WAY depends on "who founded it for what purpose".

Holy SHIT engage brain cells.
The fact that you dismiss almost 150 years of your Party's history of slavery, racism and segregation tells me that you are not objective and it does not surprise me that you do not see the self evident conclusions of the 13 fucking volumes of Congressional testimony that along with the public record and outcomes of your party's reign of terror prove beyond a fucking shadow of doubt their culpability. It is with great pleasure that I note that anyone who is as fucking dishonest as you are will reap their own predictable surprises in life. I sleep like a baby knowing what kind of life you lead.
I don't have a "party" Gummo. What I have is history. And your link above is part of it. You'll notice it says nothing about a political party founding. Because there isn't any. This is the same link the OP used to contradict his own post.

See, I knew all this WAAAY before this bogus thread started. Because I've seen the previous bogus threads.

God love you for actually debating that POS maniac.

He appears to be one of those binary-bots (BBs) who think all human matter in the universe is made up of one of two atoms, the Democrat one or the Republican one, as if it's somewhere somehow required that every human being MUST belong to a fucking political party. And that any act of any kind that he can cherrypick 150 years later as running counter to one, must therefore make the actor comprised of the other type of atoms.

It's bizarre. And it requires applying Composition Fallacies to everything.

What a shallow little hole these BBs live in. I suspect brain damage. Their right hemisphere --- the one that deals with context -- seems to be shut down.
So says the man with a Trump animation running as a signature, lol.

Pretty cute innit?

Got nothing the fuck to do with context or right-hemisphere damage though.
It doesn't bother me. It is more an indictment on you and where you are at. I'm cool either way.

:rofl: "an indictment on me" is it?? How in the fuck do you figure?
If you really need your hand held through this it's an indictment on Donald Rump. And his bloviating bigotry.

I didn't create it although I wish I had. It's genius. I love the way she gives him the back of her hand and walks away. In that gesture she speaks for all of us. Also it's so authentic that he goes right on talking, oblivious to everything except the voice of Numero Uno. Finally I love the way they cast an actress who could be either Mexican or Arab. Works either way. Pure genius I tell ya.

But no I didn't create that gif. I'm elated to have found it and give it the exposure it deserves.


WHICH ONE of us has been posting extensive histories and WHICH ONE of us is resorting to Wittle Bill on YouTube after having been called out on content of a document that doesn't even exist?

I like my chances. As I said before --- bring it.
I'm the one who has been posting history. You are the one who has been posting racist piece of shit lies for the express purpose of concealing your racist history. Where the hell do you believe History.com got their information from? They got it from personal testimonies from the 13 Congressional Volumes. The Democratic Party was founded on slavery, racism and segregation. The Democratic Party founded the KKK for the express purpose to taking back the state houses of the south after the Civil War through terror and intimidation.

"... From 1867 onward, African-American participation in public life in the South became one of the most radical aspects of Reconstruction, as blacks won election to southern state governments and even to the U.S. Congress. For its part, the Ku Klux Klan dedicated itself to an underground campaign of violence against Republican leaders and voters (both black and white) in an effort to reverse the policies of Radical Reconstruction and restore white supremacy in the South. They were joined in this struggle by similar organizations such as the Knights of the White Camelia (launched in Louisiana in 1867) and the White Brotherhood. At least 10 percent of the black legislators elected during the 1867-1868 constitutional conventions became victims of violence during Reconstruction, including seven who were killed. White Republicans (derided as “carpetbaggers” and “scalawags”) and black institutions such as schools and churches—symbols of black autonomy—were also targets for Klan attacks..."

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Stop denying the truth about your racist Democratic heritage, you racist piece of shit. Stop lying to black people just to keep them voting for your racist party. C'mon Pogo, say it with me you lying racist piece of shit... black lives matter.

Once AGAIN I've already seen these 1871-72 documents. I know what they say and what they don't say. If there was such a history in it, you could cite a page number. There isn't one.

I've got other government docs (hard copy, 1967) that DO cite the founding history and it's exactly what I've laid out here.
They passed legislation after the testimony, jackass. Why do you think they did that? History shows that Democrats took back their political offices after the KKK was formed. Why do you think that happened, jackass? Good Lord, you are stupid and a liar.

See what I mean? "Why do you think they did that" is not what we call "evidence". It's what we call "speculation".

Moreover it's a complete non sequitur.anyway. Whether or not they passed legislation IN NO WAY depends on "who founded it for what purpose".

Holy SHIT engage brain cells.
The fact that you dismiss almost 150 years of your Party's history of slavery, racism and segregation tells me that you are not objective and it does not surprise me that you do not see the self evident conclusions of the 13 fucking volumes of Congressional testimony that along with the public record and outcomes of your party's reign of terror prove beyond a fucking shadow of doubt their culpability. It is with great pleasure that I note that anyone who is as fucking dishonest as you are will reap their own predictable surprises in life. I sleep like a baby knowing what kind of life you lead.

Once again I have no "party's history" because I have no party. I have HISTORY -- period. That means all of it. And once again this just in for the 8173rd time ---- NOT EVERYTHING IN HISTORY RELATES TO A FUCKING POLITICAL PARTY.

And once again again, "self-evident" is not "evidence". It's speculation. Put some actual meat on those bones and we'll talk turkey. Until you can do that it's hot air.
God love you for actually debating that POS maniac.

He appears to be one of those binary-bots (BBs) who think all human matter in the universe is made up of one of two atoms, the Democrat one or the Republican one, as if it's somewhere somehow required that every human being MUST belong to a fucking political party. And that any act of any kind that he can cherrypick 150 years later as running counter to one, must therefore make the actor comprised of the other type of atoms.

It's bizarre. And it requires applying Composition Fallacies to everything.

What a shallow little hole these BBs live in. I suspect brain damage. Their right hemisphere --- the one that deals with context -- seems to be shut down.
So says the man with a Trump animation running as a signature, lol.

Pretty cute innit?

Got nothing the fuck to do with context or right-hemisphere damage though.
It doesn't bother me. It is more an indictment on you and where you are at. I'm cool either way.

:rofl: "an indictment on me" is it?? How in the fuck do you figure?
If you really need your hand held through this it's an indictment on Donald Rump. And his bloviating bigotry.

I didn't create it although I wish I had. It's genius. I love the way she gives him the back of her hand and walks away. In that gesture she speaks for all of us. Also it's so authentic that he goes right on talking, oblivious to everything except the voice of Numero Uno. Finally I love the way they cast an actress who could be either Mexican or Arab. Works either way. Pure genius I tell ya.

But no I didn't create that gif. I'm elated to have found it and give it the exposure it deserves.

Yes, an indictment of you. You mean it isn't obvious to you why or how?

Your signature shows that you had a preference for an outcome and you are unhappy with that outcome. Your signature shows that you have a need to express your displeasure with every post you make. Your signature shows that you are driven by emotion. Your signature shows that you are unable to control your emotions. Your signature shows that you are low brow and have a low level of intelligence.

It doesn't matter if you created the gif or not. It only matters that you use it as your brand. Your brand is a projection of you. So, yes, your signature is an indictment of who and what you are the same way that my signature is an indictment of who and what I am.
I'm the one who has been posting history. You are the one who has been posting racist piece of shit lies for the express purpose of concealing your racist history. Where the hell do you believe History.com got their information from? They got it from personal testimonies from the 13 Congressional Volumes. The Democratic Party was founded on slavery, racism and segregation. The Democratic Party founded the KKK for the express purpose to taking back the state houses of the south after the Civil War through terror and intimidation.

"... From 1867 onward, African-American participation in public life in the South became one of the most radical aspects of Reconstruction, as blacks won election to southern state governments and even to the U.S. Congress. For its part, the Ku Klux Klan dedicated itself to an underground campaign of violence against Republican leaders and voters (both black and white) in an effort to reverse the policies of Radical Reconstruction and restore white supremacy in the South. They were joined in this struggle by similar organizations such as the Knights of the White Camelia (launched in Louisiana in 1867) and the White Brotherhood. At least 10 percent of the black legislators elected during the 1867-1868 constitutional conventions became victims of violence during Reconstruction, including seven who were killed. White Republicans (derided as “carpetbaggers” and “scalawags”) and black institutions such as schools and churches—symbols of black autonomy—were also targets for Klan attacks..."

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Stop denying the truth about your racist Democratic heritage, you racist piece of shit. Stop lying to black people just to keep them voting for your racist party. C'mon Pogo, say it with me you lying racist piece of shit... black lives matter.

Once AGAIN I've already seen these 1871-72 documents. I know what they say and what they don't say. If there was such a history in it, you could cite a page number. There isn't one.

I've got other government docs (hard copy, 1967) that DO cite the founding history and it's exactly what I've laid out here.
They passed legislation after the testimony, jackass. Why do you think they did that? History shows that Democrats took back their political offices after the KKK was formed. Why do you think that happened, jackass? Good Lord, you are stupid and a liar.

See what I mean? "Why do you think they did that" is not what we call "evidence". It's what we call "speculation".

Moreover it's a complete non sequitur.anyway. Whether or not they passed legislation IN NO WAY depends on "who founded it for what purpose".

Holy SHIT engage brain cells.
The fact that you dismiss almost 150 years of your Party's history of slavery, racism and segregation tells me that you are not objective and it does not surprise me that you do not see the self evident conclusions of the 13 fucking volumes of Congressional testimony that along with the public record and outcomes of your party's reign of terror prove beyond a fucking shadow of doubt their culpability. It is with great pleasure that I note that anyone who is as fucking dishonest as you are will reap their own predictable surprises in life. I sleep like a baby knowing what kind of life you lead.

Once again I have no "party's history" because I have no party. I have HISTORY -- period. That means all of it. And once again this just in for the 8173rd time ---- NOT EVERYTHING IN HISTORY RELATES TO A FUCKING POLITICAL PARTY.

And once again again, "self-evident" is not "evidence". It's speculation. Put some actual meat on those bones and we'll talk turkey. Until you can do that it's hot air.
You keep saying that you have no party history but your actions belie your words. As to your blanket denial of your party's 150 year history of slavery, racism, segregation and KKK activities, you can deny it until you are blue in the face. That doesn't change the truth. It only makes you look like a liar and a fool.
Yes, an indictment of you. You mean it isn't obvious to you why or how?

Your signature shows that you had a preference for an outcome and you are unhappy with that outcome.

Bullshit. It's been running for many months ever since I found it. Got squat to do with "outcomes".
Actually I anticipated retiring it and running something else but then the election happened so -- it stayed for now.

What it is, and what it always was and always will be, is mocking the bigotry of a bigot ---- which is exactly what such bigotry deserves. It's poking a finger in they eye of intolerance. That is entirely independent of any "outcome" of anything.

Your signature shows that you have a need to express your displeasure with every post you make.

I guess it shouldn't surprise me that a Binary-Bot sees the same thing in every post and is unable to read content through his own blinders.

Your signature shows that you are driven by emotion.

:rofl: If anything it shows I am driven by a sense of humor. Which by the way you might look into.

Your signature shows that you are low brow and have a low level of intelligence.

I wrote NOTHING in my sigline. The quote is another mock of another bigot. His own words exposed for all the world to see. If you find that inconvenient perhaps it's you "driven by emotion'. Ya think?

It doesn't matter if you created the gif or not. It only matters that you use it as your brand. Your brand is a projection of you. So, yes, your signature is an indictment of who and what you are the same way that my signature is an indictment of who and what I am.

I'll accept that. Of course I'm responsible for my own sigline and use it for best effect.

What yours is I have no idea. I ain't straining my eyes to read 2-point type so ---- whatever.

I'd say mine is far more effective.
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Yes, an indictment of you. You mean it isn't obvious to you why or how?

Your signature shows that you had a preference for an outcome and you are unhappy with that outcome.

Bullshit. It's been running for many months ever since I found it. Got squat to do with "outcomes".
Actually I anticipated retiring it and running something else but then the election happened so -- it stayed for now.

What it is, and what it always was and always will be, is mocking the bigotry of a bigot ---- which is exactly what such bigotry deserves. It's poking a finger in they eye of intolerance. That is entirely independent of any "outcome" of anything.

Your signature shows that you have a need to express your displeasure with every post you make.

Your signature shows that you are driven by emotion.

:rofl: If anything it shows I am driven by a sense of humor. Which by the way you might look into.

Your signature shows that you are low brow and have a low level of intelligence.

I wrote NOTHING in my sigline. The quote is another mock of another bigot. His own words exposed for all the world to see. If you find that inconvenient perhaps it's you "driven by emotion'. Ya think?

It doesn't matter if you created the gif or not. It only matters that you use it as your brand. Your brand is a projection of you. So, yes, your signature is an indictment of who and what you are the same way that my signature is an indictment of who and what I am.

I'll accept that. Of course I'm responsible for my own sigline and use it for best effect.

What yours is I have no idea. I ain't straining my eyes to read 2-point type so ---- whatever.

I'd say mine is far more effective.
Thank you for proving my point.

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