151 years ago today: Democrats founded and staffed the Ku Klux Klan

On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux Klan as a means of keeing uppity blacks in their place. They attacked the blacks, and any white Republicans who defended or support them, lynching and killing them when possible. Democrat support for, and membership in, the KKK continues to this day, with theDemocrat attacking, insulting, and pillorying blacks who dared to espouse viewpoints the Democrats disagree with.


KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com

151 years ago KKK founded
December 24, 2016

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning “circle,” and the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan,” which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan’s excessive violence.

Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, the Ku Klux Act passed Congress, authorizing President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK. The Ku Klux Act resulted in nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests.

By the way . Polaski Tenn. 2012 voting results

Romney 64%
Obama. 35%

Can we be done with this "republicans freed the slaves " bullshit ?
These knuckle dragging RW conservatives just can't grasp the fact that liberals freed the slaves not conservatives. Conservatives OWN the KKK and all the continuing violence and suppression of civil liberties associated with them till this very day! I don't care what party they are affiliated with. In any era,racist and bigotry is the realm of conservative ideology while tolerance and respect for all of humanity is a cornerstone of liberalism.
Dear JQPublic1
1. I have found worse hypocrisy among the left-- rejecting diversity of beliefs, thus contradicting inclusion and tolerance, and violating free choice by forcing mandates through federal govt that violate due process and deprive citizens of liberty.
2. On the right, yes, I have caught many who claim to respect religious freedom under the Constitution deny equal protections for Muslim beliefs by assuming the connection with Jihadist and terrorists. But with issues like
3. Right to life and right to health care, the LEFT has now done more to penalize free choice with federal mandates. And with Beliefs on both sides of the marriage issues, BOTH sides are equally guilty of pushing their beliefs through govt to threaten the other!

So its at least even on that score.
Neither party respects the beliefs of the other but both push to impose their own. Both are guilty of violating equal civil rights of people of other beliefs!

I need a clarification of your notion regarding the left "rejecting diversity of beliefs."I'll step out on a limb and assume you are referring to the PPACA mandate as an example of that.
I respectfully disagree, mainly because I don't see a contradiction of inclusion and tolerance. The PPACA , in FACT is a paragon of inclusiveness. By its very nature the PPACA is inclusive.
Tolerance? Well you may have some modicum of a point there. Free loaders, who normally get free health care in the ER after a traffic accident or bar fight, are forced to contribute in one of two ways: either by signing up for a plan or by paying a penalty. I believe that type of intolerance is necessary for the greater common good.

But lets not lose sight of the conservative ownership of the KKK. To me that sin is far worse than any liberal mandate that I know of.
Do you go to klan meetings, being that your a good democrat?
You Republicans won't allow Democrats into the KKK meetings you are having.
I'm pretty happy that I've made my case. You on the other hand have no case other than dismissing your defeat and ignoring the incongruities of the cold hard history of historical facts that I have presented to you. I believe you are making a mistake, but it is your mistake to make. I will be more than happy to use your opposition to reality as a platform to share this information with others. Your call.

You made no "case" Elmer. You claimed a document says something it doesn't say and then got called on it.
Next time vet your own material to make sure it works because you can bet someone else already has.
Good Lord, you must be the biggest racist piece of shit in the history of racist pieces of shit to deny the truth of your party's racist history. Just where in the hell do you believe History.com got their information from if not from the testimony of those 13 congressonal volumes.

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s. After a period of decline, white Protestant nativist groups revived the Klan in the early 20th century, burning crosses and staging rallies, parades and marches denouncing immigrants, Catholics, Jews, blacks and organized labor. The civil rights movement of the 1960s also saw a surge of Ku Klux Klan activity, including bombings of black schools and churches and violence against black and white activists in the South..."

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

The Democratic Party was founded on slavery, racism and segregation. The Democratic Party founded the KKK for the express purpose to taking back the state houses of the south after the Civil War through terror and intimidation. Stop denying the truth about your racist Democratic heritage, you racist piece of shit. Stop lying to black people just to keep them voting for your racist party. C'mon Pogo, say it with me... black lives matter.

I don't have a "party" Gummo. What I have is history. And your link above is part of it. You'll notice it says nothing about a political party founding. Because there isn't any. This is the same link the OP used to contradict his own post.

See, I knew all this WAAAY before this bogus thread started. Because I've seen the previous bogus threads.

God love you for actually debating that POS maniac.
You don't believe in God.

God says you don't believe in God.

WHICH ONE of us has been posting extensive histories and WHICH ONE of us is resorting to Wittle Bill on YouTube after having been called out on content of a document that doesn't even exist?

I like my chances. As I said before --- bring it.
I'm the one who has been posting history. You are the one who has been posting racist piece of shit lies for the express purpose of concealing your racist history. Where the hell do you believe History.com got their information from? They got it from personal testimonies from the 13 Congressional Volumes. The Democratic Party was founded on slavery, racism and segregation. The Democratic Party founded the KKK for the express purpose to taking back the state houses of the south after the Civil War through terror and intimidation.

"... From 1867 onward, African-American participation in public life in the South became one of the most radical aspects of Reconstruction, as blacks won election to southern state governments and even to the U.S. Congress. For its part, the Ku Klux Klan dedicated itself to an underground campaign of violence against Republican leaders and voters (both black and white) in an effort to reverse the policies of Radical Reconstruction and restore white supremacy in the South. They were joined in this struggle by similar organizations such as the Knights of the White Camelia (launched in Louisiana in 1867) and the White Brotherhood. At least 10 percent of the black legislators elected during the 1867-1868 constitutional conventions became victims of violence during Reconstruction, including seven who were killed. White Republicans (derided as “carpetbaggers” and “scalawags”) and black institutions such as schools and churches—symbols of black autonomy—were also targets for Klan attacks..."

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Stop denying the truth about your racist Democratic heritage, you racist piece of shit. Stop lying to black people just to keep them voting for your racist party. C'mon Pogo, say it with me you lying racist piece of shit... black lives matter.

Once AGAIN I've already seen these 1871-72 documents. I know what they say and what they don't say. If there was such a history in it, you could cite a page number. There isn't one.

I've got other government docs (hard copy, 1967) that DO cite the founding history and it's exactly what I've laid out here.
They passed legislation after the testimony, jackass. Why do you think they did that? History shows that Democrats took back their political offices after the KKK was formed. Why do you think that happened, jackass? Good Lord, you are stupid and a liar.

See what I mean? "Why do you think they did that" is not what we call "evidence". It's what we call "speculation".

Moreover it's a complete non sequitur.anyway. Whether or not they passed legislation IN NO WAY depends on "who founded it for what purpose".

Holy SHIT engage brain cells.
The fact that you dismiss almost 150 years of your Party's history of slavery, racism and segregation .

We dismiss your lies and racist propaganda.

You have deliberately misquoted your citations.
You have ignored what Martin Luther King Jr. said about the Republicans turning towards the KKK
You have told African American voters they are just too stupid to know they should be voting Republican.

The Democratic Party did not found the KKK- total lie.

Democratic party members- and Republican party members- have been part of the KKK- and even founded KKK chapters.

The party of the KKK now is the Republican Party

Just as Martin Luther King noted 50 years ago.
Then you tell me. Who is the greatest advocates of our civil rights?

... .

If you were really an American you'd know it's the American people themselves.

Nice bullshit answer . It's also Americans who are the biggest threat .

Then you had better move somewhere else for your own safety.

That's ok . I have the ACLU to help if needed .

And they also help "Christians " . Don't believe the hype that they are somehow anti religious.

The aclu even has defended the klan!

Dear Timmy
Have you ever tried to get help from the ACLU?
Most people cannot.
Only if you have a high profile case that will rack in money
to pay lawyers and promote the case in the media for politics.

I have SOOO many friends in the progressive and minority communities
who suffered REAL discrimination, legal abuse, and civil right violations.

NONE could get ACLU to help.
All monied elitists. That's what the legal system has become.
Don't see any moneyed elitist in this story
ACLU-TN Protects Student’s Right to Read Bible at School

March 31, 2014
CONTACT: 212-549-2666, [email protected]

NASHVILLE – In an effort to protect the religious freedom of all public school students, the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee sent a letter to the Cannon County REACH after-school program explaining that students have a constitutional right to read religious texts of their own volition during free-reading periods. The letter was sent on behalf of a boy who was allegedly prohibited from reading his Bible by the program.

"The First Amendment exists to protect religious freedom," said Thomas H. Castelli, ACLU-TN legal director. "While this means that schools may not impose or promote religion, it also means that students can engage in religious activities that they initiate, provided they do not cause a disruption or interfere with the education of other students."

ACLU-TN sent the letter on behalf of a Cannon County family who reported that REACH staff told their elementary-school-aged son that he could read any book except the Bible and that he would have to put the Bible away. When he refused, staff tried to take his Bible from him, mistakenly claiming that the state could shut the program down if they allowed him to read it.

"ACLU-TN has a long-standing commitment to uphold and defend Tennesseans’ ability to practice religion, or not, as they choose," said Hedy Weinberg, ACLU-TN executive director. "The goal of our letter is to clarify for the REACH program what seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of how the Constitution protects religious liberty."
By the way . Polaski Tenn. 2012 voting results

Romney 64%
Obama. 35%

Can we be done with this "republicans freed the slaves " bullshit ?
These knuckle dragging RW conservatives just can't grasp the fact that liberals freed the slaves not conservatives. Conservatives OWN the KKK and all the continuing violence and suppression of civil liberties associated with them till this very day! I don't care what party they are affiliated with. In any era,racist and bigotry is the realm of conservative ideology while tolerance and respect for all of humanity is a cornerstone of liberalism.
Dear JQPublic1
1. I have found worse hypocrisy among the left-- rejecting diversity of beliefs, thus contradicting inclusion and tolerance, and violating free choice by forcing mandates through federal govt that violate due process and deprive citizens of liberty.
2. On the right, yes, I have caught many who claim to respect religious freedom under the Constitution deny equal protections for Muslim beliefs by assuming the connection with Jihadist and terrorists. But with issues like
3. Right to life and right to health care, the LEFT has now done more to penalize free choice with federal mandates. And with Beliefs on both sides of the marriage issues, BOTH sides are equally guilty of pushing their beliefs through govt to threaten the other!

So its at least even on that score.
Neither party respects the beliefs of the other but both push to impose their own. Both are guilty of violating equal civil rights of people of other beliefs!

I need a clarification of your notion regarding the left "rejecting diversity of beliefs."I'll step out on a limb and assume you are referring to the PPACA mandate as an example of that.
I respectfully disagree, mainly because I don't see a contradiction of inclusion and tolerance. The PPACA , in FACT is a paragon of inclusiveness. By its very nature the PPACA is inclusive.
Tolerance? Well you may have some modicum of a point there. Free loaders, who normally get free health care in the ER after a traffic accident or bar fight, are forced to contribute in one of two ways: either by signing up for a plan or by paying a penalty. I believe that type of intolerance is necessary for the greater common good.

But lets not lose sight of the conservative ownership of the KKK. To me that sin is far worse than any liberal mandate that I know of.
Do you go to klan meetings, being that your a good democrat?
You Republicans won't allow Democrats into the KKK meetings you are having.
Oh, we are having meetings....you klansmen won't like them......
The OP and his fellow travellers claim that the Democratic Party is racist and horrible to African Americans- and that the Republican Party is of course fighting for African American rights.

So why do they all think that they are soooo much smarter than African Americans?

African Americans in Presidential races vote overwhelmingly Democratic, and have done so ever since Republican nominated a man who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Why do they vote that way?

Republicans want us to believe it is because African Americans are just stupid- and that Democrats(including African American Democrats) are lying to them- but Republicans can see through the Democrats lies- but not African Americans.

Because these Right Wing nut jobs just don't think that African Americans are quite capable of deciding who to vote for themselves.

So Massa Ding and Massa Owebo and the rest are here to tell African Americans how they should vote.
These knuckle dragging RW conservatives just can't grasp the fact that liberals freed the slaves not conservatives. Conservatives OWN the KKK and all the continuing violence and suppression of civil liberties associated with them till this very day! I don't care what party they are affiliated with. In any era,racist and bigotry is the realm of conservative ideology while tolerance and respect for all of humanity is a cornerstone of liberalism.
Dear JQPublic1
1. I have found worse hypocrisy among the left-- rejecting diversity of beliefs, thus contradicting inclusion and tolerance, and violating free choice by forcing mandates through federal govt that violate due process and deprive citizens of liberty.
2. On the right, yes, I have caught many who claim to respect religious freedom under the Constitution deny equal protections for Muslim beliefs by assuming the connection with Jihadist and terrorists. But with issues like
3. Right to life and right to health care, the LEFT has now done more to penalize free choice with federal mandates. And with Beliefs on both sides of the marriage issues, BOTH sides are equally guilty of pushing their beliefs through govt to threaten the other!

So its at least even on that score.
Neither party respects the beliefs of the other but both push to impose their own. Both are guilty of violating equal civil rights of people of other beliefs!

I need a clarification of your notion regarding the left "rejecting diversity of beliefs."I'll step out on a limb and assume you are referring to the PPACA mandate as an example of that.
I respectfully disagree, mainly because I don't see a contradiction of inclusion and tolerance. The PPACA , in FACT is a paragon of inclusiveness. By its very nature the PPACA is inclusive.
Tolerance? Well you may have some modicum of a point there. Free loaders, who normally get free health care in the ER after a traffic accident or bar fight, are forced to contribute in one of two ways: either by signing up for a plan or by paying a penalty. I believe that type of intolerance is necessary for the greater common good.

But lets not lose sight of the conservative ownership of the KKK. To me that sin is far worse than any liberal mandate that I know of.
Do you go to klan meetings, being that your a good democrat?
You Republicans won't allow Democrats into the KKK meetings you are having.
Oh, we are having meetings....you klansmen won't like them......

I thought your KKK meetings were open to every white man?
Democrats won decisive victories at the polls.

Indeed. Let's have a looksee about electing black democrats to congressional power. Power. Where it's at.

There were seven African Americans in Congress 1900 -1965
Oscar Stanton De Priest Republican Illinois 1929-1935
Arthur W. Mitchell Democrat Illinois 1935-1943
William L. Dawson Democrat Illinois 1943-1970
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Democrat New York 1945-1967, 1967-1971
Charles Diggs Democrat Michigan 1955-1980
Robert N.C. Nix, Sr. Democrat Pennsylvania 1958-1979
John Conyers Democrat Michigan 1965-present

All but one: Democrat. The Republican party as a whole used to be more liberal (take a look at party platforms before 1965)

We know since the about the mid sixties, the ideology shifted more and more Conservative - as a whole.

So how has that shaken out when it comes to which party elects blacks to positions of Power?

1965, to the present:

Edward Brooke Republican -Mass. 1967-1979
Bill Clay Democrat Missouri 1969-2001
Louis Stokes Democrat Ohio 1969-1999
Shirley Chisholm Democrat New York 1969-1983
George W. Collins Democrat Illinois 1970-1972
Ron Dellums Democrat California 1971-1998
Ralph Metcalfe Democrat Illinois 1971-1978
Parren Mitchell Democrat Maryland 1971-1987
Charles B. Rangel Democrat New York 1971-present
Yvonne Brathwaite Burke Democrat California 1973-1979
Cardiss Collins Democrat Illinois 1973-1997
Barbara Jordan Democrat Texas 1973-1979
Andrew Young Democrat Georgia 1973-1977
Harold Ford, Sr. Democrat Tennessee 1975-1997
Julian C. Dixon Democrat California 1979-2000
William H. Gray, III Democrat Pennsylvania 1979-1991
Mickey Leland Democrat Texas 1979-1989
Bennett M. Stewart Democrat Illinois 1979-1981
George W. Crockett, Jr. Democrat Michigan 1980-1991
Mervyn M. Dymally Democrat California 1981-1993
Gus Savage Democrat Illinois 1981-1993
Harold Washington Democrat Illinois 1981-1983
Katie Hall Democrat Indiana 1982-1985
Major Owens Democrat New York 1983-2007
Ed Towns Democrat New York 1983-present
Alan Wheat Democrat Missouri 1983-1995
Charles Hayes Democrat Illinois 1983-1993
Alton R. Waldon, Jr. Democrat New York 1986-1987
Mike Espy Democrat Mississippi 1987-1993
Floyd H. Flake Democrat New York 1987-1998
John Lewis Democrat Georgia 1987-present
Kweisi Mfume Democrat Maryland 1987-1996
Donald M. Payne Democrat New Jersey 1989-present
Craig Anthony Washington Democrat Texas 1989-1995
Barbara-Rose Collins Democrat Michigan 1991-1997
Gary Franks Republican Connecticut 1991-1997
William J. Jefferson Democrat Louisiana 1991-2009
Maxine Waters Democrat California 1991-present
Lucien E. Blackwell Democrat Pennsylvania 1991-1995
Eva M. Clayton Democrat North Carolina 1992-2003
Sanford Bishop Democrat Georgia 1993-presen
Carol Mosely Braun Democrat Illinois 1993-1999
Corrine Brown Democrat Florida 1993-present
Jim Clyburn Democrat South Carolina 1993-present
Cleo Fields Democrat Louisiana 1993-1997
Alcee Hastings Democrat Florida 1993-present
Earl Hilliard Democrat Alabama 1993-2003
Eddie Bernice Johnson Democrat Texas 1993-present
Cynthia McKinney Democrat Georgia 1993-2003, 2005-2007
Carrie P. Meek Democrat Florida 1993-2003
Mel Reynolds Democrat Illinois 1993-1995
Bobby Rush Democrat Illinois 1993-present
Robert C. Scott Democrat Virginia 1993-present
Walter Tucker Democrat California 1993-1995
Mel Watt Democrat North Carolina 1993-present
Albert Wynn Democrat Maryland 1993-2008
Bennie Thompson Democrat Mississippi 1993-present
Chaka Fattah Democrat Pennsylvania 1995-present
Sheila Jackson-Lee Democrat Texas 1995-present
J. C. Watts Republican Oklahoma 1995-2003
Jesse Jackson, Jr. Democrat Illinois 1995-present
Juanita Millender-McDonald Democrat California 1996-2007
Elijah Cummings Democrat Maryland 1996-present
Julia Carson Democrat Indiana 1997-2007
Danny K. Davis Democrat Illinois 1997-present
Harold Ford, Jr. Democrat Tennessee 1997-2007
Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick Democrat Michigan 1997-present
Gregory W. Meeks Democrat New York 1998-present
Barbara Lee Democrat California 1998-present
Stephanie Tubbs Jones Democrat Ohio 1999-2008
William Lacy Clay, Jr. Democrat Missouri 2001-present
Diane Watson Democrat California 2001-present
Frank Ballance Democrat North Carolina 2003-2004
Artur Davis Democrat Alabama 2003-present
Denise Majette Democrat Georgia 2003-2005
Kendrick Meek Democrat Florida 2003-present
David Scott Democrat Georgia 2003-present
G. K. Butterfield Democrat North Carolina 2004-present
Emanuel Cleaver Democrat Missouri 2005-present
Al Green Democrat Texas 2005-present
Gwen Moore Democrat Wisconsin 2005-present
Barack Obama Democrat -Illinois 2005-2008
Yvette D. Clarke Democrat New York 2007-present
Keith Ellison Democrat Minnesota 2007-present
Hank Johnson Democrat Georgia 2007-present
Laura Richardson Democrat California 2007-present
André Carson Democrat Indiana 2008-present
Donna Edwards Democrat Maryland 2008-present
Marcia Fudge Democrat Ohio 2008-present
Roland Burris Democrat -Illinois 2009-2010
Allen West Republican Florida 2011–2013
Hansen Clarke Democrat Michigan 2011–2013
Tim Scott Republican South Carolina 2011–2013, 2014-present
Cedric Richmond Democrat Louisiana 2011–present
Frederica Wilson Democrat Florida 2011–present
Karen Bass Democrat California 2011–present
Terri Sewell Democrat Alabama 2011–present
Donald Payne, Jr. Democrat New Jersey 2012–present
Hakeem Jeffries Democrat New York 2013–present
Joyce Beatty Democrat Ohio 2013–present
Steven Horsford Democrat Nevada 2013–2015
Robin Kelly Democrat Illinois 2013–present
Alma Adams Democrat North Carolina 2013–present
Will Hurd Republican Texas 2015–present
Brenda Lawrence Democrat Michigan 2015–present
Mia Love Republican Utah 2015–present
Bonnie Watson Coleman Democrat New Jersey 2015–present

By my count - 114 African Americans in Congress since 1900.

--> Eight republicans. The balance: 106 Democrats.

Let not forget- there is only one party which has both nominated- and elected an African American as President.

And all of these right wing nut jobs will never forgive the Democratic Party for that.
You'll notice it says nothing about a political party founding. Because there isn't any.

This from the "Self Professed Expert" who cannot recognize the South was Democrat, the slave owners were Democrats, the State Governors were Democrats...

It's called denial...

The South was Conservative, Christian and White.

That doesn't mean all Conservatives and all Christians are responsible for slavery.
By the way . Polaski Tenn. 2012 voting results

Romney 64%
Obama. 35%

Can we be done with this "republicans freed the slaves " bullshit ?
These knuckle dragging RW conservatives just can't grasp the fact that liberals freed the slaves not conservatives. Conservatives OWN the KKK and all the continuing violence and suppression of civil liberties associated with them till this very day! I don't care what party they are affiliated with. In any era,racist and bigotry is the realm of conservative ideology while tolerance and respect for all of humanity is a cornerstone of liberalism.
Dear JQPublic1
1. I have found worse hypocrisy among the left-- rejecting diversity of beliefs, thus contradicting inclusion and tolerance, and violating free choice by forcing mandates through federal govt that violate due process and deprive citizens of liberty.
2. On the right, yes, I have caught many who claim to respect religious freedom under the Constitution deny equal protections for Muslim beliefs by assuming the connection with Jihadist and terrorists. But with issues like
3. Right to life and right to health care, the LEFT has now done more to penalize free choice with federal mandates. And with Beliefs on both sides of the marriage issues, BOTH sides are equally guilty of pushing their beliefs through govt to threaten the other!

So its at least even on that score.
Neither party respects the beliefs of the other but both push to impose their own. Both are guilty of violating equal civil rights of people of other beliefs!

I need a clarification of your notion regarding the left "rejecting diversity of beliefs."I'll step out on a limb and assume you are referring to the PPACA mandate as an example of that.
I respectfully disagree, mainly because I don't see a contradiction of inclusion and tolerance. The PPACA , in FACT is a paragon of inclusiveness. By its very nature the PPACA is inclusive.
Tolerance? Well you may have some modicum of a point there. Free loaders, who normally get free health care in the ER after a traffic accident or bar fight, are forced to contribute in one of two ways: either by signing up for a plan or by paying a penalty. I believe that type of intolerance is necessary for the greater common good.

But lets not lose sight of the conservative ownership of the KKK. To me that sin is far worse than any liberal mandate that I know of.
Do you go to klan meetings, being that your a good democrat?
You Republicans won't allow Democrats into the KKK meetings you are having.

Another mindless, ignorant partisan douche from the left^^^^^^^^^^^^
These knuckle dragging RW conservatives just can't grasp the fact that liberals freed the slaves not conservatives. Conservatives OWN the KKK and all the continuing violence and suppression of civil liberties associated with them till this very day! I don't care what party they are affiliated with. In any era,racist and bigotry is the realm of conservative ideology while tolerance and respect for all of humanity is a cornerstone of liberalism.
Dear JQPublic1
1. I have found worse hypocrisy among the left-- rejecting diversity of beliefs, thus contradicting inclusion and tolerance, and violating free choice by forcing mandates through federal govt that violate due process and deprive citizens of liberty.
2. On the right, yes, I have caught many who claim to respect religious freedom under the Constitution deny equal protections for Muslim beliefs by assuming the connection with Jihadist and terrorists. But with issues like
3. Right to life and right to health care, the LEFT has now done more to penalize free choice with federal mandates. And with Beliefs on both sides of the marriage issues, BOTH sides are equally guilty of pushing their beliefs through govt to threaten the other!

So its at least even on that score.
Neither party respects the beliefs of the other but both push to impose their own. Both are guilty of violating equal civil rights of people of other beliefs!

I need a clarification of your notion regarding the left "rejecting diversity of beliefs."I'll step out on a limb and assume you are referring to the PPACA mandate as an example of that.
I respectfully disagree, mainly because I don't see a contradiction of inclusion and tolerance. The PPACA , in FACT is a paragon of inclusiveness. By its very nature the PPACA is inclusive.
Tolerance? Well you may have some modicum of a point there. Free loaders, who normally get free health care in the ER after a traffic accident or bar fight, are forced to contribute in one of two ways: either by signing up for a plan or by paying a penalty. I believe that type of intolerance is necessary for the greater common good.

But lets not lose sight of the conservative ownership of the KKK. To me that sin is far worse than any liberal mandate that I know of.
Do you go to klan meetings, being that your a good democrat?
You Republicans won't allow Democrats into the KKK meetings you are having.

Another mindless, ignorant partisan douche from the left^^^^^^^^^^^^

Another mindless, ignorant partisan racist from the right.
Once again I have no "party's history" because I have no party. I have HISTORY -- period. That means all of it. And once again this just in for the 8173rd time ---- NOT EVERYTHING IN HISTORY RELATES TO A FUCKING POLITICAL PARTY.

And once again again, "self-evident" is not "evidence". It's speculation. Put some actual meat on those bones and we'll talk turkey. Until you can do that it's hot air.
You keep saying that you have no party history but your actions belie your words. As to your blanket denial of your party's 150 year history of slavery, racism, segregation and KKK activities, you can deny it until you are blue in the face. That doesn't change the truth. It only makes you look like a liar and a fool.

and again ----

Capt. John Lester
Capt. John B. Kennedy
James Crowe
Richard Reed
Calvin Jones
Frank McCord

----- LINK to any of them ------------- any at all ---------- showing political activity or affiliation when they formed the Klan in 1865 in Pulaski Tennessee at 205 West Madison Street in the Thomas Jones law office?


Exactly. Crickets.
Across the South, the Klan and other terrorist groups used brutal violence to intimidate Republican voters. In Kansas, over 2,000 murders were committed in connection with the election. In Georgia, the number of threats and beatings was even higher. And in Louisiana, 1000 blacks were killed as the election neared. In those three states, Democrats won decisive victories at the polls.

WGBH American Experience . U.S. Grant: Warrior | PBS

And the crickets just keep on comin'.

This is all over your head isn't it. SMH
"... Nevertheless, the Klan's violent actions proved to many Northerners that the South (i.e. Democrats) had not learned its lesson in the recent war. In this way, the Klan's activities actually backfired. People realized that harsher laws would have to be passed in order to stop the violence and protect Southern blacks. And those laws were soon in coming.

In the 1868 presidential election, Republican Ulysses S. Grant won the office with the slogan, "Let Us Have Peace." Republicans also won a majority in Congress. Many Northerners, disgusted by Klan violence, lent their support to the Fifteenth Amendment, which gave the vote to black men in every state, and the First Reconstruction Act of 1867, which placed harsher restrictions on the South (i.e. Democrats) and closely regulated the formation of their new governments.

Other legislation attacked the Klan more directly. Between 1870 and 1871, Congress passed the Enforcement Acts, which made it a crime to interfere with registration, voting, officeholding, or jury service of blacks. More than 5,000 people were indicted under these laws; a little more than 1,000 were convicted.

In 1871 Congress also passed the Ku Klux Klan Act, which allowed the government to act against terrorist organizations. Grant did not rigorously enforce these laws, although he did order the arrest of hundreds of Klan members (i.e. Democrats). But with the overwhelming support of the Klan in the South (i.e. Democrats), convictions proved difficult to obtain, and the financial panic of 1873 would distract the North from the problems of Southern racism (i.e. Democrats). In 1882 the United States Supreme Court declared Ku Klux Klan Act unconstitutional."

WGBH American Experience | PBS

--- and the crickets just keep on cricketing. Couldn't find those links huh?

I'm not the least bit surprised, as I already knew they don't exist. You lose. Again.

And you've deliberately misquoted your own source here, dropping in "(i.e. Democrats)" where it does not exist in the original ----- which just further demonstrates the depth of your own dishonesty.

You seem to literally think you can just fabricate your own history by writing your own script on a message board.

Hard to believe.
yes, the Democrats WERE all those things at the time

No kidding...

the Democrats were also the conservative party, and the Republicans at the time, were the liberals.

And your proof would be?

Hell --- where were the Abolitionists at the time? In the Republican Party. That alone makes them Liberals.

What party was all about "states rights"? Whelp -- in 1860 that would be the Democrats. In 1980 that would be the Republicans. Which tells us they came a long way from Whiggism.
You keep saying that you have no party history but your actions belie your words. As to your blanket denial of your party's 150 year history of slavery, racism, segregation and KKK activities, you can deny it until you are blue in the face. That doesn't change the truth. It only makes you look like a liar and a fool.

and again ----

Capt. John Lester
Capt. John B. Kennedy
James Crowe
Richard Reed
Calvin Jones
Frank McCord

----- LINK to any of them ------------- any at all ---------- showing political activity or affiliation when they formed the Klan in 1865 in Pulaski Tennessee at 205 West Madison Street in the Thomas Jones law office?


Exactly. Crickets.
Across the South, the Klan and other terrorist groups used brutal violence to intimidate Republican voters. In Kansas, over 2,000 murders were committed in connection with the election. In Georgia, the number of threats and beatings was even higher. And in Louisiana, 1000 blacks were killed as the election neared. In those three states, Democrats won decisive victories at the polls.

WGBH American Experience . U.S. Grant: Warrior | PBS

And the crickets just keep on comin'.

This is all over your head isn't it. SMH
"... Nevertheless, the Klan's violent actions proved to many Northerners that the South (i.e. Democrats) had not learned its lesson in the recent war. In this way, the Klan's activities actually backfired. People realized that harsher laws would have to be passed in order to stop the violence and protect Southern blacks. And those laws were soon in coming.

In the 1868 presidential election, Republican Ulysses S. Grant won the office with the slogan, "Let Us Have Peace." Republicans also won a majority in Congress. Many Northerners, disgusted by Klan violence, lent their support to the Fifteenth Amendment, which gave the vote to black men in every state, and the First Reconstruction Act of 1867, which placed harsher restrictions on the South (i.e. Democrats) and closely regulated the formation of their new governments.

Other legislation attacked the Klan more directly. Between 1870 and 1871, Congress passed the Enforcement Acts, which made it a crime to interfere with registration, voting, officeholding, or jury service of blacks. More than 5,000 people were indicted under these laws; a little more than 1,000 were convicted.

In 1871 Congress also passed the Ku Klux Klan Act, which allowed the government to act against terrorist organizations. Grant did not rigorously enforce these laws, although he did order the arrest of hundreds of Klan members (i.e. Democrats). But with the overwhelming support of the Klan in the South (i.e. Democrats), convictions proved difficult to obtain, and the financial panic of 1873 would distract the North from the problems of Southern racism (i.e. Democrats). In 1882 the United States Supreme Court declared Ku Klux Klan Act unconstitutional."

WGBH American Experience | PBS

You keep saying that you have no party history but your actions belie your words. As to your blanket denial of your party's 150 year history of slavery, racism, segregation and KKK activities, you can deny it until you are blue in the face. That doesn't change the truth. It only makes you look like a liar and a fool.

and again ----

Capt. John Lester
Capt. John B. Kennedy
James Crowe
Richard Reed
Calvin Jones
Frank McCord

----- LINK to any of them ------------- any at all ---------- showing political activity or affiliation when they formed the Klan in 1865 in Pulaski Tennessee at 205 West Madison Street in the Thomas Jones law office?


Exactly. Crickets.
Across the South, the Klan and other terrorist groups used brutal violence to intimidate Republican voters. In Kansas, over 2,000 murders were committed in connection with the election. In Georgia, the number of threats and beatings was even higher. And in Louisiana, 1000 blacks were killed as the election neared. In those three states, Democrats won decisive victories at the polls.

WGBH American Experience . U.S. Grant: Warrior | PBS

And the crickets just keep on comin'.

This is all over your head isn't it. SMH
"... Nevertheless, the Klan's violent actions proved to many Northerners that the South (i.e. Democrats)
WGBH American Experience | PBS


Another lying Right Wing Nut Job.

You are so desperate you have to misquote your own source- inserting the word Democrat when it wasn't there.

Pathetic little lying right wing nut job.
Who else do you believe was doing it? Republicans?

Across the South, the Klan and other terrorist groups used brutal violence to intimidate Republican voters. In Kansas, over 2,000 murders were committed in connection with the election. In Georgia, the number of threats and beatings was even higher. And in Louisiana, 1000 blacks were killed as the election neared. In those three states, Democrats won decisive victories at the polls.

WGBH American Experience . U.S. Grant: Warrior | PBS
Nope. It's called Evidence: lack thereof.

No it's denial, but you'll continue down this path till your dying day...

The offer remains on the table unmolested --- "Prove me wrong".

You were wrong before this message board was founded, again you're in denial, most narcissist never admit they are wrong about anything...

Your task is very simple ---- if also impossible.

*BRING US* a link to any political connection or activity for
  • Capt. John B. Kennedy
  • Capt. John Lester
  • James Crowe
  • Frank McCord
  • Richard Reed
  • OR
  • Calvin Jones.

But --------------------- no. You can't do it. Ergo your assertion FAILS.
and again ----

Capt. John Lester
Capt. John B. Kennedy
James Crowe
Richard Reed
Calvin Jones
Frank McCord

----- LINK to any of them ------------- any at all ---------- showing political activity or affiliation when they formed the Klan in 1865 in Pulaski Tennessee at 205 West Madison Street in the Thomas Jones law office?


Exactly. Crickets.
Across the South, the Klan and other terrorist groups used brutal violence to intimidate Republican voters. In Kansas, over 2,000 murders were committed in connection with the election. In Georgia, the number of threats and beatings was even higher. And in Louisiana, 1000 blacks were killed as the election neared. In those three states, Democrats won decisive victories at the polls.

WGBH American Experience . U.S. Grant: Warrior | PBS

And the crickets just keep on comin'.

This is all over your head isn't it. SMH
"... Nevertheless, the Klan's violent actions proved to many Northerners that the South (i.e. Democrats) had not learned its lesson in the recent war. In this way, the Klan's activities actually backfired. People realized that harsher laws would have to be passed in order to stop the violence and protect Southern blacks. And those laws were soon in coming.

In the 1868 presidential election, Republican Ulysses S. Grant won the office with the slogan, "Let Us Have Peace." Republicans also won a majority in Congress. Many Northerners, disgusted by Klan violence, lent their support to the Fifteenth Amendment, which gave the vote to black men in every state, and the First Reconstruction Act of 1867, which placed harsher restrictions on the South (i.e. Democrats) and closely regulated the formation of their new governments.

Other legislation attacked the Klan more directly. Between 1870 and 1871, Congress passed the Enforcement Acts, which made it a crime to interfere with registration, voting, officeholding, or jury service of blacks. More than 5,000 people were indicted under these laws; a little more than 1,000 were convicted.

In 1871 Congress also passed the Ku Klux Klan Act, which allowed the government to act against terrorist organizations. Grant did not rigorously enforce these laws, although he did order the arrest of hundreds of Klan members (i.e. Democrats). But with the overwhelming support of the Klan in the South (i.e. Democrats), convictions proved difficult to obtain, and the financial panic of 1873 would distract the North from the problems of Southern racism (i.e. Democrats). In 1882 the United States Supreme Court declared Ku Klux Klan Act unconstitutional."

WGBH American Experience | PBS

and again ----

Capt. John Lester
Capt. John B. Kennedy
James Crowe
Richard Reed
Calvin Jones
Frank McCord

----- LINK to any of them ------------- any at all ---------- showing political activity or affiliation when they formed the Klan in 1865 in Pulaski Tennessee at 205 West Madison Street in the Thomas Jones law office?


Exactly. Crickets.
Across the South, the Klan and other terrorist groups used brutal violence to intimidate Republican voters. In Kansas, over 2,000 murders were committed in connection with the election. In Georgia, the number of threats and beatings was even higher. And in Louisiana, 1000 blacks were killed as the election neared. In those three states, Democrats won decisive victories at the polls.

WGBH American Experience . U.S. Grant: Warrior | PBS

And the crickets just keep on comin'.

This is all over your head isn't it. SMH
"... Nevertheless, the Klan's violent actions proved to many Northerners that the South (i.e. Democrats)
WGBH American Experience | PBS


Another lying Right Wing Nut Job.

You are so desperate you have to misquote your own source- inserting the word Democrat when it wasn't there.

Pathetic little lying right wing nut job.
Who else do you believe was doing it? Republicans?

Nice dance as you try to get away from the fact you are another lying right wing nut job

Another lying Right Wing Nut Job.

You are so desperate you have to misquote your own source- inserting the word Democrat when it wasn't there.

Pathetic little lying right wing nut job trying to revise history so no one notices the history of the Republicans for the last 50 years fighting against Civil Rights

Ronald Reagan
George Bush
Barry Goldwater

All Republican candidates for President

All opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Forum List
