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Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015

How in the fuck does a cop go to bed at night after this shit? How in the fuck does a white man, justify this as not being a motherfuckin racist? How in the fuck does a mother live seeing this of her child? Gotdamit, how in the fuck do you motherfuckers expect us to respect cops after seeing this shit??? Gotdamit, I'm mad as hell and so help me, I'm sick of shit like this.

Them two nigga cops that shot up a truck with a white little boy in it, 3 days later their black ass's was in jail CHARGED WITH MURDER!!
Lesson...don't do drugs and carry a knife, obey the police. If he had done that he wouldn't have gotten air holed
1. The cop was charged
2. There are 1,000,0000 cops. Even if 100 a year did this....that would be 0.01%.......so that's how we still respect the other 999,900 of them.

We don't associate "most cops" with the crimes of a few.
Should we? If so....then we must associate "most blacks" with the thugs we see in daily crime reports. And "most Muslims" with terrorists. Right???

Get over your skin color dumbass. It's irrelevant.

Lesson...don't do drugs and carry a knife, obey the police. If he had done that he wouldn't have gotten air holed

I'm gonna leave you to yourself...at this point, your not worth anything to me and I refuse, absolutely refuse to allow you to dismiss this or engage me to point of no return with anger....so on that note, Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your family.
1. The cop was charged
2. There are 1,000,0000 cops. Even if 100 a year did this....that would be 0.01%.......so that's how we still respect the other 999,900 of them.

We don't associate "most cops" with the crimes of a few.
Should we? If so....then we must associate "most blacks" with the thugs we see in daily crime reports. And "most Muslims" with terrorists. Right???

Get over your skin color dumbass. It's irrelevant.

Should we? If so....then we must associate "most blacks" with the thugs we see in daily crime reports. And "most Muslims" with terrorists. Right???

And you motherfuckers do, have done it since the fuckin boat ride. Its not until these sorry ass nigga's prove themselves worthy of judgement does the stereotyping end.....but I am too angry right not to engage....please enjoy the holiday and your family
Lesson...don't do drugs and carry a knife, obey the police. If he had done that he wouldn't have gotten air holed

I'm gonna leave you to yourself...at this point, your not worth anything to me and I refuse, absolutely refuse to allow you to dismiss this or engage me to point of no return with anger....so on that note, Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your family.

Whatever floats your canoe. The bottom line is if you behave you don't get shot. That seems to be escaping everyone. Did the cop go to far, yes, but the fact remains when you decide to break the law things like this can happen. I'm sorry if I don't have an "awww that poor man on drugs that had a knife and refused to obey a lawful order got killed by the bad policeman" attitude. I'm a realist.
Two nigga cops shot at a truck and a blonde blue eyed white child was killed....4 days later, without missing a beat...these two nigga cops were behind bars. USmessageboard.com lit up with threads condemning these officers.....today, all silent because when you have facts to back of the bullshit we've been seeing all decade, the white man stay silent and slither away into his snake skin. To the sell out nigga's out here, what in the fuck do you and Becky see and talk about outside the bedroom?

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Lesson...don't do drugs and carry a knife, obey the police. If he had done that he wouldn't have gotten air holed

I'm gonna leave you to yourself...at this point, your not worth anything to me and I refuse, absolutely refuse to allow you to dismiss this or engage me to point of no return with anger....so on that note, Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your family.

Whatever floats your canoe. The bottom line is if you behave you don't get shot. That seems to be escaping everyone. Did the cop go to far, yes, but the fact remains when you decide to break the law things like this can happen. I'm sorry if I don't have an "awww that poor man on drugs that had a knife and refused to obey a lawful order got killed by the bad policeman" attitude. I'm a realist.

What law did he break? Other than the law of having black skin, what fuckin law did this person break that warrented 16 bullets and if the guy was breaking the law, when in the fuck does he get a chance to go to court,??? Don't answer, Good bye
Lesson...don't do drugs and carry a knife, obey the police. If he had done that he wouldn't have gotten air holed

I'm gonna leave you to yourself...at this point, your not worth anything to me and I refuse, absolutely refuse to allow you to dismiss this or engage me to point of no return with anger....so on that note, Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your family.

Whatever floats your canoe. The bottom line is if you behave you don't get shot. That seems to be escaping everyone. Did the cop go to far, yes, but the fact remains when you decide to break the law things like this can happen. I'm sorry if I don't have an "awww that poor man on drugs that had a knife and refused to obey a lawful order got killed by the bad policeman" attitude. I'm a realist.

What law did he break? Other than the law of having black skin, what fuckin law did this person break that warrented 16 bullets and if the guy was breaking the law, when in the fuck does he get a chance to go to court,??? Don't answer, Good bye

You'll get over it, facts tend to be pesky when they don't fit your narrative
Sassy only believes in rights for people like herself. The cops don't shoot her kind, the cops are her kind - white with little to no respect for darkie lives.
Lesson...don't do drugs and carry a knife, obey the police. If he had done that he wouldn't have gotten air holed

I'm gonna leave you to yourself...at this point, your not worth anything to me and I refuse, absolutely refuse to allow you to dismiss this or engage me to point of no return with anger....so on that note, Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your family.

Whatever floats your canoe. The bottom line is if you behave you don't get shot. That seems to be escaping everyone. Did the cop go to far, yes, but the fact remains when you decide to break the law things like this can happen. I'm sorry if I don't have an "awww that poor man on drugs that had a knife and refused to obey a lawful order got killed by the bad policeman" attitude. I'm a realist.

What law did he break? Other than the law of having black skin, what fuckin law did this person break that warrented 16 bullets and if the guy was breaking the law, when in the fuck does he get a chance to go to court,??? Don't answer, Good bye

You'll get over it, facts tend to be pesky when they don't fit your narrative
Got your narrative, right here:

"The court-ordered release of the video came hours after authorities charged Officer Jason Van Dyke with first-degree murder in the teen's killing."

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