17 trillion


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
With everyone focused on debt ceilings, the shut down and naming winners and loser in the fight over them people may not have noticed we have now officially gone over 17 trillion in debt I'm sure the media would have gotten around to mentioning that sooner or later.

You're the party that got us into building up TWO nations within the middle east(150 billionx12 years). Obama is the one that doubled welfare!!!! ;)

Yet you're going to cut everything that makes America a economic power? You can't make this shit up!

You're the party that got us into building up TWO nations within the middle east(150 billionx12 years). Obama is the one that doubled welfare!!!! ;)

Yet you're going to cut everything that makes America a economic power? You can't make this shit up!

Obama funded Egypt, Pakistan and the Muslim Brotherhood. But you focus on what Republicans did in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Obama has removed America from it's rightful place as an economic power by doubling welfare. He has shouldered our children with even more debt than his predecessor. In all we have 17 trillion in debt, 6 trillion of that is Obama's.

You can't make this shit up, Matt.
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Why should we care, we don't have to pat it off. Screw the grand-kids.
Yep, maobama is on trend for another historic first, to borrow more money than all of the presidents before him combined.

You're the party that got us into building up TWO nations within the middle east(150 billionx12 years). Obama is the one that doubled welfare!!!! ;)

Yet you're going to cut everything that makes America a economic power? You can't make this shit up!
Obama has already outspent all of his predecessors in the presidential history books combined.

I'd say you're not paying attention either to the bottom line or the sum of everything else. Needless to mention, paying the interest on the national debt doesn't reduce it by one penny when nothing goes to principal. Instead of monitoring the Treasury to see the debt reduce, Obama has been calling on them regularly to insure his political contributors are getting a floodgate of taxpayer money in the form of interest-free loans before 2012, when Congress put the end to these freebie no-lose debts in which business failures in the green industry were rewarded for going out of business until the din online was heard all the way back in Washington.

Every time the Congress calls Obama on his mischief, he puts it on a back burner with a happytalk speech painting himself good and his monitors as wicked people one should view as an "enemy." He's broken every good faith principle this nation was founded upon, and celebrates calling nonracist dissenters "racist." I'm going on record to say the man is a liar and unfit to hold office.
It's confusing.
We needed to raise the debt ceiling again because we spent more money then the year before.
Yet the Obama defenders say he has spent less money then any other president.
The sequester was about cutting a proposed increase in spending.

An increase in spending..... Hmmmmm

The CR and raising the debt limit will be facing us again soon enough and I bet starting next week
the president will be pushing immigration reform....

Wasn't the budget and debt ceiling all the rage just a short time ago.
Now it will be forgotten about?
The CR and raising the debt limit will be facing us again soon enough and I bet starting next week
the president will be pushing immigration reform....

Wasn't the budget and debt ceiling all the rage just a short time ago.
Now it will be forgotten about?
When economists see the overnight growth from

October 16, 2013 of $16,747,360,549,057.23


October 17, 2013 of $17,075,590,107,963.57

That interest may rear its former peak, it will show those who blather on about increasing the debt ceiling does not increase the debt to be clearly and unmistakably wrong.

You may find proof of this assertion at the government website, US National Debt to the Penny: Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Scroll down to the bottom of the long list. It's the last two figures on there right now, but will change tomorrow or the next day.
With everyone focused on debt ceilings, the shut down and naming winners and loser in the fight over them people may not have noticed we have now officially gone over 17 trillion in debt I'm sure the media would have gotten around to mentioning that sooner or later.

At this point the number is so big it lacks shock value. What difference would it be at $10 trillion? 30 trillion? A quadrillion? The Dems bank on this. I am sure if debt 100Trillion they would trot out some figure to show it really wasn't so bad. Like as a percentage it's better than Zimbabwe or something.
The WWII generation is called the greatest, and apply so. We will be known as the prodigal one that destroyed freedom - as the destruction of capitalism will result in tyranny.

The debt is too large to be paid, and the responsibility to service it is too onerous. Not only does it siphon off huge amounts of money - which is very destructive in itself. It is a constant obsticle to the functioning of our Republic - which also cost productivity; money. It's destructive nature is far, and world wide. " The bigger they are, the harder ... "

We are so out of balance that artificial apparatuses have been conjured up to give the illusion of stability - ie. money printing, accounting trickery, etc. etc. It will all come crashing down. I truly believe that that is the aim of the liberals; cloward + piven.

According to them, anyone that wants to address the debt is an extremist, obstructionist. Liberalism has no soul. They could care less about the unborne; they will kill, or rape them for every penny in pushing their evil agenda -the desruction of freedom, and prosperity, and you goddamn republicans have aided them; given them all they need to finish the job :mad:
With everyone focused on debt ceilings, the shut down and naming winners and loser in the fight over them people may not have noticed we have now officially gone over 17 trillion in debt I'm sure the media would have gotten around to mentioning that sooner or later.

Well, 24 BILLION of that debt increase was due to the GOP shutting down the government.

24 BILLION dollars flushed down the toilet for some GOP idiots to try to make a point about Obamacare (which they didn't).

What was the reason the Republicans shut down the government?
With everyone focused on debt ceilings, the shut down and naming winners and loser in the fight over them people may not have noticed we have now officially gone over 17 trillion in debt I'm sure the media would have gotten around to mentioning that sooner or later.

Well, 24 BILLION of that debt increase was due to the GOP shutting down the government.

24 BILLION dollars flushed down the toilet for some GOP idiots to try to make a point about Obamacare (which they didn't).

What was the reason the Republicans shut down the government?

Bullshit. This is obviously the new meme.
Obama has increased the debt more than every other president combined. We would be better off if he had just gone to China, borrowed 1 trillion dollars and sent checks to every American.
With everyone focused on debt ceilings, the shut down and naming winners and loser in the fight over them people may not have noticed we have now officially gone over 17 trillion in debt I'm sure the media would have gotten around to mentioning that sooner or later.

Well, 24 BILLION of that debt increase was due to the GOP shutting down the government.

24 BILLION dollars flushed down the toilet for some GOP idiots to try to make a point about Obamacare (which they didn't).

What was the reason the Republicans shut down the government?
You've been misinformed. Obama ordered those departments closed, and not the Republicans. He targeted veterans and other areas of Republican championing. He did nothing about closing down what reports were issued showing duplication and waste. Absolutely nothing.
With everyone focused on debt ceilings, the shut down and naming winners and loser in the fight over them people may not have noticed we have now officially gone over 17 trillion in debt I'm sure the media would have gotten around to mentioning that sooner or later.

Well, 24 BILLION of that debt increase was due to the GOP shutting down the government.

24 BILLION dollars flushed down the toilet for some GOP idiots to try to make a point about Obamacare (which they didn't).

What was the reason the Republicans shut down the government?
You've been misinformed. Obama ordered those departments closed, and not the Republicans. He targeted veterans and other areas of Republican championing. He did nothing about closing down what reports were issued showing duplication and waste. Absolutely nothing.

Apparently you don't know much about how our government works. CONGRESS is the ones with the authority of the purse strings and keeping the government open, not the President.

But..................keep spreading your low level of information that you pick up on FAUX Nooze.

And by the way.............when the GOP started taking heat for shutting down the government, they started to try to open up pieces of it that would benefit them politically in the House. Fortunately, the Senate saw what they were doing and told them we can't open the pieces that the GOP likes, we have to open up ALL of it.

Blame Cruz and Boehner for that clusterfuck.
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With everyone focused on debt ceilings, the shut down and naming winners and loser in the fight over them people may not have noticed we have now officially gone over 17 trillion in debt I'm sure the media would have gotten around to mentioning that sooner or later.

Well, 24 BILLION of that debt increase was due to the GOP shutting down the government.

24 BILLION dollars flushed down the toilet for some GOP idiots to try to make a point about Obamacare (which they didn't).

What was the reason the Republicans shut down the government?
Obama shut the government down by refusing to negotiate. There will be more to come as this is the choice: (1) refuse to keep spending us past the percieved event horizen ( already happened ). (2) stay on the track to financial destruction, because it will cost us to much make a stand.

We need to suffer some serious pain for years, before we ever have a chance for correction. I pray that our credit limit will be maxed out soon. I want to see our big government, and social programs severely cut back - coming soon to a reality near you!

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