17 trillion

With everyone focused on debt ceilings, the shut down and naming winners and loser in the fight over them people may not have noticed we have now officially gone over 17 trillion in debt I'm sure the media would have gotten around to mentioning that sooner or later.

Well, 24 BILLION of that debt increase was due to the GOP shutting down the government.

24 BILLION dollars flushed down the toilet for some GOP idiots to try to make a point about Obamacare (which they didn't).

What was the reason the Republicans shut down the government?

Wow. $24 billion is chump change in comparison to the $6 trillion Obama flushed down the toilet.

What is the reason for all of this spending?
With everyone focused on debt ceilings, the shut down and naming winners and loser in the fight over them people may not have noticed we have now officially gone over 17 trillion in debt I'm sure the media would have gotten around to mentioning that sooner or later.

Well, 24 BILLION of that debt increase was due to the GOP shutting down the government.

24 BILLION dollars flushed down the toilet for some GOP idiots to try to make a point about Obamacare (which they didn't).

What was the reason the Republicans shut down the government?

Wow. $24 billion is chump change in comparison to the $6 trillion Obama flushed down the toilet.

What is the reason for all of this spending?

The reason for all the spending is because CONGRESS (not Obama) authorized the spending, and we have to honor our bills.

And...........fyi.............it's not the President who controls the purse strings, but rather the House and the Senate.
With everyone focused on debt ceilings, the shut down and naming winners and loser in the fight over them people may not have noticed we have now officially gone over 17 trillion in debt I'm sure the media would have gotten around to mentioning that sooner or later.

Well, 24 BILLION of that debt increase was due to the GOP shutting down the government.

24 BILLION dollars flushed down the toilet for some GOP idiots to try to make a point about Obamacare (which they didn't).

What was the reason the Republicans shut down the government?

You forgot to blame Bush your slipping moving on now the debt was roughly ten trillion when Obama was sworn in 17 trillion now you want to blame 24 billion on the Republicans knock yourself out that is still a shit load of debt on the Obama credit card.
Well, 24 BILLION of that debt increase was due to the GOP shutting down the government.

24 BILLION dollars flushed down the toilet for some GOP idiots to try to make a point about Obamacare (which they didn't).

What was the reason the Republicans shut down the government?

Wow. $24 billion is chump change in comparison to the $6 trillion Obama flushed down the toilet.

What is the reason for all of this spending?

The reason for all the spending is because CONGRESS (not Obama) authorized the spending, and we have to honor our bills.

And...........fyi.............it's not the President who controls the purse strings, but rather the House and the Senate.

Obama introduced $1 trillion budgets in the first three years of his term, the fourth was roughly $750 billion, then for 2014, he introduced a $3.8 trillion budget. While congress does pass the budgets, this is still a direct reflection of his policy viewpoints and more ultimately his party's. Stop trying to shelter him.
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Wow. $24 billion is chump change in comparison to the $6 trillion Obama flushed down the toilet.

What is the reason for all of this spending?

The reason for all the spending is because CONGRESS (not Obama) authorized the spending, and we have to honor our bills.

And...........fyi.............it's not the President who controls the purse strings, but rather the House and the Senate.

Obama introduced $1 trillion budgets in the first three years of his term, the fourth was roughly $750 billion, then for 2014, he introduced a $3.8 trillion budget. So this is a direct reflection of his policy viewpoints. Stop trying to shelter him.

Like I said, it's Congress and the Senate who control the purse strings, not the President. Obama can suggest a budget, but it's got to pass the House and the Senate to become reality.

And..............the reason we don't have a budget but are instead operating on continuing resolutions is because the tea baggers in the House keep blocking it.

You might benefit from a civics class refresher.
The reason for all the spending is because CONGRESS (not Obama) authorized the spending, and we have to honor our bills.

And...........fyi.............it's not the President who controls the purse strings, but rather the House and the Senate.

Obama introduced $1 trillion budgets in the first three years of his term, the fourth was roughly $750 billion, then for 2014, he introduced a $3.8 trillion budget. So this is a direct reflection of his policy viewpoints. Stop trying to shelter him.

Like I said, it's Congress and the Senate who control the purse strings, not the President. Obama can suggest a budget, but it's got to pass the House and the Senate to become reality.

And..............the reason we don't have a budget but are instead operating on continuing resolutions is because the tea baggers in the House keep blocking it.

You might benefit from a civics class refresher.

You might benefit from reading my edition before you pop off at the mouth, Sailor.

And can you link to the budgets we've blocked? Just how many days did it take you Democrats to pass one on your own? 1400+?
The reason for all the spending is because CONGRESS (not Obama) authorized the spending, and we have to honor our bills.

And...........fyi.............it's not the President who controls the purse strings, but rather the House and the Senate.

Obama introduced $1 trillion budgets in the first three years of his term, the fourth was roughly $750 billion, then for 2014, he introduced a $3.8 trillion budget. So this is a direct reflection of his policy viewpoints. Stop trying to shelter him.

Like I said, it's Congress and the Senate who control the purse strings, not the President. Obama can suggest a budget, but it's got to pass the House and the Senate to become reality.

And..............the reason we don't have a budget but are instead operating on continuing resolutions is because the tea baggers in the House keep blocking it.

You might benefit from a civics class refresher.

FYI for the last 3 years the house was the only ones that passed a budget, the senate refused to do so forcing CR's. The house should have told the senate to take it or leave it and forced a shutdown from the get go. The senate refused to pass a budget because they didn't want to reset the budget base line. Base line budgeting should be thrown out as well.
For anyone who may have forgot the whole budget process starts with the President submitting a budget request to Congress that is the framework that the House and the Senate attempt to build a budget on so to act like the President does not have anything to do with the budget is not exactly accurate.

You're the party that got us into building up TWO nations within the middle east(150 billionx12 years). Obama is the one that doubled welfare!!!! ;)

Yet you're going to cut everything that makes America a economic power? You can't make this shit up!
Obama has already outspent all of his predecessors in the presidential history books combined.

I'd say you're not paying attention either to the bottom line or the sum of everything else. Needless to mention, paying the interest on the national debt doesn't reduce it by one penny when nothing goes to principal. Instead of monitoring the Treasury to see the debt reduce, Obama has been calling on them regularly to insure his political contributors are getting a floodgate of taxpayer money in the form of interest-free loans before 2012, when Congress put the end to these freebie no-lose debts in which business failures in the green industry were rewarded for going out of business until the din online was heard all the way back in Washington.

Every time the Congress calls Obama on his mischief, he puts it on a back burner with a happytalk speech painting himself good and his monitors as wicked people one should view as an "enemy." He's broken every good faith principle this nation was founded upon, and celebrates calling nonracist dissenters "racist." I'm going on record to say the man is a liar and unfit to hold office.

This is what happens when a hyperpartisan Community Organizer with No Executive Experience is given power.
Well, 24 BILLION of that debt increase was due to the GOP shutting down the government.

24 BILLION dollars flushed down the toilet for some GOP idiots to try to make a point about Obamacare (which they didn't).

What was the reason the Republicans shut down the government?

Wow. $24 billion is chump change in comparison to the $6 trillion Obama flushed down the toilet.

What is the reason for all of this spending?

The reason for all the spending is because CONGRESS (not Obama) authorized the spending, and we have to honor our bills.

And...........fyi.............it's not the President who controls the purse strings, but rather the House and the Senate.


Like the Bills that the House passed to the Senate that would have opened key departments bu Harry ignored them?

THOSE Bills?

Come election time, our American idol viewers won't care about this evil shutdown.
They WILL care about their new-found "tax"
With everyone focused on debt ceilings, the shut down and naming winners and loser in the fight over them people may not have noticed we have now officially gone over 17 trillion in debt I'm sure the media would have gotten around to mentioning that sooner or later.

Well, 24 BILLION of that debt increase was due to the GOP shutting down the government.

24 BILLION dollars flushed down the toilet for some GOP idiots to try to make a point about Obamacare (which they didn't).

What was the reason the Republicans shut down the government?

You do realize we can only put up with so much stupid right?

So you claim we lost 24billion to a debt increase by shutting down 18% of the government. How exactly did this happen? How do we actually increase our government spending when we have a bunch of them not working?

Well first of all we pass a law to insure those that were laid off get fully funded as if they were working the entire time. Kinda defeats the purpose of laying them off doesn't it? So we paid people that should never receive a dime for that time off yet you are perplexed as to how we lost money during a shutdown of not-necessary government workers. Keep in mind these people are actually getting paid over time to close and man open air monuments that don't require a single person around them until the government deems them closed, then we have to have full time guards, to make sure they are closed, that will get paid after we aren't paying them for the nothing they usually provide unless there's a shutdown and they suddenly need to be there to man the barrycades.

I'm not sure accounting is your thing here but it sure would be nice if you at least functioned at a basic math level.
Well, 24 BILLION of that debt increase was due to the GOP shutting down the government.

24 BILLION dollars flushed down the toilet for some GOP idiots to try to make a point about Obamacare (which they didn't).

What was the reason the Republicans shut down the government?
You've been misinformed. Obama ordered those departments closed, and not the Republicans. He targeted veterans and other areas of Republican championing. He did nothing about closing down what reports were issued showing duplication and waste. Absolutely nothing.

Apparently you don't know much about how our government works. CONGRESS is the ones with the authority of the purse strings and keeping the government open, not the President.

But..................keep spreading your low level of information that you pick up on FAUX Nooze.

And by the way.............when the GOP started taking heat for shutting down the government, they started to try to open up pieces of it that would benefit them politically in the House. Fortunately, the Senate saw what they were doing and told them we can't open the pieces that the GOP likes, we have to open up ALL of it.

Blame Cruz and Boehner for that clusterfuck.
Obama picked to beat up the vets just to show them he could.

And he wasn't very pleasant about it either, stop covering for the buffoon.
Two unfunded wars

tax cuts costing trillions passed using reconciliation

drugs for votes bill passed using reconciliation

tens of thousands of Americans maimed in Iraq

Millions of jobs shipped off to China from 2001 to 2008

tens of thousands of factories closed from 2001 to 2008

funny, when right wingers mention the debt, they never mention how it was created. Odd that.
Two unfunded wars

tax cuts costing trillions passed using reconciliation

drugs for votes bill passed using reconciliation

tens of thousands of Americans maimed in Iraq

Millions of jobs shipped off to China from 2001 to 2008

tens of thousands of factories closed from 2001 to 2008

funny, when right wingers mention the debt, they never mention how it was created. Odd that.

Fuck you, you lying piece of shit.

First off those "unfunded wars" WERE funded through spending resolutions that couldn't have passed without your beloved Democrats.
Spending resolutions that were, by the way, treated as "hostage fodder" for Dems other pet projects.

Your evil tax cuts were extended by Obama

WTF is "drugs for votes"? Sounds like an ACORN program

More Americans killed in Afghanistan in 5 years under Obama than 7 years under Bush

TRILLIONS of dollars in new debt


But all that conveniently slips through your hole-filled skull
You've been misinformed. Obama ordered those departments closed, and not the Republicans. He targeted veterans and other areas of Republican championing. He did nothing about closing down what reports were issued showing duplication and waste. Absolutely nothing.

Apparently you don't know much about how our government works. CONGRESS is the ones with the authority of the purse strings and keeping the government open, not the President.

But..................keep spreading your low level of information that you pick up on FAUX Nooze.

And by the way.............when the GOP started taking heat for shutting down the government, they started to try to open up pieces of it that would benefit them politically in the House. Fortunately, the Senate saw what they were doing and told them we can't open the pieces that the GOP likes, we have to open up ALL of it.

Blame Cruz and Boehner for that clusterfuck.
Obama picked to beat up the vets just to show them he could.

And he wasn't very pleasant about it either, stop covering for the buffoon.

Actually, I'm a retired U.S. Navy sailor, and pay a lot of attention to the news.

Sorry, but it was the GOP that shut down the government (with a lot of help from Cruz who although he's been elected to the Senate, decided to convince a lot of those in the House to do it). And..................the only reason that you think the GOP supports the vets is because Bachman and Cruz saw a photo op when the WWII vets (who were on an honor flight which is planned long in advance) decided to see the memorial dedicated to them ANYWAY.

Oh yeah................when they found out that shutting down the government also included no pay for the military (I went through the last one in the 90's when it was over 20 days), they realized that they could no longer say they supported the troops if they did that.

The Senate didn't want to open the government piece by piece, they wanted the whole thing opened (as did the President), and they wanted it open now. The GOP was just playing silly games and pandering to what they see as their base.

Sorry.................but the shutdown (or as some GOP types like to call it "the slimdown") is totally the fault of the Republicans.
With everyone focused on debt ceilings, the shut down and naming winners and loser in the fight over them people may not have noticed we have now officially gone over 17 trillion in debt I'm sure the media would have gotten around to mentioning that sooner or later.

We raised the debt ceiling, and managed to borrow $350 billion in a single day.

But raising the debt ceiling isn't about increasing the debt.

You're the party that got us into building up TWO nations within the middle east(150 billionx12 years). Obama is the one that doubled welfare!!!! ;)

Yet you're going to cut everything that makes America a economic power? You can't make this shit up!

We are not an economic power because the government spends money.
With everyone focused on debt ceilings, the shut down and naming winners and loser in the fight over them people may not have noticed we have now officially gone over 17 trillion in debt I'm sure the media would have gotten around to mentioning that sooner or later.

Well, 24 BILLION of that debt increase was due to the GOP shutting down the government.

24 BILLION dollars flushed down the toilet for some GOP idiots to try to make a point about Obamacare (which they didn't).

What was the reason the Republicans shut down the government?

No it wasn't.
The reason for all the spending is because CONGRESS (not Obama) authorized the spending, and we have to honor our bills.

And...........fyi.............it's not the President who controls the purse strings, but rather the House and the Senate.

Obama introduced $1 trillion budgets in the first three years of his term, the fourth was roughly $750 billion, then for 2014, he introduced a $3.8 trillion budget. So this is a direct reflection of his policy viewpoints. Stop trying to shelter him.

Like I said, it's Congress and the Senate who control the purse strings, not the President. Obama can suggest a budget, but it's got to pass the House and the Senate to become reality.

And..............the reason we don't have a budget but are instead operating on continuing resolutions is because the tea baggers in the House keep blocking it.

You might benefit from a civics class refresher.

You might benefit by being slapped upside the head.

Unless you think that Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader is a Tea Party member of the House, you are flat out wrong about who blocked the budgets.

Senate Democratic leaders on Friday said they do not intend to bring a fiscal 2013 budget up for a floor vote.
"We do not need to bring a budget to the floor this year — it's done, we don't need to do it," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told reporters on Friday.
Reid and Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) argued that the debt-limit agreement in August directs spending for the next year and said Senate Appropriations Chairman Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) has already asked the heads of the subcommittees to write their appropriations bills for fiscal 2013.

Reid: This year's budget is done - The Hill's On The Money

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