17 trillion


The Demander in Chief is totally at fault for screwing America's veterans. He hates their guts, and it shows. He's using you like a dirty rag, and you're helping. :evil:

Why would you say that? A simple Google search will tell you exactly who is trying to cut veterans benefits and cut veterans jobs bills. Using Google is simple. Even for a "simpleton". Or maybe it's beyond your expertise. Let me know and I will send instructions.

gop blocks veterans jobs bill

Check this one out. It's from "Military dot com".

GOP Senators Block Veterans Jobs Bill | Military.com

Perhaps you should pay attention more, you simpleton.

Harry Reid blocks funding for veterans programs, national parks | WashingtonExaminer.com

Actually, Reid was blocking legislation that would open up only PARTS of the government that the GOP found to be politically useful (or toxic if they were kept shut) because those were the ones that got the most air from the news stations.

Reid wanted ALL of the government re-opened, not put together piecemeal for political gains.

The only reason he said no was because he wanted ALL of it opened, not just the parts that the GOP found to be politically expedient.
Why would you say that? A simple Google search will tell you exactly who is trying to cut veterans benefits and cut veterans jobs bills. Using Google is simple. Even for a "simpleton". Or maybe it's beyond your expertise. Let me know and I will send instructions.

gop blocks veterans jobs bill

Check this one out. It's from "Military dot com".

GOP Senators Block Veterans Jobs Bill | Military.com

Perhaps you should pay attention more, you simpleton.

Harry Reid blocks funding for veterans programs, national parks | WashingtonExaminer.com

Actually, Reid was blocking legislation that would open up only PARTS of the government that the GOP found to be politically useful (or toxic if they were kept shut) because those were the ones that got the most air from the news stations.

Reid wanted ALL of the government re-opened, not put together piecemeal for political gains.

The only reason he said no was because he wanted ALL of it opened, not just the parts that the GOP found to be politically expedient.

Damn you bikersailor for using facts to ruin a wingnut circle jerk!


Actually, Reid was blocking legislation that would open up only PARTS of the government that the GOP found to be politically useful (or toxic if they were kept shut) because those were the ones that got the most air from the news stations.

Reid wanted ALL of the government re-opened, not put together piecemeal for political gains.

The only reason he said no was because he wanted ALL of it opened, not just the parts that the GOP found to be politically expedient.

Damn you bikersailor for using facts to ruin a wingnut circle jerk!


Typical post. There were no facts there.
Reid refused to open parts of the gov't that affected people's lives in order to increase pressure on the GOP by making everyone's life miserable. It was unnecessary and done for political gain.
See how easy that was!
Actually, Reid was blocking legislation that would open up only PARTS of the government that the GOP found to be politically useful (or toxic if they were kept shut) because those were the ones that got the most air from the news stations.

Reid wanted ALL of the government re-opened, not put together piecemeal for political gains.

The only reason he said no was because he wanted ALL of it opened, not just the parts that the GOP found to be politically expedient.

Damn you bikersailor for using facts to ruin a wingnut circle jerk!


Typical post. There were no facts there.
Reid refused to open parts of the gov't that affected people's lives in order to increase pressure on the GOP by making everyone's life miserable. It was unnecessary and done for political gain.
See how easy that was!

Actually, it was when Cruz and Bachmann went to the WWII Veterans Memorial to gladhand and get a political moment that the GOP decided to open up the National Parks.

It was shortly after that, that people started paying attention to veterans and found out that not only would the military be caught short with no paycheck, but they also realized that the veterans who were retired would also be caught up in the government shutdown.

Trust me....................I saw it happen in the late 90's when the GOP did it the last time, and I was active duty Navy stationed up in Newport RI. Only thing is, there was no Twitter or social media at the time, and the general population of the U.S. didn't think it affected them.

Now? Anything that happens is going to be broadcasted, and if you're being a hypocrite (like Bachmann and Cruz), it's going to reach everyone else, because people will talk about it.

Good luck GOP, you and the tea baggers are going to need it in 2014.
Damn you bikersailor for using facts to ruin a wingnut circle jerk!


Typical post. There were no facts there.
Reid refused to open parts of the gov't that affected people's lives in order to increase pressure on the GOP by making everyone's life miserable. It was unnecessary and done for political gain.
See how easy that was!

Actually, it was when Cruz and Bachmann went to the WWII Veterans Memorial to gladhand and get a political moment that the GOP decided to open up the National Parks.

It was shortly after that, that people started paying attention to veterans and found out that not only would the military be caught short with no paycheck, but they also realized that the veterans who were retired would also be caught up in the government shutdown.

Trust me....................I saw it happen in the late 90's when the GOP did it the last time, and I was active duty Navy stationed up in Newport RI. Only thing is, there was no Twitter or social media at the time, and the general population of the U.S. didn't think it affected them.

Now? Anything that happens is going to be broadcasted, and if you're being a hypocrite (like Bachmann and Cruz), it's going to reach everyone else, because people will talk about it.

Good luck GOP, you and the tea baggers are going to need it in 2014.

So Bachmann and Cruz drew attention to the problem and the GOP offered solutions which the Dems rejected. Is that really what you meant to say?

You're the party that got us into building up TWO nations within the middle east(150 billionx12 years). Obama is the one that doubled welfare!!!! ;)

Yet you're going to cut everything that makes America a economic power? You can't make this shit up!

Obama funded Egypt, Pakistan and the Muslim Brotherhood. But you focus on what Republicans did in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Obama has removed America from it's rightful place as an economic power by doubling welfare. He has shouldered our children with even more debt than his predecessor. In all we have 17 trillion in debt, 6 trillion of that is Obama's.

You can't make this shit up, Matt.

Obama funded Egypt, Pakistan and the Muslim Brotherhood?

Since when?

This is why you folks are laughed at..

Funding for Egypt and Pakistan were parts of treaties well before President Obama became President. And the Muslim Brotherhood is no longer in power in Egypt.

Maybe you should stop watching the Aussie Saudi propaganda station, FOX.
Typical post. There were no facts there.
Reid refused to open parts of the gov't that affected people's lives in order to increase pressure on the GOP by making everyone's life miserable. It was unnecessary and done for political gain.
See how easy that was!

Actually, it was when Cruz and Bachmann went to the WWII Veterans Memorial to gladhand and get a political moment that the GOP decided to open up the National Parks.

It was shortly after that, that people started paying attention to veterans and found out that not only would the military be caught short with no paycheck, but they also realized that the veterans who were retired would also be caught up in the government shutdown.

Trust me....................I saw it happen in the late 90's when the GOP did it the last time, and I was active duty Navy stationed up in Newport RI. Only thing is, there was no Twitter or social media at the time, and the general population of the U.S. didn't think it affected them.

Now? Anything that happens is going to be broadcasted, and if you're being a hypocrite (like Bachmann and Cruz), it's going to reach everyone else, because people will talk about it.

Good luck GOP, you and the tea baggers are going to need it in 2014.

So Bachmann and Cruz drew attention to the problem and the GOP offered solutions which the Dems rejected. Is that really what you meant to say?

Isn't Bachmann one of the Congress people that voted use tax payer's dollars to fund her family's farm? And her Husband's business?

Bachmann's husband got $137,000 in Medicaid funds - politics - Decision 2012 | NBC News
In personal financial disclosure reports for 2006 through 2009, Bachmann reported earning $32,500 to $105,000[49] from a farm that was owned at the time by her ailing father-in-law, Paul Bachmann. The farm received $260,000 in federal crop and disaster subsidies between 1995 and 2008.[54] Bachmann said that in 2006–2009, her husband acted as a trustee of the farm for his dying father and so, out of "an abundance of caution", she claimed the farm as income in financial disclosures, though it was her in-laws who profited from the farm during that period.[55]
Michele Bachmann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nice! :clap:
Typical post. There were no facts there.
Reid refused to open parts of the gov't that affected people's lives in order to increase pressure on the GOP by making everyone's life miserable. It was unnecessary and done for political gain.
See how easy that was!

Actually, it was when Cruz and Bachmann went to the WWII Veterans Memorial to gladhand and get a political moment that the GOP decided to open up the National Parks.

It was shortly after that, that people started paying attention to veterans and found out that not only would the military be caught short with no paycheck, but they also realized that the veterans who were retired would also be caught up in the government shutdown.

Trust me....................I saw it happen in the late 90's when the GOP did it the last time, and I was active duty Navy stationed up in Newport RI. Only thing is, there was no Twitter or social media at the time, and the general population of the U.S. didn't think it affected them.

Now? Anything that happens is going to be broadcasted, and if you're being a hypocrite (like Bachmann and Cruz), it's going to reach everyone else, because people will talk about it.

Good luck GOP, you and the tea baggers are going to need it in 2014.

So Bachmann and Cruz drew attention to the problem and the GOP offered solutions which the Dems rejected. Is that really what you meant to say?

Actually, Cruz and Bachmann drew attention to a problem that they thought they could pursue for political gains.

Too bad it blew up in their faces.

If I saw Bachmann or Cruz, and they were trying to capitalize on the service I'd spent over 20 years serving in? I'd punch either of them in the nose and tell them that they were fucking me over.

I served from 1982 until 2002 (with over 10 months in DEP), and would ask them why they never served.

Sorry, but the tea baggers are an infection that needs to be eradicated by voting all of them out in 2014.
If 9 trillion was unpatriotic 17 trillion must be downright treasonous.

Quick question.....................what about the 24 BILLION spent by the tea baggers when they shut down the government?

Is that unpatriotic, or, just doing business as usual because of the lobbyists?
If 9 trillion was unpatriotic 17 trillion must be downright treasonous.

Quick question.....................what about the 24 BILLION spent by the tea baggers when they shut down the government?

Is that unpatriotic, or, just doing business as usual because of the lobbyists?

You assume I supported them?

Silly Rabbit.

Government wastes money. Everyone is guilty so no one is at fault right?

It has nothing to do with party affiliation.

You're the party that got us into building up TWO nations within the middle east(150 billionx12 years). Obama is the one that doubled welfare!!!! ;)

Yet you're going to cut everything that makes America a economic power? You can't make this shit up!

Obama funded Egypt, Pakistan and the Muslim Brotherhood. But you focus on what Republicans did in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Egypt and Pakistan both got US aid during the Bush Administration.
If 9 trillion was unpatriotic 17 trillion must be downright treasonous.

Quick question.....................what about the 24 BILLION spent by the tea baggers when they shut down the government?

Is that unpatriotic, or, just doing business as usual because of the lobbyists?

You assume I supported them?

Silly Rabbit.

Government wastes money. Everyone is guilty so no one is at fault right?

It has nothing to do with party affiliation.

Based on the way you post, I thought that you supported the tea party.

Sorry, but the only ones at fault for this fiasco are those who belong to the tea party.

Teabaggers are bad for not only the government, but they also kinda screw up the economy because they bow only to their corporate managers.

Corporations are people too, right? (Mittens Rob Me said as much).
The Republicans who wanted to freeze the debt ceiling never offered any semblance of a budget that would have kept us under the debt ceiling.

The president who said 9 trillion in debt was unpatriotic never approved a budget that didn't increase the debt.

Like I said everyone is guilty so no one is at fault. That's the way politicians work to keep you people fighting against each other over the false dichotomy that is our political system.
With everyone focused on debt ceilings, the shut down and naming winners and loser in the fight over them people may not have noticed we have now officially gone over 17 trillion in debt I'm sure the media would have gotten around to mentioning that sooner or later.

why do you insist to remind us how bad George W. Bush Fucked this country up with all of his spending ... are you nuts !!!! republicans are trying to save face these days ....
The Republicans who wanted to freeze the debt ceiling never offered any semblance of a budget that would have kept us under the debt ceiling.

The president who said 9 trillion in debt was unpatriotic never approved a budget that didn't increase the debt.

Like I said everyone is guilty so no one is at fault. That's the way politicians work to keep you people fighting against each other over the false dichotomy that is our political system.

If everyone is guilty of running up the debt as you say, I haven't seen any of you republicans show us a bill that was presented by the democrats that has cause 17 trillion dollars of debt... or in our case 7 trillion dollars of debt by the democrats ... I have how ever, myself, time and time again, shown you all bill after bill that the republicans presented to the congress passed in the congress signed by the republicans... that has racked up huge debt ... why just recently all by their little selves they racked up 27 Billion dollars with a blink of a eye ... so how can you say they both are guilty ... are you trying to save face by adding in a party that had noting to do with out of control spending ....
Why would you say that? A simple Google search will tell you exactly who is trying to cut veterans benefits and cut veterans jobs bills. Using Google is simple. Even for a "simpleton". Or maybe it's beyond your expertise. Let me know and I will send instructions.

gop blocks veterans jobs bill

Check this one out. It's from "Military dot com".

GOP Senators Block Veterans Jobs Bill | Military.com

Perhaps you should pay attention more, you simpleton.

Harry Reid blocks funding for veterans programs, national parks | WashingtonExaminer.com

Actually, Reid was blocking legislation that would open up only PARTS of the government that the GOP found to be politically useful (or toxic if they were kept shut) because those were the ones that got the most air from the news stations.

Reid wanted ALL of the government re-opened, not put together piecemeal for political gains.

The only reason he said no was because he wanted ALL of it opened, not just the parts that the GOP found to be politically expedient.

ain't that the truth ... we dems said if you're going to pick and choose what federally run job then open up the whole government ... i hope this next time the republicans choose to shut down the government again and go over the edge with the debt ceiliing ... that will be the strawthat broke the camels
back for the republican party ...
I am looking for this factoid. last time I got it, i heard that 14 trillion dollar bills would reach pluto and back. so how far will 17 Trillion Dollars reach? are there more planets past Pluto? maybe even the planet some of our congress members came from.

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