17 year old Dindu burgler shot dead by homeowner

What thieves who break into houses deserve. When you choose to be a criminal, there are consequences.
not an answer.
what do they deserve, in your delusional opinion?

There is no specific answer. You and PMH have indicated that you would let someone steal from you. To the two of you, what a thief deserves is different than what the homeowner on this thread thought the thief deserved. If you think the thief deserves what you've earned, that's you choice. If I believe the thief deserves what this lady provided him, that's my choice.
best gobbledygook talking out your ass backpedalling I 've read all day.
btw I did not say I would let some one steal from me in any circumstance.
I would if it was the smartest way to protect my loved ones,
in your case you've already shown you'd shoot or more accurately want to shoot anyone for anything you find offensive and you have the temerity to suggest I'm the one with a problem..
fucking hilarious .

I find stealing from me offensive.

You do have a problem. You broke into a house and make claims that you are sure others have done stupid things on that level. I'm still waiting on you to tell me what I did that was stupid. If you make the claim criminal, back it up.

That you would break into someone else's house means you've shown you're worthless.
The morality sherrif is in town I see.

Just identifying that a housebreaker has no value. You keep confirming your place on the list tax cheat.
There is no specific answer. You and PMH have indicated that you would let someone steal from you. To the two of you, what a thief deserves is different than what the homeowner on this thread thought the thief deserved. If you think the thief deserves what you've earned, that's you choice. If I believe the thief deserves what this lady provided him, that's my choice.
best gobbledygook talking out your ass backpedalling I 've read all day.
btw I did not say I would let some one steal from me in any circumstance.
I would if it was the smartest way to protect my loved ones,
in your case you've already shown you'd shoot or more accurately want to shoot anyone for anything you find offensive and you have the temerity to suggest I'm the one with a problem..
fucking hilarious .

I find stealing from me offensive.

You do have a problem. You broke into a house and make claims that you are sure others have done stupid things on that level. I'm still waiting on you to tell me what I did that was stupid. If you make the claim criminal, back it up.

That you would break into someone else's house means you've shown you're worthless.
The morality sherrif is in town I see.
more like the self appointed vigilante queen,
He wants me to pay taxes on my weed money. Fucking dope.

I want you to quit cheating on your INCOME taxes liar.
I've never broken into someone's home . . . you?
when I was young ..one of those bad life choices .
I'm sure you've done something equally as stupid.

Someone should have given you what you deserved.
What did I deserve eh? Slappy of slapdick.

What thieves who break into houses deserve. When you choose to be a criminal, there are consequences.
Kill all speeders, they broke the law.

Unlike someone breaking into another person's house, that doesn't warrant that punishment.
So you did get treated the way you should have for being a piece of shit thief? There's one piece of evidence that says otherwise.

As for your false assumption that people have done things equally stupid as you being a thief, provide a list of things I've done that you say is equal.
how should have I have been treated ?
btw I never stole anything.
you'd have to provide the list because I don't know how many or what kind equally stupid things you have done.
denning you did them or rationalizing them is dishonest .

You broke into the house. That's all that matter.

You claimed you were sure something stupid had been done. To make such a claim involves having knowledge. That you have to ask proves you don't know shit.
false! I'm sure you've don't as many or more stupid things as I have the list would be for clarification, so I would not make the myriad of false assumptions you have made about me willfully or through ignorance.
also it's not a claim it a statement of fact ,,if you have gone through your life and claim not to have made any "bad choices , then you are either lying , been locked in a basement your whole life or have a mental illness.

There is a difference between bad choices and doing something stupid just as there is a difference between ignorance and stupidity. A bad choice can be the result of a lack of knowledge in an area, whereas, stupidity, what you did, was knowing better yet still doing it.

Again, if you're sure I've done STUPID things, prove it by giving an example. Until then, what you claim is nothing but an unfounded opinion.
False you need to prove that my statement of fact is a claim false or otherwise.
Since you can't be honest about that reality it can only mean you are guilty and are too much of coward it own up to it.
Choice is choice no Matter how much you try to rationalize and deny it.

YOU made the claim I've done something stupid. That means YOU have to prove that I did not the other way around retard.

If you statement is fact, provide an example to back it up. That's what facts mean.

Since you can't, it proves you're too stupid to understand that it's your place to provide proof of a claim YOU made. I'll wait but all I'll get is excuses from a housebreaking, gutless pussy.
There is no specific answer. You and PMH have indicated that you would let someone steal from you. To the two of you, what a thief deserves is different than what the homeowner on this thread thought the thief deserved. If you think the thief deserves what you've earned, that's you choice. If I believe the thief deserves what this lady provided him, that's my choice.
best gobbledygook talking out your ass backpedalling I 've read all day.
btw I did not say I would let some one steal from me in any circumstance.
I would if it was the smartest way to protect my loved ones,
in your case you've already shown you'd shoot or more accurately want to shoot anyone for anything you find offensive and you have the temerity to suggest I'm the one with a problem..
fucking hilarious .

I find stealing from me offensive.

You do have a problem. You broke into a house and make claims that you are sure others have done stupid things on that level. I'm still waiting on you to tell me what I did that was stupid. If you make the claim criminal, back it up.

That you would break into someone else's house means you've shown you're worthless.
subjective morality.
fail ..

Nothing subjective about it. You admitted you did it. Someone that would do that is worthless. Very objective. I can't help it you're a failure for having done so. You should have been taught better.
More subjective bullshitting

It's a fact you weren't taught better is you broke into someone else's house.
Someone should have given you what you deserved.
What did I deserve eh? Slappy of slapdick.

What thieves who break into houses deserve. When you choose to be a criminal, there are consequences.
not an answer.
what do they deserve, in your delusional opinion?

There is no specific answer. You and PMH have indicated that you would let someone steal from you. To the two of you, what a thief deserves is different than what the homeowner on this thread thought the thief deserved. If you think the thief deserves what you've earned, that's you choice. If I believe the thief deserves what this lady provided him, that's my choice.
The choice of immoral scum...

Seems the immoral scum got what he deserved for doing what he shouldn't have done.
The morality sherrif is in town I see.
more like the self appointed vigilante queen,
He wants me to pay taxes on my weed money. Fucking dope.
home grown?
I have my Medical marijuana card. I can have 2 ounces on me

Another pothead claiming to have a medical condition where he "needs" marijuana.
If we are free in America why do I have to explain anything to you?

I love conservatives who claim they are for freedom but want to legislate what we smoke and what we do in our bedrooms
best gobbledygook talking out your ass backpedalling I 've read all day.
btw I did not say I would let some one steal from me in any circumstance.
I would if it was the smartest way to protect my loved ones,
in your case you've already shown you'd shoot or more accurately want to shoot anyone for anything you find offensive and you have the temerity to suggest I'm the one with a problem..
fucking hilarious .

I find stealing from me offensive.

You do have a problem. You broke into a house and make claims that you are sure others have done stupid things on that level. I'm still waiting on you to tell me what I did that was stupid. If you make the claim criminal, back it up.

That you would break into someone else's house means you've shown you're worthless.
The morality sherrif is in town I see.
more like the self appointed vigilante queen,
He wants me to pay taxes on my weed money. Fucking dope.

I want you to quit cheating on your INCOME taxes liar.
Ok I pay them now
I find stealing from me offensive.

You do have a problem. You broke into a house and make claims that you are sure others have done stupid things on that level. I'm still waiting on you to tell me what I did that was stupid. If you make the claim criminal, back it up.

That you would break into someone else's house means you've shown you're worthless.
The morality sherrif is in town I see.
more like the self appointed vigilante queen,
He wants me to pay taxes on my weed money. Fucking dope.

I want you to quit cheating on your INCOME taxes liar.
Ok I pay them now

Still a liar and a criminal.
more like the self appointed vigilante queen,
He wants me to pay taxes on my weed money. Fucking dope.
home grown?
I have my Medical marijuana card. I can have 2 ounces on me

Another pothead claiming to have a medical condition where he "needs" marijuana.
If we are free in America why do I have to explain anything to you?

I love conservatives who claim they are for freedom but want to legislate what we smoke and what we do in our bedrooms

I love Liberals who claim they are for choice then force the rest of us to fund things they think we should fund.
Another John Wayne wannabe, who was at no risk. Essentially, murder...

The 54-year-old woman told police her surveillance system alerted her to the break-in of her home. She said she rushed home and found the teen climbing out of a window.

“She observed a subject leaving the home through the rear,” said police Det. Dan Ferrin.

Miami-Dade police said there was a confrontation and shots were fired. Police said they were on scene seconds after the shooting and gave CPR to the teen. Johnson was rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.

“What’s wrong with her,” asked Johnson’s sister Nisha Johnson. “She did not have to shoot him.”
What she did was murder. She had no reason to shoot him. He was no threat to her; he was exiting her home and running away. She should go to prison for a long time.

There was a confrontation when she got to the house, without all the facts I tend to side with person not caught in a criminal act.
First, she should not have confronted him. Anyone with a grain of sense would call the police, not confront a burgler on her own. Second, there is nothing to say he attacked her with a weapon or with any force. For all we know, the confrontation was verbal. Bottom line, you do not murder people because they are theives. You call the police.

He was in her house, who is confronting who? There is nothing to say he didn't attack her, there is no indication there was verbal confrontation or not. We don't know, that is why I'm not calling it a murder. I said without all the facts, I tend not to believe the trespassers cousin.
There was also nothing to say he did either so as with all asshats you are making a false assumption.
Boy, 10, dead in Miami shooting

This is the story of a 10 year old boy that was outside playing and was shot what looks like a random drive by shooting. 10 years old, wasn't robbing a house, and is shot. Funny how liberals are all over defending a 17 year old robbing a house but don't give a shit about an innocent 10 year old being killed by thugs.
False comparison.
Boy, 10, dead in Miami shooting

This is the story of a 10 year old boy that was outside playing and was shot what looks like a random drive by shooting. 10 years old, wasn't robbing a house, and is shot. Funny how liberals are all over defending a 17 year old robbing a house but don't give a shit about an innocent 10 year old being killed by thugs.
False comparison.
You guys would wish America to not be a civilized society. In a civilized society, people don't shoot trespassers to kill them or without any regard for human life. In a civilized society, people do not carry guns and shoot to kill any chance they get. This isn't the Wild West. It is 2016, modern day America...supposedly the height of modern contemporary civilization, and we should not be shooting people because they trespass or make them do 15 years hard labor for vandalism.

I don't think we need to be held hostage by thugs. A 10 year old is killed playing in his yard. In a civilized society we don't let thugs kill innocent people. Yet it happens 100's of times a day. And all the left nuts care about is a 17 year old getting killed while committing a felony. I'm sorry the kid was stupid and robbed a house, I'd rather him rot in jail, however when you make stupid decisions, sometimes you pay a terrible price. The 10 year made a choice to play outside and died. Tough feeling sorry a robber.

No one is holding you hostage. Burglars have been around since the beginning of mankind. It is nothing new. You gun nuts are trigger happy and seem to have little respect for human life: property is more important to you, but even more, gun machismo is the most important. Sickening.

Crimes that happen in bad neighborhoods are something entirely different than what happens in an average neighborhood. My suggestion is that if you are afraid of violence in your neighborhood, move to a nice neighborhood. But no, you don’t want to do that….you just want the opportunity to shoot to kill and then brag about it on an online message board. Hilarious.

How many guns do I own nut job? I own no guns, got that? None, nada, not a one. There reason? Take guess and I'll bet you are wrong. You are a clueless nut job!

I lived in a bad neighborhood and nothing ever happened, I moved out to the burbs and got rob four days after I moved, again, you prove you know not one damn thing.

So you want to try again? You are as dumb as shootspeeders.
I've never lived in a bad neighborhood and I've never been robbed, never owned a gun, and do not defend the killing of people for such things a burglary. You are pretty much salivating at the idea of a burglar being killed just for climbing out of a window. That says all that needs to be said about you.

So you have no life experience, thanks for you narrow minded viewpoint.

Also your reading comprehension is terrible. I have said all along, I will wait until the evidence is in before saying either way. I did say I tend to believe the 54 year old homeowner over a robber that had been arrested before.

Your in ability to comprehend what you read and your great ability to jump to stupid conclusions, says all that needs to be said about you.
You calling another poster narrow minded is farcical!
Oh but according to him I'm a hypocrite for wanting the rich to pay more taxes.
Of course so he won't have to.
You're defending a tax cheat. Just another example of your lack of human value.
Nope but you had to say something.
Home grown weed is no different than having a vegetable garden, you'd go batshit if someone told you that you had to pay taxes on that.
how should have I have been treated ?
btw I never stole anything.
you'd have to provide the list because I don't know how many or what kind equally stupid things you have done.
denning you did them or rationalizing them is dishonest .

You broke into the house. That's all that matter.

You claimed you were sure something stupid had been done. To make such a claim involves having knowledge. That you have to ask proves you don't know shit.
false! I'm sure you've don't as many or more stupid things as I have the list would be for clarification, so I would not make the myriad of false assumptions you have made about me willfully or through ignorance.
also it's not a claim it a statement of fact ,,if you have gone through your life and claim not to have made any "bad choices , then you are either lying , been locked in a basement your whole life or have a mental illness.

There is a difference between bad choices and doing something stupid just as there is a difference between ignorance and stupidity. A bad choice can be the result of a lack of knowledge in an area, whereas, stupidity, what you did, was knowing better yet still doing it.

Again, if you're sure I've done STUPID things, prove it by giving an example. Until then, what you claim is nothing but an unfounded opinion.
False you need to prove that my statement of fact is a claim false or otherwise.
Since you can't be honest about that reality it can only mean you are guilty and are too much of coward it own up to it.
Choice is choice no Matter how much you try to rationalize and deny it.

YOU made the claim I've done something stupid. That means YOU have to prove that I did not the other way around retard.

If you statement is fact, provide an example to back it up. That's what facts mean.

Since you can't, it proves you're too stupid to understand that it's your place to provide proof of a claim YOU made. I'll wait but all I'll get is excuses from a housebreaking, gutless pussy.
I made no claim .
You are lying like a bitch to avoid that simple fact .
best gobbledygook talking out your ass backpedalling I 've read all day.
btw I did not say I would let some one steal from me in any circumstance.
I would if it was the smartest way to protect my loved ones,
in your case you've already shown you'd shoot or more accurately want to shoot anyone for anything you find offensive and you have the temerity to suggest I'm the one with a problem..
fucking hilarious .

I find stealing from me offensive.

You do have a problem. You broke into a house and make claims that you are sure others have done stupid things on that level. I'm still waiting on you to tell me what I did that was stupid. If you make the claim criminal, back it up.

That you would break into someone else's house means you've shown you're worthless.
subjective morality.
fail ..

Nothing subjective about it. You admitted you did it. Someone that would do that is worthless. Very objective. I can't help it you're a failure for having done so. You should have been taught better.
More subjective bullshitting

It's a fact you weren't taught better is you broke into someone else's house.
All so subjective bullshit.

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