'1776" Is Code For Treason Now To Democrats

Not accurately. You know, that's the thing about firearms. You want to shoot accurately. Spray-and-pray is for gangsters and drug cartels.
We ain't talking about being a sniper here moron
Apparently the left thinks '1776' is treason.
The very foundation of our country is treason to them.


” A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer in less to fear.”​

Once again, the right makes assumptions based on facts not in evidence.

The bald fact is that the vast majority of American citizens don't want anything to do with YOUR so-called "revolution" and they will oppose it forever. And they're referring to it as an "insurrection", and "treason". Not the 1776 Revolution, but the January 6th attempted overthrow of the Constitution.

The American people did not elect Donald Trump. They didn't elect him the first time, and they sure as hell refused to re-elect him, and you so called Americans refuse to accept that loss. The three Presidents inflicted on the American people by the Electoral College have been among the worst three Presidents in history. Time for a re-think of that one.

I also notice that every time you clowns get into trouble with the Constitution, you try to wrap yourselves in the flag and claim you're protecting the Constitution, not trampling it. The Constitution envisioned a peaceful transition of power, not a refusal to accept the will of the people. In fact, the Constitution was designed to prevent a Donald Trump from ever getting elected, and it is failing miserably.
Apparently the left thinks '1776' is treason.
The very foundation of our country is treason to them.


” A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer in less to fear.”​

Wasn’t that the year we became the US? No fighting all paperwork
Once again, the right makes assumptions based on facts not in evidence.

The bald fact is that the vast majority of American citizens don't want anything to do with YOUR so-called "revolution" and they will oppose it forever. And they're referring to it as an "insurrection", and "treason". Not the 1776 Revolution, but the January 6th attempted overthrow of the Constitution.

The American people did not elect Donald Trump. They didn't elect him the first time, and they sure as hell refused to re-elect him, and you so called Americans refuse to accept that loss. The three Presidents inflicted on the American people by the Electoral College have been among the worst three Presidents in history. Time for a re-think of that one.

I also notice that every time you clowns get into trouble with the Constitution, you try to wrap yourselves in the flag and claim you're protecting the Constitution, not trampling it. The Constitution envisioned a peaceful transition of power, not a refusal to accept the will of the people. In fact, the Constitution was designed to prevent a Donald Trump from ever getting elected, and it is failing miserably.
You’re in Canada how the fk you know? Take care of blackface
Once again, the right makes assumptions based on facts not in evidence.

The bald fact is that the vast majority of American citizens don't want anything to do with YOUR so-called "revolution" and they will oppose it forever. And they're referring to it as an "insurrection", and "treason". Not the 1776 Revolution, but the January 6th attempted overthrow of the Constitution.

The American people did not elect Donald Trump. They didn't elect him the first time, and they sure as hell refused to re-elect him, and you so called Americans refuse to accept that loss. The three Presidents inflicted on the American people by the Electoral College have been among the worst three Presidents in history. Time for a re-think of that one.

I also notice that every time you clowns get into trouble with the Constitution, you try to wrap yourselves in the flag and claim you're protecting the Constitution, not trampling it. The Constitution envisioned a peaceful transition of power, not a refusal to accept the will of the people. In fact, the Constitution was designed to prevent a Donald Trump from ever getting elected, and it is failing miserably.
Keep your Nazi loving crap in your own country. You know nothing about this country, the Constitution or pretty much anything else. Keep supporting your dictator wannabe Turdeau.
The three Presidents inflicted on the American people by the Electoral College have been among the worst three Presidents in history. Time for a re-think of that one.
Which three presidents were those? Wilson, FDR, and LBJ?

Didn't the Electoral College inflict another one on us, too?

Oh, yea. Obama.
It's funny when people who have never even held a firearm lecture others about them.
Me? I own four and I’ve had guns since I was ten… moron

I also spent three years in the army
Once again, the right makes assumptions based on facts not in evidence.

The bald fact is that the vast majority of American citizens don't want anything to do with YOUR so-called "revolution" and they will oppose it forever. And they're referring to it as an "insurrection", and "treason". Not the 1776 Revolution, but the January 6th attempted overthrow of the Constitution.

The American people did not elect Donald Trump. They didn't elect him the first time, and they sure as hell refused to re-elect him, and you so called Americans refuse to accept that loss. The three Presidents inflicted on the American people by the Electoral College have been among the worst three Presidents in history. Time for a re-think of that one.

I also notice that every time you clowns get into trouble with the Constitution, you try to wrap yourselves in the flag and claim you're protecting the Constitution, not trampling it. The Constitution envisioned a peaceful transition of power, not a refusal to accept the will of the people. In fact, the Constitution was designed to prevent a Donald Trump from ever getting elected, and it is failing miserably.
You lost me as soon as you said Trump was never elected....because to me that's the problem here......you're fomenting insurrection......and you should be tried and hanged for treason......just like you say I should, or anyone who has open eyes enough to see what's going on in Washington.
And us clowns don't get in trouble with the Constitution. You assholes just enjoy going around it at every opportunity.
Me? I own four and I’ve had guns since I was ten… moron

I also spent three years in the army
What was your MOS?
Just owning guns doesn't mean you know how to shoot expert.
And just being in the Army doesn't mean you automatically know either....because I found out once I went Special Ops just how little I knew.
And only three years?
Did you get put out of the military?
I'm not aware of 3 year terms of service....unless you were an officer that washed out when you still had your Butter Bar.
You lost me as soon as you said Trump was never elected....because to me that's the problem here......you're fomenting insurrection......and you should be tried and hanged for treason......just like you say I should, or anyone who has open eyes enough to see what's going on in Washington.
And us clowns don't get in trouble with the Constitution. You assholes just enjoy going around it at every opportunity.
She’s in Canada man
Trump was not elected by we the people, but by electors. Hillary actually won by almost three million votes. In two elections, trump lost out big time. Biden kicked his filthy murderous and corrupt ass both electorally and by popular vote. Just adding this in cuz I'm pretty sure that the people at fox news and hannity don't explain this stuff to trump's worshippers. Legally and constitutionally trump did win, but the majority of the people did not vote for him.
You’re in Canada how the fk you know? Take care of blackface

Is that all you've got???? You assume that people who live outside the US don't know what's going on there? What a fool you are! But that's a given for members of the Trump Cult.

Not everyone limits their view to their own navels.
Not all of them left their guns at home. Some of them brought firearms with them, even into the Capitol. The bulk of them knew that bringing their guns into DC was a crime to itself. That's why the oath keepers staged their guns out of state. But still close enough, they could fetch them if required.

That’s same grand imagination you have there.

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